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There have been 45 items by TriForce_3 (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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#85011 Zelda?

Posted by TriForce_3 on 06 June 2012 - 12:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Of course we will have a Zelda on Wii U. The promise of the great first party games is why I'll be getting a Wii U.

The real question is will we get a megaton announcement of a 3DS Zelda tonight! Nintendo has said they want to sell more 3DS's in NA and Europe and releasing a Zelda on 3DS (along with localizing more of the games in Japan) would be a very good start. Especially considering the other games that are coming (Luigi's Mansion/Paper Mario/etc.....). Personally, I don't think we'll see a 3DS Zelda now, but I can still hope!

#84940 Not Happy..time to rant

Posted by TriForce_3 on 06 June 2012 - 08:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So, I have been reading around and I think most people were not really happy with the turnout at E3. I am not a Nintendo guy. I have a 360. I am the type of person who likes shooters and sports games and power but, I was very excited about the WII U for the past year. I love the concept and who does not like a new system!? I have had a wii before simply to play Mario and some donkey Kong but that’s about it. I used to love the N64 and SNES so; I have had my share of fun with Nintendo in the past. Coming from someone who is not a diehard Nintendo guy, this is a bad start for them. Half of the 3rd party games look like they are either ment for kids or just some half ass game thrown together to use the new controller. Nintendo needed more time at E3. And what in god’s name was Nintendo land!? Really? Did they really need to spend a ton of time talking up a game that looks like its ment for a 12 year old? How do you end E3 on that? Where are all the big 3rd party franchises? Games like far cry? Or I don’t know... ANY EA sports games? How can you not talk about NHL or Madden or Fifa. Tons of people say these games are coming out for wii u but it’s not on that site with the list of launch titles. These games will all be released from august to October on 360 and ps3 so if Nintendo is planning on having these games on their system, how can you not mention it or have it released by xmas>? This system was supposed to appeal to casual gamers. What I saw today were games ment for kids or games that I could play on my 360 with the same graphics. And where is call of duty? I don’t care if you hate this game...How can you not release that game on this system? This just shows that Nintendo is not getting the picture. It’s not on that list of launch titles and again, if they plan on releasing it down the road why would I ever buy it on wii u when I can have the same game on my 360? To me, Nintendo is really not doing a great job. A year from now ps4 and 720 will be coming out and they will be steps ahead of Nintendo again. Nintendo should be getting MOST if not all games that are coming out for ps3 and 360 and having them released on the WII U. Some might say it’s unrealistic but in reality, it shouldn’t be. I am not saying it needs 75 games at launch but, this is not an impressive start

And I understand there are people on here who will strictly buy this because they love Nintendo and their 1st party titles and that’s awesome. I get that. But speaking from another audience of gamers........today was NOT the right step.

I have to agree. I own multiple Platforms every generation and I'm not a "fanboy" for any company, but I was excited for a new system. I knew it would be weaker than PS4 and Nextbox, but the reason I buy multiple Platforms every generation is because of the great first party Nintendo games and their innovation. So far, I'm not seeing that Nintendo magic right now. They truly BOMBED their press conference, for the 'Core' gamers, IMO.

It may go on to sale a ton of systems, but I'm very disappointed in Nintendo and this leaves me questioning the overall direction of the company. The company needs a breath of fresh air in upper Management, IMO. I love how Nintendo "does it their own way", but it seems "their own way" no longer interests me as much as it once did. Is it me, or is it them???????/

#84423 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by TriForce_3 on 05 June 2012 - 10:18 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I have a feeling we will have more game announcements in the next 2-3 months. They may not make the launch window, but maybe there plan is that the Nintendo "fanboys" will buy the system day 1 regardless. About the time they start losing momentum they can launch some of the games that we are all looking forward too (Monolith's, Retro's, 3D Mario, possibly a key 3rd party exclusive, etc....). Then about the time that Next Xbox and PS4 are launched we will see anohter round of games such as Zelda.

I'll still be getting a Wii U on launch day, but only cause I have the money and I plan on getting multiple platforms next gen. If I was only planning on buying one Console next gen I would be waiting :(

#84353 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by TriForce_3 on 05 June 2012 - 09:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

New game unveil on Spike. PLEASE BE RETRO's title!

I'll still be getting Wii U at launch, but not near as hyped as I was previously. Yes, Arkham CIty, AC3, Darksiders II, Mass Effect 3, are all nice games but I can have them on my Xbox.

ZombiU looks promising and so does Rayman Legends and Pikmin 3 but I would like one more Core title ATLEAST.

Oh and where is Zelda 3ds?

#83802 Power of the Wii U at E3!

Posted by TriForce_3 on 04 June 2012 - 08:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

nah its a good technique. they're doing it to attract people who are only interested in multiplats so they need to show it at the beginning otherwise those people wont watch the whole conference for it. when i tried watching the microsoft conference last year i got bored and couldnt finish it, that's why they will show it at the beginning

Agree. Attract as many 'Core' gamers (since that's the majority of who watches E3) as possible from the very beginning that way they are watching when they drop the other news. The Graphics, while they should be good, are far from what will define the Wii U and Ninty will have plenty of other huge announcements!

#81623 Metro: Last Light un-confirmed for Wii U

Posted by TriForce_3 on 29 May 2012 - 12:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

No, they are not- What Vigil has said about Darksiders II Wii U points out that it's just an effortless port-
http://www.eurogamer...ox-360-versions- Graphics "Just as good"
http://www.eurogamer...ith-current-gen- Hardware "On par" with current gen (According to them.)
But then-
http://www.nintengen...-is-pretty.html "Pretty powerful machine"
And then there's that story that said it took them two weeks to port the game to Wii U.
Really, the only things they are doing is moving the equip screen to the uPad/WUT/DRC whatever.

It actually depends on what interview you believe.

“If I didn’t have a strict gag order on me, I’d love to talk about all the great features that we have,” Jeremy tells us, “but what I can tell you is that it’s a next generation platform, and you should keep your eyes open.

“We’ll obviously be using the unique controller that it has to its utmost potential, but speaking to specific features or tech effects… well, that’s in Nintendo’s playground right now. And I know that they have plans for E3.”

Discussion here http://thewiiu.com/topic/3619-gagged/

#81621 Latest Darksiders Info

Posted by TriForce_3 on 29 May 2012 - 12:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

this is already being discussed.


I see, probably should have made a different title. Maybe Gagged-Darksiders. Would make it a lot easier to find in searches and when looking before posting a topic :)

#81567 Latest Darksiders Info

Posted by TriForce_3 on 29 May 2012 - 09:06 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Another Interview regarding Darksiders. Sounds very promising.

“We’ll obviously be using the unique controller that it has to its utmost potential, but speaking to specific features or tech effects… well, that’s in Nintendo’s playground right now. And I know that they have plans for E3.”

If that is true, then the Wii U version may be the best version. I originally thought that they would slap an inventory screen and map. Once the game was delayed I thought it had atleast a little to do with the Wii U. It should now release around the same time as PS360 and not be months behind those releases, which is very important.


I'm definitely getting Darksiders Day One and if the Wii U is the best version then I'll definitely be getting it for the Wii U.

#81538 Metro: Last Light un-confirmed for Wii U

Posted by TriForce_3 on 29 May 2012 - 08:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Digitalspy reports that the previously announced Wii U version of Metro: Last Light is currently not in development, but a port "could" still happen.

Digitalspy via NintendoLife via NeoGaf

Yea, I just put a comment on the story on WiiUgo. It's a shame. I hope we don't see more Third Parties saying things like "We want to focus on Platforms we are familiar with". Ugggghhh

#77700 Assassin's Creed 3 |OT| sweet tomahawk

Posted by TriForce_3 on 10 May 2012 - 09:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've never played an AC game before but they always intreagued me. And since I've always only had Nintendo consoles I've never had the chance so this will probably be a launch day purchase for me.

Since I've never played one before can someone answer this, is this an open ended game? Or is the single player a linear start and end type of game?

And also this question: there will be multiplayer correct?

This is a Franchise I had missed also. I'm playing it now in preparation for 3 :) If I like the others it will be a Launch Day purchase along with 3-4 others.

Nice game so far and even the first one has amazing Graphics. Can't wait to see Assassin's Creed 3 with the new engine and new combat.

It has been unlocked and its Glorious! Though I admit I skipped over brotherhood and revelations. Still I'm eagerly anticipating this one.

As I said above I'm playing the Franchise now. It's been on my backlog forever and I finally decided I was going to play it in anticipation of 3. I have some other Franchises/Games I'm wanting to catch up on also so I may do the same and just play AC I and II and then if I have time before AC3 I'll come back and play the others.

#77696 Rumor: People will be "blown away" by Unreal Engine 4 on Wii U

Posted by TriForce_3 on 10 May 2012 - 09:33 AM in Wii U Hardware

This is related to the same info I posted yesterday in the other UE4 thread.

Definitely good news. Can't wait for E3. That said, I'm still not getting overhyped so I can be pleasantly surprised by any official announcements.

Wow, that that would be awesome. For the time being though, I will not take anything as a fact unless it is from a developer.

This information, and story, was sourced from a dev

#77570 "The Intended Platforms UE 4 is aimed at have not been announced" Say...

Posted by TriForce_3 on 09 May 2012 - 09:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

I got it! Ideaman said the news is thread worthy and all gamers would think it was big news, not just Nintendo gamers. Also, it's not about the controller. That means, the dev kits were upgraded and optimized to run Unreal 4! The theory fits....

According to a NWR post with an inside source he confirms a dev told him Wii U was "tweaked" and WILL run UE4. BlackNMild on Gaf confirms that he has a source and says he believes him, but said he can't say more about the source.

Looks promising and I wondered if this matched what IdeaMan was speaking about that "Everybody would like to hear".

#73364 Leviathyn Article Claiming Several Yet Unseen rumors about Wii U - source ?

Posted by TriForce_3 on 20 April 2012 - 11:20 AM in Wii U Hardware

There is no indication that western digital will be branding their HDDs for WiiU

I guess nintendo's policy is not that of microsoft's - they will not block other HDDs from connecting, it's not kind of a way they do stuff - it's essentialy a pure marketing business if they do since there's no technical barrier and i don't think it's a good idea either.

Also - i hope it's USB3

Something I mentioned in another thread and something I hope Wii U has!

#72980 Wii U to support directx 11? let's talk

Posted by TriForce_3 on 18 April 2012 - 11:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

All gaming machines and pc have something in common, the engines that the games are built.. If you take an import from xbox360 to pc, we have the ability to increase settings and quality of the game, and that makes it better.. The same things we are going to see for 1 or 1 and half year after wii U release, in wii U... imports, that wii U will have high settings and the other consoles, low settings (Except the PC)..

here is a small example ... a very popular example, for what I mean.. So basically nintendo is making a huge bet for this 1 year time they got.. to earn as many pc gamers and enthusiasts they can, increase wii U sales and become the base platform for the developers. If nintendo makes that happen, whatever the other consoles have inside them, is going to be pointless.. Thats why everybody expects to see wii U in action.. It would be stupid enough for sony and microsoft to represent a huge leap consoles from Wii U, because at this generation at least, they got a huge lesson ... And paid a huge price.


So basically for at least 1 year, only exclusives will be a bit different and more advanced than the other games.. From the point orbis and 720 released, I believe or I want to believe, that wii U will be the platform to built their games.. And tweak them in the other console versions..

Agreed. Basically the ports could look better but I wouldn't expect 3rd party developers to put the time and effort into making the Wii U version look much better thant he HD Twins counterparts. However, a game built from the ground up on the Wii U to take full advantage of the technology will definitely look better.

The fact that the industry was sucking performance out of the current generation for so long is simply because the consoles games are to be developed from ground up - they have the low-level advantage of programming access to developers.

3rd party games will not be using full WiiU potential and there will always be some 3rd party games that will not have the programming skills to fully push the technology , especially the early 3rd party games, optimizing takes time since it's delicate and harder. You can expect stuff from ID Software to obliterate the competition in 3rd party sector. First parties will obviously be the highest quality as that's nintendo we're talking about.

You can't compare console to PC - you can only come to a technical theoretical equivalents - having that in mind - the end performance potential is 40 to 60% higher simply because the PC hardware is extremely inefficient with it's OS, API and Driver overhead.

It's not the developers that would not optimize PC games - THERE IS NOTHING TO OPTIMIZE ON PC, nothing the devs can do, they just do with what they can, some devs do a better job in the challenge than others obviously. This shows you how it doesn't matter how good your codebase is and how good of a developer you are, look what happend to Rage, id software had no choices, it was out of their reach, it's all about the DRIVERS.

The point also is - those that make APIs and Drivers and Operating Systems(windows), aren't game developers.

The idea of "WiiU" being "optimized for 3rd party engines" is totally silly .. that's journalist-style misunderstanding when handing out second hand information.

The actual news was that Epic Games pushed nintendo for better hardware specs, and nintendo accepted, that's when the V5 kits bit a bit more powerful than expected .. along with the massive V4 kit spec bump.
So it was a spec bump - that's all - there is nothing "optimized" to be done - that wrong perception. The CPU has instructions that it is planned to have, that's a custom IBM chip co-developed by nintendo, The GPU has the features and machine code that it has, there is no "code for 3rd party engines" in there - it's not how the whole technology works - the API will be obviously full-proof, it's not like API would be bad .. this is not something that can be taken lightly - it would affect all games and every single piece of software using it. Nintnedo historically does a good job on the stability and quality of the hardware, nintendo uses a custom OPENGL and probably OPENAL(audio) for their machines - they will have to write / replace the whole API since the new console - making an API is definitely a job that is being developed throughout the consoles development. then there's the SDK which is not going to be finalized until release and these kinds of stuff get regularly updated after the console release, a serious bug is what they cannot accept - that won't affect just one engine, but everything. People need to stop seeing unreal engine as "special", just because of the popularity and their mod tools which i really don't like by the way (i like the sandbox approach from crytek far more than the wireframe weirdness in UDK). UE3 is very old now. IDTech5 and Cryengine 3 are better.

The middle ware is what the middleware is - if the middleware is crap - the games will be crap.
The game is what developers make - if developers are crap - the game is crap.
If the free middleware is not good enough - developers can purchase other or make their own.

The system is totally as the system is - modern hardware - there is no silly and unnecessary cutbacks in the machine code that would only allow for example: "16 bit color"

Everything depends on what is put on TOP of the system. The ease of development will be improved by better API developed by nintendo. Free Middleware is intended for certain 3rd Party developers who have little kills and resources to tackle making their own tools, it's intended for the APP and WiiUWare market that's because those indie developers obviously don't have the skills to make advanced dev tools, so they have to purchase commercial middleware which doesn't guarantee to work best - 3rd party developers will now be able to get this for free on WiiU making it very attractive and also spend that money on making a better game, which in turn ups the quality standard on the WiiU and can potentially contribute to better success - that can drive forward the popularity and therefore sales of the system.

The word "middleware" was coined because these pieces of software are EXTREMELY hard to make and only the best of programming teams can do a really good job. That's why dedicated companies were founded who focus only on the development tools and the basis of the games, one of those basis is a physics engine, for example Havok.

Game devs like EPIC and ID Software and Crytek don't rely on middleware that much - they use perforce for codebase and a few other different things, which is not really the thing that impacts the actual platform hardware ,but it really is up to the developer skill and resources to make that as high quality as possible - Carmack said that one of those Code Analysis license tools costs about 50.000$ and id Software used 3 different code analysis tools to make sure their game is super bug-less. Static code analysis is not optimizing - it's only to get rid of bugs - programmer errors. Here's an example PVS-Studio did for the recently released Doom3 source code: http://www.viva64.com/en/b/0120/

The industry usually doesn't make custom modelling tools - they use stuff like Maya, 3Dsmax and zBrush, these tools are usually not regarded as middleware because they don't interfere with the actual platform hardware and the game code. So you guys also need to know in which cases "middleware" term applies to the software - as a product. The software that is custom created at the studio is just software or dev tools, they don't call their own stuff "middleware" , middleware is usually a product / package that is done by another company and licensed / sold.

Nintendo probably has it's own custom "middleware" (which is software - it's a physics engine, development kits(modelling, mapping) , codebase (perforce) , code analysis (PVS-studio) , everyone can make his own, nothing special for experienced programmers)

The most used middleware is obviously the physics engine - these stuff is not sold like a plug-in object code, it's source code and licensed ... it can be modified and optimized so that rule "crap developer = crap game" is totally valid. It doesn't really matter what big super duper expensive "middleware" you put in your game - it won't work if you don't know how to properly implement it and make sure you don't screw up in a different area that would make the game run like crap while it's not even the middleware that would be faulty.

The "unoptimized middleware can kill the system" is a debatable statement. It doesn't kill the system it kills the games, system is fine. The middleware is the cause obviously, but this problem comes from situations where a developer purchases a lot of development tools that may not be as optimized for the system - those devs then have to work on already unoptimized development tools and the game cannot end up any better. Better developers can choose to have custom proprietary stuff making it from scratch, or are able to modify the existing middleware to fix it's flaws.

The bottom line is - whatever you do not properly program it can run as bad as a 10 year old game. WiiU will be technically more powerful than the X360 in many ways. The games will immediately look better on it, without even the violent optimizing that has yet to come, if gearbox software can make it, anyone can, gearbox software isn't really the pusher of the tech industry but they aren't bad at all, the Aliens Colonial marines being at the level gearbox described "best version on consoles" - this is a total confirmation that the much more experienced developer companies will get even better results.

Finally to conclude:
I just want to explain that the argument of optimizing engines in a way people think is against the laws of technology and also other things:
- Nintendo cannot optimize 3rd party engines: they don't have authorization to the proprietary code.
- EPIC licenses engines to other developers, but nintendo's tech is very rarely relied on third parties (except physics like havok) , they prefer their own proprietary stuff which they do not license to anyone.
- The optimization from a lower software level to some higher software engine is impossible - it goes against laws of physics and mathemathics and logic, and how the tech works. The optimization is done with the developer of the game. It solely relies on the game and what the game has inside (middleware) is totally not hardware's problem and hardware, nor API, nothing from nintendo can make up for a crappy programmed software. It's all game developers fault, obviously, if you have a stable system that doesn't RROD, but that's something else .. i talking about the aspect of situation without the low-probability variables, nintendo always makes polished systems so that's totally not a reason to worry about.

If UE3 will run like crap - it's UE3's fault.

Seems like your arguing over semantics

#72978 How likely are you to buy a Wii U?

Posted by TriForce_3 on 18 April 2012 - 11:42 AM in Wii U Hardware

Then you gotta put "Gonna get it let's wait"

Nah, I didn't vote at all :)

It's not "ZOMG NO...." but it's not "Gonna get but..." either. In all likelihood I'll preorder and have it paid off before launch date just to make sure I have one with my name on it. E3 would have to be a major disappointment for me not to have one on Launch day.  

Price isn't a concern for me and I'm not really that concerned about specs. The only thing that would disappoint me is a lack of good first party games, though I'm also looking forward to some of the 3rd party games already announced. I'll be holding off playing Darksiders II on 360 so I can play it on the Wii U.

#72874 How likely are you to buy a Wii U?

Posted by TriForce_3 on 17 April 2012 - 06:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

As of now, I'm pretty sure I'm getting one at Launch. I'll wait until after E3 to make my mind up 100% though. As long as E3 is not a disappointment I'll be getting one at  launch.

#72872 Wii U to support directx 11? let's talk

Posted by TriForce_3 on 17 April 2012 - 06:43 PM in Wii U Hardware

I am an old fashioned guy, so I am against digital thing, internet is very fragile and companies are trying to take over it.. And I dont trust bubbles.. I want something in my hands.. Bubbles pop..

as for tinforce_3, forget about ps3 and xbox360, this consoles are unexistant, wii U is up to 3-4 times better than that.. U will see at E3. Also ps4 is 4 times better than the current.. so I dont think ps4 is going to be stronger from wii U, wii U will have a better CPU, and ps4 some extra graphical power.. (some)... same games and same quality all of them. So in this generation the winner is, whoever have the best and user friendly features..
As I dont think xbox will make it with ONLY digital distribution or forcing users to have internet access, and pay extra fees to play online! (who think about this methods!! Such a disturbing personality..) Force you pay bills and pay fees as well to play online! ... This features are not friendly.. And they cost alot of extra money to the end user... It is not just bad.. its disturbing.

I agree that it's much stronger then PS360. I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I think some of the games will look similar simply because they are ports from the HD Twins. Those won't be nearly as impressive as a game built from the ground up that takes full advantage of all of the Wii U's capabilities. For example, look at Uncharted on the Playstation compared to some of the ports.

So Darksiders II may look a little better than the PS360 counterparts but when we see a game built from the ground up that takes full advantage of Wii U it will show the true power of the system.

Console developers don't really need to use API's and it was never a stretch imo that Wii U would be compatible with directx 11.
They don't just grab a hd4850 off amd's shelf and slap it in a console.

Pretty much everything else I had to say was said already.

Exactly. No reason to be concerned about hd4850's over heating since they won't use an "off-the-shelf" hd4850. It will be a custom version that may have similar specs but won't be a hd4850 in most aspects.

#72778 Vigil: Everyone Will Want A Wii U

Posted by TriForce_3 on 17 April 2012 - 01:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

That is actually one of the reasons why I want the Wii U version.

Darksiders II on Wii U is going to be one of the games I get when I pick up the Wii U (Launch day unless I'm MAJORLY disapointed by e3). I don't expect the Graphics to be noticeably better but with the controller I believe it will easily be the best version of Darksiders II.

#72773 Wii U to support directx 11? let's talk

Posted by TriForce_3 on 17 April 2012 - 12:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think Wii U is going to be more powerful than PS360, and in some cases clearly so. Once we see a game built from the ground up using the Wii U. Think how Uncharted looks on PS3. Most of the rumors(coming from sources verified in the industry) point to the Wii U being optimized for 3rd party engines. I don't see them having to do a lot of optimizing to run current gen engines personally. While games won't look as good as their PC counterparts(nobody should expect a console game to look better than top of the line PC games IMO), games that are built from the ground up on the Wii U should outclass PS360 if the small tidbits of information coming in is correct

As far as overheating and the 4850 are concerned in the OP, I have faith in Ninty. They always put out rugged consoles and remember the GPU isn't going to be an 'Off-The-Shelf' 4850. It's going to be a custom GPU that is likely similar in power to a 4850.

While it's great to see a screenshot of AC3, Darksiders II(really hyped for that game), etc.... the true test will be a game built from the ground up to take full advantage of the Wii U's HW.

The disc format is doomed anyway considering the fact that by 2025 well be close to an all digital society

If not before then :)

#71991 How Much Money do you Have Saved up for a Wii U?

Posted by TriForce_3 on 13 April 2012 - 01:07 PM in General Gaming

Not confusing anything.. SSD technology expires and its off, in the trash bin, specific number of write and formats. Old HDD technology, may last forever, it may not.. My concern about the new gen of consoles and especially wii U, is the online digital distribution. For those who fancy that, its stupid to look into a small capacity HDD, considering that many games may be 10-15-20gb each... So I believe half tb or minimum 320gb, is a must for wii U.. If you dont want to change hdd in the distant feature.

I think wii U will not have hdd at all! It will come with a flash memory for the saves, but no hdd.. We have to purchase that separately. I dont like the usb connectivity with HDD, I would prefer it to be hot swap (inside wii U)... The reason I dont like usb connectivity, is the problems they occur during file transfer (via usb connection), due to low voltage.. Its a very known problem in the PC... I hope nintendo will have a solution to that, especially if people run games through it!! (if wii U comes with an internal hdd attached, it would be nice.. Or else I believe we mu have the option for hotswap, not usb) Or at least HDD dock, as many pc cases have... it would be nice

I give u an example, if you connect a hard disk, and try make a huge file transfer, not just a couple of photos, lets say 2gb file... It will reset communication in a point and the file transfer will fail.
Also if you try to run a movie, through a hdd who is connected via usb, it conflicts again... There is in newer motherboards, high voltage usb ports, who dont have this problem, what about wii U :) ... Usb ports are good for cameras, mouse, keyboard, etc.

Agree that HDD's are going to be necessary.

I wish Ninty would go with USB 3.0 though.

#71144 Wii U Manufacturing costs?

Posted by TriForce_3 on 10 April 2012 - 08:16 AM in Wii U Hardware


Could mean anything though really.

That was my point. That quote is still up for interpretation on exactly what that means, IMO.

no it was not that, they said that wii U, use the same tech cpu that watson computers.. So many articles popup saying that wii U will have a power7 cpu.. because watson computers, used a power 7...

I think its up to interpretation, but using the same technology could mean a lot of different things.

In the end, we won't know what it's capable of until it's released as a spec sheet is very unlikely from Ninty.

I do think the low manufacture cost puts them in a very interesting situation and gives them a lot of flexibility to counter any price drops by PS360, which are almost inevitable once Wii U is released.

#70938 Wii U Manufacturing costs?

Posted by TriForce_3 on 09 April 2012 - 03:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

I said it before, I say it now to.. Wii U's cpu is going to be much more powerfull than ps4 and xbox720 from the latest leaks, from fudzilla.  A power7 cpu cannot be compared with A8-3850 apu (cpu+gpu chip).. It can do much more. So in this aspect, wii U will be stronger. We have to wait and see the gpu and ram...

Only if the leaks about wii U cpu are faulty, then it may be less powerful.. But they all speak about a power7 cpu.. even IBM...

Wasn't the quote from IBM, that it "contained Power7 technology" or something along those lines? That could mean a lot of stuff. Don't get me wrong, I think it will be more powerful than "on par", and I hope it does have a Power7.

I just don't want anyone getting too excited to experience a letdown.

As for the Manufacturing costs, this doesn't factor in if they package a game either. Still, if it is "no less than $300" we MAY see a price drop after  a short period of time. Speculation is that PS360 will lower their prices to combat the new WiiU, so WiiU could follow suit fairly quickly, if needed. This allows them to do so.

#70846 Wii U Manufacturing costs?

Posted by TriForce_3 on 09 April 2012 - 09:14 AM in Wii U Hardware

From what I've read at least early Wii U titles will be based on the unreal 3 engine and in reference to Alien Colonial Marines PC, PS3 and 360 have a deferred rendering system to give great lighting effects that the wii U version doesn't have. So already it seems the wii U can't match ps3/360 graphically.

That said if the wii U has 1GB of memory and a pretty respectable cpu then its quite possible Unreal 4 will be possible with some sort of reduced graphic quality.

Didn't the original wii run a unreal engine with many parts simplified and reduced so it would work on the hardware. I'm guessing unreal engine 4 will also be customisable to match both low end and high end hardware.

I hope with the wii U we can be realistic. When the original wii came out many people were predicting it was close to the power of ps3/360 only for it to be revealed to be less powerful than the original xbox in the end. I'm pretty certain from the reports I've read that the wii U will around 360/PS3 performance probably slightly below overall but already people are comparing it to ps4 and the next xbox which it seems unlikely to match. Personally I think the performance of the next xbox and ps4 will probably be in the order of 3-4x that of their earlier consoles which is what many are predicting the wii U will achieve.

Even if the wii U is just below 360/PS3 performance that is still the biggest jump between generations as the wii was so poor in the first place.

As far as Wii U not handling Aliens: Colonial Marines as well as PS360, it appears that isn't the case. The quote can be interpreted many ways, but if it's supposedly "one of the best-looking" then it would have to be as good, or better than PS360. If not, then what platform would it look better than?

Sega and Gearbox are being downright boastful about Aliens: Colonial Marines on Wii U. Gearbox' Randy Pitchford is talking up the Wii U game like crazy, saying it'll be one of the best-looking versions of the game and feature wonderful Wii U-specific additions.

Source: http://www.nintendow....com/blog/29746

#65136 which launch game would you want the most?

Posted by TriForce_3 on 06 March 2012 - 12:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I guess I am the only one who wants to get Darksiders II for the system.

Another one for Darksiders II. Though there are other games I'm hoping for as well.

#63988 "New rumors leaked"

Posted by TriForce_3 on 28 February 2012 - 08:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

Until Nintendo releases something we need to take ALL of these types of rumors with a huge grain of salt.

We keep seeing more and more of these rumors and each one is different in the amount of power the Wii U has. I can' wait until we get some hard data, but until then I'm reserving judgment either way.

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