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dagwood dang

Member Since 05 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 08 2013 09:43 PM

#73759 General Wii U E3 2012 Discussion

Posted by dagwood dang on 22 April 2012 - 10:47 AM

I'm absolutely aching to know what Retro's secret project is. The suspense is... is...   x_x

#72460 How likely are you to buy a Wii U?

Posted by dagwood dang on 15 April 2012 - 10:52 PM

Any votes for "Nintendo Sucks" would just be from trolls.

#72174 Why do some people dislike the controller?

Posted by dagwood dang on 14 April 2012 - 10:57 AM

Nintendo is going to, once again, revolutionize gaming with their innovative controller. As usual, the other companies are going to follow suit.

One could argue that Nintendo didn't invent the tablet, but that's not the point.
They will be the first to have a console controller like this, and shortly after, you will see similar products from competitors. It's been like that since the beginning.

My only gripe with the Wii U controller is no analog trigz on the back. I really hope that changes.

#72062 What Nintendo Studio Are You Most Excited to See Make a Game for the Wii U?

Posted by dagwood dang on 13 April 2012 - 05:19 PM

I'm interested in whatever company gets to make the next Starfox game.

#67773 If you could bring 1 item back from the past Zelda games and put it in Zelda...

Posted by dagwood dang on 24 March 2012 - 12:04 PM

I'd bring Epona back. but I'd like to interact more with her.
Feed her, mend wounds, keep her in a shed, protect her from bandits who try to steal her.
I think that would be kinda cool.

If not Epona, I'd bring back the boat idea from wind waker, but it would be bigger and you  could actually walk around on it,
fire cannon balls at other bandit ships, real piratey, maybe you could hire a crew as you progress in the game.

"Hey!!! ... Listen!!!" - Navi

#66389 What is your favorite gaming system?

Posted by dagwood dang on 15 March 2012 - 01:00 PM

In it's generation, it was thee best system, and I was a proud owner.
I'd have to say, SNES might have been the only system I owned where I didn't feel like the grass was ever greener on the other side.

I loved the N64, but in all honesty, it's cartridge based structure, made me a little jealous of the PSX and Saturn owners who had a CD based system
with amazing musical sound quality and a crazy amount of in game voice acting.

and I have a ton of games for my GC. about 60 if I'm not mistaken. Yet, I found myself looking over my shoulder at the PS2 and XBOX games.
Developers seemed to gravitate toward them cause of the storage capacity of their mediums. 1.5 GB disks wasn't enough for them.

My Dreamcast story was similar to the GC, but with much fewer games (I played the heck out of Soul Calibur and Marvel vs Capcom 2 though)

I currently own a Wii and 360. With only a few titles I'd love to play on the PS3, I'm feeling okay these days, but there was something about the
days of the SNES that made me feel on top of the world. Super Mario World, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Mario Paint, Super Mario Kart, Starfox!!!
4 face buttons on the controller, shoulder buttons, Nintendo's patented tried and true D-pad control?!!!

You kiddin me? No contest.

#64378 Are Video Games becoming too real?

Posted by dagwood dang on 02 March 2012 - 12:29 PM

I don't think there's anything wrong with developers pushing the envelope for realism in both graphics and gameplay,
but there should be room and appreciation for many different visual styles of games.

I think the bigger issue is the majority of gamers who dismiss games of a lesser "visual realism," thinking of them as lesser games,
and missing out on fun, unique, and sometimes epic experiences. Gamers should critique games as a whole, not just for visual realism.

A lot of my friends wouldn't play LoZ Wind Waker because of the Cell shaded graphics... They missed out.

#64218 Mario Kart Wii-U Retro Track Predictions

Posted by dagwood dang on 01 March 2012 - 10:34 AM

I think Mario Kart 8 should include each and every M.Kart track ever made, and redone with HD graphics... plus 16 new ones...
and 8 more point-to-point tracks (like top of the mountain, long road to the bottom, finish line)

With every M.Kart racer from every M.Kart game. And each racer has a little story when you win the tournament.

and lots of customization with the karts, duo-karts, bikes, etc.

...but that's not gunna happen.

#61304 Retro Studios are working on a Wii U game

Posted by dagwood dang on 12 February 2012 - 03:32 PM

IF Retro Studios were making a LoZ title (which I highly doubt), we wouldn't be hearing about it for a while.

For One, Skyward Sword is still selling very, very well, so an announcement of a new LoZ title wouldn't make much business sense right now.
For Two, I have a pretty strong feeling that Nintendo are quite satisfied with the team that has been working on the last few LoZ titles. Eiji Aonuma and Nintendo EAD are doing just fine with the series.
Sure that doesn't mean they can't outsource some of the work, but why would they?

My guess is still Starfox.

#41093 Legend of Zelda Symphony - Main Theme Medley [Download]

Posted by dagwood dang on 06 November 2011 - 09:27 PM

up until recently i also thought the CD was just for the special edition bundle, but then ign said in their unboxing video that the CD comes in all boxes, not just the special edition one :) so i'm glad for those who didn't manage to preorder the special bundle.
either way i wish it was a full recording of the whole orchestra with video footage and everything because despite having watched it live, i still want to be able to re watch it whenever i want, not just hear the music.

Comes in all boxes, you say? Awesome. Now everybody gets to sit back and listen to the music when they're not playing.

#40943 Legend of Zelda Symphony - Main Theme Medley [Download]

Posted by dagwood dang on 05 November 2011 - 12:02 PM

Hey friends.

As all of you know, the Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is coming soon!
You probably also know that the special edition bundle will have an awesome orchestral music CD that comes with it.

If you have a 3DS and internet connection, check out "Nintendo Video," because they just posted video of the orchestra
recording the LoZ's Theme Medley. I listened to it like 10 times. Gave me goosebumps everytime!!

For our friends at Wii U forums who don't have a 3DS at this time, first of all, get one (haha), but second of all, I've attached
the audio from the video so you can hear the AWESOMENESS for yourself.

It's not going to be as great of quality as the actual CD is going to be, but I know it definitely got me even more excited about getting
the special edition bundle!

Enjoy :)


Attached Files

#31044 Controller for GameCube games?

Posted by dagwood dang on 22 September 2011 - 04:59 PM

Well.... you're right. I guess thats another first for the Dreamcast. Lets see what we're at now:
First screen in conroller
First internet connected home console (i know some computers at the time before were sorta consoles so thats debatable)
First portable game connectivity
First triggers
And probably first good console to fail (it sounds like a great console but i never got to play it... why did it fail.... oh thats for another thread)

You're right. DC was a good console. I have no Idea why it flopped. Something to do with not having enough money in the right places, I'm sure.

I know some of you don't think analog triggers are important,
but removing a component that many gamers (and developers I might add) find very useful for their games probably isn't the greatest idea,
especially when they're not replacing the component with something better. Of course the touch screen feature on the Wii U controller is beyond AWESOME,
but accelerating and braking with the screen might not work as easily as pressure sensitive triggers would. Anyway, I just hope that they find a feasible way to incorporate em into the final design.

We have several months before the Wii U is officially released, so there's a chance the controller could change.

I just really, really, really, really want Nintendo to kick butt with this new system. I don't want any anti-Ninty dudes out there to be able to say anything about the Wii U. I feel like this might be something they jab at once the spotlight is put on this missing feature.

#26858 Some video game music I made (check it out!)

Posted by dagwood dang on 07 September 2011 - 04:24 PM

Hey folks.

Here's a few tunes I made in the past. Most are wma's and one mp3.
Check em out!

1) A quick intro 'Game Theme' tune
Attached File  THEME.wma   1.17MB   407 downloads

2) This would be a 'Town' that you visit
Attached File  TOWN.wma   2.54MB   227 downloads

3) This was for like a 'Native village'
Attached File  NATIVE.wma   1.96MB   361 downloads

4) I envisioned a 'Wacky alien workshop' thing with this one
Attached File  FUNNYALIENS.wma   1.29MB   422 downloads

5) Finally, a jingle that was inspired by one of the old 'Sonic' games
Attached File  Sonic-ish.mp3   12.72MB   282 downloads


#26213 Miitropolis

Posted by dagwood dang on 05 September 2011 - 07:14 PM

So @Ponkotsu,

I read it all. I LOVE it all, but now if Nintendo does anything less than this, I'm afraid I'm going to be disappointed! Hahaha. But all joking aside, I'm now visualizing a bustling Mii city with all kinds of fun activities. I didn't know about the Wii no Ma channel. Heck, I didn't know about a lot of the things you brought up, but there does seem to be plenty of evidence toward something big on the way of some kind of online revolution for Ninty. That patent you mentioned further strengthens the evidence. I also liked the idea of cars or some sort of personal transportation around the city. Of course there should be instant teleporting. Public transportation would be cool too.

So I started branching thoughts off of your ideas from your post...
Imagining a TV/Wii set up in your Mii's virtual living room of the house/apartment. Naturally, you should be able to get all of your Miitropolis info, news, and update data from it, but what about the idea of your Mii also having his/her own PERSONAL SMART DEVICE?
It could look like a virtual 3DS, or Wii U controler, that your Mii pulls from his/her pocket while he/she is out and about. The device would essentially act like a smart phone of sorts and include features like:

-A Contacts List-
A way to look up your friends and find out if they're available to play or not. Sending gaming invites whenever you could.
-Txt/audio (maybe even video) messages-
Another way to contact and get in touch with friends.
-Some sort of map of the city-
A quick way to navigate the town with points of interest and the locations of your friends marked, so you can easily find and travel (or instant-travel) to them.
-Some sort of scrolling marquee with news and updates about the city-
News from the real world and from some of the companies you may have in your city (like Nintendo news), and Miitropolis news like upcoming city events like virtual concerts, or carnivals.

Which brings me to:

-Virtual concerts and shows-
It would be cool to have some sort of city square where you could watch streaming concerts or other videos. Similar to your Netflix theater idea (which is an awesome idea), but this could be where they show videos of live concerts and performances. All of the 'Nintendo Video', and 'Nintendo Channel' videos could be at home on your Mii's Wii if you wanted to watch them. Just an Idea.

-Town carnival/theme park-
You touched on a similar idea in your post. A place where Miis have activities like tag, sledding, etc. Elaborating on that, A little theme park with many carnie activities like the milk bottle/ball game (I don't know what its officially called), darts, hammer and bell, etc. This would be a great way to utilize Wii motes and keep them relevant in Miitropolis, which I'm sure Nintendo would want to do. Winning prizes like Nintendo mascot masks to wear on Holidays, stuffed animals and trinkets to bring home, and play coins to use elsewhere in the city. More importantly, an ARCADE TENT where you can play demos of real games from the virtual console as well as Wii (U) ware games. Of course, those options should also be made quickly available on your Mii's Wii at your (virtual) home.

Lastly, as interesting as Miitropolis can be, eventually, it would be nice to get out of the city. At first I thought, 'why not several different themed Miitropolises where you can choose between which one you wanted to live in? Like a New York-like city, more of a 'beachy' Miami-like city, or somewhat of an Asian countryside themed city!!!' but then I thought, 'they could just as easily make different districts within one city with all of those different themes and more!' which would make it all feel more centralized. but... What about an airport on the edge of town where you can fly to Wuhu Island!!! Having features there that you can't find in Miitropolis!!! My friend, you've sparked my brain a great deal. I only wish we could find a way to SLAM your post ideas down in front the Nintendo branch that's overseeing the new online project, cause I think you're on to something.

#26159 Introduction

Posted by dagwood dang on 05 September 2011 - 03:43 PM


I go by Dagwood Dang.

Why you ask? I dunno. I guess it just felt right.

Anyway, I enjoy gaming, the gaming industry, and all of it's little nuances.
I appreciate Sony, Microsoft, and any other company who brought the joy of gaming
to my life, but NINTENDO holds a special place in my heart.

I'm a little older than many of you, probably. I was there when my oldest brother got a brand new NES for his birthday
in '85. before that, the Atari 2600, and 5200 were our home consoles. When I got older, I used to collect (or strive to collect) the other
not-so-popular gaming systems that have come about over the years. Including, phillips cdi, the Atari Jaguar, 3do, etc. I have owned almost ALL
Nintendo entertainment systems that were local to my region, except for the Virtual Boy and a couple others. It was too expensive at the time.
I just enjoy solid gaming. Graphics are important enough, but a pretty game with poo for gameplay is worthless.

I'm new to the whole forum thing, so I hope I don't do anything that's against forum etiquette. I've read all the rules, and thankfully,
I'm not a hateful spamming racist, so I believe I'll be fine. I have much to talk about and I can't wait to hear what you all have to say.

- D.D.

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