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Member Since 28 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2015 02:42 PM

#312345 *Stands up and applauds*

Posted by DexterousGecko on 24 April 2015 - 05:07 PM

lets be honest here, mario 1 was a very small fraction of the game that new games are in terms of content and manhours/resources. Yes, there are nasty dlc practices, but some devs release a full game, and continue working on the game releasing new things as dlc. That I dont mind, in fact I really enjoy it. I love finishing with a game and feeling like it's complete, then having somehting added on for a few bucks.


Stop pretending dlc is the devil.

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#311724 AngryJoeShow Nintendo Rant

Posted by DexterousGecko on 08 April 2015 - 04:07 PM

Asian business practices are a joke. They have no concept of letting some of their rights go to make more profit. Nintendo videos on youtube are in no way losing them profits, infact their probably helping them. Didn't EA start making new copies of skate 3 solely due to pewdiepie playing the game on his channel? I've purchased numerous games based on let's plays and streams I've watched.


I live in korea and companies do the same thing. Me and a buddy used to go to this mom and pop dunkin donuts 3 times a week and my buddy would always ask for a little milk for his coffee. After a couple of months the owner thought she was being ripped off and started charging us $2.00 extra for a little milk. So they lost our business for the future over a quarter cup of milk 3 times a week. Nintendo is doing the same thing here. They're exercising their rights sure, but their alienating thousands of potential customers in the process.


Just because you have the right to do something, it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

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#311491 I Finally Got One!

Posted by DexterousGecko on 04 April 2015 - 05:20 PM

April fools. Watch the video, it's fun. Give him a free view, and while you are at it you can click on the ad before the video starts. That will surely net him a couple pennies.



Well now i feel like a grump old man, but im still not watching the vid :P

#301894 What game has the best storyline ever?

Posted by DexterousGecko on 04 November 2014 - 07:36 PM

FFVI, before the series went completely off the track into nonsense story land. (FFIX and FFXII being exceptions)

#300174 Final Fantasy. The Narrative Difference

Posted by DexterousGecko on 11 October 2014 - 05:12 AM

Awesome video. If that was you, then you've got some great thoughts.


FFVI vs FFXIII really does sum up how to do linear and how NOT to do it.

#292110 LF Hidden Abiltey corphish/crawdaunt FT Hidden Abiltey Pinsir

Posted by DexterousGecko on 01 July 2014 - 11:37 AM







#290309 I like XBox One

Posted by DexterousGecko on 14 June 2014 - 05:00 PM

Or just buy all three imo

this. Why have a console war. Have an orgy instead.

#289447 Did I get a good deal?

Posted by DexterousGecko on 10 June 2014 - 02:12 PM

ghosts isn't a bad game, but I didn't like the progression system as much as other titles. Gameplay of course is extremely tight, as per usual.

#278274 Metrico

Posted by DexterousGecko on 22 March 2014 - 12:13 PM

I just saw some white dude talking to a white chick...where's the game? :(

#278100 Titanfall boosts Xbox One UK sales by 96%, Tea and Crumpets for all.

Posted by DexterousGecko on 20 March 2014 - 02:37 PM

I own a high end PC.


1080p/60fps is so last generation man.

That "high end" PC must be really engaging if you spend your time insulting consoles all day long. I don't have a high end PC (GTX 770, i5 4670k) but I can see the pleasures that are pc gaming, BUT I can appreciate why people would like consoles as well. There's no need to constantly stomp on "console kiddies" just for giggles.


ON topic: titanfall BOOOO :( EA sucks butt

#278088 Titanfall boosts Xbox One UK sales by 96%, Tea and Crumpets for all.

Posted by DexterousGecko on 20 March 2014 - 12:03 PM

I thought you'd be used to poor frame rates, you own a PS4 after all.

seriously what exactly do YOU own? you insult ps4, wii u...wait. are you an xboxone owner? pc elitist? Or do you just hate everything ? Good Lord man.

#276551 What if Nintendo changed their image to something similar to MS/Sony?

Posted by DexterousGecko on 09 March 2014 - 06:22 PM

Yes, he said it.  There are real adults, and there are the modern selfish, narcissistic manchildren who want to spend their entire lives pretending like they're still in college.  


And now that I just finished putting my daughter to bed, I think I'll go play "kiddie Nintendo games." :)



So I have to be married with kids to be a "real" adult.


With your logic, who needs college!


On topic: Nintendo doesn't need to make "adult" (lol) games. They just need to make good games. Notice the plural there.

#276521 What if Nintendo changed their image to something similar to MS/Sony?

Posted by DexterousGecko on 09 March 2014 - 02:45 PM

No, they dont. Those games you are referring to are manchild games. They target teens, who dont understand what 'adult' is, and 'adults' wwho have yet to grow up and are suffering arrested development, and are going to end up living in a van down by the river.

Real adults have families children and responsibilities, such as playing games that are appropriate for their children to watch and play with them. And as long as they are doing that, might as well be some of the best games ever made.

We already have two identical machines, why do these morons keep wanting everything to be exactly the same?


Did you honestly just say that? Wow. "real adults have familes children"??? lol


I'll stay in my van down by the river thank you very much.

#275253 Console wars

Posted by DexterousGecko on 01 March 2014 - 12:05 PM

Everyone agrees that no gaming company in the world that creates and innovates  like Nintendo

actually everyone doesn't agree with that at all...

#275115 whats invovative about ps4

Posted by DexterousGecko on 28 February 2014 - 01:38 PM

umm Nintendo is getting 3rd party support



That bird on the right sums up exactly what I'd look like playing it :)

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