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#52516 WiiU most powerful in the next gen?

Posted by Jikayaki on 08 January 2012 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

correct they have stated that they will not invest heavily on the ps4 as they did on the ps3 but please stop saying sony isnt finacially stable because thats just incorrect.

nintendo could have sold twice as many wii's and im pretty sure they still wouldnt even come close to sony's revenue

dont be a fanboy as its pretty likely the ps4 will be stronger

Don't be a fool. The PS3 lost Sony so much money they lost all profit they've have had within the console market. Worse many of their other departments aren't doing overly while on their own for a few years. Nintendo is a much bigger company than many realize. They've made profit off of the Wii since the beginning likewise with the DS. Nintendo hardware has made Nintendo billions of dollars while Sony has lost billions and only recently to my knowledge began making a profit. The razor edge model is dead at least to the extremes of the PS3. The Vita is Sony's future attitude toward hardware going forward. Low R&D using mature technology while taking advantage of developments in hardware. Really I wouldn't be surprised with Sony taking a lower cost direction with PS4 depending on the result of the Vita.

#52515 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Jikayaki on 08 January 2012 - 05:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well the current price of the Wii is $149 and Reggie has said it won't be around there- I think we all know that.

The CURRENT price of the PS3/Xbox is $249/$199, that could be down $50 at the end of the year, or including some games. I just don't see how Nintendo expect to have a successful launch of a console that is priced at $350-400 which will be competing against consoles that play the same games, barring a few Nintendo 1st party games, but cost 1/2 the price.

Wii U will not be competing with the PS360 consoles. For the love of god get that through your skull right now. We're not completely certain on the consoles capabilities, but enough points towards it being a arguably significant upgrade over the current HD consoles. The Wii U's competition isn't out yet nor are they in the public mindshare yet. No doubt Microsoft's and Sony's next consoles will be more powerful, but if your expecting truly night and day differences your going to be disappointed.

#51756 Trying to Decipher What the Wii U will have as a GPU

Posted by Jikayaki on 06 January 2012 - 02:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

Something within the performance range of the 4850 and 4870 is what I suspected before, but Neogaf focusing on something within the range of a 4830 to slightly above sort of curved my over all enthusiasm. Overall I'm confident that the final GPU will be newer in design and architecture than the R770 or simply the 4000 series in general. Though it may not be concurrent tech from AMD. 4870 based speculation was at its hay day several months ago since then the general focus has moved away from those articles and leaks that pointed to something in that range.

#51754 PS4 and 720 more powerful than Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 06 January 2012 - 01:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

Extremely unlikely.

Looking at the currently rumored specs of the Wii U this is nothing short of impossible without the PS4/720 costing well over 900$ USD to produce (That sounds outrageous, but keep in mind that manufacture cost of a launch 60GB PS3 was $950 USD!). Sony is too smart to make the mistake they did this last generation of releasing a vastly over expensive console that is difficult to develope for, and Microsoft would lose market going this route as well.

Prehaps if either console was release say some 4 years after the Wii U, such of a gap would be expected, but I doubt Microsoft/Sony are being serious about the "10 year lifecycle".

Its impossible for the next Sony and Microsoft consoles to be so above the Wii U in tech to repeat this generation, but its rather easy even regarding the higher spec rumors for PS4 or Xbox 720 to be more powerful machines. It all depends on how these devices are designed and their intended market and price point. If PS4 follows Vita its going to be more powerful, but perhaps not as much as some would like to think as Vita is mostly a device created to budget with little R&D based on current advancements in mobile tech. The next Xbox is harder to speculate about we've heard rumors that Kinect is going to be a heavy focus next gen for the Xbox brand. That eats into revenue to produce the device since that would seem to point to a mainstream product something that could easily be within the ball park of Wii U. So its sane to say that these systems will end up more powerful than Wii U, but by how much we can't say.

#51751 Should the WiiU have a USB3.0 on the back

Posted by Jikayaki on 06 January 2012 - 01:46 AM in Wii U Hardware

USB 3.0 would be a smart move by Nintendo to incorporate. Its not exactly the only option though. Whether or not USB 3.0 or something else needs to be added depends largely from my understanding on the drive's read speed. USB 2.0 may still be useful if the drive's read speed is lower than the bandwidth of the USB 2.0 port.

#51750 Wii U Online Network Thread

Posted by Jikayaki on 06 January 2012 - 01:41 AM in Wii U Hardware

From everything we've heard in my opinion this is what I see Nintendo's online service basically being. First there would be some basic infrastructure and a Wii U account (it could still use friend codes or something equivalent to tell you the truth). Then each publisher would have individual services such as Origin or Steam. Hopefully this is all set up where you don't have to use multiple accounts for different games, but that is a possibility.

#45275 Wii U specs leaked?

Posted by Jikayaki on 04 December 2011 - 02:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

Can't see much truth in those.

Surely if there is any truth to these rumours then it's 768Mb(96MB) and not 768MB. However I don't even see that as been true as one thing that we do know is that the chip and eDram will be made using IBM's 45nm node, not 32nm which is where I believe that the 1Gb of eDram becomes possible.

Also from what we have heard about the overall Wii U performance then a quad-core 3Ghz CPU seems overkill. Bear in mind the Xbox triple core isn't comparable to an Out of Order chip. A proper dual-core coming in about ~2.5Ghz would surely be more than enough to feed what will most likely be a custom Redwood core(400SP).

Actually using IBM's edram the maximum amount of edram that can be embedded per core is 32 MBs. That means embedding a total of 96 MBs to 128 MBs is completely possible at the 45nm process. A dual-core wouldn't be enough. For one thing I have no idea where you came up with the idea that the Wii U uses a custom 400SP GPU. All the leaks and rumors point to something more around 640SP to 800SP. A custom gpu around the capability of a 4770 or 4850 is highly likely.

#45205 Wii U specs leaked?

Posted by Jikayaki on 04 December 2011 - 07:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

the ps3 looked 50% better on paper then the xbox 360 but it wasnt just remember that ppl

Don't get overly carried away with the silliness of this info's source say that the Wii U is 50% more powerful, because that is completely impossible given their own rumored specs. Alpha dev kits are created with of the shelf parts for the most part, so the only 40 nm 4000s series card is the 4770, which is four times more powerful than the Xbox 360, and a more modern quad core would completely outperform the Xbox 360.

#45119 Wii U specs leaked?

Posted by Jikayaki on 03 December 2011 - 05:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

It says right in the article that these are for the March 2011 devkits. The real Wii U will likely be much more powerful.

If this rumor is true this is extraordinary actually. 768 MB of embedded dram is outrageous, much less this also states that another version is experimenting on 1 GB of embedded dram. This is actually not a bad thing if this would happen you can do a lot more with 768 MB to 1 GB of embedded dram than the 1-1.5 GB of rumored and speculated ddr3/gddr3/gddr5. This would greatly increase the performance of the rumored R700 GPU and the CPU considerably. This also sounds like complete unicorn tongue. 768 MBs of embedded dram would be extremely expensive much less if the other version of 1 GB would end up being the final amount.


Coming from Neogaf if this rumor is true the site who give the information may of gotten their terms wrong. Instead of 768 MB it could be 768 Mb, which would be 96 MBs of edram, which is more realistic though still expensive. There would still have to be main memory of some lesser ram.

#42730 Wii U power

Posted by Jikayaki on 19 November 2011 - 03:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

Microsoft will most definitely try to round up the pursuit for the gamers choice over the 3 next gen consoles, especially pushing themselves further ahead of PS3. This I am sure of; they want to capitalise on the success of Live, and be able to force Kinect into the mainstream. They will also take some PS3 gamers away from their pedestals, and finally settle a score. I don't' think they will care about costs too much, they will keep throwing money at 720 or whatever till it works, pulling gamers into their consumer base, and will most likely make it an awfully powerful machine and with great potential...somehow. I reckon they are watching Nintendo closely here, and would expect there to be a clash at some point. It would be interesting to say the least! Nintendo will hopefully stand to the mark! They haven't competed properly in years. GO NINTENDO!

XBox fan-boys can go ahead and state that the Wii U will have nothing on it, and I know it has been spoken of before that next gen won't be so 'next gen' when it comes to recently-produced hardware, but Microsoft can work very very hard if they want to. Don't quite understand the unintended contrast stated here. But, sounds to me Jikayaki, that you're suggesting ARM will make the 'loop' more powerful for sure, but will be closer to the Wii U's potential in hardware more so than we understand. Don't know how you've come to suggest all of the above, but i'd be interested in reading a link? Would be good to check out new XBox rumours, if there is any. Might be similar to the way Wii U supposedly had information 'leaked' all those months ago, before E3 :)

All I'm saying is even with ARM architecture its rather easy for Xbox Loop to out perform the Wii U. It certainly isn't a certainty. If the Next Xbox is ARM based its also possible that in some ways the Wii U using more conventional hardware would have some advantages. ARM architecture however would be in Nintendo's favor if it is in the next Xbox. Development for ARM is focused toward mobile devices I doubt creating a chip equivalent to modern desktop chips would be a wise investment to the point that more conventional hardware would cost less.

#42611 Wii U power

Posted by Jikayaki on 19 November 2011 - 12:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

I wouldn't expect that. Rumors of the Xbox "Loop" are pointing to a smaller, cheaper Xbox Next with ARM 6-core processor. For those who don't know, ARM is whats in most smartphones and tablets. These processor by 2013 are said to have power just as good as Xbox 360.

If this rumor holds true, this would mean the Xbox "Loop" is going to be on par with the IBM Watson CPU and the ATI/AMD RV770 inspired GPU.

Where have you heard it was from the 48xx series? And the RV770 is the base for all newer cards, or most, from AMD. Which means Nintendo might have started with the RV770 and AMD has been updating it since. Also all rumors point towards the GPU pretty much being done, if I remember correctly, and CPU still be worked out. Or that could be swapped.

My statement was based on a supposed leak regarding the GPU being a RV770 in the alpha devkits. Since alpha devkits are usually made using of the shelf parts that limited the range in power of the GPU realistically from 3x to 5x the power of Xbox 360 based on the commercially available cards. A statement from an article around or shortly after E3 pointed to the alpha devkits having 1TFLOP of performance or more. This moves the alpha devkits more toward 4 or 5 times the power of current hd consoles. The HD 5000's where in principle based on 4000's. AMD often reuses designs between card gens gradually introducing new hardware designs.

Don't simply look at the capabilities of mobile devises when considering the power of the rumored Xbox Loop even with an ARM processor it could easily out perform Wii U. However if the rumored Xbox Loop is the next xbox and ARM based it certainly would improve the possibility that Wii U and Xbox next would relatively close in capability.

#40914 Wii U power

Posted by Jikayaki on 04 November 2011 - 08:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

And where this at?

That comment is likely from speculation from Neogaf or somewhere else. We already know if they stick with R700 architecture it will be custom to some degree because of the likely hood of Nintendo using Eyefinity technology. They also may switch from VLIW5 architecture to VLIW4 architecture basically lowering transistor count and TDP while keeping the same performance. In the end the final chip may be an altered low end 7000 series card. AMD's latest architecture easily could of been on the table back when alpha dev kits started being produced and sent to developers, but according to the time line within an article from around the pre and post E3 leaks all that would of been available to mimic the performance of lower end 7000 series cards was 4870-90 and the 5770, which was rather new on the market.

#40908 Nintendo has to get it right

Posted by Jikayaki on 04 November 2011 - 08:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

I believe that nintendo has to have one hell of a launch lineup for Wii U to be successful. they have to show the power of the Wii U from day one launch games... they have to make people see with their own two eyes that a new generation has started. they need one hell of an exclusive im talking battlefield 4, cod, or gta. something that is exclusive to Wii U that ps360 cant get.

A better than 3DS launch is already practically guaranteed if for nothing more than third party ports. I don't think Nintendo need many must have launch titles either first party or exclusive third party to have a successful launch. Pikmin 3, perhaps a NSMBs, and one or two other titles would be more than enough along with the ports. What's more important than the launch titles themselves is a steady stream of titles afterwords. The lack of a steady stream of titles after launch is why the 3DS couldn't maintain any momentum at its original price not the lack luster launch software. Most launches are lack luster in selection and quantity.

#40612 Nintendo has to get it right

Posted by Jikayaki on 01 November 2011 - 07:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

is there any quote from developer or nintendo or even rumors that state this is being built in Wii U? im dying for info on this console.

Unfortunately no there isn't any quote from a developer or Nintendo pointing to IBM quad channel controllers or a system on chip or system in package designs for the Wii U. That is merely speculation from Neogaf the memory controllers coming from IBM's statement that the CPU within the Wii U is related to Watson and the speculation regarding SoC or SoP originates mostly from random statements from IBM with no real relation to Wii U and the size of the console in comparison to the rumors. There was a rumor on Neogaf from supposedly an investor or employee of the company manufacturing the embedded memory for the GPU that the Wii U will use the 28nm manufacturing process, which could point to more impressive GPU than previously thought. It doesn't look like anything concrete will drop regarding the Wii U until next year. Hope still exists that leaks will follow the release of the third gen dev kits, but that could of already happened and we haven't heard anything.

#40599 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Jikayaki on 01 November 2011 - 07:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well I have heard a rumour from someone who's brother works for a big game developer and he told me the the price in the UK will be £250-299....Of course I can't say this is definite...but his brother has worked for this company for many years on Xbox,360 and PS2,PS3 software and they working on Wii-U now too.
The Wii-U looks great and is...but its not really next gen.A lot of it is of the shelf parts that have been around a while.
The days of massive profits are over (for now) and adaptability is the name of the game.
My friend did stress this is a rumour within the company but I think this sounds about right.

It wouldn't overly surprise me if PS4 is heavily based on off the shelf parts with their direction with PS Vita, but I highly doubt this will be the case with Nintendo's Wii U. Its highly unlikely that the final chips will be off the shelf parts especially with Nintendo's history. Early dev kits often are made using off the shelf parts, but early dev kits don't usually represent final components. First, second, and maybe even third generation dev kits for Wii U no doubt use off the shelf parts, but the final components will be heavily customized.

#39448 Will the Wii U controller run on Batteries or Charger?

Posted by Jikayaki on 29 October 2011 - 04:44 PM in Wii U Hardware

I do believe that the patent for the Wii U tablet controller confirms that the tablet controllers will use a rechargeable battery. They could likely use the same battery as the 3DS cutting cost while still having a relatively log battery live since the tablets are mostly dump terminals.

#38882 Nintendo has to get it right

Posted by Jikayaki on 27 October 2011 - 12:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

We already know that the 3DS changed to some degree to better match the wishes of third party devs and a lot of the focus on the Wii U's design is maintaining third party support. After the lack luster start to the 3DS it wouldn't surprise me if devs aren't able to push more with Nintendo regarding the Wii U in comparison. That said Nintendo has some very capable hardware designers. Going on leaks and rumors I do believe it won't suffer from many of the issues that plagued the Wii regarding the core audience and third party developers, at least for the first three years. Then if you add in some of the speculation from IBM's quad channel memory controllers to possibly a system on chip or system in package silicon designs Wii U may end up more impressive than the high end rumors while still using parts equal to rumored PC counterparts. A lot depends on what Microsoft and Sony do next gen, but a lot points to both potentially utilizing a more modest jump in comparison to last gen.

#38880 Donkey Kong U

Posted by Jikayaki on 27 October 2011 - 11:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd rather see someone at Nintendo finally bring the gameplay of Donkey Kong Country into the third dimension. I enjoyed Donkey Kong 64, but I wouldn't call it the ideal transition from a side scrolling platformer to a third person platformer. I'm relatively positive this would be good challenge for Retro and if done right it could easily give Nintendo a third heavy hitter. The tp's idea itself wouldn't be bad as a downloadable game for the Wii U or a full game for the 3DS.

#38346 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 23 October 2011 - 08:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My point was that Monster Hunter sells great no matter what. Also Nintendo has said they're willing to invest in third-party exclusives for the 3DS and Wii U some I'm sure they'd give a moneyhat for Monster Hunter on Wii U. In fact I bet that's how they got Monster Hunter 4.

I don't rule out Nintendo potentially footing the bill for a Monster Hunter for the Wii U. My point is merely that Capcom doesn't have an incentive to create an entry within the franchise on the Wii U otherwise really unless Wii U proves to drastically increase the size of the console market in Japan. For what it would cost to develop a single Wii U title they could likely create several entries and spin offs for the handheld market, which ultimately would prove more profitable. Then footing the bill for a proper Monster Hunter for the Wii U would be considerably more expensive than footing the bill for the 3DS. Financially Nintendo may not see the point for footing the bill for such an expensive purchase especially when majority of the console market is the west where majority of their troubles are likely to occur.

#37419 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 21 October 2011 - 05:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software


Really? And that's just an HD port.

That's what I was saying, sort of.

An HD port is an entirely different beast than creating a new entry within the franchise for an HD console. There isn't anywhere near the cost involved with your average port than creating a game from scratch for more capable hardware. I hold to my statement Monster Hunter Wii U is very unlikely unless Nintendo foots the bill, or Wii U creates a larger market internally for console franchises. Capcom isn't going to just create a Monster Hunter game for Wii U for **** and giggles. Capcom is a company and like any company needs a financial reason above all to go forward with a project. There simply isn't any reason financially for Capcom to create a Monster Hunter game for the Wii U.

#37060 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 18 October 2011 - 12:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Because there's no reason why they can't make Monster Hunter for both handhelds and home consoles so they might as well cover both markets even if the handheld one is bigger.

The point is that not only is the market for handhelds larger, but the market for console games within Japan isn't large enough to warrant development on next gen HD hardware. There isn't a financial reason for Capcom to develop a game within the franchise for the Wii U. The Wii U has to enlarge the console market in Japan, the monster hunter series is going to need to find a western audience, or Nintendo needs to foot the bill otherwise Monster Hunter Wii U is very unlikely.

#36925 Wii U power

Posted by Jikayaki on 17 October 2011 - 05:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

The WiiU has some specifications, ie significantly more RAM than ps3 or Xbox (for the record ps3 is more powerful but xbox has more RAM). This gets people excited and they think the WiiU will step up past the other consoles in power, but really that RAM is used to stream video audio and touch programming (well you know what i mean) to the controller. So we aren't sure what the console has but i remember Iwata saying when he first announced it in mid-spring, that the power is great but that that wouldn't matter once you see the console (which is evident when seeing the controller). I'm assuming this means Iwata doesn't want us to focus on the power (unsettling). Though i still expect a lot from this console and even if the power equals that of the ps3 (not taking into account the power used to stream) i hope it makes enough unique , fun games to bring a whole new kind of game to the table that isnt as hard to come up with good uses as the Wii (sooooo much shovel-ware). This Ninovation has a more obvious hardcore or classic gaming use unlike the Wii's motion . The power is important but i can see many uses for a ps3 power level wiiu controller......... and i know Sony has the PSVita but that doesnt come with the console and connects differently so developers wont be as open to it as the wiiu. In summary to this ridiculously long and repetitive post: I feel the power is equal to or greater than the ps3 with greater RAM than the xbox. But the design of the wiiu seems to easily overcome any worries..... although i see MANY uses for a super powered, online integrated wiiu......... mmmmmm, open world MMO action...... yoshi.....?

The Wii U won't be overly burdened by streaming to the controller. Going off of sources such as the Wii U tablet patents, the speculation regarding Nintendo using Eyefinity technology, and the current supposed specs of the Wii U kets from leaks and rumors streaming to the controllers won't be much of a burden. The big unknown currently is focused more primarily toward bandwidth, which would determine how many Wii U controllers can be used at one time. Your spinning Nintendo merely being Nintendo negatively. Nintendo is still very much carrying forward the marketing strategy of the Wii and DS with the Wii U. At the same time Nintendo has been burned by being too open and honest about specs before and the Wii U is likely still not completely taped out.

#36915 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 17 October 2011 - 05:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My other point was that Monster Hunter isn't the kind of game that needs the hardware to have good sales for it to sell well because Japanese gamers will buy the hardware for it. Also Nintendo said they're willing to invest in third party exclusives for the 3DS and Wii U so I'm sure they'd give a moneyhat to Capcom for Monster Hunter on Wii U. In fact I reckon they paid for Monster Hunter 4 to be exclusive to the 3DS as well.

Still why would Capcom create a Monster Hunter game for Wii U when they could simply make sequels for the Monster Hunter franchise and spin-off titles for 3DS and Vita. Handhelds are increasingly the preferred gaming devices for the Japanese market, where in their console market selling over 200,000 copies is extraordinary. Major Western franchises would crash at current dev costs within a similar sized market. The audience for Monster Hunter is completely complacent with a handheld experience. In other words there is no driving force for Capcom to develop a Monster Hunter game outside handhelds within its current market. The Wii U has to place itself as a major force in Japan like no console has done in recent memory or Nintendo has to foot the bill. Otherwise Monster Hunter for Wii U doesn't make financial sense for Capcom.

#36709 Monster Hunter for Wii U?

Posted by Jikayaki on 16 October 2011 - 12:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I was just going by the official press release.

Those sort of things are often full of PR. I'm merely speculating on the reasons that Wii got a Monster Hunter and how that compares to the possibility that Wii U will get a Monster Hunter release based both on official statements and common sense. The Wii U has to create a larger audience within Japan for Japanese console games or the Monster Hunter games for the 3DS have to create a reasonable audience within the west if they are going to be localized. Otherwise a Monster Hunter for the Wii U isn't really guaranteed. Outside this Nintendo would have to money hat to Capcom for a console version.

#36578 Wii U power

Posted by Jikayaki on 15 October 2011 - 08:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

Here is an interesting piece of information pulled up by Bgassassin from Neogaf. The article in question is from earlier in the year and was apparently not looked at closely previously outside further confirmation along with other sources that the GPU within the Alpha dev kits was a Radeon HD 4000 series card. If the article is correct the GPU within the Alpha dev kits may of pushed beyond 1TFLOPS. Basically the card within the early dev kits would of had to been a Radeon HD 4870 at least to reach that level of performance and that certainly would of explained the over heating issues rumored with the first dev kits.


Thread regarding the Wii U from Neogaf where Bgassassin posted this info: http://www.neogaf.co...434824&page=178

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