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There have been 320 items by Reaper Pin (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#90647 How old are you?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 28 June 2012 - 11:34 PM in The Café


: D


#91776 New Console Coming To Challenge Wii U, PlayStation 4 And Next Xbox

Posted by Reaper Pin on 03 July 2012 - 09:01 PM in General Gaming

Not after this disaster.
Posted Image

What the F*** is that?

#91823 Microsoft: Wii U just as powerful as 360.

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 09:07 AM in Wii U Hardware

I felt like this guy was trying to be more positive than negative towards Nintendo, I mean, he even said that Xbox360 player could enjoy the Wii U because of the Pro Controller!

#91825 If Pokemon were real.

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 09:10 AM in The Café

Real Pokemon?
Posted Image

I think not. They look disgusting.


Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 09:15 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

>Be 10 years old
>Talk to a random professor stranger
>Get a dangerous creature
>Talk to Mom
>Mom let's you leave your town, leave school, your friends, your family,pets, money, clothes, EVERYTHING.
>Go on a quest to take on some dangerous people even if you are only 10
>Participate on legalized turkey fights using creatures called Pocket Monsters
Rinse and Repeat, that's Pokemon for ya!

#91831 tv shows

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 09:38 AM in Introduction Central

Adventure time,
C'mon, grab your friends,
We'll go to very distant Lands
With Jake the Dog,
And Finn the Human,
The Adventures'll never end,
It's Adventure Time!

#91863 If Pokemon were real.

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 12:11 PM in The Café

What pokemon is that? There are better looking ones.

He's cool.

#91874 Make a wish and ruin someone else's

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 02:10 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Granted but since they rushed the system at your surprise when you open the box it's a piece of cardboard with a picture of a walrus on it.

I wish that Pokemon were real.

Granted, but you get a violent Charizard that wants to eat you

I wish I could own a 3DS with all the good games

#91927 Disturbing/Scary Pokemon PokeDex Entries

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 05:38 PM in The Café

What the Hell Gamefreak?
I thought this was a kids game!
But then again, theres this-

#91930 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 July 2012 - 05:42 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That's right, the guys who made the awesome Golden Sun, Golden Sun: Lost Age, and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (Along with the Mario Tennis Series) Want to work on a Donkey Kong, to be more specific, a sequel to Donkey Kong 64!


Out of Nintendo’s entire stable of franchises, Hiroyuki Takahashi has said that he’d be most interested in working on Donkey Kong.

The Camelot president told Nintendo Gamer in its July issue that the series “would prove really interesting” since its “games are full of surprises.” He pointed to Donkey Kong 64 specifically in his response.

Speaking of Donkey Kong 64, Takahashi noted that he “would love to make a sequel to it.”

Perhaps this could happen… one day. Camelot does have a pretty close relationship with Nintendo, though the company has mostly stuck to Mario Tennis and Golden Sun titles in recent years.

I think this would be great! I enjoyed DK 64, but I never finished it.
I wonder what they could come up with to make it better.

#92069 Disturbing/Scary Pokemon PokeDex Entries

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 09:46 AM in The Café

The creepypasta are even worse. It's some scary sh**.

#92146 Lack of content concern for Pikmin 3? Discuss

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 02:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What you saw at E3 wasn't the full game, obviously.
Gotta save something for the Pre-WiiU launch Nintendo Direct!

#92147 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 02:43 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope they do, I loved Golden Sun Dark Dawn, had relatively decent graphics.

Golden Sun Dark Dawn had the best graphics on the DS. (When you go into a battle, of course.)
Posted ImagePosted Image

#92148 Wii U Will Support Headsets From Day One

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 02:48 PM in Wii U Hardware


#92150 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 02:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

And I was talking about out of battle of course.

High five!
: D
Seriously tho, it's a great game and can't wait to see what they'll do after Mario Tennis Open (Did they work on that?)

#92160 Nintendo customer service says Wii U/3DS to have unified eShop account setup

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 03:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

Posted Image
Even tho I might not have a Wii U at launch, I'l definitely have a 3DS XL by then!

#92162 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 03:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I have no idea what they worked on aside from Golden Sun games.

Here's a list from Wikipedia. I did not know they worked on the Shining series!

#92168 Post pointless stories of no substance whatsoever!

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 04:55 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

So there was this drunk teddy bear.

He's dead now.

#92193 Introducing Myself

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 06:35 PM in Introduction Central


Dat username.

#92210 Introducing Myself

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 08:01 PM in Introduction Central


EDIT: I'm sorry Reaper Pin. I just found out what a 69 is. Ugh...

No dude, I'm sorry. Shouldn't have mentioned it xD
change it back if you want : D

#92213 Hi...again

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 July 2012 - 08:49 PM in Introduction Central

But anyway, welcome to the forums and sorry for that comment of mine xD hope you have a great time because we need some new members


Posted by Reaper Pin on 06 July 2012 - 09:44 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Hey Sora

Just when fans think they finally figured at a series as a whole, a new game comes in to screw everything over.

I'm looking at you, LoZ and KH.

: D

#92326 Your favorite Youtube commentator(s)/Lets Players

Posted by Reaper Pin on 06 July 2012 - 02:44 PM in The Café

never mind

#92496 Sonic the Hedgehog 2013

Posted by Reaper Pin on 07 July 2012 - 10:12 PM in General Gaming

Knuckles rap songs? Correct me if I'm wrong, but those haven't been around since Adventure 2, right?

Could my dream of Sonic Adventure 3, or at least something like it, finally be coming true? :o

That was the horrible, terrible, full-of-glitches Sonic 06. I'm not kidding, it was supposed to be Adventure 3.

#92526 Sonic the Hedgehog 2013

Posted by Reaper Pin on 08 July 2012 - 09:05 AM in General Gaming

Nah, Unleashed was meant to be Adventure 3. That was the intention in the early stages of development, and in Japan the game is actually called "Sonic World Adventure". ;)

Sonic 06 definitely took inspiration from the SA series though... Just it was very poorly executed and rushed.

Oh. Well that's nice but Unleashed didn't feel like SA, either.

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