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#148403 Official Nintendo Network ID Sharing Thread

Posted by Chaz on 15 December 2012 - 07:54 PM in General Gaming

My NID is Chazprime... I've got ZombieU, Scribblenauts, SMB and NL. Hoping to get COD this week to try out the online play. Feel free to add me :)

#155243 Miyamoto says pikmin 3 to be more like pikmin 1

Posted by Chaz on 02 January 2013 - 11:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I loved the feeling of impending doom that the first Pikmin had. I understand that those sorts of game design choices tend to be frowned upon by the broader gaming community and the critics alike, but the time limit was a big part of the original game for me. When they removed it, I felt like they had severed a perfectly functional limb. If they want to keep it out of the game then at least give me the option to leave it on.

Let's face it, the original Pikmin wasn't challenging but the fact that the pressure was always on to make the most of your time made the game more intense.

I liked that aspect as well. The first time I finished the Pikmin 1, I think it took 28 days...the next time through I managed to do it in 14. I liked that the second game removed some of the time limitations, but thought the cavern areas were boring as hell - I hope that Nintendo rethinks those and just expands the overworld.

#156675 What Games Should i get ot of these three?

Posted by Chaz on 05 January 2013 - 08:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm loving both Mario and ZombieU.

I passed on WiiU blops for the Steam version because a friend told me the Nintendo servers are pretty dead for that game, though I hear otherwise it's a great version of COD.

#156685 CAPU's Pikmin Club visit and enjoy a daily dose of pikmin

Posted by Chaz on 05 January 2013 - 09:26 PM in The Café

Can't wait for this game! This is the reason I bought a WiiU...

I'm really loving the extra detail in the environments. Here's another great video to tide you over:

#157160 CAPU's Pikmin Club visit and enjoy a daily dose of pikmin

Posted by Chaz on 07 January 2013 - 08:21 AM in The Café

Pikmin 3 is supposed to be just like Pikmin 1

Here's hoping. I still prefer 1 over 2

#158468 How the Wii U will handle against the new Consoles?

Posted by Chaz on 11 January 2013 - 02:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah, sorry, we have the ram access rates for the memory heiarchy. You know, that thing you use so that slow main memory is irrelevent?

8,11 for 1 14,30 for 2.

And the espresso cpu destroys branch code the xenon would only get 1/3rd-1-10th the performance per clock on. The xenon is good for grinding floating point, it sucks at everything else. Thats why devs, REAL DEVS WITH NAMES, broke nda's at the beginning of this gen to complain about the 360's garbage cpu.

Thank you try again.

You have experience with the Wii U hardware?

#158503 How the Wii U will handle against the new Consoles?

Posted by Chaz on 11 January 2013 - 06:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

Im not as involved as i used to be now that i got kids and whatnot, but If you want to check out the progress on wii u from some very talented people, check out failoverflow.com

Just be aware you will need some manner of education on the matter to understand what they are doing. They dont divulge specifics, because they dont want Nintendo to have a free ticket to undo all their work. Been that way since team twiizers. Please dont ask for specifics.

I dont think ive ever seen anything go this fast. Its like Nintendo WANTS it.

I meant are you actually experienced developing with the Wii U hardware, or are you sharing things that you've read from elsewhere?

#158521 How the Wii U will handle against the new Consoles?

Posted by Chaz on 11 January 2013 - 08:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

Your question was answered completely, I will not divulge specifics, and i already told you why.

You did?

It was a simple yes/no question, so I guess in a roundabout sort of way we'll call that a "No".

#159345 Universal Network ID on Nintendo Devices

Posted by Chaz on 14 January 2013 - 10:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope that you NNID will be universal on all Nintendo consoles and that games and dlc you download on all of your consoles will be tied to that ID

+1 to this.

I really hope NIntendo does implement this soon...it's strange that I can log into my Club Nintendo account and see all the games associated with my account, but still in this third iteration of their online system, the NNID is only loosely associated with your Club Nintendo account. The underpinnings are there, but for some strange reason Nintendo either hasn't finished their online strategy or is going to forgo any sort of DRM in lieu of locking games to the console that they were downloaded on.

#159346 What I'd like to see on the WiiU - Amy's wishlist!

Posted by Chaz on 14 January 2013 - 11:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Animal Crossing, another Metroid, a classic Starfox game, Mario Kart and of course...Galaxy 3.

#161086 Minecraft for Nintendo Wii U request.

Posted by Chaz on 20 January 2013 - 10:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Are you two sure?
I'd be pretty confident that Microsoft only own the rights to publish the game on the 360.


#161740 Nintendo working on Mario Kart HD and more

Posted by Chaz on 22 January 2013 - 04:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Was the 3DS Zelda already announced somewhere?

Good to hear either way.

#163292 New Xeno Title!

Posted by Chaz on 26 January 2013 - 08:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

No, only everybody who hasnt played xenoblade and thus doesnt know any better.

Its called contrast and juxtaposition. If all your areas are bright and colorful, it dilutes the impact with a constant barrage of sameness. This area appears to be arid plains/desert, the color scheme and light scattering is appropriate (and incredibly well done), and, knowing xenoblade, can easily transform at the drop of a hat. Or change of the time, or weather, or (literally) earth shattering event.

An overly simplistic and shortsighted notion.

Choice of color palette aside, the overall look does look a little off. Light scattering looks appropriate on the far away objects and gives the game a nice sense of scale with the big monsters, but close to the camera it wouldn't account for the lack on contrast on the main characters. There are no blacks anywhere in this trailer outside of the cards which looks incorrect.

#163633 Interesting new article on Wii U's RAM bandwidth

Posted by Chaz on 27 January 2013 - 09:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think some of the posters in this thread are just throwing around technical terminology without fully understanding it.

I think that includes the guy who wrote this article as well. There are so many grammar & technical flubs, I wonder if the author truly understands the subject at hand. That combined with a lack of credible sources to back it up makes me really wonder how much stock to put in his words.

#163653 black ops online play

Posted by Chaz on 27 January 2013 - 10:19 AM in Wii U Games and Software Help

Yeah, I wouldn't get the Wii U version if you're on the fence....the online population is deader than dead :(

#163680 Interesting new article on Wii U's RAM bandwidth

Posted by Chaz on 27 January 2013 - 10:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

Official microsoft 360 documentation is not a credible source, named developers from shin en and frozen byte are not credible sources? The company that provided system ram is not a credible source?

Oh come on, are you really going to run with that? This is a technical article purporting to have detail about the supposed Wii U bandwidth problem that's been making the rounds in the media lately, but none of the facts about the Wii U's technics are backed by anything more than than vague anecdotal evidence and sound bytes from the media. Even the graphic is labeled "Possible Wii U Memory Organization."

For a technical article, that's crap and you know it.

And of course, a good old heaping helping of instant discrimination against non native english speakers.

Well, the site is hosted out of Utah and they all sound like they speak english in their podcasts, so I'm just assuming that someone there can at least proofread these articles if the writer doesn't speak good english.

Yet not one iota of education on the subject at hand. not a microcosm of effort. Not even a single google. Nope, discrimination and hearsay are the tools for the job.

I don't need to google anything, I've very well versed in these concepts and the concepts of 3D graphics, I'm just looking for some facts and this article is just blowing more smoke.

#163691 Interesting new article on Wii U's RAM bandwidth

Posted by Chaz on 27 January 2013 - 11:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

Your reading comprehension is bad, he clearly seperates speculation from facts.

I absorbed the article just fine, thank you. Regardless, His "facts" portion of the article starts off citing an anonymous developer, theories on how much eDRAM the Wii U contains and where he thinks it is and ends with a "possible" memory diagram. I don't see any factual information there which is the crux of my problem with this article: lack of facts and completely unsubstantiated. Perhaps you ought to read it again yourself.

Having named developers straight up say 'no, its not bandwidth starved' is neither vauge nor media soundbites.

That is extremely vague and could be easily taken out of context. Developers are constantly making statements that contradict what others have said, so the context of the statement is important.

No, you arent.

Ah right, so I suppose I should jump into homebrew like you so that I can pull technical stats out of my rear end to make myself sound important on game forums? That's a great way to win arguments with kids, isn't it? ;)

#164409 Interesting new article on Wii U's RAM bandwidth

Posted by Chaz on 28 January 2013 - 10:41 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah yeah...EDRAM is blazing fast and on-die is even more effeicient that the Xbox's configuration. None of this is news and the reason I called out this article is because it offers nothing new and worse yet, nothing in is is really substantiated. For the record, I never suggested that anything written here wasn't true and I don't throw my hat in the ring with all the people claiming the WiiU is crippled... I just think this article is fluff and fanboy rhetoric.

No, they arent. The only devs who have spoken about the memory all state their is no bandwidth issue.

That is textbook anecdotal evidence. Should we also blindy accept that the WiiU's CPU is "horrible and slow" based on the experiences of Metro and DICE?

Just because these two develporers had no problems doesn't mean it isn't a problem for others, especially considering that neither of those two engines is doing any heavy streaming of assets; Frozenbyte claims that the WiiU had more memory than they could use, and that they were simply loading everything into memory each level and keeping it there. You could make the argument that larger, open-world game developers might take the opposite view based on their games' framrate issues, or low-resolution textures ( in the case of ZombieU ).

That's what I mean by context. Out of context, everything in this article is entirely theoretical and might have little basis in reality.

Oh, yay, ad hominem. Id actually suggest college, cant exactly simply jump in to 'homebrew' when you cant actually do anything.

No thanks, I make a decent living doing visual effects for movies and games, so to not get paid to diddle around with a game console would be a rather large step backwards. Besides which, homebrew development is like like this article: all theory and  no practice. For you, I'd actually suggest maybe getting some more fiber in your diet. I think it could do wonders for your over-dramatic demeanor...think it over. Maybe switch out your brand of tampons while you're at it...you definitely appear to have a blockage somewhere.

But i have some bad news for those individuals, time has already proven this article correct.

Well, not really...too be fair, that game isn't even out yet. For all we know, that might be running on a PC in that trailer  :)

#169231 Gamestop: Anti-used games could cripple 720 sales (no sh!t)

Posted by Chaz on 09 February 2013 - 10:47 AM in General Gaming

If these rumors are true, it's unlikely that MS or Sony will totally disable used games, but probably require that users purchase an online pass. I'm okay with that... it will mean that Gamestop can't charge as much and that $10 or so will go back to the developer where it belongs.

#169391 Nintendo's Backwards Online Costs Man Hundreds of $

Posted by Chaz on 09 February 2013 - 05:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This is really worrisome for me as well. I always get the Best Buy warranty with a new console...it's let me bring back two dead 360's and trade it out for a brand new one on the spot. I assumed that in 2012 Nintendo would be using at least a rudimentary DRM with their games. What's really annoying is that we can log into our Nintendo accounts and see all of our purchases. It's like they started to implement a DRM scheme and then decided to forget it.

#169436 Nintendo's Backwards Online Costs Man Hundreds of $

Posted by Chaz on 09 February 2013 - 08:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's his problem he took it back, should have done what I did when I had the same issue, send it to nintendo for free and saved every bit of data on my old wii U.

What's the point to offering digital distribution if the consumer has no way to access his purchases if the console is lost or stolen (or in this case returned)? So fine, NIntendo's DRM sucks...he's in a bind so why not just offer to transfer his Club Nintendo account to his new Nintendo ID instead of slapping him in the face with that lame $200 offer?

That's just bad business.

#169442 Nintendo's Backwards Online Costs Man Hundreds of $

Posted by Chaz on 09 February 2013 - 08:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Everyone's known that nintendo's strategy has been bad from day one.

Clearly not everyone is aware of that, otherwise this wouldn't be news.

#169468 Rayman legends, For or Against?

Posted by Chaz on 09 February 2013 - 09:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They complain about install base and then do nothing to contribute. Even though it's in their power. Not only have they already spent the money to make the game, it's complete. Yet they go back on their word in terms of release. The wii u did have a certain emphasis put on this particular game as a selling point.


Ubi has no reason to run their mouth anymore about Nintendo's audience and poor sales of their games. I think most of us expected that this would eventually get ported already, but to delay the game like this is just a middle finger to Nintendo.

#170494 Activision ragequits on Aussie Wii U fans

Posted by Chaz on 11 February 2013 - 07:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

TWD is not shovelware.

The Telltale game isn't, but do we know if this one is any good?

#171874 Animal Crossing New Leaf

Posted by Chaz on 15 February 2013 - 05:43 PM in General Gaming

Did I hear something about Nintendo adding new features for NA?

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