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Member Since 28 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 05 2013 02:41 AM

#148447 Anyone else having this problem with their gamepad LCD screen?

Posted by wiiufoo on 15 December 2012 - 10:55 PM

You opened a brand new never opened up Wii U? If so what your describing may be the plastic they put on electronic devices to help protect them.

Heres a picture of what I'm talking about.

Posted Image

found a thread on neogaf which stated its from humidity and that it can be dried out. So I put it up to my heater on high setting and its starting to dissapear.

So anyone else with this issue put a blow dryer or heater next to it and it should resolve your problem. Just from humidity.

#147232 Wii U is in a precarious position

Posted by wiiufoo on 12 December 2012 - 06:17 PM

Actually Nintendo I think is safe this time because it set itself apart from both Microsoft and Sonys Consoles.

The new Playstation and Xbox will be very similar with their approach to gaming(that is going for horsepower) opposed to the Wii U's innovation with the gamepad. It's such a difference experience where it's worth getting even if you own an xbox/ps3.

Sony this time around is going be in the most trouble as they are already in financial trouble and on top of that have to compete with Microsofts when they both launch.

The Wii U has at least a year head start with the upcoming consoles. Who knows, we might not get one or both of the next gen consoles until 2014?

So before the next two consoles even come out, you can expect to see a $50 price drop on both versions of the console in 2013 sometime(most likely fall/holiday time). This will make the basic 250 and the delux 300.

The Wii launched at a $250 price rang and that seemed to be the sweet spot. Microsoft and Sonys new console will be at a higher price where the casual consumer would rather get the Wii U.

If you have noticed there isn't much marketing for the Wii U. My idea on this is there's no need for it since there isn't any competition and the systems price point is at its highest since it just launched. Why spend all that money now? I believe Nintendo is waiting for the games and maybe a price drop and you can guarantee to see the Wii U marketed all over with commercials and what not before the next two consoles come out.

On top of all this, Nintendos 1st part titles are easily system sellers and have always carried Nintendo through any tough times.

I think Nintendo is safe. ;)

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