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#39610 Newbie

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 06:35 PM in Introduction Central

Hi PK-Love!

That's a beautiful signature you got there!

Yeah I know Majora's Mask was under appreciated, but there was just something on Wind Waker that made it so wonderful, it was a sort of hate-love story, since the first time I saw the screenshots on a magazine I hated it because I though it had kiddy graphics and was nothing like Ocarina of Time (oh boy I was SO wrong), so I rented it just for a day, and I just had to bought it the next day, I think I'm one of the few that actually enjoyed sailing. The bizarre nature of Majora's was really cool though, and the abilities were awesome. But who knows, can Skyward Sword take the precious place of Wind Waker for me? We are less than a month away!

#39564 Newbie

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 06:09 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks to you both!

Don't worry Brian your Spanish is understandable, and btw, I also love Kingdom Hearts

#39383 Newbie

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 03:19 PM in Introduction Central

Si, Waller definitivamente este sitio me esta gustando cada vez mas y mas. Mi genero favorito de videojuegos son los RPG al igual que los de aventura como Zelda. Hay muchos de estrategia como Advance Wars, Fire Emblem y Pikmin que tambien me gusta jugar y aunque ahora no hay tantos juegos de plataforma como habia antes sigue siendo uno de los generos que mas juego.

En general mis gustos son muy variados y si el juego es bueno, es seguro que lo disfrutare. En cuanto a los de instrumentos musicales estuve recibiendo clases de guitarra unos meses pero por cuestiones de tiempo no pude seguir asistiendo. Se que no me preguntaste sobre deportes pero me encanta el futbol y la natacion.

Te agradezco mucho tu calida bienvenida!
And I hope no one feels offended or isolated by this post in spanish.

#39325 Newbie

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 12:41 PM in Introduction Central

Wii U Day 1! :laugh: I constantly go to the 3DSblog for the news, from there I went to Wii U blog and there I found these forums, but I still don't know what took me so much lol.

In my opinion all numbered final fantasy games are good, I started playing the DS remake of IV and I loved it, its just that some people don't like the changes that the series do on the new games. I think its because they liked VII, for example, and then they played XIII expecting the same.

Well, glad to meet you!

#39302 Newbie

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 12:15 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks for the welcome! Definitely looking forward to Skyward Sword, already pre-ordered the bundle with the limited remote plus. Recently I experienced Kingdom Hearts for the first time with Birth by Sleep, and it instantly became one of my favorite franchises, although before playing it I though it wasn't as good as people said.

So now the games I am looking forward to the most for 3DS are obviously Kingdom Hearts 3D, Pokemon "Gray" or "Chrome", Luigis Mansion 2, Mario Kart 7, ES Skyrim, Super Smash Bros. 4, GTA V(Recently Announced), Pikmin 3, Monster Hunter 4, Mario Tennis(if it is developed by Camelot) and many more!

#39279 Newbie

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 11:29 AM in Introduction Central

Hi! I'm a big fan of all things Nintendo, and after many months trying to make IGN my home it was impossible because of all the hate people with different tastes receive for no reason at all except for the fact that they own a console that others don't. So looking for a safe place where I could rationally discuss things about my favorite gaming company I arrived here at the Wii U forums.

From the moment I set eyes on the unveiling of the Wii U, even though so many people were skeptical (and still are), I knew it was going to be the cause of excitement for so many people, simply because of the possibilities it brings to the table. Definitely one of the consoles I have been most excited about in my life.

I'm sorry if I often make mistakes while writing, but being from another country my main language is spanish and I wont get mad if you point the mistakes I make, since that's one of the ways I can improve it. My first console was a N64 and my favorite game of all time is WInd Waker, followed by Fallout 3(don't know why I became so addicted to this game).

There are many things more I wish to say but since this is just my introduction, I'm happy to be welcomed to these forums.

Posted Image

#39271 What I want in the Pokemon battle game

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 11:04 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They should make a sequel to Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness. That's what I want in the next home console Pokemon game.Gen 5 just started so I think its too early for a gen 6, they should fix up Gen 5 with Pokemon "Gray" on 3DS by bringing Pokemon into the next gen handheld, and have it connect to Black and White normally, but it would be a 3DS game. Kind of like they did with the mystery dungeon games when the DS first came out. After they have that settled, they need to make the Ruby and Sapphire remakes for the 3DS. They screwed up the cycle so bad by putting B/w on the freaking DS.

Absolutely agree with you, I really don't understand how they couldn't just wait a little bit for the 3DS to release and start the 5th Gen on it. It would have been the PERFECT 3DS game that was needed to boost sales, even if it was released with the original DS graphics (although they really work hard to make them different form 4th gen and was one of the best looking games on DS).

Anyway, I dont want a main series game on Wii U simply because it would lose the charm of the series. I mean, this type of game doesn't suit a home console at all IMO. Genius Sonority is making a fine work with the battle series and if they just add compatibility with the handheld games and some RPG elements, it would make the next Pokemon game really great.

#39266 New Sonic Game

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 10:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

There's a rumor going around that there is going to be an spiritual successor to the Wii's Sonic Colors game called Sonic Dimensions for the Wii U. http://www.tssznews....on-wii-u-sonic/

The game sounds awesome in so many ways that even if I know that it is just a rumor and may be fake, it makes me really curious of how a game like this may turn out, especially since it is believed that Nintendo devs are collaborating with the makers of Sonic Colors. Graphics are said to be on par with Sonic Generations, and the abilities and plot sound really interesting.

What do you guys think about this rumor? Do you think its fake or real? I heard these guys get their leaks right and they are very accurate with rumors, so I am inclined to believe that it is real, especially because it seems to take some ideas of Colors to the next level.

#39260 Donkey Kong U

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 10:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I like your idea, but I believe Mario vs Donkey Kong is the successor to that series, now Donkey Kong has made a name of its own with the Country series and his games are awesome. But a cool Donkey Kong remake on the Wii U eShop would be really interesting, hell I would buy it instantly.

#39256 Can you imagine Mario with PS3 graphics?

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 10:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes a Super Mario games with Wii U graphics would be amazing, I believe that with Nintendo entering the HD era we will truly see how HD is meant to be used, by creating colourful and detailed worlds that increases immersion to the limit.

Anyway, we all know what the next mario game would be called right? Here's a hint: Super Mario "U"niverse.

#39252 Should Nintendo make a Pokemon Snap 2

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 10:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software


That will be really awesome, instead of making it on-rails, they could make specific areas again like Volcanoes or Valleys and let you control your character (which I would like to be Tom again), you could use your controller to point at the screen as if it were a camera and automatically get to FPS view (like they did with Other M) on the controller, while you can still view your character and move around on the TV. There are just so many ideas they can come up with. Another cool one is that since the controller has a mic (I think), you could use your voice to startle the pokemon by calling its name.

It would just be a must buy if something like this came to Wii U.

#39241 GTA 5 Possibilities on Wii U (IGN Article)

Posted by MachineLaw on 29 October 2011 - 10:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Exactly what you said is my favorite idea, I mean what could be more GTA-ish than making a parody of what is the boom in society right now, the protaginist HAS to carry around a uPad and do all kinds of things with it. And the "apps" could be minigames that you can access at all times, IMO along with the PDA this will contribute to the realism of GTA, and will answer some questions such as how are you able to acces a minimap and have GPS and some others.

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