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#9533 wii u to hardcore for me?

Posted by Play4Fun on 20 June 2011 - 08:44 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hah, Mario is a top-tier platformer because it's one of the few that are actually good. To be honest, I've never heard of a bad platformer, but I've never really heard of that many platform games. It's easy to dominate a genre that has few games that could stand up against you.

Especially when you practically 'created' that genre.


Posted by Play4Fun on 14 June 2011 - 02:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

hmm maybe something small in a non split screen third person co-op game (very specific I know :D). When you get in a vehicle the player controlling the car would be driving on the tv and have a map displayed on his controller to navigate with, while the person controlling a turret on the vehicle would have the option of looking at his controller for a first person view for better accuracy. Physically moving the controller to move the turret around. This way both players can hold a new controller but only 1 of them has heavy data streamed to it, as a concern atm is whether or not the console can stream full games to 2 controllers.

Thats actually the only thing I can come up with so far thats not been shown by Nintendo already.

The guys making Battlefield 3 have actually made a suggestion for such an idea for battlefield 3 if it were on Wii U.

Something about one player controlling a vehicle while the other is controlling the vehicle's turret on the controller screen.

It would be great if they did such things for a Wii U BF3 version (which I think is likely even if it comes months after the other versions).


Posted by Play4Fun on 14 June 2011 - 12:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This trailer for Ghost Recon Online already has me excited for the kind of gameplay capabilities we will be seeing with this thing.


I can't wait to hear more about this console. Hopefully Nintendo will have something at TGS this year.

#6300 Lack of family/party games

Posted by Play4Fun on 14 June 2011 - 04:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Why do people keep saying Nintendo are targeting the hardcore only with Wii U?

Did no one listen to the speech before the controller reveal?

Iwata (I think it was) specifically said they were trying to make a console where both the hardcore and casual market could thrive.

It's like the same thing that happened to Wii when people ignored the 'blue ocean' speech that was given and then were surprised when the casual market ate up the Wii.

#9473 Your first Crush.

Posted by Play4Fun on 20 June 2011 - 03:57 AM in The Café

I face palmed at that, you got over her that fast...well you were young. How did you find out that she had a crush on you?

Her friends told me.

#6146 Wii U Microphone

Posted by Play4Fun on 14 June 2011 - 01:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

In Ghost Recon Online's trailer (The game exclusive to Wii U and PC) they show how you can use the controller as a headset.

It would be cool if it could have some kind of voice recognition/Voice command feature.

#2882 The (fake) Wii 2 launch lineup

Posted by Play4Fun on 17 May 2011 - 03:17 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This list was deemed fake long ago.

Some guy on another forum wrote it.

#1492 High Voltage Software only wants more RAM and HD

Posted by Play4Fun on 18 March 2011 - 03:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

He may be a dev but he wouldn't be able to run a hardware company if that's how he thinks. Just adding HD and more ram isn't going to make consumers (especially Nintendo fans) want it. I wouldn't.
Nintendo needs to do much more than that. A better online system, more power than PS3, improved controllers, etc.

#2129 Once Again Sony Opens its mouth

Posted by Play4Fun on 26 April 2011 - 03:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

Just PR talk. Sony's known to be arrogant at times.
They'll be ready to launch as soon as possible if (when) the Cafe has an impact.

#1012 Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun

Posted by Play4Fun on 18 February 2011 - 11:43 AM in The Café

Yeah. Read this story last year.

#1752 Wii Successor at E3, Releasing 2012, More Powerful than PS3

Posted by Play4Fun on 14 April 2011 - 02:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

Out time is coming Wii 2 members! We have waited months for this! When E3 arrives...we will no longer be boys (and girls if any are here)...we will be men! 8-)

Finally! I believe this rumour 100%! E3 can't come fast enough!

*Shakes with excitement*

Edit: Well..maybe not 100%. That HD screen on the controller screen is mind blowing if true. How does that work?

#1882 Wii Successor at E3, Releasing 2012, More Powerful than PS3

Posted by Play4Fun on 19 April 2011 - 12:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

Check out these rumours  someone got from their sources. They all sound plausible to me.
. Square Enix, Capcom, Sega, Konami, Activision, Rockstar/Take Two, Electronic Arts, Namco and Ubisoft all have development kits.
.They each have at least one game in development for the Wii 2.

. Expect games to be coming to this system that you would never expect on a Nintendo console.

. Nintendo is kissing third party ****s with this console.

.The new Nintendo controller sounds more ridiculous on paper.  When you actually see the thing, it makes a lot more sense from a design standard.
. Expect Nintendo to roll out the red carpet for third parties so their games don’t get overshadowed.  Nintendo has been preaching to third parties that third parties won’t get screwed this time around, so if you’re expecting a ton of amazing first party games at launch…well…think again.  Nintendo wants a launch that creates confidence in third parties again so expect very few first party games at launch similar to the 3DS.
. Star Fox is coming.  I can’t say when.  Very good chance that it WONT be at E3.  I am hearing Star Fox is coming for the new Nintendo system, but it is very early in development.
. Nintendo solved every storage issue a third party could possibly have with the new console.  I don’t know if it’s a harddrive or a different, cheaper way to store data.
. Nintendo revamping their WiiWare and virtual console services.  I don’t think it will be called WiiWare anymore.
. Almost positive that we’ll be seeing Pikmin in some shape or form.
. A first person shooter that people love will be ported to the 3DS.  I can’t say what game, but it’s popular among FPS gamers.
. Expect a crapload of 3DS love at this E3.  The show will be wayyy more 3DS than Wii 2 (Project Cafe).  3DS stuff will be at least 60 percent of the E3 pre-show.
. Don’t listen to anyone who says new Nintendo console will launch by end of 2011.  They are idiots.  This holiday season is all about the 3DS and Nintendo’s E3 show will focus on that.
. Don’t expect many games to be shown at E3 for new Nintendo console, but expect all of the key features to be revealed.
. Nintendo is thinking about launching Zelda: Skyward Sword around the same time as Wii 2 since Wii 2 is backwards compatible with Wii 1 games.  They want to follow the same strategy when they launched Pokemon Black/White when 3DS was coming out.
. I am 90 percent sure you will not see a Zelda: Skyward Sword port to the Wii 2.  It will remain a Wii 1 game.
. Nintendo approached Hideo Kojima about the new Nintendo console.  Nintendo and Hideo Kojima have a good relationship with each other.
.  A Resident Evil game is in development for the new Nintendo system.  I don’t know if Capcom is developing an RE spinoff or something part of the “main” Resident Evil series.
.  Retrostudios started working on a Wii 2 game.   It is NOT Metroid.  Retro is done with Metroid.


#1944 Wii Successor at E3, Releasing 2012, More Powerful than PS3

Posted by Play4Fun on 21 April 2011 - 12:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

More IGN rumours:

According to sources with knowledge of the project, Nintendo's next console could have a retail price of anywhere between $350 and $400 based on manufacturing costs, and will ship from Taiwanese manufacturer, Foxconn, this October, putting the earliest possible retail release anywhere between mid-October and early November.

However, Nintendo could also opt to build up a sizable supply of the system and allocate more time for software and games development by launching in early 2012. Similarly, Nintendo could attempt to lower the retail price of the system with lower profit margins to make the price more alluring.

Additionally, IGN has learned that the system will be based on a revamped version of AMD's R700 GPU architecture, not AMD's Fusion technology as previously believed, which will, as previously reported, out perform the PlayStation 3's NVIDIA 7800GTX-based processor. Like the Xbox 360, the system's CPU will be a custom-built triple-core IBM PowerPC chipset, but the clocking speeds will be faster. The system will support 1080p output with the potential for stereoscopic 3D as well, though it has not been determined whether that will be a staple feature.

n terms of the design of the console itself, the overall size will be comparable to that of the original Xbox 360 and the system is likely to resemble a modernized version of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

Finally, Nintendo is considering naming the console Stream, though it is potentially one of several names currently being vetted by the company.


These rumours are driving me crazy. Now they say it's coming out later this year...
I know GBA and GC released the same year, but will Nintendo really do this?

#1909 Wii Successor at E3, Releasing 2012, More Powerful than PS3

Posted by Play4Fun on 20 April 2011 - 02:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

Great posts Jikayaki!

I've been reading the GAF rumour thread all week and it started out as a good thread for info but has gone to the pits of hell with people thinking Ninty will ditch motion controls and go back to 'normal' controls for the 'hardcore' gamers.  

I'm pretty sure the 'going hardcore' rumours just mean Nintendo is trying to get better third party support along with their first party offerings, not that they are going to become more like Sony and MS.

I don't think motion controls will be dropped at all. I'm just waiting to see what that dual analog rumour meant.

I don't think Nintendo can compete next generation without third party developers, but Nintendo seems to be handling that rather well.  

i agree with this, games are only going to take longer to make with the hardware they will be dropping. Unless they want their gamers to suffer droughts all through the generation, they will have to make sure they are getting third party ports to fill in the blank spaces.

I'm expecting them to do a little expanding of their studios, maybe buy up some new ones, but I still think they will need better third party support.

#3100 Hi, I'm Blarg from 3DSBuzz forums!

Posted by Play4Fun on 23 May 2011 - 12:15 PM in Introduction Central


#1731 Skyward Sword coming 9/25/2011 ?

Posted by Play4Fun on 13 April 2011 - 05:04 AM in General Gaming

That seems like a good release date for SS, I think.
As for Wii 2 launching later this year, that was always out of the question. No way is it coming this year.
Next year on the other hand...
At least we're likely to get some words on it at E3 this year.

#1880 Welcome to IP.Board!

Posted by Play4Fun on 19 April 2011 - 12:16 PM in Site News and Feedback

Looks sweet.

#2662 Best Deal you ever got on a Game?

Posted by Play4Fun on 09 May 2011 - 04:46 PM in General Gaming

Where I live, games are expensive as hell!

$1 US is $2 here.

PS2 games are still selling for between  $60 and $100 (only sucky games cost below that), which is $30-$50 in America.

Current gen games are usually above $200.

So yeah...I haven't really ever gotten a deal here.

#8890 Grand Theft Auto, Read Dead Redemption Publisher And Developer Is Looking At...

Posted by Play4Fun on 18 June 2011 - 04:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I hope people aren't actually thinking Wii U will get GTA 5 exclusively.

#2184 What type of storage media will Wii 2 games come on?

Posted by Play4Fun on 26 April 2011 - 05:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

Bluray disc, because hopefully the wii 2 can play blu ray movies along with it. It would only make sense that they came on a blu ray disc.

Does it need to play movies when they'll have Netflix though?
We know how Nintendo are with these things.

#2127 What type of storage media will Wii 2 games come on?

Posted by Play4Fun on 26 April 2011 - 03:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

If Nintendo uses cartridges, they might as well forget about getting better third party support.

#3154 The ideal Console

Posted by Play4Fun on 26 May 2011 - 02:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

Everything you said except 512-1GB RAM. Less that 1 gig of RAM is NOT ACCEPTABLE NINTENDO!!!

Also, a great online system.

#6241 WII U supports 2 controllers.

Posted by Play4Fun on 14 June 2011 - 02:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

Actually reading the article I'd take it with a grain of salt personally, it specifically mentions the confusion. Reggie supposedly says yes while Miyamoto and Iwata have both gone on record as saying no.

Iwata/Miyamoto (can't remember which) didn't say no.

They said they are working on 'programming methods' for more than one controller.

#6118 Wii U equation

Posted by Play4Fun on 14 June 2011 - 12:51 PM in Wii U Hardware


Where. . .

W=Nintendo Wii
U=Nintendo Wii U
A=analog stick
X=Xbox 360
G=good graphics
D=Nintendo DS

You win.

#2954 Hi people!

Posted by Play4Fun on 18 May 2011 - 02:59 PM in Introduction Central


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