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#86561 ZombiU might not be exclusive to the wii U

Posted by andodel on 11 June 2012 - 05:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They really only mentioned it as a possibility. Perhaps they could bring it to other consoles, but it would have to be changed a bit. As for smartglass, I can see it happening, but it wouldn't be as user friendly as it is with the Upad. I really doubt that smartglass is any competition for the Upad.

#76890 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by andodel on 04 May 2012 - 02:44 AM in General Gaming

Sonic the Headgehog

#90984 Would you be disappointed if Nintendo Land and NSMB U don't have online p...

Posted by andodel on 30 June 2012 - 03:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo land should have online, but I don't really care either way for Mario.

#74820 WiiU Sonic

Posted by andodel on 25 April 2012 - 05:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Well, I sure would hope that a Sonic level wouldn't look like that. I would prefer some color, this is Sonic after all, not CoD :P
Joking aside, if the levels are full of colorful as normal, it will be a beautiful game, perhaps more than Colors which I personally thought was the best looking Sonic game ever made. Probably one of the best games in a while before Generations came out :)
Can't wait to see a Sonic game for Wiiu, hopefully the gimmick is minimal like in Colors.

#85660 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by andodel on 08 June 2012 - 04:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

With his leaks   http://thewiiu.com/t...t-specs-leaked/

Yes it is like that, ts not a next gen it is just an update of 360 (what nintendo should release 4 years ago)...  Maybe its a rumor and not reality, but the size of the console, proves the opposite, that its weak for today tech.

Size doesn't really have much to do with power these days. My computer is extremely light and smaller than a PS360, and yet is way more powerful.
You really shouldn't believe any of this. Better to wait for specs from Nintendo, or at least from a dev, not from a website that claims it got info from a dev.

#85673 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by andodel on 08 June 2012 - 05:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

Asscreed is what the sorten version of Assassin creed is . I said in the start of this topic that I am unsure of the reliability that being said I am keeping my mind open by not just yelling fake at this information considering after this week and what we seen that seems to be the truth in all honesty not a powerhouse of a console but just something slightly more powerful than the 360 and ps3 pretty much the ps3 with a better graphic card. Their no reason to believe information about it having super expensive graphic card and etc than this information.

Exactly, I'm just saying that you sound like you 100% agree with this. It's quite hard to go off what you see before launch. If we were to do that, then the PS360 consoles would be just glorified PS2/Xbox, since their launch games could've run on those older systems. Considering how good these games look, before the systems launch, I have a pretty good feeling about this console.
Really, Asscreed is a shortened version. Wow, the things kids make up these days. I played AC1/2, but never really went to forums about it, so no surprise I wouldn't know that.

#85730 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by andodel on 08 June 2012 - 08:41 AM in Wii U Hardware

they never do.. hehehehe

They don't really need to. Honestly, it's not the kind of thing you release to the public, especially at an event like E3. Most people have no clue what the hell any of it means, and are content with hearing "It's HD". For pretty much any system, we only ever know the true specs when we open it up at launch, and really that's only for tech nuts and people looking for a reason to hate. Most people don't care what something is capable of, but rather whether its utilized. While pretty graphics are nice, if devs put the same games on the U as the PS4/720 (Which I can assure you they will, since I find it hard to believe that the next systems will be so much more powerful, that games won't run on the U), then it really doesn't matter in the long run.

#85663 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by andodel on 08 June 2012 - 05:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

YES it does, for example they CANT add 1 billion transistor card in there, it will explode... Size does matter.   For example when ps3 and 360 released and it was very high tech at that time, they exploded, even if it were twice the wii U size...

It needs lots of space and nice cooling system... what about the height of the console? is it slightly higher than wii??? then its bad... That means passive cooling system, not a big deal... weak gpu.

I dont want to scare people... lol.. it is stronger than 360 and ps3... It can do anything we've seen till to date.. at 720p and at 4xaa... but it cant run 3.9 or 4 version of Unreal engines.. it means that in 1-2 years, it will be outdated. Not a competitor of next gen consoles.. ms and sony

The ideal power for wii U to be able be very strong in the market for 4-5-6 years, was to be with a much stronger gpu, 16 rops, 1080p 4xaa, 640 spus and 64mb video ram... (double gpu power than these leak, 8 rops 320 possibly spus at 720p 4xaa, 32mb of edram) Then yes, it was about to kick ass..

I dont care about the cpu.. its good enough for a console!

Woh, calm down there for a second. Your getting all bent out of shape over nothing. Do you really know how big it is? Judging by the specs Nintendo gave, it certainly is bigger than the Wii.
6.8 X 1.8 X 10.5, while the PS3 is 12.8 X 3.8 X 10.8 (WHL). While the PS3 is bigger, its only slightly, and one must realize tech has evolved. That was the original PS3, they've released multiple slim models since that I'm pretty sure are smaller or on par with the U. The Wiiu will be fine, with its dimensions being the least of our problem. Honestly, I'm not even sure if you know what your talking about, what with the mentions of explosions and transistor cards.
We have heard nothing official about whether it can run UE4, although there were rumors saying it could.

#85667 Wiiu Cpu just as powerful as the ps3-360 and its Gpu 1.5 x stronger? (Please no)

Posted by andodel on 08 June 2012 - 05:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

But the spec info that was given was by a developer of Asscreed wouldn't he know the specs of what he was working with.

First of, its Assassins creed :P Second, how do we know it was given by a dev? I could just as easily have sent them an email saying I'm a dev and know everything about Wiiu. Try to keep an open mind to different possibilities, instead of believing everything you read about.

#86619 Wii U Will Feature Friend Codes

Posted by andodel on 11 June 2012 - 09:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

Your topic title is a little misleading. I'm honestly under the impression Reggie doesn't know what hes talking about. Sure, he said we'd have friend codes, but what he described sounds nothing like them at all.

#86676 Wii U Will Feature Friend Codes

Posted by andodel on 11 June 2012 - 11:41 AM in Wii U Hardware

Impossible , that would require Nintendo to understand online instead of them right now thinking its some kind of magical phenomenon that may or may not exist.

The main thing is that Nintendo doesn't want to be a copycat. Sure, they could just copy and past PSN/XBL, but then people would mock them for copying. They'd rather try to do their own thing, and I respect them for that.

#86634 Wii U Will Feature An Achievement System

Posted by andodel on 11 June 2012 - 09:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

So basically this sounds like all achievements will have to be programmed directly into the game like with Brawl, rather than tied to your account. So basically... nothing's changed? <_<

Don't jump the gun. They were pretty in-specific. They could very well be connected to your account. However, it sounds like it will be totally optional for devs to have them (Unlike on XBL/PSN), so we won't see achievements like "ZOMG YOU KILLED YOUR FIRST ENEMY" :)

#86617 Wii U Will Feature An Achievement System

Posted by andodel on 11 June 2012 - 09:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

It sounds like games will have ingame achievements. I'd be curious to know if there will be some sort of way for other to see them on your profile, assuming we do get profile pages. Despite what Nintendo's said, we still don't know much about the online. I don't at all get what Reggies talking about with these "new" friend codes. If we make an account and can send friend requests, then friend codes technically don't exist anymore, unless being able to send friend requests is what he's referring to. Idk, we may have to wait a few months to put it all together.

#86469 Wii U version of Mass Effect 3 will be a enhanced version with a new story

Posted by andodel on 10 June 2012 - 04:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The new ending instead of the original probably.

Oh no, please don't get me started on this. You know what, I'm not even going to bother with my usual charade. All I'll say is, I was fine with the ending and I got really pissed off at the fact that people were complaining about it as much as they did.
As for "the new ending", there is no new ending. Bioware is releasing the Extended cut DLC, which will just add in a few missions to give more closure, but the original ending will always be the ending.
As for this version, I'm under the impression it's going to add in some minor story changes. Possibly new missions, enemies, weapons, etc. May also include all the DLC like Batman, but we don't know yet. I have to say though, I wish they could've shown this off along with Ninja Gaiden at E3. People would've loved to hear that both of these games are getting improved Wiiu versions, especially for Ninja Gaiden.

#87328 Wii U version of Mass Effect 3 will be a enhanced version with a new story

Posted by andodel on 13 June 2012 - 08:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It'll be okay, but it's a story based game that carries on from Mass Effect 1 and 2. Think of it as a movie trilogy; you'd want to see the other two.

Meh, having played all 3, never was a huge fan of the story. Star Wars is a better trilogy imo :)

PS3 players never got the original, only ME2 and ME3, so they had to pick from certain options at the beginning of the game to form Sheps past. Same thing for Wiiu version.

#87404 Wii U Triggers: Analog or Digital?

Posted by andodel on 13 June 2012 - 12:21 PM in Wii U Hardware

They're digital. Honestly not a big deal, pressure sensitive triggers are rarely used in games. It's just something else for trolls to complain about.

#87453 Wii U Triggers: Analog or Digital?

Posted by andodel on 13 June 2012 - 01:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

so i guess the racing genre doesnt exist to you

I prefer the Wii wheel :D Yeah though, I only ever remember pressing A to drive, and using the shoulder buttons to drift. Of course, I've never been a huge racing gamer. Mario kart is about the extent of it.

#87488 Wii U Triggers: Analog or Digital?

Posted by andodel on 13 June 2012 - 03:54 PM in Wii U Hardware

No wonder you don't care about the analog triggers the only racing game you played is Mario Kart.

I have played played others like Need for Speed, Ridge Racer, etc on PC. I just figured that didn't really count since that's PC, not console. Still, I'm sure racing games will be fine on the U. Whats wrong with holding down a button to accelerate?

#87631 Wii U Triggers: Analog or Digital?

Posted by andodel on 14 June 2012 - 05:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nothing is wrong with just holding down the button to accelerate when it's an arcade racer like Mario Kart or you are in a Drag Race. Another game where the analog triggers come in handy is Battlefield 3 for the Jets and Helicopters.

Truly Mario Kart is the only kind of racer I like. I mean, realism is cool and all, but of the realistic racing games I've played, they just didn't feel nearly as fun as mario kart. There's nothing like throwing a banana back and watching your character laugh, knowing you screwed someone over :) Admittedly though, blue shells are cheap as hell.

#91364 Wii U Tech Specs (Post-E3 Rumor) *got salt?

Posted by andodel on 02 July 2012 - 05:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

PowerPC CPU? I thought it was confirmed Power7

I don't believe that was ever confirmed, I'm pretty sure it was just a rumor that's gotten to the point where most assume it is Power7.

I'm getting tired of rumor specs, they're all so different its not even worth it. Just wait till the consoles released.

#88284 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by andodel on 17 June 2012 - 11:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

You have to remember, retailers just put these up as placeholders. They have no idea what the prices are gonna be, they will alter them when the official MSRP is announced. The only reason they do this is so that they can get people pre-ordering as soon as possible.

#87406 Wii U May Not Have a Built-In Storage

Posted by andodel on 13 June 2012 - 12:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

They already confirmed on they're E3 site that it has internal 8GB flash memory. However, external memory is there, with up to 4 USB's and one SD card.

#87454 Wii U May Not Have a Built-In Storage

Posted by andodel on 13 June 2012 - 02:00 PM in Wii U Hardware


Wii U uses an internal flash memory. It also supports SD memory cards and external USB storage.

I see nothing about 8GB.

What! I could've sworn. Uggg, this is why I have to check everything, because invariably someone will prove me wrong :)
However, they do state it's flash memory, and since I've only ever heard 8 GB's, I'm banking on that. I suppose it could be more, but I think to get significantly higher you would need an internal harddrive.

#90915 Wii U Has “Capability Issues” Due To Single Processor

Posted by andodel on 30 June 2012 - 05:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

While I'd like to disagree, I kind of agree on this one. What he's saying is alot of people are going to buy 2 Upad controllers and expect to use them. Something I've been saying for a long time is that not everyone needs a Upad. Devs could very easily put in local MP without utilizing any of the Upads special features. Yet, no one seems to understand this, and they all want Upads so it can be "fair". At the same time though, like this guy said, it won't be easy to have the console stream to 2 pads and the TV. When he says underpowered, he just means its not the powerhouse that would be required to easily stream to multiple pads and the TV. Trust me, the PS360 consoles could probably not even stream to one Upad, so the fact that the U can stream to 2 means its pretty powerful.

#89819 Wii U full power against PS4&720

Posted by andodel on 25 June 2012 - 03:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

First off, we all know it's not possible for them to magically add in any new parts to the console. That being said, they could in fact release it under clocked and then bring it up later if they want to. The 3DS actually had/has the same thing, where Nintendo supposedly only had half of its processing power in use (Read this a long time ago).
All it would require to change this is a simple system update.

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