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Member Since 01 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 27 2015 05:21 PM

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Came back to the WII U

16 June 2015 - 08:44 AM

2 yrs ago I got a WII U and after 5 months I sold it.  Was perfectly fine with selling that as there wasn't much going on game wise.  So the other day I was looking on Ebay and won an auction for a 32g system for $130.  Now it was missing a power cord so I ordered one.  Now I was quite leery of this deal but yesterday I powered everything on. 


First Off the Good:


Minor scuffs but no major cosmetic issues

System was preloaded with Super Mario 3d world

Sonic and Sega All stars was still in the system (I 900'd this on xbox but hey free game)


The almost bad:


System powered up but after 10 minutes the light went red and shut off, I unplugged tried again and powered down.  Now I was not freaking out as I paid very little, but I was slightly annoyed as it was turning on but then off.  Low and behold I do a web search and someone mentioned the fan.  I blow out some dust and out falls a dried up dead moth.  I power the system back on and the fan is now running.  So last night I played Mario 3d for the first time and the system is fully functional....not bad.



Next up Splatoon

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