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#142665 Time in Japan: A Memory a Day for 365 Days

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 03 December 2012 - 12:25 PM in The Café

Man why no one talk about China? :(

Anyways I hope ya had fun! I heard that it is similar to China. Have you been to Japan before?

#85028 question about Wii U controller

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 06 June 2012 - 01:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think the same way that they would use the Classic controller.

#85071 E3 Clarifications.

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 06 June 2012 - 03:00 PM in Wii U Hardware

I agree with you ^. Nintendo really did play their hand right and they got lucky with all this 3rd party support. We now just have to wait and see what unfolds though.

#84486 Will the new controller be as tiring as the motion control?

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 05 June 2012 - 11:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

No because it doesn't entirely rely just on that remote. Also you get Classic Controller U and dang that thing looks comfy.

#139120 Not exactly new

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 27 November 2012 - 11:58 AM in Introduction Central


You can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man no time to talk
Music loud woman warm
Iv'e been kicked around since i was born
But thats alright, im ok
You may look the other way
We can try to understand
The New York Times effect a man
Whether your a brother or whether your a mother
you're staying alive staying alive
Feel the city breaking,
And everybody shaking
Ah AH Ah ah staying alive staying alive

Amen brother :') You will forever be in my heart Maurice Gibbs.

Anyways heya and how are you?

#138545 Liquid, Leader of Oracles

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 26 November 2012 - 02:24 PM in Introduction Central

Heya Liquid!
Interesting name I guess, but anyways good to see ya here! I hope to see you in the chat sometime!

#143574 Sporting Lounge

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 04 December 2012 - 03:33 PM in The Café

Okay I don't understand why I was the first to come up with one but talk about the sports you are currently participating in! I am currently a wrestler! I just won the division competition and I now have a place in the state competition! So I am about to go to the state competition in 12/7/12. I am really psyched right now and I am training furiously! So wish me luck!

Anyways what is going on with you in the sporting world?

#78356 Picture of your desktop!

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 14 May 2012 - 01:32 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Wait isnt there a thread like this?

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