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Member Since 14 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 08 2014 04:19 AM

#285543 Mario Kart 8 Online Disappointment + Why so many babies?

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 18 May 2014 - 06:30 AM

Why doesn't the block feature totally keep you from seeing people's threads?


omg then dont post here ffs



again I dont see why everyone must hate so much on this post? Its just my ( and a few others) opinion. No offense intended whatsoever. If its such a big problem to post ones honest opinion then just tell me how to delete it and I'll do.

#285520 Mario Kart 8 Online Disappointment + Why so many babies?

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 18 May 2014 - 02:56 AM

There is no skylanders game whos metacritic score comes clost to mario kart 8's.

you think i made it up or what?? why should I do that???

Mario Kart 8: 89

swap force: 89




Wait, why does everyone think this is a terrible thread? Is it because the guy is right?


The roster is terrible and online features are pretty limited. These are facts.

thanks mate!


Yep. And why do we need to post about it on here? Is it gonna magically make the roster better and make online up to par?

well somehow we should do something



They are no deal-breakers for me, but yeah it's keeping this game from being the perfect Mario Kart.

thats my point.. if they wouldve just listened to the fans then we could have a perfect mk



Does someone else want to tell him why this was a bad idea/not the smartest post, or shall I?

pls explain. I thought a forum is to share thoughts ;)


I expected most people to take this as " trolling" but its seriosly not

#285467 Mario Kart 8 Online Disappointment + Why so many babies?

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 17 May 2014 - 04:48 PM

Hi guys! I'm really disappointed that Nintendo never seems to listen to their fans. No new Metroid (rather DK), startfox, fzero u, etc are just the tip of the iceberg.


"... once again, Nintendo’s den mother attitude rears its head: Chat is restricted to lobbies with friends only. There’s no option to invite friends into a game, and Mario Kart 8 also doesn't provide message notifications. This is seriously disappointing because you have to use outside means to coordinate friends-only races. These omissions often make Mario Kart 8 feel like a fancy import Ferrari with an old ham radio built into the dashboard."


Why cant't they realize that some of us arent 10 year old kids. Even the worst Wii U game COD Ghosts offers up to date online features. I was expecting perfection but Nintendo been screwing with us since I bought the Wii U for ridic 450$. And why do we need every Character in baby or metal form?? So thats why it has the same meta score as skylanders. I expected MUCH more!


And I do not intend do insult anybody here so dont take this post the wrong way! I'm just worried bout big N and I was really psyched to play a good online mode with my friends in public lobbies.


#269056 Ultra funny/odd old Nintendo GBA advertisement

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 28 January 2014 - 10:25 AM

A Prof of mine had this Picture in his lecture so i did some reasearch and found more of them. So Nintendo had the "adult" gamer aproachalready a long time ago xD being a badass playing the gba sp! oh yeah










#268407 RUMOR: Wii U version of Watch Dogs cancelled.

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 24 January 2014 - 05:03 AM

*Unless Nintendo fans actually put money where their mouth is and buy Watch_Dogs


If even 2.7 million out of the 5.5 million+ Wii U users buy Watch_Dogs in the first month of release It's a good indicator, not only that but it will be the fastest Wii U title sold, in fact it will probably be the highest selling Wii U title ever!

well i will buy it i even preordered the special edition (which got cancelled for wii u) just to support that shiat 

Why not just tweet Ubisoft? The mere fact it's on their website should hold a lot of weight.


#266889 Hello my fellow Nintendo Fans! Greetings from 7HzG_Dr.Legendaddy

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 16 January 2014 - 07:11 AM

Welcome ^.^ Enjoy your stay :)D

Thanks im sure i will :)



(Wario Land is one of favorite game series) *gives Dr. Legendaddy a digital high five*


Welcome aboard the S.S. Wii U Forums, hope you enjoy your stay! Also you definitely have some great taste in video games!

i c u got awesome taste too my friend!  B) thx for the welcome!

#266603 Why would anyone buy a PlayStation branded device in the future?

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 14 January 2014 - 05:04 PM

I wouldnt!  :mellow: i got my wii u n 3ds for nintendo ips and pc for everything else

#266527 Youtube Channel Masterthread

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 14 January 2014 - 10:38 AM

Our channel is pretty new and features (will feature) Fail collections, commentaries, walkthroughs and other stuff from wii u, 3ds and pc.


channel name: [7HzG] - Seven Heartz Gaming


link: http://www.youtube.c...1p4nGlkCn8ERUGA


Thank you very much! I hope you will like some of the videos that will come :)

#266493 Hello my fellow Nintendo Fans! Greetings from 7HzG_Dr.Legendaddy

Posted by Dr.Legendaddy on 14 January 2014 - 06:59 AM

Hi everyone! 


I've always been a HUGE Nintendo fan! Since the gameboy with Mario Land 2 and Star Wars and the Snes with Zelda and Mario Kart all the way to the Wii U with COD and 3D World and 3DS with Fire Emblem and Acnl.


My fav games franchizes are Mario Kart, SSB, Animal crossing, COD, Yoshis Islands, Wario Land and F-Zero. (Especially Wario Land 4)


Im also in a Wii U and other consoles clan called 7HzG who is always looking for nice people to play with. (you got my NNID)


My most anticipated games this year are Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros and the new Yoshis Island. Im also getting easily a lil angry when Nintendo is insulted by trolls :)


Looking forward to make many friends on this forum. 




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