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Member Since 07 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2012 09:37 AM

#150836 I would like some help from buddies

Posted by Sushi on 22 December 2012 - 03:42 PM

No problem. Also, if you encounter swelling, I know ice and other cold stuff helped a LOT more than heat. So ice pack, or eat some ice cream.

Another tip is if you can get your hands on some "natural" honey, meaning local farmer market type, not store bought came from china kind. It is thicker, but has a lot more nutrients, and anti-histamines (sp?) So it works as an antibiotic to keep the wounds healthy, and takes down the swelling pretty well. Plus, it is SOOOO much more delicious than store bought honey. Just don't get Basswood type... that one is kinda bland.

#150806 I would like some help from buddies

Posted by Sushi on 22 December 2012 - 02:27 PM

I just had my tonsils out a few weeks ago, and it took almost 3 weeks before I could really start getting food down, so I know your troubles.

For food I sugguest nothing too chewy for a while. So, jello, pudding, apple sauce, soup with slightly overcooked noodles so they are softer, yogurt, milk shakes, ice cream, and popsickles.

Then if you feel up too it, move onto soft things, noodles, soft bread and crackers in soup, lunch meat is good too if it is sliced thin.

If I remember anything from my brother getting his wisdom teeth out, you don't want the area to dry up, so drink alot. And when eatting things like bread or crackers, make sure to combine or follow it with some liquid. You don't want it building up by the wholes.

#149734 Back in the swing of it

Posted by Sushi on 19 December 2012 - 04:14 PM

Good! Onto coloring Chao's!

Hey sushi and haven't seen u on the forums here in months but it's good to hear that your back.

Umm..draw me some zelda and it could be anything and I'm not picky of fan art.

Posted Image

#149649 Back in the swing of it

Posted by Sushi on 19 December 2012 - 01:13 PM

Will do! ^_^ I'm done coloring Goomba's! Now to hopefully not fight with Tricky's scanner

Draw a Goo... never mind, draw Pikmin.

Posted Image

#149558 Back in the swing of it

Posted by Sushi on 19 December 2012 - 08:41 AM


So some to most of you guys know me directly, or indirectly through Tricky and the Wii U pod cast.
But did you know I haven't been on much? Well that was because my job was ending and then I had a tonsillectomy! Woo... *sarcasium*

Anyway ho ha's. I'm feeling better and I'm bored out of my skull half the time, and I missed the secret santa thing, sooooooooo...
I want to get back to talking to people and back into drawing.

So here's the deal, this here is an open, free shoppie.
I'll draw anything you want me to, obviously with some exceptions.
  • No nudies. Not that I wouldn't, but I suck at private part anatomy. So just skip it.
  • No real people, unless permission is granted. Also, I tend to draw people in Manga and Chibi forms, unless it's a known character, like Princess Peach or something.
  • No bad stuff. Swearing and whatnot. I can do #@^%$&&* stuff, but no real language for that part.
  • I will pick the art style I feel like, unless you state otherwise. I have pencil, ink, crayon, color pencil, and photoshop. But I am not the best with the photoshop, so if you want that style, please don't ask for anything super huge, I'm still learning.
So final recap. No giant pictures in photoshop of people, let's say Tricky, half necked in bondage gear, swearing up a storm while clubbing a baby chocobo.
Got that?
Good. Now, ASK AWAY!!!

What I'm Drawing:
  • Rigby for Geno (<-- paused for the holidays)
  • Wii U GamePad in Reggie's head. For Blake
  • Elric for Elric

Attached Thumbnails

  • freya.jpg
  • freya colored copy.jpg
  • logo.jpg

#113036 Halloween is coming! What will you do?

Posted by Sushi on 26 September 2012 - 05:50 PM

Hey everyone! Halloween is about a month away now, so what will you be doing!??!!

Dressing up? What as?
Trick O' Treating?

As for me, I found a neat coat thingy at a thrift store so I am going to be a Lion Tamer/Ring Master.
I even have a whip! ;)

My mom says I can have a party at the new house, but there is no furniture, so I think that is out...
Maybe I'll go trick o treating with Tricky. (I'm trying to make him into a old timey strong man, that or my lion. ^_^ )

So what about you?
And no "Your too old for Trick Or Treating"
You are never too old, and if you think so, well then your lame. Because free candy rocks!!

#105073 Nintendo Power being discontinued after 24 years.

Posted by Sushi on 07 September 2012 - 06:29 PM


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