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Member Since 15 May 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2013 01:15 AM

Topics I've Started

I think I know why Nintendo isn't getting 3rd parties...

11 June 2013 - 08:49 PM

It's not the fact that the console is underpowered. It has to do with 1 thing:




And the reason why 3rd party publishers see the Xbox One and PS4 as viable gaming machines is because they can ensure DRM.


While this seems so anti-consumerist for that to be the reason for abandoning Nintendo, it makes sense. 


If Square Enix's Tomb Raider breaks 3 mil and is considered a failure, there is a showing trend that 3rd party publishers need to make money.


And DRM ensures just a few more dollars that they wouldn't have if they didn't support it.


Nintendo is not going to implement DRM. It never was really an issue for them, and I don't think it ever will be. That being said, now we see why 3rd parties aren't going to support the system. Because they can't make an easy buck.


Sure, Wii U sales need to pick up for a true reason to develop for the console. But studios are going to make excuses as to why they can't develop on Wii U, even if it becomes the best selling console of the generation.


Sure, that may entice some publishers to come back. But in the end, they're always going to find a way to skirt around the subject of supporting the system. They'll make the argument that their games aren't going to be able to sell while competing with Nintendo's first party offerings. When in fact they had this GIANT time window to release these games before Nintendo's heavy hitters.


On top of that, where are we seeing the majority of the 3rd party support for Nintendo? Eastern Publishers.


Western Publishers, on the other hand, seem so engulfed in the corporal and financial aspect of the gaming industry. Western publishers are the biggest proponent of DRM. We see so many cases where the actual development teams working under these publishers had games ready for the Wii U. The fact that EA made CryTek can Crysis 3, or the fact that Rayman was delayed, and that most developers had to come out and apologize to the gamers in some way. Not the publishers, but the developers.


I honestly think this trend will prevail until 3rd parties come crashing under their own weight. AAA Games cost way too much to develop nowadays, and eventually they'll have to resort to "crawling back" to Nintendo.


DRM and all of this corporate mumbo jumbo going on is going to bite the gaming world as we know it in the butt eventually. Eventually it'll get its act together, but it'll be a long time coming.


It's unfortunate for us as Nintendo gamers, but at the same time, it seems to be an inevitable evil in this day and age.


Thoughts. Please let me know if I'm just way out on left field here.

De-Hyping E3

27 May 2013 - 07:52 AM

E3 is just around the corner, and as is expected, the hype train has rolled out. But I think, as Nintendo fans, we need to de-hype the conference in light of the conferences of the past few years. Nintendo has the opportunity to blow us out of the water. And I really think they will. But just to make sure our expectations are low, I think we should list a few possibilities that would make this conference lackluster. I'll start with a few:


1. Only screenshots of the next Smash Bros shown

2. Pikmin 3 delayed until Christmas time

3. Retro's game isn't shown

4. We come to find "X" was a tech demo that Monolith was using to test the hardware. Has been canned and a new project is now just being started on

5. To follow in the footsteps of their competitors, the summer update removes Wii mode to ensure backwards compatibility isn't a "backwards" thought process


The last two were pretty far-fetched, but you never know!


Tell us your lackluster possibilities!

Wired Connection constantly drops out?

20 May 2013 - 04:18 PM

Hey all,


I'm currently in a college dorm. I find that about every 5-10 minutes (if I'm lucky), my wired connection drops out. There's no way that I can be on the wireless while in the dorms. The school doesn't allow it.


It happens no matter what. Whether it be in MH3U or leaderboards in bit.trip.runner2. Sometimes I can stay connected long enough to finish a monster hunt. But usually that doesn't happen, and it's becoming increasingly frustrating.


I've had no issues staying connected at home on a wireless connection. I'm using an official Nintendo LAN adapter. Could it be the Wii U itself? Or is it more likely the college internet?


It just baffles me that a wired connection drops out so frequently.

Could extended off tv play time cause continuous freezing?

18 May 2013 - 04:04 PM

I've been playing a lot of off tv play recently because my tv has been seriously occupied. I've been freezing almost continuously the past few days. Especially during Monster Hunter Online. Could the off tv play be causing this?

Not sure what games to pick up...

28 March 2013 - 07:07 PM

I'm debating between picking up 2 of these 4 games as soon as I have the money:


1. Lego City Undercover

2. Monster Hunter 3G

3. The Amazing Spider Man

4. Need for Speed: Most Wanted


I'm thinking that Lego City will definitely be one of the 2.


I really wanna support Criterion in the hopes of future 3rd party support. Plus I like racing games


The Amazing Spider Man looks like a decent open world action game. My favorite genre.


Monster Hunter 3G because it looks great. But then again, I didn't enjoy Monster Hunter 3 Tri on Wii very much. So this is probably the lowest on my list.


What would you guys do?

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