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There have been 320 items by Reaper Pin (Search limited from 07-July 23)

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#59915 Pokemon talk,trading and battling

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 February 2012 - 04:59 PM in General Gaming

I have Pokemon Black. I love it. It's the first Pokemon game I've ever played. I only got it because I was getting my daughter White so she could play with her cousin. As my dughter couldn't read when I got it (and actually still can't properly - she is only 5) I figured I'd play Black so I could tell her what to do when we aren't at her cousin's house. I am so very hooked now. :P


#59868 Pokemon talk,trading and battling

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 February 2012 - 01:38 PM in General Gaming

Pokemon Platinum

I think I have it, I traded my Palkia anyways, the thing is I'm a Pokemon noob and I don't know if you can trade crap on Pearl to a Platinum game.
But I do have it.

#59855 Pokemon talk,trading and battling

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 February 2012 - 12:52 PM in General Gaming

Anyone wanna trade sh** on Diamond and Pearl?
Anyone want to battle?
Ok  :(

#75401 UPDATED Rayman Legends WiiU LEAKED TRAILER

Posted by Reaper Pin on 27 April 2012 - 01:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That looked sexy.
Looking forward to downloading it if it comes digitally to the eShop!

Posted Image R.I.P the person at Ubisoft that leaked this. You are a hero among heroes.

#59906 What part of the Wii U gets you hyped the most?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 February 2012 - 04:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

For me, it's Nintendo Network. Finally, a standard online service from Nintendo, with DLC and everything, I don't know why it gets me so hyped, but it just does. I seriously can't wait 4 months for E3 2012, I just can't...
But what gets you hyped the most?

#62454 Well, this is awkward...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 19 February 2012 - 10:48 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I remember having a hard time trying to sleep one night because the woman next door to us is a screamer... Good the the Mr doesn't last long though.

Uh.... dude....
A screamer?

#62375 Well, this is awkward...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 18 February 2012 - 10:14 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

That awkward moment when a girl pushes you and you push her back-she steps back and you grab her boob. Happened to me and was... not so bad :P

Did she slap you?
Or did you just looked away
or did she... like it?!

#62324 Well, this is awkward...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 18 February 2012 - 05:07 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I accidentally hugged a girl from the back who wasn't my girlfriend.
It wasn't my fault that she had almost the same body physique, hairstyle and @$$ as her. <_<

Sure..... accidentally.......

#62416 Well, this is awkward...

Posted by Reaper Pin on 19 February 2012 - 07:32 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

That awkward moment where a sibling really wants a toy and doesnt get it and starts crying so you knock him out.

You..... you punched your little sibling?

#81930 Rumor: Wii U to support 4 U pads?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 30 May 2012 - 01:47 PM in Wii U Hardware


Just no.

#82042 Swear Filter

Posted by Reaper Pin on 30 May 2012 - 09:34 PM in Site News and Feedback

Can... can I be the Caps Lock Pony of this site if swearing is ever allowed?

#81582 Swear Filter

Posted by Reaper Pin on 29 May 2012 - 09:37 AM in Site News and Feedback

Can't wait to see all the "Horse Scats" filters after E3 2012.

#82695 Developer: “We Won’t Be Working On Wii U Due To Its Complexities”

Posted by Reaper Pin on 01 June 2012 - 10:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

Developer- "We don't want any challenge nor do we want to be creative."

#82124 Injustice: Gods Among Us - Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360 [Update]

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 08:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm definitely going to get this game. Wonder if they will put Doomsday

Flash will defeat all of them specially Batman. :P

We will have a fight if the game has online.
We will.

#82117 Injustice: Gods Among Us - Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360 [Update]

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 07:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Can't wait to play as Batman
Batman vs Flash

#87707 Iwata: The PlayStation 4 and Next Xbox won't be a huge leap in power

Posted by Reaper Pin on 14 June 2012 - 12:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

I.... I don't think Iwata is in the position to say that... after... well... you know.

#90647 How old are you?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 28 June 2012 - 11:34 PM in The Café


: D


#69510 RUMOR: Wii U more powerful then both PS4 and Xbox 720?

Posted by Reaper Pin on 04 April 2012 - 03:20 PM in Wii U Hardware


What is it with these rumors, man?

#74510 Crysis 3 not coming to Wii U:(

Posted by Reaper Pin on 24 April 2012 - 02:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

i have been talking with others about this for a while now on other forums and i could write an essay on it :P there are many thoughts that come to mind about this, im going to spew them all out.

1) Often a publisher chooses the platforms that a game comes to, not the studio. if that is the case here, then crytek may have just not gotten the word from EA to do it yet, and that they just dont expect it. EA has commited to supporting the system and so they could in the near future tell crytek to port the game over.

2) i decided to research this, im not sure about EA's partnership with crytek specifically, but i know that their partnerships with some other studios have been quite weak, meaning EA's power over them might be weak too. if this applies to crytek and EA's partnership, EA might have little power over crytek's games and the systems they come to.

3) EA does now have a partnership with nintendo, however it may be that that partnership only applies to games that are developed from 2012 onwards (or something like that) that means crysis 3 wont have to come, but every game after it will.

4)no system in history has had as much praise as wii u is getting from third parties, usually systems barely get any games at launch so dont be too disappointed if this game doesnt come, its still early in the life cycle, the support is still remarkable for this stage.

5) Crytek makes gorgous games, they like to push graphics, its not like them to settle for the weakest. wii u should be first on their mind after PC, not just 7 year old tech (ps360) so they may well bring this game to the system but just cant say anything yet.

6) nintendo has these beastly NDAs (and ninjas) making sure no one peeps. nintendo im sure was disappointed that third parties leaked project cafe last year. they're not letting any leaks out this time, and it could be that this guy is being made to deny a wii u version, just like capcom with RE6. we've never seen devs being so hushed before this.

7) though he did say a double negative, i dont think its hint at anything, clearly the dude is foreign and his grammer isnt perfect

Maybe Nintendo rejected Origin on Wii U and EA is now butthurt?
It's a possibility. Or maybe it could just be that stupid NDA.

#74506 Crysis 3 not coming to Wii U:(

Posted by Reaper Pin on 24 April 2012 - 02:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

There is a God?
Thank you, God.

#82317 ECHO3 Interviews U !

Posted by Reaper Pin on 31 May 2012 - 09:04 PM in The Café


#84796 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 09:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

LOL wow most of the people on here are so negative. Nintendo did what they had to do... Over the next few months you will see a few Nintendo Directs aimed at the Wii U, and they will slowly show off more stuff... Price, release date, etc... I think Nintendo had a good show... They showed off the system and what it could do...

Nintendo showed off stuff for the core and for the casual gamers in one hour... And its not easy to fit a bunch of content into 60 minutes...

Mario looks awesome... I've been waiting forever for a HD 2-D Mario game and this one fits the bill...

Zombi U looks very promising...

Pikmin 3 looks awesome...

Games like Darksiders 2, Assassins Creed 3, Rayman Legends and Project P-100 look great... And the 3rd party games have a little extra that the PS3/360 will not have...

I also think people need to be patient with Nintendo Land... This will basically be a "This is what this system and Wii U Gamepad can do" game, much like Wii Sports...

Be patient... I've been attending/watching E3 events since its birth in 1995 and IMO Nintendo had a very good show IMO... If you look around and read the hands-on stuff that journalists are experiencing you will see that they are liking what they see and play... I think most of you are disappointed because you expected the world from Nintendo... Games will come...

Look at the 3DS... A year later and the system has a ton of great games coming out... Be patient Nintendo fans...

No. We are negative today because I guess we expected so much, we are usually a great community (Well, not including me,I guess) We should have set our expections to drop-dead low if people expect us to "Get over our expectations" Of today's horrible, terrible, conference.

#84426 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 10:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They have all the major third party releases of earlier in the year, and are likely to have the more recent ones in 2013. Tricky position for nintendo though, they can't get everything because games take years to make.
pikmin 3, mario and more coming.
The console was revealed on sunday.

True, true.

#84422 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 10:17 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You set expectations wayyy too high.

Expecting good third party support is too high?
Expecting first party games is high?
Expecting that a conference, where a console was going to be fully revealed, to be good is too high?
What is this I don't even.

#84381 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by Reaper Pin on 05 June 2012 - 09:51 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I came to a conclusion.
It was sh**.
I was expecting Retro's new Massive game and Monolith Soft's HD Elder Scroll Rival game.
But what did we get? Sing? Who gives a f*** about that? No one. One chick even tweeted that the clapping after Sing was announced was fake. Just Dance 4? What the hell? They were supposed to show hardcore, new, games and they showed a bunch Idiots dressed like A-holes dancing to a whatever that thing on the screen was?! No Animal Crossing, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Zelda? WHAT. Pikmin 3, great! I was excited to see this and it looks amazing. New. Super Mario Bros. U? Cool, but New Super Mario Bros 2? Who gives a sh** about coins? Tell ya who, NO ONE.
The way to E3 was amazing. But the actual E3 was one of the most disappointing piece of crap I've endured in my whole life.

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