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News about Xbox720 and EA partnership

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#21 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 28 February 2013 - 09:25 AM

First the stole Rare away now I can easily see them stealing EA. This worries me.


#22 routerbad



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Posted 28 February 2013 - 09:28 AM

To be fair, Rare was a development studio that required funding to develop and publish games, EA is a publisher who relies on people buying their games, they won't make the mistake of limiting themselves to the Xbox entirely, that would be a huge gamble and would leave them in a very bad place if it doesn't perform well. More than likely they are getting deeper access into the OS to integrate Origin services, this would be a standard Microsoft move. They may also be integrating Xbox online communities with PC, so you could game together between the two, as Microsoft has put some very good xbox LIVE integration into Windows 8 and Origin is available there as well.

#23 Socalmuscle


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Posted 01 March 2013 - 01:48 PM

Honestly, mass effect was bioware's success.
EA merely bought it to run it into the ground.

great point.

i dont see any continuation except sidestories, like they did with assasions creed. in ME3 i wish the went more all out,espitialy with the ending, everything went into eather a # but the game seemed more decided by what happened in masseffect 2 than 3. this seemed to be a streight storyline with optimial stuff that had no effect effect other than military buff. few had tradeoffs. didnt see much desisions have major effects(other than the #'rs). i will say overall good game but the story just didnt branch enough. first playthrough i thought i would be able to change things, so went the other way just to find otu the desicision ment next to nothing =/.

if they do continue you will probly start as sheperd or a freind. decisions like the ending be irrelevent(reapers leave if they survive), story stays the same, ect.

ME2 even though i never played, from what i saw and heard, is probly the best.

id like one were you controled the ships and fleets, but that would have a smaller audiance than the normal ME. did make me think of flashtrek (startrek themed game, learned what the ships lookedlike not a fan of actual show, games okay) and how ships would be litterly copy pastable, with small changes. (and some made up ships.) reapers would be borg, turian = klingon, ect.



EA did say they were going to continue Mass Effect, post=shepherd.  But honestly that is like Halo without Master chief.  And the Reaper storyline was great.


But the way they dumped on the series fans with ME3 (your are right, ME2 was the best and one of the best games I have ever enjoyed) -- not only with the lame ending choices and other matters, but the actual production quality of the game, from glitches, to animation issues, to bad sound direction, etc.  It looked like a rushed game on the 360 and PS3.  It was just sad.  Had the potential to go forever.  


How they are going to continue now, with any of the endings seems impossible without gimping the current story or starting out with an all-new apocalyptic scenario - because seriously, it doesn't get any bigger.


That's where Destiny comes in to mop things up in a big way.

#24 PedanticGamer


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Posted 01 March 2013 - 09:52 PM

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. SERIOUSLY WTF! Game prices NEED to go down! People can hardly afford games at $60. We should have normal price be $40 or $30 so more people can afford games. In the long run that could make devs more money. We live in an econemy of lots of poor people. If they sell games at anything above $60 I wont buy it, and if its the norm then I may just quit modern gaming in general and become purely a retro gamer.


Yet everything else increases in price? Logic? Games will eventually increase in price (I would argue with micro transactions, dlc etc they effectively already have, although if you factor in infaltion etc they still have likely gone down in price this gen), what I think is ridiculous is that people seem to think the prices should go down. The one argument people put forward is more people will buy it at a lower price, there are several problems with this statement and I haven't seen any evidence to suggest it would increase profits.

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