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A personally weird thought...

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#1 Press



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Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:23 AM

This is coming from someone who has never owned a PS3 or Xbox 360 yet. Call me "noob" if you will.

I have this wishful feeling that Wii U is going to be somewhat of a savior for me. Prestigious games such as Mass Effect, Call of Duty, and the Batman: Arkham series are porting to Wii U, and it has me thinking; is there really a need to buy a PS3/360 at this point? Of course, we know that they both have their exclusivity as far as game library, but then again, the chances of me hitting two birds with one stone with some games seems hopeful. I'm a Nintendo head before Sony, and I've never been big on Microsoft outside of Windows. But there were a few games that I had like to play but wasn't willing to purchase the console just for said few. I don't even wanna THINK about PS4 or Xbox 720 right now...

I suppose the best (and only) thing I can do right now is wait it out since I still have some time. If this pulls off, I'll be shocked as an old gamer to pass through this gen without owning either of the big dogs.

Please keep your thoughts and opinions cordial.

#2 SolxBurst


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:49 AM

This is the exact reason in which I am excited for the Wii U, not only because it is a new Nintendo console, but also due to the great 3rd party content. I have an Xbox 360 for the reason that I wanted 3rd Party titles such as Mass Effect, Battlefield, and Portal. The console is good but it doesn't have any of the 1st Party content I love from Nintendo, and Sony doesn't have titles that entice me. So this seems like the perfect solution to me, I get all my great 3rd Party content along with me favorite Nintendo Franchises, with the innovation that made Nintendo famous. It is so awesome that I feel like this is the only console I will need, but then a gain time will tell and I am SO excited to find out what waits ahead! It is a great time to be a Nintendo fan!


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#3 Deadly Virus

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:57 AM

I guess so. It's great that Wii U is getting all these multiplat games that a couple of years ago we would have never thought would end up on a modern Nintendo console, but really.. I'm just not concerned with Xbox 360 or PS3 at all anymore. After 5 years of owning and playing 7th gen consoles, I'm pretty much done with them. I want to see what the Wii U can do that MS and Sony can't do right now, at the moment we're not seeing much of that at all. If Wii U can still stay relevant when the next-gen is in full swing, then Nintendo will have definitely pleased me. But if all they're going to do is make something only on the same level as platforms we already have, then it's not really going to be anything amazing..

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#4 Press



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Posted 17 July 2012 - 09:58 AM

Awesome! I share the same exact excitement, man. The suspense hurts because you never know what's yet to come.

#5 Soul



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Posted 17 July 2012 - 10:01 AM

Watchout Solix this forum has Sony fanboys when it's against Microsoft.

#6 Press



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Posted 17 July 2012 - 10:06 AM

Watchout Solix this forum has Sony fanboys when it's against Microsoft.

lol wouldn't calling them "fanboy" cause the flame war?

Anyway, I've barely scratched the surface of this gen so I have a lot to be excited about this Winter.

#7 Crackkat



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Posted 17 July 2012 - 11:41 AM

as i have said before, new consoles usually dont get much support at launch, companies put a few low budget new ip exclusives that aren't great. but for the first time ever, wii u is getting all the 3rd party's best games. i mean, AC 3, Darksiders 2, Aliens Colonial Marines, probably Borderlands, probably COD BLOPS 2, FIFA 13 and Madden and Mass Effect 3. this is really a fantastic launch compared to previous system launches. we need to reward third parties for this by buying these games. if we do, then yes you won't need an xbox360 or ps3 and you wont even need a ps4 or 720
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#8 Alph


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 12:09 PM

Most of the good games from the PS3 and Xbox 360 will proberly and eventually come to the WIi U. :)

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#9 Hank Hill

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 12:46 PM

Time to, well...go against the consensus here.

There is a point to owning a PS3. Plenty of exclusives that won't be coming to the Wii U anytime soon, and then there's quite a few games which probably won't be getting a Wii U port due to them just being older games.

Xbox...eh, honestly, if you have a PS3/good gaming PC, Xbox isn't really worth having.



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#10 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 04:05 PM

Depends if you can hold on for another 6 months.

I told myself that "a Wii can hold me out until the Wii U comes out"

Didn't happen last September.

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#11 eugoreez


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 04:33 PM

Time to, well...go against the consensus here.

There is a point to owning a PS3. Plenty of exclusives that won't be coming to the Wii U anytime soon, and then there's quite a few games which probably won't be getting a Wii U port due to them just being older games.

Xbox...eh, honestly, if you have a PS3/good gaming PC, Xbox isn't really worth having.

ha! +1

to OP... if you really have money to spare, get the ps3... I mean really really... just to get the taste of the exclusive games..
urhhh.. potatoes?

#12 Press



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Posted 17 July 2012 - 06:16 PM

I've mentioned the exclusivity in the OP, but the thing is, the games I have interest for don't have exclusives. Games like God of War and Little Big Planet are cool, but they aren't the type I'd go for and buy.

#13 Guy Fieri

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 06:20 PM

When I bought a PS3 in 2010. I was happy that I could finally play games I was missing out on because of some games not being ported to it. I was planning on buying Skylanders Giants and Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed on PS3 this year. But since the games are coming to the Wii U, I'll hold out the extra month for Giants and the extra week or two ( maybe not at all if it's a launch title) for Sonic Racing. I will still use my PS3 for any console exclusives, first party titles or any game that has better features than the Wii U version. Plus games that never made it to the Wii I haven't played yet.

#14 Joshua


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Posted 18 July 2012 - 01:09 AM

I only have a Wii and a gaming worthy PC. I'm really only interested in Nintendo's exclusives and I play all my multiplats on my PC.
I do, however, feel like I'm missing some good exclusives on the PS3. I'll probably get around to getting one once the price decreases after the Wii U launch. (That is, if it does. :P)

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#15 Guy Fieri

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Posted 18 July 2012 - 05:30 PM

I only have a Wii and a gaming worthy PC. I'm really only interested in Nintendo's exclusives and I play all my multiplats on my PC.
I do, however, feel like I'm missing some good exclusives on the PS3. I'll probably get around to getting one once the price decreases after the Wii U launch. (That is, if it does. :P)

The price will drop in time. Maybe after the Wii U launches, but you would likely get it even cheaper if they decide to lower the price greatly when they release the PS4 ( might not be for some time though).

#16 uh20



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Posted 18 July 2012 - 06:46 PM

yea, in a case the computer can replace the high end consoles
thats why my preference is the wiiu as long as it holds up to what, %70 the power of the next things, because heck , i could go for innovation instead of just plain polygon pushing, which is easily achieved on pc, at cheeper prices personally
oh, and linux gaming, gatta love and hate it, VALVE HURRY UP

#17 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 19 July 2012 - 04:44 AM

I had the exact same situation and I thought about it. I ended up buying a Xbox 360 for really cheap just for all those games that I missed. This is because there are games that we missed and wont even get on the Wii U. So I would suggest you buy one on Craigslist.com and you can get a Xbox 360 for 100$ or less.

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#18 Alianjaro



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Posted 19 July 2012 - 06:25 AM

This is coming from someone who has never owned a PS3 or Xbox 360 yet. Call me "noob" if you will.

I have this wishful feeling that Wii U is going to be somewhat of a savior for me. Prestigious games such as Mass Effect, Call of Duty, and the Batman: Arkham series are porting to Wii U, and it has me thinking; is there really a need to buy a PS3/360 at this point? Of course, we know that they both have their exclusivity as far as game library, but then again, the chances of me hitting two birds with one stone with some games seems hopeful. I'm a Nintendo head before Sony, and I've never been big on Microsoft outside of Windows. But there were a few games that I had like to play but wasn't willing to purchase the console just for said few. I don't even wanna THINK about PS4 or Xbox 720 right now...

I suppose the best (and only) thing I can do right now is wait it out since I still have some time. If this pulls off, I'll be shocked as an old gamer to pass through this gen without owning either of the big dogs.

Please keep your thoughts and opinions cordial.

The only criticism I'd like to tell you about your reasoning is... Why do you call it weird? I think the exact same way...
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#19 Tom


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Posted 19 July 2012 - 09:05 AM

Unless the Katamari series gets a new title, or at least a port, to the WiiU, then I'm probably going to have to purchase the NextBox/PS4 to go with the WiiU.


#20 eugoreez


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 07:50 AM

if you don't like most of the exclusive that are on the ps3 right now.. I think you should just keep the money, and purchase a bunch of wii u games end of this year... i'm pretty sure there are tons of launch games..

ps3 exclusives mostly are shooters... FPS and TPS... one racing game Gran tourismo, which to me sucked compare to it's predecessor.. and demon soul.. though dark soul will come to PC later... soo, you aren't missing much.. chances are you'll get similar experience on the Wii U later...
urhhh.. potatoes?

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