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#59906 What part of the Wii U gets you hyped the most?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 February 2012 - 04:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

For me, it's Nintendo Network. Finally, a standard online service from Nintendo, with DLC and everything, I don't know why it gets me so hyped, but it just does. I seriously can't wait 4 months for E3 2012, I just can't...
But what gets you hyped the most?

#72073 What Nintendo Studio Are You Most Excited to See Make a Game for the Wii U?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 13 April 2012 - 06:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Because Monolith= Awesome JRPGs!
FOR WII U!!!!!!!!!

#69688 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 April 2012 - 08:51 AM in The Café

Video Game Music FTW!
The World Ends With You OST-
Emptiness and-
The One Star
Gimme All Your Love
Calling-Kingdom Mix- KH 3DS OST
Twister-KH 3DS OST-
Persona 3 OST (ALL OF IT.)
Persona 4 OST (Best OST EVAR!)
I'm still pretty open to music, tho.
Not today's music, I used to think it was OK but now I just can't stand (I don't know how someone could take minutes of hearing "You A Stupid H** OVER AND OVER AGAIN WITH DIFFERENT BEATS.)

#70537 What is it that gamers claim they want?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 08 April 2012 - 10:36 AM in General Gaming

I just want Nintendo to save Sega by buying them. That's all I want :(
Along with a NEW Jet Set Radio for Wii U.
But looking at Sega's financial status....

#49845 What Do You Think Is The Future For Nintendo Franchises?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 30 December 2011 - 11:23 AM in General Gaming

Why? Because of Other M? The game wasn't THAT bad. It's obviously the worst in the series, but I don't think it's enough to bring the series down. It's like if Pixar made a move that bombed. Would that put them in danger of being shut down? No, because of all the success of their other films.

Oh, it's not because of Other M, it's because of this:

#49812 What Do You Think Is The Future For Nintendo Franchises?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 30 December 2011 - 08:21 AM in General Gaming

Will Nintendo save them? Will Nintendo leave them?
Share your thoughts! I'll share mine:

1.Mario Bros: The series will remain a classic, just it like it as been for the past 25 years
2. Zelda: Another classic that is bound to end because it follows a (very complex) story
3.Metroid: Metroid will be saved and will be a successful series like Zelda
4. Kid Icarus: With the sudden comeback of Pit, Nintendo will probably save this guy by creating a deeper story, more characters, etc.
5.Kirby: Like Mario,Kirby still has alot of platformer fun to give gamers.
5.Golden Sun: It will become one of Nintendo's best franchise, if it isn't already.
6. Fire Emblem: Like Golden Sun, Fire Emblem will probably gain more success in N.A if Nintendo does it right.
7.Advanced Wars: Same as Fire Emblem
8.Ice Climbers: Nothing you can really do for these guys
9. Donkey Kong: Retro will probably work alot more on Donkey Kong and create awesome games
10.Mother:....I WANT MOTHER 4
11. Custom Robo: Do you even know what Custrom Robo is?
12.Pokemon: Like Mario and Kirby, Pokemon still has a lot to offer to it's tons of fans world wide.
13.F-Zero: The WiiU will probably make F-Zero even more awesome than ever.
14.Starfox: WiiU will make Starfox popular all over again, if Nintendo makes the games, not other developers (Namco,Rare)

#49841 What Do You Think Is The Future For Nintendo Franchises?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 30 December 2011 - 11:20 AM in General Gaming

Yeah I dont see Nintendo droping LoZ anytime soon. But I think that the thing that is most likely to be dropped would be Donkey Kong to my opinion.

No, if Nintendo did not want DK they wouldn't have asked Retro to make DKC Returns. The franchise I see that is in danger is Metroid, someone needs to save it A.S.A.P

im just hoping they bring custom robo back it would be amazing on the wiiu or 3ds

I own Custom Robo for the GCN, I thought it was a pretty cool game but it's just way to underrated everywhere except for Japan, it's a fun franchise but I don't think it will be coming back anytime soon :(

I think it's safe to say that Mario, the Legend of Zelda and Pokemon will be safe for a long time. I think that it's possible that any of their other IPs could be dropped if they stop being successful.

I think that if the other IPs get a chance on the WiiU, they could be saved, but for some IPs, like Ice Climbers, there's just no hope

#75874 What do people think about Nintendo & Sony?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 29 April 2012 - 12:13 PM in General Gaming

For me, it's a Love/Hate relationship with Sony. And the love is not even that much, but with games like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, they amaze me, but when they get cocky and use the "Bad Boy" attitude it makes me want to throw my PlayStation 2 out the window.
Jack Tretton is an Idiot and really needs to be more professional in the way he states his OPINION.

#85697 What consoles are you getting next gen? (8th gen)

Posted by Reaper Pin on 08 June 2012 - 07:35 AM in General Gaming

I'm not even sure if I'll be able to buy one, I've been stuck on Gamecube/PS2 gen for a long time. I am very determined to get the Wii U this gen, tho, so I hope that works out.

#62375 Well, this is awkward...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 18 February 2012 - 10:14 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

That awkward moment when a girl pushes you and you push her back-she steps back and you grab her boob. Happened to me and was... not so bad :P

Did she slap you?
Or did you just looked away
or did she... like it?!

#62416 Well, this is awkward...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 19 February 2012 - 07:32 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

That awkward moment where a sibling really wants a toy and doesnt get it and starts crying so you knock him out.

You..... you punched your little sibling?

#62324 Well, this is awkward...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 18 February 2012 - 05:07 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I accidentally hugged a girl from the back who wasn't my girlfriend.
It wasn't my fault that she had almost the same body physique, hairstyle and @$$ as her. <_<

Sure..... accidentally.......

#62454 Well, this is awkward...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 19 February 2012 - 10:48 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I remember having a hard time trying to sleep one night because the woman next door to us is a screamer... Good the the Mr doesn't last long though.

Uh.... dude....
A screamer?

#89337 Well that Nintendo Direct was a bit disappointing...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 21 June 2012 - 09:04 PM in General Gaming

Lol this Nintendo Direct destoryed E3, I don't know how you thought it was disappoing, unless you hyped for Wii U news which we got new news on Smash Bros which nobody expected.

Jin vs Captain Falcon forever

#89326 Well that Nintendo Direct was a bit disappointing...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 21 June 2012 - 08:28 PM in General Gaming

Shut up, you.

You couldn't seriously be expecting Wii U stuff... did you.



Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 09:15 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

>Be 10 years old
>Talk to a random professor stranger
>Get a dangerous creature
>Talk to Mom
>Mom let's you leave your town, leave school, your friends, your family,pets, money, clothes, EVERYTHING.
>Go on a quest to take on some dangerous people even if you are only 10
>Participate on legalized turkey fights using creatures called Pocket Monsters
Rinse and Repeat, that's Pokemon for ya!


Posted by Reaper Pin on 18 February 2012 - 09:40 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

A Dragon type Pokemon's weakness is another Dragon type move.


Posted by Reaper Pin on 06 July 2012 - 09:44 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Hey Sora

Just when fans think they finally figured at a series as a whole, a new game comes in to screw everything over.

I'm looking at you, LoZ and KH.

: D

#71029 Video Game Recommendation?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 09 April 2012 - 08:24 PM in General Gaming


1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
2. Kid Icarus: Uprising
3. The World Ends with You
4. Mario Kart 7
5. Super Mario 3D Land (But only because of StreetPass. Other than that, I don't really like it...)


1. The Legend of Zelda (SORRY! FOR SOME REASON I DON'T LIKE IT NO MORE! :( )
2. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
3. Mutant Mudds

And I'm looking forward to Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure. Any suggestions?

W-wait, what? SMT DS and Zelda?!

#75401 UPDATED Rayman Legends WiiU LEAKED TRAILER

Posted by Reaper Pin on 27 April 2012 - 01:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That looked sexy.
Looking forward to downloading it if it comes digitally to the eShop!

Posted Image R.I.P the person at Ubisoft that leaked this. You are a hero among heroes.

#85340 Ubisoft won E3!

Posted by Reaper Pin on 07 June 2012 - 12:14 PM in General Gaming

Of course they did! Watch Dogs looks so sexy : p

#91831 tv shows

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 09:38 AM in Introduction Central

Adventure time,
C'mon, grab your friends,
We'll go to very distant Lands
With Jake the Dog,
And Finn the Human,
The Adventures'll never end,
It's Adventure Time!

#72078 To Capture the Gaming Enthusiast, Nintendo Needs Games that...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 13 April 2012 - 07:06 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They Need Kingdom Hearts III

Need it.

#63571 Things that annoy you about the internet.

Posted by Reaper Pin on 26 February 2012 - 12:13 AM in The Café


Oh god eww don't mention that.
It gets freaking horrible when they attack FunnyJunk

#75887 The Other Videos of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

Posted by Reaper Pin on 29 April 2012 - 12:51 PM in General Gaming

So, after playin' some Melee and looking at PSASBR or whatever, I think I like Smash alot more, sure, it's similar, but the pacing and gameplay is different.
I guess good luck to Sony and their SSB clone, because it actually is different, but will never replace something like Smash, ever.

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