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There have been 7 items by Artemis (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#269439 Currently playing thread

Posted by Artemis on 29 January 2014 - 09:16 PM in General Gaming

For as much as it frustrates me, I've gotten obsessed with World of Tanks once again.

#227909 Favourite Coffee?

Posted by Artemis on 01 July 2013 - 07:08 AM in The Café

Straight coffee. No cream(er) or sugar. I prefer darker roasts such as Italian or Spanish, but anything down to a medium roast is fine. Light roasts such as "breakfast blends" just don't do it for me. As for brands, the most common, off the shelf stuff I get from Walmart whenever I go is either Maxwell House or Chock Full o'Nuts. I also own a Keurig which expands my options a bit without having to go to a Whole Foods or the like.


Starbucks and Folgers are the worst, in my opinion. Folgers just plain tastes bad, and even a freshly brewed pot of Starbucks coffee tastes like it's been sitting on the burner for hours.

#227859 Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?

Posted by Artemis on 30 June 2013 - 10:16 PM in The Café

Mineral, Virginia had a noteworthy earthquake a couple years back. Noteworthy in that they rarely happen in this part of the country and that it was actually pretty severe. I used to work in Mineral and I lived in Beaverdam, which isn't far away. When it struck, I was at work in Richmond and the building I was in started swaying considerably. Didn't move though. Just watched everyone else on the security cameras as they scrambled for the stairs.


A friend's parent's house was rendered uninhabitable by that earthquake. I helped them move shortly thereafter. Aftershocks continued for many months.

#227858 What is the first scary movie you watched when you were young?

Posted by Artemis on 30 June 2013 - 10:04 PM in The Café

While I know plenty wouldn't consider it "scary," I'd have to say Predator because it contains many scenes that might normally scare a four year-old child. Didn't cause me any loss of sleep or nightmares, so I'd say everything turned out fine.

#227857 Origin of your username

Posted by Artemis on 30 June 2013 - 10:03 PM in The Café

People often think it comes from the goddess or Artemis Fowl (never read those books), but it actually comes from Artemis Entreri. For those unfamiliar with The Legend of Drizzt or the Forgotten Realms, he's (originally) a lawful evil assassin with fighting skills on par with those of Drizzt, essentially a moral mirror of himself. While I certainly respect Drizzt much more and admire him as much as I ever have a fictional character, I once found many parallels when comparing some of my personality traits and methods of reasoning with those of Entreri's. Like Artemis Entreri, I've faced many past demons and overcome quite a few. Taking his first name for my user name seemed appropriate enough.

#193466 Straight Edge

Posted by Artemis on 11 April 2013 - 09:34 PM in The Café

I drink sparingly. A six pack has an average lifespan of one month to five weeks in my house, and hard liquor lasts even longer. Booze is something I really love, but I'm cautious with it. Tobacco and drugs of any sort I've never tried, nor care to try.



75%, maybe 80%?

#193463 Post your desktop

Posted by Artemis on 11 April 2013 - 09:21 PM in The Café

It's the KDE edition of Linux Mint 14.  As you can tell, I go for dark interfaces so I don't feel like I'm staring into a light bulb all the time. To make things even easier on the eyes, I have opacity for active windows set at 96% for some applications and 87% for inactive windows for all applications. It looks a bit like this:
Do your eyes a favor. Stop using overly bright interfaces if you can avoid it. It also helps to have a darker wallpaper.
24-hour clock is best clock.

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