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There have been 125 items by EternalDeadman (Search limited from 03-June 23)

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#78883 Epic kind of says they are not impressed with PS4 and Xbox 720's power

Posted by EternalDeadman on 17 May 2012 - 07:05 PM in General Gaming

Lol that means he is saying WiiU can render Avatar WTF.

I honestly think that he probably just has lower standards when it comes to nintendo's consoles, I don't care much for power.

#78882 Wii U at E3 vs Sony

Posted by EternalDeadman on 17 May 2012 - 06:51 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think that Nintendo fanboys should stop being Sony haters for the sake of being Sony haters. I'm going on a rant here now, the amount of times I see comments on the blog sites about Nintendo vs Sony is just ridiculous. I went through that phase too at one point and now looking back, it was such a stupid trivial matter. You guys are meant to be Nintendo fans, and apparently by fanboy definition, for some reason Nintendo fan = Sony hater. This really annoys me that most people can't appreciate the fact there is competition and that these companies are clearly provided entertainment goods that enhance the experience to what their audience wants.

Now then, lets get down to business:

  • EVERY Nintendo competitor wants to take people's mind of the Wii U! It's the frigging elephant in the room, it's simple business sense, it's competition of course they want to make a better impression than Nintendo, it's not about hate! No PS4, because that would down play the upcoming games.
  • Those three games I am really amazed by, it's not to out show the Wii U by any means, this is just a coincidence. Even of this old tech, Naughty Dog is able to push out something so spectacular that visually looks better than most PC games. Sony really has great exclusives, not to you OP but to other haters, this isn't 2006-2007 anymore. This is what I meant by how back then hating was ridiculous because look how well the PS3 is actually turning out. Great games = sales = profit. Again it's normal practices that has nothing to do specifically with the Wii U coming out.
  • Price Drop, again simple business tactic, you want to maximise sales, make system either more affordable or better value to entice more buyers of that system. Again simple tactic that I am pretty sure both Sony and Microsoft are going to do, because they can. Both companies have high profit margins at the moment (Microsoft surely does) and they can afford to lower the prices down to be more attractive than the Wii U (bearing in mind that any console launch is really intended for core gamers than casuals, and that casuals are a small percentage, which is still significant).

Your theory is flawed because I'm a fan of both sony and nintendo.

#78667 Ask Elric

Posted by EternalDeadman on 16 May 2012 - 05:05 PM in The Café

Not really actually. I know that if try my absolute hardest no matter what I will get to what I am wanting to achieve. To help you out a little bit, try to live in the moment. Leave your past behind, and try to not look to far into the future.

Fun fact: A cat with a green eye and blue eye are known as "odd-eyed" cats and it is a genetic mutation. It is not common, but it's cool to see one that is healthy. Some "odd-eyed" cats are prone to be born blind if I remember right.

Thanks! That was good advice, and I already knew about my cat's condition. The scientific name for her condition is heterochromia iridis.
To follow up with a question I'll ask if your excited for the last of us, and why?
I ask because you mentioned that you liked games like heavy rain, and the last of us looks like a game heavily based on story.

#78375 Rumor: Nintendo to offer Wii U cloud storage for save games and player profiles

Posted by EternalDeadman on 14 May 2012 - 04:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

If this is free and true then this is awesome.

Yeah definitely! Lets hope it's not tied to a subscription, like the ps360.

#78371 IGN: Wii U Gets New Controller Design?

Posted by EternalDeadman on 14 May 2012 - 04:01 PM in Wii U Hardware


The patent is from this document. The document was published a couple of days ago, but as numerous people already have pointed out, the patent itself is likely an old one. Analog sticks are still a possibility though.

EDIT: Document was filed by Nintendo October 2011, which of course was after the Wii U's first reveal. So I guess...?

Thanks for the clarification. On a side note, why are people bashing IGN? You guys do realize that gonintendo also reported on the story. Most, if not all gaming websites, report on rumors. I do agree that IGN is rather bias when it comes to reviews, but because they report on stories like these, you can't simply deem them inaccurate or unreliable.

#78293 IGN: Wii U Gets New Controller Design?

Posted by EternalDeadman on 13 May 2012 - 11:37 PM in Wii U Hardware

I am pretty sure this is the old patent, and as to why they would? Because they're a news blog that pretty much cares about hits and storieslike this patent which has been on this forum for a while is news to them. Pretty much most news sites do it but IGN pretty much takes it further.

Do you happen to have any proof of that?

#78267 IGN: Wii U Gets New Controller Design?

Posted by EternalDeadman on 13 May 2012 - 08:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

Um...The patent your talking about is a differernt one.

That's what I figured, otherwise why would IGN dedicate an article to it.

#78240 Spam Battle

Posted by EternalDeadman on 13 May 2012 - 07:10 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games


Attached Thumbnails

  • deadman.jpg

#78236 Luigi's Mansion 2 Wii U?

Posted by EternalDeadman on 13 May 2012 - 06:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Both games would have to differ from one another, seeing as how the wiiu and 3ds share dual screens, I think it would be difficult to do that. If it were nearly the same people would take the less expensive version, which in this case, I imagine would be the 3ds version.

#78225 Ask Elric

Posted by EternalDeadman on 13 May 2012 - 06:14 PM in The Café

I can't really think of much to ask, so I'm only going to ask one question.

I am curious to know, if the prospect of going off to construct your own life scares you, why?

I am asking, because in a matter of months, I will be going to college. Soon I might be faced with making a life on my own. What scares me about this is the chance of potentially failing at my career, and ultimately having regrets about my past. The initial solitude would be scary as well. I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Oh! Before I forget, this is my cat. Bet you didn't expect my cat's eyes to be two different colors, did you. As for my age, I will be 18 in july of this year.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 2012-05-06-145302.jpg

#77223 Rumor: Blockbuster UK lists multiple Wii U games

Posted by EternalDeadman on 06 May 2012 - 12:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My hopes have been let down by game listings before, so I have no trust in this one.

#77220 For those of you who don't check your emails.

Posted by EternalDeadman on 06 May 2012 - 12:08 PM in Site News and Feedback

Thanks, I only check my email once a week, so this helped.

#76782 Facebook has been reading the site.

Posted by EternalDeadman on 03 May 2012 - 02:58 PM in Site News and Feedback

I have no clue if it is a bot or not.

If it is, I don't think it can be a "he."

So... Is it a bot or not?

* he * fixed

#76656 Post your beautiful face

Posted by EternalDeadman on 02 May 2012 - 07:22 PM in The Café

You look like you are an Indian, or of Indian heritage, talking about India ones, stupid Columbus screwed history up.

You never answered my question.

#76616 Post your beautiful face

Posted by EternalDeadman on 02 May 2012 - 06:36 AM in The Café



(Dang, this is scary... )

Well... It's possible, where do you work?
Nevermind, I understand. For safety measures it's better to keep private information, private.

#76547 Facebook has been reading the site.

Posted by EternalDeadman on 01 May 2012 - 08:47 PM in Site News and Feedback

I hope you know I was being sarcastic.

Yeah. You simply comfirmed he was a bot, right. I know it isn't a guitar hero bot.

#76540 Post your beautiful face

Posted by EternalDeadman on 01 May 2012 - 08:31 PM in The Café

You look like you are an Indian, or of Indian heritage, talking about India ones, stupid Columbus screwed history up.

I'm actually American. My parents are from Central America, more specifically from Guatemala and Salvador.

#76537 Facebook has been reading the site.

Posted by EternalDeadman on 01 May 2012 - 08:24 PM in Site News and Feedback


Specifically a Guitar Hero bot gone wild.

Ok. Got it now.

#76534 Facebook has been reading the site.

Posted by EternalDeadman on 01 May 2012 - 08:21 PM in Site News and Feedback

So is Facebook a bot?

#76531 Facebook has been reading the site.

Posted by EternalDeadman on 01 May 2012 - 08:13 PM in Site News and Feedback

I'm lost. :mellow: What are you guys taking about? Can someone elaborate thoroughly?

#76526 Post your beautiful face

Posted by EternalDeadman on 01 May 2012 - 07:59 PM in The Café

You look like you are an Indian, or of Indian heritage, talking about India ones, stupid Columbus screwed history up.

Do you mean Native American or Indian, as in from India?

#76459 Nintendo confirms E3 2012 presentation date/time

Posted by EternalDeadman on 01 May 2012 - 03:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yay! :laugh: I'm out of school by then.

#76296 Ask Elric

Posted by EternalDeadman on 30 April 2012 - 09:42 PM in The Café

Since I posted my picture,(without looking at my profile) how old do think I look?

What color eyes do you think my cat has?

How many places have you traveled to, name them?

What do you think of my of my profile picture?

Do you like podcast, if you do, which are your favorites?

Do you perfer marvel or detective comics, why?

What is your favorite gaming website, why?

What is your favorite genre of video games, why?

What do you think of the current president of the U.S.?

Do you like day or night better, why?

Which evokes the most emotion in you music, art, or writing?

Are you religious?

Which do you perfer cats or dogs, why?

Do snakes scare you, why?

Is final fantasy vii overated, why?

Is final fantasy xiii underated, why?

Do you think final fantasy versus xiii will fail or succeed, why?

What is your fondest memory as a child, why?

Do you like sushi, why?

Would you rather be stuck in a desert plain or an icy plain, why?

Have you recently had any nightmares, tell me, what were they about?

What is the scariest game you have ever played?

Do think nintendo 3ds will come back to the forums?

What was your best 3D experience?

What is your most anticipated movie of 2012, why?

What do you think about guns?

What do you think about swords?

Do you perfer games based on fantasy or reality, why?

When do you think machines will transcend humanity, if ever?

Would you rather have a job that earns a lot of money or one that you enjoy, why?

When do you think video game graphics will reach the level of hollywood effects?

Do you think a competitor to the wii u will be revealed at E3?

Should I post more questions?

#76232 Post your beautiful face

Posted by EternalDeadman on 30 April 2012 - 06:24 PM in The Café

I feel the need to repost my face and what's with everybody making these weird faces? D:

Sorry. I'm not a picture person.

#76189 Post your beautiful face

Posted by EternalDeadman on 30 April 2012 - 05:30 PM in The Café

This is me.2012-04-30-170952.jpg

I used my vita.

Anti-Spam Bots!