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Nintendo better make sure they keep there promise on amazing third party support

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#21 Andy


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 07:49 PM

Not really, this is what THQ said.


"Buying Wii U Games Is Like Buying Blu-Ray Over A Standard DVD"

He does not say that the Wii U will use Blu-Ray. He says that buying the Wii U version of a game over a PS360 version is like buying a Blu-Ray version over a regular DVD version. He's speaking quality of the development, not the actual disk it uses.
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#22 patrickryan39



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Posted 24 April 2012 - 08:15 PM

Nintendo needs to be careful this gen. This is the first gaming console that doesn;t have something holding it back, thus giving third parties excuses not to port over to it. Third parties are needed to gain marketshare and Nintendo acknowledged this at last E3. They saw the slumping sales of the Wii and gaps in software launches. Hell, the Xbox brand has survived off of third parties, since their first party games (Gears and Halo the exception) don't sell as well as Nintendo and Sony's first party titles.

Since the N64 third parties have had an excuse not to develop for Nintendo. Some were legit.

Nintendo 64 "We don't want to spend the money on publishing cartridges, they cost too much to produce. Also, they don't allow for expansive worlds."

GameCube "The disc sizes are only 1.5GB. We need DVD size discs to realize our vision. Too many things would need to be cutout to fit on the minidisc." "GameCube is kiddy. There is no market there for our game."

Wii "Hardware is too weak. Motion controls should be used in a unique way and we don;t want to do just a straight port without taking advantage of the controller" "Wii is a toy." "Wii has no online"

Wii U addresses all these issues by having online, Blu-ray discs (25GB), great hardware that is better than the PS3 at least, innovative controller that also has standard buttons to allow for normal games, easy to port to because of a similiar architecture to 360, HD graphics, paying for middleware software for smaller developers to use for free, etc.

Nintendo not getting third party support for the Wii U will not be Nintendo's fault. Third parties will not have any excuses not to develop for Nintendo this generation. If they don't, it is a personal choice and not a fault with the Wii U.

This is the greatest thing I have read on these forums. Nintendo has all the ammunition right now to create THE big system and I feel like they are going balls out here. No excuses. It has HD, It has a good online service (I hope) It has all those great Nintendo favorite 1st party games; It’s got every 3rd party you could want and a new controller which will change gamming. 3rd parties better produce

#23 AndyG


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 08:33 PM

Not this whole Blue-ray discussion again
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This is where it ends

#24 DigitalGreenTea


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Posted 25 April 2012 - 03:09 AM

At E3 2011 Nintendo said the Wii U will get amazing third party support, they better keep there promise because I was so tired of the Wii not getting anything great out of third party support and they better make sure they get all the multiplats Xbox 360/PS3 and Xbox 720/PS4 will get.

The Wii had great 3rd party games, most of them are better than the ones on PS3/360, the thing is, you just never heard of them because the media is blinding you.

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