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#41 Stewox



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Posted 20 March 2012 - 07:33 AM

totally agree with the guy in the video above

Neogaf specs kids should shut up if they don't plan to buy the system or just troll the specs down.

on every single page i see noobs who have totally no sense of things about tech industry said "ah i doubt [insert this and that]"

Do you remember ... when there was a UT3 samartian rumor on WiiU and ... the time between that ... then came the "nintendo tweaks WiiU to make sure it runs UE4" ... so before this news , people were totally up in arms about UE4 would never be able to be on Wiiu just because EPIC said "UE4 is for next gen only"

So you see how these kids TWIST THE CONTEXT around and they think like WiiU is not a next gen console - silly.

These people don't understand the tech - it's not about power, raw calculations ... it's about the circurity, the features that are plastered on the hardware is viable for next generation engines to use --- it's about the FEATURE SPECTRUM not about the raw power ... they don't understand how hardware works. If EPIC wanted to have UE4 on Xbox360 they would have made it , technically it's poosible, they would just not be able to use the features that the 360 hardware doesn't support , switched off, simple as that, but why ... the hardware has no features that UE4 will want to use for obvious reasons in the industry (practical, commercial) so that's a waste of time if you already have UE3 running on it that's fully functional for the hardware.

So it's silly how people say "wiiu won't be powerful enough for UE4" - that's stupid statement and totally wrong. First of all you can't say a statement like that in FACTUAL format like you're Mr. IKNOWEVERYTHING , second it's now about power, for the RECORD, WiiU will have enough up to date hardware feature-wise to be able to WARRANT UE4 support

The news about "nintendo tweaking wiiu to make sure it runs UE4" is a TWISTER JOURNALIST-REPORTING statement that the media always makes to totally twist the EVENT .... so we go through the TECH FILTER of what actually DID OCCUR.... this means that NINTENDO ACCEPTED EPIC'S DESIRE FOR HARDWARE BUFF (and that means memory/RAM too) - that's what that news was about. And that is the news that people should be cherring about - how can it get better than that, it's the best news we could get.

And what this means - the BUFF will obviously BENEFIT a bunch of other engines not just UE4 ... CryEngine 3 ... IDTech5 .... etc

If you thought that the UE4 news about nintendo tweaking wiiu is about writting some lines of code making sure UE4 will boot properly --- no this not the case as some might think - this is just how usually stupid non-tech journalists report things.

Rumors are rumors , fakes are obvious - but you have to have TECHNICAL BACKGROUND to understand them - that's why the speculation is less than optimal in the majority of those kids not having idea about tech.

That's why the NDAs, that's why the ninjas, general people have no whole idea how things work and get done ... no company can afford leaks that will be reported in weird manner and people will get stupid assumptions on it, and companies don't usually have super geek tech-marketing guys that will know how to explain for damage control.

All this wiiU rumors and leaks are going on because the system is great - i didn't saw more stuff going on about ANY system before, combine 2 years from the get go of the Wii2 rumors and project cafe ... you could fill a long long nintendo hype train with it.

Ubisoft source confirmed.

Exactly (might be whoever mediocre studio - definitely not the people that are technically inclined to push for the best)
Nuff said

Edited by Stewox, 20 March 2012 - 07:34 AM.

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#42 MorbidGod


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Posted 20 March 2012 - 08:18 PM

The screen is six inches. it could be 480 p and still look as though it is 1080p. Please remember that the controller is not a dedicated handheld and doesn't have the parts as one. It also is not an Ipad so keep that in mind too.

It's not what it looks like. It's what is easier for developers and the machine. I am not sure how much harder it be to stream a picture at different resolutions, but I'd imagine if it be easier if it was both HD. Could just be a lack of understanding, though.
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#43 Nollog


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Posted 20 March 2012 - 09:34 PM

It's not what it looks like. It's what is easier for developers and the machine. I am not sure how much harder it be to stream a picture at different resolutions, but I'd imagine if it be easier if it was both HD. Could just be a lack of understanding, though.

That kind of stuff is handled by the development kit.
All developers would need to do is use the tools in front of them.

Also, Pixel Density.
http://pixeldensityc...920&v=1080&d=40 = 40 inch Full HD TV
http://pixeldensityc...854&v=480&d=6.2 = Wii U
(Bigger DPI = Better)

Edited by Nollog, 20 March 2012 - 09:36 PM.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#44 BazzDropperz


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Posted 21 March 2012 - 01:22 AM

I thought the controller was supposed to be inbetween 480p and 720p, like 520p or something.

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