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#94444 "Two Unannounced, Big Multiplatform Games Will Look “Much Better” On Wii...

Posted by kris1206 on 19 July 2012 - 10:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

the driving game will be one of these
ridge racer

F-zero is not multi platform

But ridge racer is a possibility.
Could the shooter be Resi 6?

#94590 "Two Unannounced, Big Multiplatform Games Will Look “Much Better” On Wii...

Posted by kris1206 on 20 July 2012 - 02:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

How about half life 3? It has both shooter elements and it probably will have driving since half life 2 and episode 2 both had driving in

#94436 "Two Unannounced, Big Multiplatform Games Will Look “Much Better” On Wii...

Posted by kris1206 on 19 July 2012 - 10:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Possibly project cars for the driving game
I'd like too see what Black Ops 2 would look like but I doubt tryarch are really to bothered with graphical differences

Just realized that it said unannounced, probably another need for speed then.

#138402 ***What is the port and female threaded adapter for on the Wii U controller?***

Posted by kris1206 on 26 November 2012 - 09:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

That heart beat monitor thingy that they announced years ago, forgot what its called. Or maybe the gamepad plus/ connect two gamepads together

#155992 2013 Wii U Games

Posted by kris1206 on 04 January 2013 - 11:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Really want GTA V to come out for U but I know it wont
Project cars, cloudberry kingdom, 3D mario, pikmin 3, lego city undercover, fifa 14 (if hull get promoted) and I know its 3DS but Luigi's mansion DM

#149581 7000 Wii Us stolen!

Posted by kris1206 on 19 December 2012 - 09:35 AM in The Café

They could make around two million. I think that the cops will find out who did it, 7000 is alot and the boxes are pretty big so hiding them will be pretty hard.

They could make around two million. I think that the cops will find out who did it, 7000 is alot and the boxes are pretty big so hiding them will be pretty hard.

#157563 A few quick Xenoblade questions

Posted by kris1206 on 08 January 2013 - 08:42 AM in General Gaming

Allright so I got Xenoblade a few months ago but because of college work I hadn't had much time to play it but now I am pretty deep into the story.
1. Do characters who are not out fighting with you level up?
2. Is there a way to speed up auto attacks, it takes to long for my liking.
3. How do you improve your relationship between characters? (I wanna see more heart to hearts)

#101802 About Nintendo/Namco-Bandai partnership for next Smash Bros...

Posted by kris1206 on 24 August 2012 - 01:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

tbh i dont know how they can improve on brawl, barring the online it was pretty much perfect in my eyes.
Although they will prove me wrong like nintendo did when I said that nothing will be better than galaxy and then they made galaxy 2

#113598 Anyone here got RE6 early?

Posted by kris1206 on 29 September 2012 - 05:20 AM in General Gaming

Wait there is DLC already? I've gotta say DLC should only be made when the game becomes old, or when the game needs something new added to it. Never had DLC before but I would get it for a game like Skyrim after I have spent 200 hours walking round in circles.

I'll probably get it in a few months when the price drops to £20 cause people have stopped buying it.

#134618 Are the bricked Wii Us actually just on autopilot?

Posted by kris1206 on 20 November 2012 - 11:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hope so, I actually had a nightmare where the power went out whilst updating. Then I woke up

#112941 Banjo-Tooie Spiritual Successor Could Happen

Posted by kris1206 on 26 September 2012 - 12:19 PM in General Gaming

Gunna join twitter just to give support. The only thing that Would make it better would be if they made it for nintendo

#156929 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by kris1206 on 06 January 2013 - 02:19 PM in General Gaming

I have a feeling that it is going to be a mmorpg but something a little more RETRO

#101815 BK supporting WiiU

Posted by kris1206 on 24 August 2012 - 02:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

So burger king are getting NFC toys?

#120303 Burger King kids meal wii u ad

Posted by kris1206 on 22 October 2012 - 08:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Damn thought you meant Banjo Kazooie, I have seen the ad on x factor which was pretty good compared to the 3DS ones

#141954 Call of duty black ops II knife issue

Posted by kris1206 on 02 December 2012 - 05:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think its better how it is now, I prefare to just through that thing that is basically a tomahawk but named differently at anything that gets close to me

#116460 Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 cheap for UK Wii U owners

Posted by kris1206 on 10 October 2012 - 09:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Awesome! too bad I'm underage XD
Cannot wait for two years time when I can just go out and buy any game I want

#92725 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 03:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Sorry I can't understand what you are asking

It doesn't matter I thought you said that Nintendo had bought rare back

#92715 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 01:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Better yet Rare needs to quit talking about going back to nintendo and actually do it! Then we can have a real donkey kong game the way its meant to be made.

I think rare have lost it now though, all they can make is sports games. They should just give their rights to DK back to nintendo I mean its kinda worthless them having rights to King K Rool and Chunkey Kong anyways

I think that project sora, retro and camelot should work together

Oh and DK64 sequel for the Wii U and a country game for the 3DS as I saw DKCR in 3D on someones youtube video and it looked amazing

#92719 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by kris1206 on 09 July 2012 - 02:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I wonder if after Nintendo reaquired rare, all the people that left came back

What have they come back to nintendo now?

#92776 Camelot (Golden Sun, Mario Tennis) Want to work on Donkey Kong 64 2

Posted by kris1206 on 10 July 2012 - 03:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Nooooo, if they did. Would the old members come back

I don't think they would, some of them will have retired, most of them have gone to other game companies (I know 4 people who left rare to go to lionhead studios to work on fable) and the founders of rare are looking for other opportunities according to this article http://www.1up.com/n...e-founders-bolt

Plus I think rare's work rate has dropped serverly, they made so many games in a short space of time whilst working on their own projects back in the day but now they are just stuck to doing whatever microsoft tell them to do.

Camelot need to prove that they are capable of making games as good as DK64 by making a few games like it on the eshop

#148880 Can you turn the console on with the Gamepad?

Posted by kris1206 on 17 December 2012 - 10:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

Maybe the console was turned of at the plug

#109581 Confirmed: No online multiplayer for ZombiU

Posted by kris1206 on 18 September 2012 - 12:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Although I would of loved to see multiplayer in the game it could of been bad for the game. As far as I understand it this game is kinda like the 'hardcore' nintendo land. Therefore it should brag the asymmetric gameplay on multiplayer wilst showing off how awesome miiverse is.
Still multiplayer would of been a big selling point, but incredibly hard (if left 4 dead had super extreme insane mode) Just hope it has more multiplayer modes than capture the flag

#109971 CONFIRMED: ZombiU Premium bundle will NOT contain Nintendoland

Posted by kris1206 on 19 September 2012 - 07:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Im gunna get the normal premium bundle with nintendo land cause zombiU isnt that sutible to be playing in front of my relatives on Christmas day

#159427 Could Wii U be threatened by the 720 and Orbis?

Posted by kris1206 on 15 January 2013 - 09:24 AM in Wii U Hardware

Why its still the same system you brought at launch ?

Look a lot of wii u fans are feeling a little down right know, Thats only because when we go to news its its all ways about the wii u not doing well ? The fact is the wii u has had a good launch

and as for the games not being in the top 40 well this is not good news, They make it out that the wii u has no games in top 10, but the truth is there was multiplat games in the chart and some of these game was for wii u

the problem is every one has played there new games and its all gone very quiet right now ... Dont worry you will hear the big guns coming out at E3 and in the mean time there are still games to come out in the launch window that have had a small delay ?

I think that nintendo have definitely got the upper hand at the moment , at E3 microsoft and sony will be focusing on the next launch in the mean time all the big N has to do is smooth over some of the bugs for this system making it even better and bring out some top games...

Keep the faith hang in there

This is true, plus not everyone has a U yet. So chart numbers won't be too great until later this year

#116694 Do you reckon developers visit this forum for research?

Posted by kris1206 on 11 October 2012 - 09:43 AM in General Gaming

I reckon some Inde developers do, like Cloudberry kingdom was mostly backed from Nintendo fans so were there target audience now.
I doubt that a big company like say Valve or Rockstar would but when I own my own game company I'd probably use forums for research

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