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Member Since 03 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2015 08:36 AM

#313601 Splatoon Is A Bad Unfinished Game

Posted by Blake on 31 May 2015 - 04:50 PM

But by releasing it "unfinished" instead of delaying it, we all have something new to play on the Wii U right now.


I dunno about you but I know I would certainly rather have something than nothing. 



I would rather pay $60 dollars and get the full game outright instead of waiting for my money's worth over the course of months.


Assasins Creed,Call of Duty are bad unfinished games of the same old crap but people buy them every year regardless.


Splatoon is a fresh take and  people judged it before release because it's not like everything else and not exactly what they wanted without knowing what they want. Splatoon is people acting entitled. It's shunned and shat on.


Watch Star Wars Battlefront sell millions even tho Oh I don't know it's gimped as hell and a bunch of stuff removed from previous games.


Splatoon is really comparable to CoD in terms of content. Both have the structure of a story mode and a online mode. But CoD still manages to beat Splatoon in content in every way. For example, Splatoon comes with 1 online mode, and CoD comes with over a dozen. In my experience of CoD, the online is really polished, unlike the mess of an online that Splatoon has.


Just because Splatoon is a unique and fresh take on a genre doesn't excuse 1 online mode at launch and a total of 5 maps. It's pathetic

#313582 Splatoon Is A Bad Unfinished Game

Posted by Blake on 31 May 2015 - 10:56 AM

Just because they are releasing the rest of the game for free in updates doesn't excuse the sheer lack of content.

#269986 Wii u Forums Podcast

Posted by Mignaga on 01 February 2014 - 09:55 PM

They all seem quite a bit old, what happened?

The funny stopped, and so did the podcast.


Mignaga descended into drug and alcohol abuse.

Tricky died of old age.

Noona disappeared into the void.

Sol never stopped playing Okami.

Deadly was too busy drinking tea to remember to come on.

#266018 Nintendo Direct Predictions for this month:

Posted by Abcdude on 11 January 2014 - 12:55 PM

Every time I read that phrase I read in Iwata's voice. 


If you don't,



#266003 What's your Story? (Post your results!)

Posted by Mignaga on 11 January 2014 - 11:44 AM

<_< Oh yeah?????


Well I shot Paris Hilton because hoes keep stealing my tacos!

Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

I was banging that.

#265491 GET EVEN New FPS Next Gen photo realistic

Posted by Xiombarg on 08 January 2014 - 11:38 AM

What next, interactive fish AI that swim away from you when you dive in the water?



I honestly see nothing impressive, just the exact same thing companies have spouted out before.  Besides, hyperrealism isn't necessarily a good thing either.

#265445 Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson announced for the 3DS.

Posted by Azure-Edge on 08 January 2014 - 09:26 AM

Is it worth the $30 price tag?


I'd say so but then again I was one of the people really pushing for it to come around stateside. It depends on if you're looking for a good beat em up and like the theme. Personally I like anime stuff and I like ninjas which is what intrigued me about the came initially. Keep in mind that Senran Kagura Burst is essentially two games in one since it contains all of the content of the original Senran Kagura so there are now two story modes, one for each of the two sides. You have five characters on each side initially with different fighting styles, strengths, and weaknesses, there are a good amount of missions, etc. 


It was well worth the $30 for me but if you want to know if it'd be worth it for you then I'd suggest looking up some footage of Burst and learning more about the game. If it seems like something you'd like then go for it. 

#264847 Controversial gaming opinions

Posted by DANT3 on 05 January 2014 - 02:03 PM

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale is more fun than Smash.


#265100 New Monolith's X Info

Posted by KingBoo on 06 January 2014 - 08:58 PM

I wasn't convinced on this game until now, now I am so hyped! I propose we campaign Sakurai for what we really want. TOAST FOR SMASH 4!

the final smash should be stabbing someone with a butter knife. instant 1HKO

#265102 New Smash Characters confirmed!

Posted by Mignaga on 06 January 2014 - 09:00 PM


#265097 New Monolith's X Info

Posted by Mignaga on 06 January 2014 - 08:53 PM

Confirmed to have toast.



#264571 Bravely Default censored for western release

Posted by DexterousGecko on 03 January 2014 - 10:27 AM

I call it more "western audiences are creeped out by little girls in micro bikinis, so let's change it" rather than censorship.

#264570 Bravely Default censored for western release

Posted by Xiombarg on 03 January 2014 - 10:26 AM

No one should get that angry about this, it's not really much censorship.  The redesign looks just fine.

It probably also has more to do with the cultural disconnect the US has with so many countries.  Often in the US anything with any slight sexual nature is pointed out and quickly shamed or censored.



Then there's the issue of female characters being sexualized...  I really hope this doesn't bring up the entire arguments that occurred with Dragon's Crown again, though.

#233140 Butt Signatures

Posted by Blake on 19 July 2013 - 05:59 AM

Make a RWBY one you frickin frick.

#233137 The creators of Pokemon teases a new project.

Posted by Blake on 19 July 2013 - 05:55 AM



Apparently this looks like something from Harvest Moon. Pokemon x Harvest Moon? Very hard to speculate after this one photo.

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