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#41262 Zelda 3DS Graphics

Posted by Katana on 08 November 2011 - 05:08 AM in General Gaming

^ I do not agree. What trilogy? If you mean OoT, Ura Zelda and Zelda64DD, they've already done that as Majora's Mask and Master Quest.

They said they want to do a new Zelda. I would like to think that it will be:
- Oracle of Secrets
- A story closely linked to Skyward Sword
- Something completely and utterly new, in that it does not closely relate to other Zelda games

Edit: Sorry, I didn't mean that to you Feld0, it is directed at Katana.
You just went all ninja-pony on me, that's all.

I mean a story that follows on from MM (which followed OoT) which would then it would complete a trilogy...then I'f they ported MM on the 3DS you would have that whole story arc.I thought master Quest was OoT with just some small changes to the dungeon designs etc (I played Master Quest on the Cube and struggled to tell the difference half the time) so that cant be classed as a new story arc???
And also they said they want to do a new Zelda because they was being asked about a MM port (Ounuma said he discussed this with Miyamoto and as they had ported OoT they thought a new Zelda game would be preferable to another port)...but that don't mean its gonna be some radical never seen before departure from the Zelda series...it will only be a something like cel shaded or semi-realistic and a different story...and what the hell is a Ninja Pony...???

#41105 Zelda 3DS Graphics

Posted by Katana on 07 November 2011 - 03:49 AM in General Gaming

I think this game will be similar to OoT and Majoras Mask because I think we may see the 3rd part of this story.
Miyamoto and Ounuma have discussed the MM port but decided a new adventure is needed first,so end the trilogy then port MM.
Just a theory.

#39162 Youtube Channel Masterthread

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 11:50 PM in The Museum

Mine is called Play3DS... http://www.youtube.c...S?blend=21&ob=5
I find videos of 3DS games and upload them...channel is only a couple of weeks old:)
At the moment I have about 21 videos uploaded.
Sub me and I will sub back...!!!

#39937 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by Katana on 30 October 2011 - 12:26 PM in General Gaming

For me probably Samus Aran...but Link a close second.

#39883 Will the Wii U controller run on Batteries or Charger?

Posted by Katana on 30 October 2011 - 08:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

Ahh yes good point...well maybe it will not be that intensive then.

#39878 Will the Wii U controller run on Batteries or Charger?

Posted by Katana on 30 October 2011 - 08:06 AM in Wii U Hardware

My guess is that it ill be like the 3DS...rechargeable battery plus charger (which can be used during gameplay...I hope)
Because I think the 3DS can last around 3-4 hours on one charge (all effects on) but the Wii-U tablet has bigger screen,its also shoving around lots more polygons,lighting etc than the 3DS,so the power consumption will be heavy...I hope the controller is full usable with all games etc when charging...I am sure Nintendo have taken all these things in to account but its got me pondering.
But that being said the Wii-mote battery life was good (around 15 hours using all features) so its just the screen that will be intensive....
I am afraid I am sort of guessing but good question though:)

#41111 Will Nintendo's image need to change before the release of the Wii U?

Posted by Katana on 07 November 2011 - 05:08 AM in General Gaming

Ah I stand corrected..I thought Retro was only part owned by Nintendo.

#41069 Will Nintendo's image need to change before the release of the Wii U?

Posted by Katana on 06 November 2011 - 01:53 PM in General Gaming

We'll I remember the quite dark days of the 64 and the darker days of the Cube,lack of support was crippling their machines and I have to be honest on the Cube Nintendo did not even make the best games on that system (my opinion) but I though that RE4 and Metroid Prime (yes Retro are close to Nintendo but not in-house) was the best titles on it and it was a tough time defending Nintendo.Then the Wii came along and Microsoft/Sony fanboys rubbished that system as we'll and to some degree they had a point.Shovelware and a lack of good titles.Its like Nintendo have been adapting/changing/branding etc but didn't quite know where to position itself...casual...hardcore...(hate these terms but makes it easier) or are they both and then end up pleasing no-one.
Just 2 days ago I was talking to a 360 player in my local comic shop and he admitted that he loved generic titles...shooters with no brains...another driving game as realistic as possible and he had never heard of Zelda...I am being serious :o
Nintendo have to prove this time round that they want to compete with Sony/Microsoft for the big games like GTA and they seem to be doing this,we all know the titles that have been mentioned.I hate to say it but Nintendo need to cater for these players because there are lots of them,then they will cater for the lifestyle crowd and also players like us that buy Nintendo machines to play Nintendo games.
I think there is a crowd of people that think big guns,big men,big explosions = hardcore great game....and a plumber or an elf running around saving a princess is for kids...but I did say to this guy I met that I'f he played OoT he would be stuck 15 mins in because he is used to generic brainless crap...and he agreed :D
I think it is cultural...FIFA...COD etc dominate and to be honest I hate these games,but Nintendo have to get these players on-side so yes more re-branding it seems :) but something tells me Nintendo know this.And as soon as I saw the controller I knew Nintendo had changed direction,and the machine is more powerful that I thought it would be (I was expecting the same as 360) so Nintendo have entered the graphics arena again.
Also the 3DS is really gaining momentum now with the software being released and then it will be trickle..trickle of Wii-U...I have to be honest for the first time in a while I am confident of Nintendos chances and that Wii-U will be known as a gamers machine :D

#39049 Wii U's Release Window revealed?

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 10:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah of course I would love Wii-U now but I saw this coming,I think Nintendo want to push 3DS as much as possible before Sony release their new handheld.But I think they have learnt a lesson from the 3DS launch...software,software,software....and they will be busy getting triple A titles ready for launch...I have heard a rumour a Mario title is in the works and Wii-U needs it.I dont mind waiting as long as Nintendo get it right...I held off buying a 3DS because it had no software for like ages and Nintendo cant repeat that.
My guess is that Wii-U will go on sale in Nov next year.
But do not forget the awesome titles coming for 3DS like MK7,Mario 3D,Kid Icarus,Luigis Mansion 2,RE Revelations,MGS,Sonic Generations to name a few:) So that machine will keep me happy until Wii-U comes out:)
And when Wii-U gets released it will have Arkham City,GTA and hopefully a Mario or Metroid game (just what are Retro up to at the moment..??? does anyone know...???please tell me I'f you do.
And who knows Nintendo may even change the nubs for sticks on the controller etc...Its all good I think :)

#40788 Wii U's Rejection.

Posted by Katana on 03 November 2011 - 02:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Batman Arkham City will be the first game I buy for it (thats if its a release title)

#36396 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by Katana on 14 October 2011 - 06:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I want to see a proper Starfox game done in-house this time (Assault...!!!)
Retro to do a Metroid (this will happen)
Zelda we know is coming and man its the sexiest thing ever (apart from my GF)
Mario Kart...Mario Kart....with just Karts...!!! no bikes....!!!!
Mario I gather is in the pipline...pun-pun...ha ha....
Arkham City (love The Batman)
Luigis Mansion 3...???
And you know I'f they only do that I will be happy:)

#41014 Wii U sales wont go so well?

Posted by Katana on 06 November 2011 - 02:13 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yes I said at the time 3DS needed a different name to dis-associate itself from DS,most people thought it was a normal DS with 3D screens so didn't bother.Plus there was a lack of software at the start (SF4 was not enough to persuade me) and that price...!!!
Wii-U has been a bit shaky though,Nintendo did not quite get the presentation right at E3 (most people thought the tablet was the new console and didn't know about the desktop) and that was a bit of a mistake.Of course they are up to speed with it now and also Nintendo have another E3 to show it and the software.Nintendo will get the release right,good games,good price,but the recession is a problem...but people always find a way of getting the 'important' things :D
I think it will be fine and also Nintendo will have next year and maybe the year after to themselves...I don't see Sony or Microsoft releasing major hardware soon...and also Vita interest is dying I have heard.Might make Sony more reluctant to plough on with PS4 just yet.
I think Nintendo will be fine. :D

#38786 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by Katana on 26 October 2011 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well I have heard a rumour from someone who's brother works for a big game developer and he told me the the price in the UK will be £250-299....Of course I can't say this is definite...but his brother has worked for this company for many years on Xbox,360 and PS2,PS3 software and they working on Wii-U now too.
The Wii-U looks great and is...but its not really next gen.A lot of it is of the shelf parts that have been around a while.
The days of massive profits are over (for now) and adaptability is the name of the game.
My friend did stress this is a rumour within the company but I think this sounds about right.

#40231 Wii U is the perfect console!

Posted by Katana on 31 October 2011 - 08:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

No console is perfect but Wii-U is near on as far as I am concerned,the only gripe I have are the nubs but maybe that will change.
But things I like:
The screen is awesome,imagine playing Mario Kart and the screen shows constantly whats behind you...so you can see both at the same time (sort of)
You can instant message and webcam from it meaning no waiting for the PC to boot up...surf the web...plus no chance of a virus... :P
I can lay in bed playing :D
Nintendo have a long history of advances in developing controllers that become the industry standard,so you know this tablet will rock.
Its going to be quite powerful and big developers are bringing their big franchises to it like Batman Arkham City,GTA5 is rumoured,Darksiders,so Wii-U owners will have the best of both worlds,Nintendo games and these titles from studios like EA and Rocksteady and more...for me this is a killer selling point which puts Wii-U in a different place to the other consoles.
Plus Nintendo are revealing the 'finished' Wii-U at next years E3...this means there will be lots more big developments and shocks I am sure :o
Good time to be a Nintendo fan :D

#39163 Wii U Game Logo requests

Posted by Katana on 29 October 2011 - 12:00 AM in The Museum

Hey what about a Mario Kart logo :D

#39052 Which OOT is better so far?

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 10:37 AM in General Gaming

Having played the original tons of times (and still consider it one of the best games ever) and today just completing the Forest Temple on the 3DS I have to say so far the 3DS...more detail,smoother frame rate,better lighting so yes 3DS.
But I did love the N64 controller...Z-button and stick was great :)

#40641 what you know you will buy

Posted by Katana on 02 November 2011 - 10:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Batman Arkham City.
Really want to play it now,my 360 friends are teasing me about it....grrrrr

#43616 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Katana on 25 November 2011 - 02:46 AM in The Café

I am listening to a band called Born of Osiris at the moment...they are Progressive Death Metal and awesome:)

#39694 What games would you like to see make an HD remake or revived on the Wii U

Posted by Katana on 29 October 2011 - 11:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Remake:Starfox (SNES) Majoras Mask (N64) Goldeneye (N64..Licence rights is an issue here I think though) Metroid Prime 1,2,(Cube) MP Corruption (Wii)
They should do all 3 Prime games in HD boxed together:) Resident Evil 4...come on that will be great:) Mario 64 HD(N64)

#40634 What do you guys like to munch on?

Posted by Katana on 02 November 2011 - 06:49 AM in The Café

Pizza and Pringles and er....Pizza flavoured Pringles :P

#39042 This is an introduction thread

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 09:31 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum... :D
Hope you have fun...!!!

#39192 This is an introduction thread

Posted by Katana on 29 October 2011 - 08:26 AM in Introduction Central

Dazzle offer good capture cards...quite reasonable prices too...I am not sure how user friendly they are though... :ph34r:

#39043 The Darklord is in the WiiU forums now

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 09:34 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum... :)
My main fandom is Mario Kart,but love Metroid and Zelda and Mario and typing the word and, and using the word and as many times in a sentence as I can... :blush:
Have fun... :D

#39045 Sup?

Posted by Katana on 28 October 2011 - 09:40 AM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the forum... :D
I love most things Nintendo... :D
But want MK7,Wii-U like right now... :D

#40733 Steve Jobs more Influential then Miyamoto, What!?

Posted by Katana on 03 November 2011 - 01:16 AM in General Gaming

We'll I have nothing against Apple but at the same time do not own any of their products (and probably never will)
Apple stuff seems very expensive and I really don't care about mobile phones,my current mobile sends SMS's,can ring people,surf the net and thats all I require from it.Steve Jobs was a clever man no doubts,but Apple is a fashionable brand as much as making tech devices.
But its fair to say without Nintendo and Miyamoto gaming would be dead.And so many things that are industry standard now Nintendo developed.
Plus game design for me is as meritable as making music,painting or sculpting and anything else thats considered art or culture.
The I-Phone might be popular but Mario is the most recognised characeter on the planet,thats a fact...most children in Africa know who Mario is but not Mickey Mouse.
And I hate to say it but its true but when someone dies their achievments are elevated higher etc than when they were alive...so true of many artists and musicians...

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