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#78175 -

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 13 May 2012 - 11:04 AM in The Café

Crows? Really?

Yeah you can even teach them hoe to talk they are really cool! I think elephants and cockatoos are closer though.....

#74810 -

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 April 2012 - 04:09 PM in General Gaming

Why do we even debate this in the first place? This is kinda like asking for world peace. If countries don't cooperate then why should gaming companies?

#72831 -

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 17 April 2012 - 04:02 PM in The Café

In a more free perspective, artificial means man-made.  The strict technological definition for AI is a limited one, however, people can talk about it in philosophical terms as a simple man-made definition.  It being artificial can simply mean that man created the ancestor robot, but (I don't know how) its byproducts or new version created itself to become a truly intelligent being.

This is just interpretation of the word, though.

How about those androids and cyborgs?

Androids and cyborgs are completely different. Androids are completely robotic and man made while a cyborg doesnt exist yet and are considered actual living creatures. And what modern science tells us is that technological singualrity is nothing but a dream.

#72822 -

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 17 April 2012 - 03:29 PM in The Café

Technological singularity it truly impossible. You cant program a robot to do that no matter how long you try. Heck we can barely get a robot to play violin. In order to make a robot capable of thought isn't possible whatsoever. The only way to accomplish this is to actually create life. All robots are is circuits reacting and sending signals. Although this is similar to what the brain does, you cant accomplish this because a robot cant learn and adapt on its own or else it will have to rewrite all of its programming over again. People will have to have inhuman intelligence for this to happen. It just isnt possible.

Artificial intelligence is still intelligence - It's man-made intelligence, however crude it's been so far.

Artificial intelligence isn't true intelligence for it is only a bunch of numbers interacting with each other. It isnt thinking at all, its programing is just interacting.

#73173 -

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 19 April 2012 - 10:50 AM in The Café

A computer won't even know what he's doing. He won't learn anything, which clearly is a part it has to have to talk about intelligence. AI is just a bad word for "Complex user input based output system".

Yes but the memory required to learn is just too much. You will end up with needing much more than 1000 TB. Modern computers normally have no more than 2 TB. It will be a very big feat of engineering.

Also it would be kinda impossible to create emotion because the human brain cant even do that without the help of chemicals and hormones.

#78157 -

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 13 May 2012 - 10:09 AM in The Café

Yeah but in order to obtain intelligence you need to have life.

#74803 -

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 25 April 2012 - 03:42 PM in The Café

He's basing it off the assumption that there is an objective truth and that truth exists in all nature, not morals. Unfortunately this premise, though already flawed, will logically reach a point of which people don't want to hear. I am going to refer to this absolute or perfection as "god", because it is more or less the same thing.
If perfection or objectivity exists in everything, this yields two outcomes. One, this god would be an imperfect being with all the imperfections in this world. Descartes was unable to dismiss a god's imperfection if it is a part of everything. An imperfect god or a self-doubting god is an interesting, yet often, unexplored option in many religions or philosophical conversations.
The second option is that this god is either not benevolent or omnipotent. All the chaos, destruction, and bad things that happen in this world are connected to it and it cannot be either benevolent or omnipotent. If it is omnipotent, than it has no alignment, good or bad.
These are the major issues with a pantheistic viewpoint like this. Some people see them as issues, others don't.

I guess that is what I was trying to say but my English is just too bad to say it. :( Oh well anyways thank you.

#79110 -

Posted by HaoSenVastForest on 19 May 2012 - 07:11 AM in The Café

I'm talking purely aesthetics, so please don't post your own country's flag just because you're feeling patriotic :3
Personally, my favorite flag is...
Posted Image
North Korea!
I was strolling through Wikipedia and decided to add to my knowledge of North Korea when I was struck by design of the flag, I mean just look at it! I dunno, for a crazy totalitarian pseudo-communist monarchy (lol, a communist monarchy is kind of contradictory) they sure have a nice looking flag.

So yeah, what flag do you think looks the best? (feel free to post an image)

LOL I WAS JUST ABOUT TO POST THAT! Yeah I was impressed with the design too! Anyways I always liked the Soviet Union.

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