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Member Since 11 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active May 29 2016 08:40 AM

#317522 New Nintendo controller patent

Posted by Hunter on 12 December 2015 - 02:37 PM

I said it once, twice, thrice, etc and I'll say it again: Nintendo needs to focus on the lowest price they can pull off without compromising the experience. Games like Windwaker, Splatoon, etc prove that the Wii U as-is can push out really awesome graphics; and the older Wii proves that Nintendo can dominate by acting as a "secondary" console that people purchase alongside their Xbox or Playstation, or even as a entry console to the current generation.


but the wii wasn't successful as a "secondary" console, it was successful because they tapped into a new market, a market which has since moved to smartphones


making a console the same as xbox and ps4 is going to flop, they need something which will get those people (or non gamers again) to buy the console

#317204 Nintendo Direct Thursday

Posted by Hunter on 10 November 2015 - 12:45 PM

Yeah excited! This will be the last of the directs as we have known them... as they are doing a new format for 2016. 


Members will be live in chat room during the direct.



There's a chat room?

#316731 Minecraft Story Mode - Coming to Wii U

Posted by Hunter on 26 August 2015 - 01:58 PM

minecraft sux

#315961 No Devils Third in North America it seems

Posted by Hunter on 09 July 2015 - 11:18 PM

actually, what is most disappointing about this is that the online multiplayer will be empty

#315817 Rumour - NX will NOT be competing in power with PS4

Posted by Hunter on 04 July 2015 - 11:12 PM

the only way they can make NX more powerful or equally powerful as PS4 is if they can somehow sell the console cheaper. PS4/X1 owners are not going to buy it if it is expensive.


As long as it's easier to develop for than the Wii U so we get third parties and it's maybe a little closer to matching PS4, then that's all you need really.

#315732 NX manufacturing reported to begin October

Posted by Hunter on 02 July 2015 - 10:12 AM

Quality of Life maybe?

#315722 Splatoon: Tower Control Coming July 2nd in Ranked Mode

Posted by Hunter on 02 July 2015 - 06:19 AM

very annoying that you cant choose or even vote between the different game modes, i hope nintendo fixes this

#315597 A Visit To Jim Henson Studios with Mr. Miyamoto

Posted by Hunter on 30 June 2015 - 06:23 AM

i would pay an obscene amount of money for one of the starfox puppets

#315489 Reggie: A Physical Option Will Always Be Available

Posted by Hunter on 28 June 2015 - 01:11 AM

All digital with limited internet speeds in many states and countries I am glad all digital is not here yet. I am physical all the way. I mourn the day we are 100% digital in gaming.


For me when given the option it will be in the words of Olivia Newton herself



5 or 6 years ago people thought we were all going to be downloading music and that physical albums would be dead by now. But there is still demand for physical albums, just look at the resurgence in popularity of vinyl.


so I hope that physical games never die

#315468 Reggie: A Physical Option Will Always Be Available

Posted by Hunter on 27 June 2015 - 03:33 PM

Is there even much demand for any of the big three to go "all digital"? I don't know anyone who downloads many full retail games digitally.

#315467 It's a hard knock life for us Wii U owners.

Posted by Hunter on 27 June 2015 - 03:29 PM

sure we have the best exclusives, but it would be good to have some of the decent multiplats to play in between the releases of the amazing exclusives

#315398 Nintendo - The 75th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Posted by Hunter on 25 June 2015 - 11:04 PM

I wonder if the collaborations with 3rd parties are for NX? I hope so, Wii U is a lost cause for 3rd parties at this point.

#315243 Monday Melee: "GoldenEye" With Schmoes Know's Mark Ellis

Posted by Hunter on 23 June 2015 - 12:01 PM

this put me in the mood to fire up this masterpiece again


but these guys are morons "there's only one stick", must be the first time they played a classic game

#315117 Grade each conference

Posted by Hunter on 21 June 2015 - 08:55 AM

Agreed these western games every year are so scripted it hurts my head. Every Uncharted since 2 shown at E3 has a massive downgrade on release. FFVII is the weakest FF on PS1. Like Oot one of the weakest entries on it's own system and period is the most praised. Gears 4 did the same formula we see almost every single time in these western game presentations. Start off where two character walk and talk about nothing. Then did you see/hear that. They investigate. Walk and talk and something is happening to build up for a payoff. Then BOOM stuff happens and right before we see the rest...fade to black and title screen. It's used to much it has no impact anymore.


i remember when they showed the last of us and i thought it looked great the way the AI reacted to your moves and decisions during combat


and then the game had nothing like that in it...

but yeah i absolutely despise any kind of cgi or scripted trailer really, especially from third party devs because they can't be trusted 

#315087 B games. How wonderful they are.

Posted by Hunter on 20 June 2015 - 01:25 PM

Do the Conduit games count? I thought they were great

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