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#106878 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by SpacePope on 13 September 2012 - 07:43 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Iwata says something about Smash Bros. at the 30:40 mark of the latest Nintendo Direct: http://www.nintendo....view/index.html

It's in Japanese however, so unless someone can translate, we'll probably never know.

#84862 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by SpacePope on 06 June 2012 - 01:38 AM in Wii U Games and Software

1. Star Fox Wii U. Must be free-roaming, i.e. not rails based. MUST be online, and ideally play kinda like Diablo 3 does. Go through story mode and level up your fleet and weapons as you go, friends can join you with their fleet if they wish. Must contain multiple star systems with plenty of levels each and many characters to choose from. If they do this, the game will sell like hotcakes.

2. F-Zero Wii U. Track Editor REQUIRED. Port the one from the 64DD expansion if you have to. Upgrade the vehicle builder, and must be online. A way to trade built vehicles/tracks with be a nice addition too.

3. Smash Bros 4. Online has to be more seamless, include more characters (including Megaman) but also do more QA Testing for this one...Metaknight was way overpowered in Brawl. Take out random tripping.

4. Super Mario Wii U. The next 3D Mario installment. Put a slightly better story to it with some more dialogue. Visitng actual "planets" would be nice.

5. The Legend of Zelda Wii U. Make the real time play just like the trailer back in E3 2011.

6. Pokemon MMO. This would be awesome. Battle your friends Pokemon online/compete in stadiums.

7. Super Wario Bros. It's going to happen someday.

8. Super Koopa Bros. The exact reverse of the Mario Bros. You take control of Bowser or maybe one of the Koopalings and take over the Mushroom Kingdom. Enemies have to be Toads, final boss is Mario before you get the princess.

#83558 New Wii U Pro Controller unveiled by Iwata

Posted by SpacePope on 03 June 2012 - 05:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

That 4 button placement looks awkward. I'd have to reach across with my thumb towards the center and that might get unconfortable after a while. Once again, just like with the GameCube and Wii controllers, not good for fighters.

The problem is that, if they swap the 2nd analog with the 4 buttons, it'd just be a 360 controller.

#84424 My impressions about Nintendo E3

Posted by SpacePope on 05 June 2012 - 10:19 AM in Wii U Games and Software

E3 is not over yet, so I won't say anything other than it's too early to start forming opinions.

#83686 Nintendo Direct Pre-E3 Info Roundup

Posted by SpacePope on 03 June 2012 - 11:14 PM in Wii U Hardware

Pro Controller looks like the 360 Controller and they might make fun of how it is still for kids.

Pretty much, though of course this will be denied by the overzealous. If you swap the 4 buttons with the right analog, it is essentially a 360 controller with a few gimicks. Not like that's a bad thing gameplay wise, as it's one of the best controllers made in recent memory but it's a hate magnet from the Xbox fanboys.

#84839 The fear I had came true

Posted by SpacePope on 06 June 2012 - 12:09 AM in General Gaming

Yeah, was hoping for that developers conference since that event has a history of surprise titles, but this year has been lacking so far. I guess the economy is starting to hit home. I just hope Nintendo isn't saving Retro's project unveil for next year.

#84428 The fear I had came true

Posted by SpacePope on 05 June 2012 - 10:24 AM in General Gaming

There has got to be more, though!

There is. Never reveal all your cards at once, especially your aces. I've followed Nintendo since the 2000 SpaceWorld, and the best thing I've learned is to be patient. Nintendo likes to announce things off-camera and in a smaller, closed setting.

Well being that it's a huge E3 event, most were hoping that they announce the really big unknown titles and not Sing and Wii Fit U garbage. Even at the very least it would have been nice to see a hint of a new or returning title like Metroid or Star Fox or F-Zero.

This is Nintendo's current marketing strategy, which they need to push in order to remain profitable. Plugging into the social sphere will net them huge profits. They are becoming the Facebook of the gaming world. This will leave the hardcore gamer a little angry, but there's something in store for them as well I believe.

#84401 The fear I had came true

Posted by SpacePope on 05 June 2012 - 10:02 AM in General Gaming

Keep in mind that Pikmin 3 and other titles were first unveiled at last years developer's conference, rather than their main presentation. E3 is far from over yet.

The main problem is that everyone is expecting Nintendo to announce EVERYTHING they're working on in the span of an hour, which is absolutely impossible. They're working on so many things that they're forced to have several conferences to announce them all.

They have their developers conference tonight at 6 PM PDT. The 3DS has its own conference tomorrow at 6 PM PDT, just for 3DS and that's never happened before. There may be other surprise events, like the recent Project P-100 presentation on Spike TV. Be patient.

#84366 The fear I had came true

Posted by SpacePope on 05 June 2012 - 09:42 AM in General Gaming

I think the conference was more of a cover image of what they're really doing. There's a developers conference tonight at 6 PM PDT and often times, surprise games are announced there...I would wait until E3 is over.

#106809 Japanese Nintendo Direct recap

Posted by SpacePope on 13 September 2012 - 02:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

Somewhat expensive console, but these are not American numbers so it will probably be a little cheaper. Gamepad is very expensive however, and I'm a bit worried about that. I think most people will be buying the Wii U Pro controller at this point.

Also, there was a lack of 3rd party game information which has me a bit worried as well. I was expecting new game announcements, like Retro's. That may still happen in the American conference (especially for western developers), so we'll see.

#87889 NEW RUMOR: Retro's Wii U Project is a Star Wars FPS?

Posted by SpacePope on 15 June 2012 - 01:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Lol this is worse than mine.

There's already a game called Star Wars 1313, an FPS not developed by Retro. Check it out.

#96115 RUMOUR: Nintendo looking to buy back Rare + franchises, Retro making Banjo Wii U

Posted by SpacePope on 27 July 2012 - 06:53 PM in General Gaming

Rare is a husk of it's former glory.

Exactly. Rare was sold in 2002, and that was 10 years ago. Since then it was all down hill for that studio...obviously the rumor is bull, except to those who can't look past a name.

#85603 Rumor: Nintendo to hold "Summer Conference", Tons of third party'...

Posted by SpacePope on 07 June 2012 - 11:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

Very few third party games were shown off at E3 so this is possible. Might have been deliberate.

#84836 Not Happy..time to rant

Posted by SpacePope on 05 June 2012 - 11:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes, the big reason why most of us are disappointed is because we perhaps let ourselves get a bit too hyped. I still think Nintendo could have done better (like I have mentioned elsewhere, more than 2 franchises. At least replace that second Mario game with WarioWare to give a little more variety)

Check out Game & Wario @ e3.nintendo.com, totally slipped under the radar but they say it's slated for the launch window.

#84761 Where can I watch the roundtable? And what time is it uk time

Posted by SpacePope on 05 June 2012 - 08:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wow, this is very unusual. They were once about the games, but it looks like they're about the money now. Perhaps they've realized that information equals money. Or perhaps they're having financial troubles.

Either way, very worried. It's not like them to NOT drop a bombshell at E3. Their business philosophy seems to have changed immensely.

#84842 What you think of the launch/launch window titles?

Posted by SpacePope on 06 June 2012 - 12:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the only good games are Pikmin 3, Game & Wario and NSMBU. Even then, the latter is a little cliche for a Mario title. Squirrel suits? Baby Yoshi's with bubbles? The game feels too dumbed down from what Mario World was.

Now, if Retro had unveiled Star Fox, it would've taken the show and would probably be contender for game of E3.

Not to mention if Nintendo were better at explaining the lineup without being completely terrible at it as well...

#87892 RUMOR: Retro in a lot of trouble

Posted by SpacePope on 15 June 2012 - 01:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Makes me wish I had more experience with this blog beforehand -.- Applying negative spin control hand brake...

Also, there were a bunch of Retro job postings in the past few days so it makes me think they're working on multiple projects at the moment.

#85610 Retro's big game was supposedly going to be shown at Nintendo's Confe...

Posted by SpacePope on 08 June 2012 - 12:03 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Confirming SSB4 last year was a huge mistake and they know it.

Bingo, that's why Iwata was nowhere to be found at the conference. Since we know their game is not launch window, unveiling it this early may have been the same mistake.

#87800 RUMOR: Retro in a lot of trouble

Posted by SpacePope on 15 June 2012 - 02:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software


This is an Emily Rogers rumor FYI.

Basically, the majority of the people who worked on the Metroid Prime series were either laid off or left to work at other companies. The Retro that exists now is a shadow of its former self. The fact that Uncharted developers were hired by Retro, plus the large list of people that left makes me think this is very real.

I don't know if its the working conditions or the deadlines, but something is making people jump ship at Retro. After their Wii U project is done, a ton are planning to leave for other companies like BioWare (perhaps because having Retro in your resume will land you a better paying gig?). It seems Nintendo is continually hiring developers from across the industry to fill in this gap, since Retro is first-party.

Either way, I hope their next game doesn't bomb because of this. I'm sure it wont, since the DKCR project was a great success after the main Metroid team left. But it just goes to show you how many people get hired and leave the company.

EDIT: After some research, it seems the Metroid team departure was already well known, and that the biggest rumor is how unstable their workforce really is.

#86145 How will the pro controller be obtained?

Posted by SpacePope on 09 June 2012 - 02:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

Sold seperately.

#84448 Where the hell was Retro Studios?

Posted by SpacePope on 05 June 2012 - 10:39 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Iwata is in LA, he touched down on Saturday. Retro is in the cards, but has not been played yet.

#84349 Retro's Game

Posted by SpacePope on 05 June 2012 - 09:23 AM in Wii U Games and Software

NOTHING? Wow, that's a ballsy move.

#106923 Wii U packaging and pricing revealed

Posted by SpacePope on 13 September 2012 - 09:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah... What were you expecting... For them to share one?

I was not expecting the Sega 32X, that's what.

#106881 Wii U packaging and pricing revealed

Posted by SpacePope on 13 September 2012 - 07:49 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wait...The Wii U console and the Wii U gamepad have SEPERATE AC adapters? Are you serious?????

#84388 New Secret Game being shown on Spike

Posted by SpacePope on 05 June 2012 - 09:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Huge alien forces attack earth, heroes have to combine their powers together to defeat them. Somewhat similar to Pikmin in that it's group based, but instead of workers you control a group of heroes to defeat enemies. Release date will not be announced yet.

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