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#41106 -

Posted by Katana on 07 November 2011 - 03:54 AM in The Café

For me its just about MK7 :D
When the games out and I have played it a bit will probably go Metroid ^_^

#39040 A New Challenger is Approaching!

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 09:25 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum :D
Its cool here with friendly people so have fun... B)
I can't wait for MK7....just can't...wait... :D

#40786 Do you believe in 2012?

Posted by Katana on 03 November 2011 - 02:01 PM in The Café

Complete load of nonsense spread by people with too much time on their hands,taking illegal substances and access to a computer and the internet.
The world will end one day...but its a long way off...so don't worry you will play Zelda on Wii-U....phew...!!!!!!

#39960 Do you think Nintendo should move to the iPhone?

Posted by Katana on 30 October 2011 - 01:10 PM in General Gaming

Playing a Nintendo game on anything else but a Nintendo console is unthinkable.
Sega really have not been the same since they have been forced down that road.Although some of their output has been good the glory days of Yu Suzuki and the AM depts churning out hits seems to be sadly behind them:)
I would not play a Zelda,Metroid,Mario etc on anything else but a Nintendo console and I think many others will feel the same.
And gaming on a phone sucks (my opinion) Sure its cheap but not good.
3DS has been slow off the mark,but that was pricing and no software at launch.Learn and move on.But the future for 3DS is good and I would take that over any phone (and I don't care how smart that phone is)
But I'f Nintendo made a deal with these companies to sell much older games etc to help fund their R&D etc then I would say do it.
But MK7 or Mario 3D on a phone...laughable.
These stockholders don't know s**t...!!!

#45030 HATERS?(in general)

Posted by Katana on 03 December 2011 - 04:03 AM in General Gaming

Well a fanboy is created as soon as someone walks in to a shop and spends loads on a console and games,then they have to argue,put down,other systems to reassure themselves they made the right decision.The worst type of fanboys will go on a forum for example and read a review of a game not related to their system then start pulling that system to pieces,these guys suck bad because of their massive insecurity issues.
Haters will hate,trolls will troll,flamerz will flame and insecure dog turds should not be allowed near the internet.

#38338 Hello everyone!

Posted by Katana on 23 October 2011 - 07:11 PM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the forum:)
Yes I don't mind other systems (its all personal choice right) but I prefer Nintendo games more:)
But then I have played their games for ages,so I know the quality of Nintendo's games and hardware and they have never let me down:)
Plus Link,Samus,Mario are the coolest game characters around:)
So I suppose that makes me a fanboy too and as you said we would not be on this site I'f we was not:)
At the moment I am loving OOT (all over again) and Starfox 64...but have Mario 3D land on pre-order,but the game I am dying to play is Mario Kart 7...
But of course want Wii-U like...now ha ha.

#36814 Hello everyone! It's Gamerfan :)

Posted by Katana on 17 October 2011 - 10:49 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum and have fun...!!!

#40189 hello i switched from 3dsforums.com to wii u forums

Posted by Katana on 31 October 2011 - 12:40 AM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the forum :)
I moved over from the 3DS forum too,I found there was too many 'troll's' on there which sux :(
But it's cool here and nice people you will enjoy... :D

#41018 Hello!

Posted by Katana on 06 November 2011 - 02:35 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum hope you have fun :)

#36740 Hello. The name is Reborn!

Posted by Katana on 16 October 2011 - 05:32 PM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the forum:)
Hmmm I don't know the shows you watch,sorry:(
But have have heard of them.
But I play lots of games:)
And like Zelda very much:)
Hope you have fun here:)

#39047 Hi

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 09:43 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum... :)
I am from the UK so quite near... :D
Its cool here with friendly people so have fun... B)

#36395 Hi everyone...

Posted by Katana on 14 October 2011 - 06:15 PM in Introduction Central

Thank you all for the cool welcomes:)
OK questions questions....
I love the film Zatoichi and Katana just sounds cool...so chose it:) so maybe I have some Samurai in me LOL.
I am not a 'troll' well for a start I don't live in a cave...I try to get along with everyone and never saw sense in rowing about systems,specs,games LOL...you like what you like right...???
First game I ever played..?? Mario Kart on SNES:) been hooked on Nintendo ever since then,had every system,every game that was wroth getting.Even Goldeneye broke up a relationship I had...but hey it was a great game right...??? and bought a 3DS last weekend so I am ready for MK7...oh and Luigis Mansion 2 looks great...but my favourite game is probably OOT...but MK is very close 2nd...!!
I'f anybody wants to swap codes with me just ask...I'm very active on MKWii too as you may have guessed:)
And want Wii-U now...its genius...thats official...

#36247 Hi everyone...

Posted by Katana on 14 October 2011 - 05:00 AM in Introduction Central

I am Mark...Hmmm where do I start...OK...!!
Been playing Nintendo machines for years,don't own any other systems.
Big fan of Mario Kart Wii,Metroid and Zelda.
Just bought a 3DS and can't wait for MK7...really...can't...wait:(
Will be getting Wii-U as soon as it comes out:)
And I do other stuff thats more boring like read Batman comics and listen to Metal ha ha.
Want to know more or I'f you are a Karter and want to add on MK talk to me:)

#41020 HI!:)

Posted by Katana on 06 November 2011 - 02:36 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum and whats Facebook??? :P

#40273 Hi, I'm New

Posted by Katana on 31 October 2011 - 12:49 PM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the forum :D
Don't worry I understood your English perfectly :D
I have raced many Japanese Karters on Mario Kart Wii like Keke,Chikuten,Yutori...they are very tough opponents :blush:
I am a bit of a Mario Kart fanatic as you will find out and can't wait for Mario Kart 7 :D
But I like Metroid and Zelda too ;)
But I know nothing of Pokemon and Monster Hunter :P
It will be interesting to hear what games you play most and what you are looking forward too :)

#40461 Hi, I'm New!

Posted by Katana on 01 November 2011 - 02:36 AM in Introduction Central

Hello bro :D
Welcome to the forum ^_^  
Glad you could make it :P
We'll I know you are Layton mad :D but what other games do you like dude :ph34r:

#40838 high resolution zelda tech demo pics

Posted by Katana on 04 November 2011 - 01:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes its an awesome demo and shows what Wii-U is capable off :)
But I also have a feeling that demo will end up in the game,its too good not to :D

#40271 I am beginning to wonder...yet would NOT be surprised if it would end up so...

Posted by Katana on 31 October 2011 - 12:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yes I agree,Nintendo stated a while ago that the industry was shrinking and that new audiences had to be found.The Wii was very successful in doing this but I think it didn't get the balance right...for every great game on the Wii there was a 100 rubbish 'lifestyle' games like Wii-Fit and Cooking with Mama...please don't get me wrong I have nothing against these titles but there was just too much of them and not enough triple AAA titles on the shelf.Also I bet most Wii-Fit peripherals are sitting in a cupboard rotting.
To survive companies will be looking to expand this audience and thats fine but they have to cater for the more gamer minded player like me and I guess most of the people on this forum...but I think the Wii-U will appeal to many different people over different ages...something the other two in their present forms will not do (unless they copy Nintendo which is a possibility)
There will be lifestyle peripherals and more of the same that the Wii had but with a difference...big developers will be on board this time bringing the 'hardcore' titles to Wii-U (something the Wii did not have) and I'f Nintendo expand on this audience will only mean that more sales of the machine,more dev companies getting involved,means me and you will have a bigger selection of games.The Wii was just not powerful enough to run these big name games but now its different.
I hope women,children,men,grannys and even the cat buys Wii-U and that their tastes are catered for because that will mean mine will be too :D

#41016 I'm Back!

Posted by Katana on 06 November 2011 - 02:33 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum :D

#39868 Intro.

Posted by Katana on 30 October 2011 - 07:50 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum:)
Hmmm maybe I should ask...are you getting MK7...??? Thats I'f you have a 3DS of course.....

#39053 Is games & consoles sold in Australia a rip off?

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 10:47 AM in General Gaming

I used to talk to an Aussie gamer and he just complained about release dates..Aus use the PAL system like we do in Europe but still they seem to get games generally later than us...this I find strange.Like MK7 gets released in the UK on Dec 2nd,but Australia its just listed as Dec?
I think in terms of pricing it depends on how much people earn...I think generally wages are higher in Aus than say the US or the EU etc so thats why the price is higher.

#41044 Known facts

Posted by Katana on 06 November 2011 - 10:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

To be honest no...thats why I could not dispute it totally but have played Nintendo consoles etc for years and they always create hardware thats quite easy to work with and they also help dev companies as much as possible.
I think looking back the 64 was probably the hardest machine Nintendo made to code for (big game worlds on carts,one reason Square went to Sony)
But Nintendo make reliable hardware thats accessible to players and coders so I would say at the moment its a rumour and no more.
But I have been wrong before ha ha...but I have heard nothing from 3rd parties to this rumour.

#41041 Known facts

Posted by Katana on 06 November 2011 - 09:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

Not sure what you mean here..what are basic slow movements for?

On another note, I am trying to find out more information in regard to the difficulties the companies are having while developing games that use the Wii U Tablet. So apparently, they are finding it hard to get the connectivity to work at all. This is making progress slow in development. Not too promising, even though its just 'rumour'..?

I would not say thats untrue but would also say that Nintendo give first class support to developers...I would say its the same this time round too.

#40837 Lady Gaga

Posted by Katana on 04 November 2011 - 12:54 AM in The Café

What about 'Fruit-Loop' :D

#45375 Mario Kart 7 WiiU Community Thread

Posted by Katana on 05 December 2011 - 07:44 AM in General Gaming

Just seen on YT a terrible race winning glitch on MK7 :(
Re-spawns you so far ahead of the pack and unlike on Grumble volcano on MKWii where you could stop players doing that glitch with this one on MK7 you have no chance of stopping them do it.
Won't say the name of the track but I guess this will be chosen lots now and I wonder how many more there will be :(
Why can't Nintendo learn lessons :(

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