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#272553 Sold my wii u

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 15 February 2014 - 06:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

after a year+ with this dissapointment of a Zelda machine I was lucky enough to sell it for a reasonable price. I spent what I got from the sales and got a ps4, I am rather enjoying having 3rd party games to play and a really sweet blu ray player.


Nintendo you're still my favourite.. but all this time with the Wii U was like watching someone who has a PHD work a McDonalds.. so much wasted potential.


If only you gave me a glint of HD metroid.. I'll pick the Wii U up second hand in a few years dirt cheap when metroid  is hopefully released, until then.

#272552 Was Nintendo wrong... what is the consumer saying?

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 15 February 2014 - 06:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

You brain peoples damage with this retread ridiculous tripe. Get the fuk off these forums and go to VGcharts. These idiotic posts fit nicely with those brain dead  pickled egg farts.

wow you're maaaaaaaaaaad...

#260212 *Throws an armchair* The Wii U is finish. (VGA SPOILERS)

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 10 December 2013 - 03:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Did everyone living in the Nintendo bubble get smacked with a little dose of reality?

#257551 Very long rant about Nintendo.

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 23 November 2013 - 03:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

No, you have NO CLUE

I stop reading here.

#257550 Xbox One sells 1 Million

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 23 November 2013 - 03:44 AM in General Gaming

They're both going really strong, but will there be any momentum?  


They still had a better launch  than the Wii U though..

Two fairly powerful systems that have unique features and big fanbase? I would say they will both be sucussful consoles.

#257527 Xbox One sells 1 Million

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 22 November 2013 - 11:30 PM in General Gaming

PS4 looks horrible though, but Sony have never had a good menu system imo.



#257391 Fast Racing Neo uses “4-8k Textures”, to Produce “Hyper real Graphics”, says Shi

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 22 November 2013 - 01:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

... I'll just take the logical route and listen to the highly skilled team of developers with a very good track record than the random Internet guy who clearly has zero technical knowledge on hardware or game creation.

Okay you do that.


Don't be too dissapointed when the game looks meh because developers never hype their own games up.

#257246 Fast Racing Neo uses “4-8k Textures”, to Produce “Hyper real Graphics”, says Shi

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 21 November 2013 - 12:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You can really tell who the haters are with news like this, lol.


I'm a hater because I use logic? Okay then you are a fanboy by said logic.

#257094 Fast Racing Neo uses “4-8k Textures”, to Produce “Hyper real Graphics”, says Shi

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 20 November 2013 - 03:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I call BS. The hardware in the U won't allow that to happen.

#257092 ps4 sold 1 million consoles allready!

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 20 November 2013 - 02:57 AM in General Gaming

I actually REALLY doubt that. But I might be wrong, it's sold well so far.

When it comes here ( Australia ) and Europe it will be at 3 mil already. Check back here in two weeks..

#257089 Fast Racing Neo uses “4-8k Textures”, to Produce “Hyper real Graphics”, says Shi

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 20 November 2013 - 02:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Impossible with the hardware in the U

#257087 ps4 sold 1 million consoles allready!

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 20 November 2013 - 02:39 AM in General Gaming

Wii U displays would not be getting pushed back if Nintendo had done a better job. Ps4 will outsell the Wii U in 2 months time witch is honestly sad.

#256798 Wii U Commercial

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 18 November 2013 - 12:14 AM in General Gaming

This is good for the little kids and the mom and dad that were skeptical about buying it. What about males 15 to 35 though? Where's the gore/dark/shooting w/e that cater to them?

#256797 If 3D World fails to boost sales, I'm going to start to worry...

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 18 November 2013 - 12:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I have been saying this for a long time. The game will be okay for a Mario game but WILL FAIL TO SELL UNITS.


All a game like this does is cater to the people who ALREADY LIKE MARIO and NINTENDO. NINTENDO NEEDS TO CATER THE kid AND ADULT (that doesn't have any interest in nintendo atm). Idk if you see Mario as not childish or W/E, millions of  people DO see Nintendo that way.


Oh and the Ps4 will outsell the Wii U in the first 3 months of realase. #watchthisspace.

#256794 Very long rant about Nintendo.

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 18 November 2013 - 12:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Those kids WERE 8-9. There is no teenager on earth without severe developmental problems that are that prepubescent, and they certainly wouldnt be doing commercials for teen products.

And teenagers ARE children. Just typocally more obnoxious due to the fact they've forgotten they dont know jack squat. Usually a stage that is grown out of by the mid 20's. *glances at moronic manchild video*. Usually.

Since you clearly cant tell the difference, HERE is an 80's tv commercial advertising nintendo products with a teenager.


Oh look, its metroid, and not mario what a Surprise.

And yeah, cat suits? Man new nintendo is so lame. Raccon suits, and frog suits are so hard core. Cat suits, man nintendo has changed.

Heavy metalish music in mario 64? LMFAO ok kid. Grow up. Seriously. Stop idolizing man children before its too late.

If you took the wii u back in time to 1996 And showed super mario 3d land to teenagers playing mario 64 they would crap themselves, and then, if you tried explaining your bs to them about how the cat suit made the game only enjoyable by kids they would laugh in your face and trade the n64 with you in a heartbeat, and then spend the rest of the day laughing at that that guy with the most outrageous insecurity complex.

Once again completly missed every point on marketing. I just.. i don't even. . I DON'T EVEN.

And those kids are idiots who will eventually grow out of that shallow bull. It happens, we ALL have that awkward, insecure phase and it is the most IRRITATING phase in any person's life. The sooner game makers stop pandering to that demographic, the better.

Who fking cares how annoying they are. Their money is as good as anyone elses. The Wii U will sink without them because the casual maket the Wii had has moved on,

If you took the wii u back in time to 1996 And showed super mario 3d land to teenagers playing mario 64 they would crap themselves, and then, if you tried explaining your bs to them about how the cat suit made the game only enjoyable by kids they would laugh in your face and trade the n64 with you in a heartbeat, and then spend the rest of the day laughing at that that guy with the most outrageous insecurity complex.

I can't even attempt to be reasonable or logical with you fanboys anymore. bye bye. Enjoy getting slauterd in Sales by the Ps4 in the coming weeks.

#256413 Very long rant about Nintendo.

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 15 November 2013 - 11:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think about this way: Nintendo is just completely honest about what games are. And what are games? Games are TOYS and toys must be primarily aimed at the young. This call for "dark" or "gritty" stuff reminds me of a thirteen-year-old thinking he can't watch cartoons anymore. There's a reason that C.S. Lewis quote is such a slap in the face to such idiots.

You missed the point entirely. This is about getting people who don't/have no interest in a Wii U to buy one. We need that 13 year old kid to buy consols to keep relevent this generation. Kids like Cod and dark stuff now, not colorful happy mario. ( Don't confuse Mario 64 with that though )


Also are you even talking about KIDS or Teenagers? two different demographs.

#256404 Very long rant about Nintendo.

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 15 November 2013 - 10:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I see teenagers in that video not 8/9 year olds like in most on Nintendos videos now.


lucario23 was correct when it comes to taking Mario to a too child friendly enviroment and that was mentioned in the video. They are making Mario too child friendly, kids already want to play it because it's Mario so the idea of putting him in a kitty cat suit doesn't appeal to me at all. Mario 64 however balanced it all perectly.. You could fly though rainbows or you could toss bowers over some bombs while heavy metalish music plays.

#256241 Very long rant about Nintendo.

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 14 November 2013 - 06:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

-Nintendo needs to be dark and gritty

-Metroid Prime should have been dark and gritty

-Wind Waker should have been dark and gritty (he doesn't mention Twilight Princess)

-Wii is not a gaming console

-Nintendo needs to stop catering towards families (even though they've been for the family ever since the FamiCom) 

This is how you put a bad spin on things as a Nintendo fanboy.

#256240 Super Mario 3D World receives a 9.6/10

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 14 November 2013 - 06:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software



#255525 Very long rant about Nintendo.

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 11 November 2013 - 01:07 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nintendo on not growing up with their audiance, "kiddy games" and much much more



#255122 Struggling to buy Ghosts! (England).

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 08 November 2013 - 11:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

When I got my copy I noticed the Xbox and playstation versions next to the Wii U's.


Both Xbox and Playstation copys had about 2/3 left... the Wii U side had like 10 =/.. barely even touched.

#255117 Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 08 November 2013 - 11:17 AM in General Gaming

Wii U doesn't have nearly as much power as the Ps4, don't kid yourself.


I can see the Wii U hardware getting maxed very quickly with 2gb ram and the "card" inside it, topple that with devlopers who don't know how to program it.


The ps4 will take awhile longer, in 3+ years some really beautiful games will come from that system and will really hit it's stride around the 4/5 year mark.

#255089 COD Ghosts, how does it look?

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 08 November 2013 - 06:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I picked the game up. Ehh I am a bit spoilt by battlefield 4 right now.. you can't compare the two visually.. COD has quiet a few jaggys but doesn't look overall too bad. Multiplayer is fun as heck though and less intense then battlefield 4.

#254877 COD Ghosts, how does it look?

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 07 November 2013 - 05:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

How is the multiplayer? I would love to test the Wii U pro controller out.

#254777 Super mario 3D World TV commercial

Posted by SoldMyWiiU on 06 November 2013 - 08:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I thought it was well done. 7 1/2 out of 10.

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