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#93250 ZombiU Multiplayer Ideas

Posted by ianh05 on 13 July 2012 - 02:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't know if this is just me, but I feel like this game will be included or be a cheap downloadable title, not a full-fledged $60 game. Having a PvP mode is a bit of a stretch; co-op makes more sense.

1.It's a ubisoft game, we have only seen a demo so there will be lots more levels to the game.
2.Why do people think Co-op suits survival horror more then PvP? are gamers losing their minds as to what survival horror means? :( You are meant to be the only person against hordes of zombies adding one more person kills off a bit the horror and survival aspects. I see Co-op in ZombiU like this if Co-op is added:

Player 1 goes through backpack - "ok dude cover me, make sure no zombies try to creep up on me"
Player 2 stands guard - "no worries dude I still have some ammo, I got ya back"


#92900 ZombiU Multiplayer Ideas

Posted by ianh05 on 10 July 2012 - 03:13 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Co-op in a survival horror game? where's the point in that? I'd rather be the only person alive against hordes of zombies instead of knowing someone had my back.

#135365 ZombiU 2 possible only if ZombiU sells well

Posted by ianh05 on 21 November 2012 - 09:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm gonna be honest here.

ZombiU looks good, but in the same time it looks like crap. '
I haven't played it yet so this is just what i think.

I love the horror aspects to it but it got some flaws from the look of it.
The graphics are crappy and the online is supposed to be bad. I also don't like how its so obvious where to go. They should have made it more freely.
What i don't get is why they didn't have co-op campaign. That would have added so much more hype into it.

But i'm still getting it. And if the first game turn up to be good, you bet there will be a second installment to the series ;)

graphics aren't that bad, it has no online (except the tag mechanic and leaderboards) nor should it, obvious where to go? have you played old-school survival horror games like resident evil? it's all about giving you no space and sending you down creepy corridors. Co-op survival horror? so you can have someone watching your back? no thanks, these games are meant to be single player and I'm tired of the whole "everything needs to be online" nonsense.

#132779 Zombi u Destructiond review

Posted by ianh05 on 18 November 2012 - 05:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

ZombiU is getting very mixed reviews. Seems like the kind of game you need to judge for yourself.

If you know what it is meant to be you won't be let down, if you expect a run and gun action-packed shooter you shouldn't buy the game. It's nowhere near perfect with melee combat lacking animations and combos but it is a solid survival horror game.

#92871 Your top 3 wii u game list

Posted by ianh05 on 10 July 2012 - 12:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

1. ZombiU
2. Project P-100
3. Sports Connection

I like variety :)

#142666 Will a backwards compatible USB 3.0 HDD work with the Wii U?

Posted by ianh05 on 03 December 2012 - 12:26 PM in Wii U Hardware

This morning I spent about 4-5 hours moving stuff, deleting stuff and formatting my 1TB external hard drive to prepare it for use with the Wii U. It is a USB 3.0 but is backwards compatible with USB 2.0, will that work with the Wii U?

#93237 WiiU is Very Easy to Develop and doesn't have many Limitations's

Posted by ianh05 on 13 July 2012 - 01:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

I really hope you realize that the OS has absolutely nothing to do with graphics. It's the hardware. It's wii vs iPhone or wii vs iPad. The have different hardware.

yeah I know that, I mean games he is probably comparing to the Wiiware game are all recent games that fully use the Ipad's graphical capabilities. Basically just saying Ipad isn't bad graphics-wise.

#93195 WiiU is Very Easy to Develop and doesn't have many Limitations's

Posted by ianh05 on 13 July 2012 - 04:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

They look like games I play on my iPad

Wii graphics vs IOS 4-5? wow dude really? ipad games can use UE4 and stuff you know? so why are you trying to bash wii's graphics against another current OS?

I've seen a lot of your comments towards Nintendo products and it's all negative, you should know that Nintendo cares more about gamers then Sony and Microsoft ever will. look at past Microsoft and Sony patents, Sony wants Ads in games (while we are playing) to get more money and Microsoft wants to make games you play "bind" to your machine thus ending used games sales, renting etc. and making them more money.

I've never seen any "get rich quick schemes" from Nintendo, all I see is them continuing to innovate and giving players new experiences. Nintendo has a lot more experience with consoles compared to the other 2 companies and by them taking a completely different approach compared to Microsoft and Sony they let them 2 battle each other and split that market while they get a market to themselves.

#137192 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by ianh05 on 23 November 2012 - 10:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

My personal top 5 games I want to see:

1. Pokemon (3D/HD RPG with all pokemon, gym leaders and regions).
2. WWE series (with all features).
3. A superhero game (MMO, multi-player/online features or single player with a create-a-superhero/supervillain feature).
4. Revival of Jade Cocoon (with merging system for the first game and loads more minions etc.)
5. Watch Dogs.

#138833 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by ianh05 on 27 November 2012 - 01:06 AM in Wii U Hardware


Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

For aussies looking to buy a Wii U! the basic model is $50 RRP off which means you can get it for the same price as the people in the US. The deluxe model doesn't have as much of a discount as the basic but still $30 off. Not only do you get a cheaper console but...

Posted Image

Great deal! So you could get the basic + tekken tag tournament 2 for $340.

#100527 Wii u Pokemon style

Posted by ianh05 on 18 August 2012 - 05:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

3D/HD version of red/blue combined with bonus content, and more story involving Brock/Misty (have then tag along with you after you defeat their gym).

#93191 Wii U is 'definitely more powerful than 360 and PS3' - Scribblenauts dev

Posted by ianh05 on 13 July 2012 - 03:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

"5th Cell CEO finds console power argument "frustrating".

Jeremiah Slaczka, the CEO of Scribblenauts developer 5th Cell, has stated that the Wii U is "definitely more powerful than Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3," adding that he finds the argument over the console's capabilities "frustrating".

Speaking in the latest issue of Game Informer, Slaczka said that the Wii U is "definitely more powerful than Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It's kind of frustrating to see the rumours and speculation of people going back and forth saying it's weaker or more powerful. It's definitely more powerful."

5th Cell is currently developing Wii U title Scribblenauts Unlimited, the fourth game in the word-based puzzle action series.

"I think we were one of the first developers to see the Wii U," he added.

"Nintendo came to our studio and demoed it to us. A couple of weeks later Warner Bros. got to see it, and we said we should do this. This game was originally a Wii title but later moved to Wii U. It's been about two years in development."

Developers can't seem to agree on how powerful Nintendo's upcoming console is.

A report published yesterday quoted Tekken series producer Katsuhiro Harada as saying "the [Wii U's] clock is kinda low," and that the console's CPU was "a little bit" slower than 360 and PS3's.

Harada is currently porting arcade fighter Tekken Tag Tournament 2 to Nintendo's hardware.

The debate over Wii U's power has raged for months, with regular conflicting views from developers and publishers.

"It's not up to the same level as the PS3 or the 360," said one developer speaking to GamesIndustry.biz. "It doesn't produce graphics as well as the PS3 or the 360. There aren't as many shaders, it's not as capable," said another.

We have no idea who to believe.

Earlier this week, Epic Games' Mark Rein told VideoGamer that it was not Epic's "intention to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Wii U", but that a licensee could "port" a UE4 game to run on the console if it wished to do so.

Unreal Engine 3, the engine used by many Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 titles, "is a really good fit for that platform," he added."

Source: http://www.videogame...enauts_dev.html

#93248 Wii U is 'definitely more powerful than 360 and PS3' - Scribblenauts dev

Posted by ianh05 on 13 July 2012 - 02:20 PM in Wii U Hardware

I didn't give my thoughts simply because I have no idea of it's specs, I'm just relaying news that I found interesting due to the fact that someone else said it was essentially an Xbox360.

#93224 Wii U is 'definitely more powerful than 360 and PS3' - Scribblenauts dev

Posted by ianh05 on 13 July 2012 - 10:19 AM in Wii U Hardware

Your face is a fist full of mean.

Find something of your own to post. Copy-pasting an article from the internet is copyright infringement, lazy, and doesn't bring much conversation.
This isn't wiiugo.com or wiiublog.com, this is a forum where discussion is the idea, not reposting stuff directly from other sources.

Posting more articles about how a next gen console is next gen is pointless.

And that wasn't my point. I was posting the same thing in both at the same time.

None of this is really directed at the OP. This is just the thread I choose to speak up in.

copyright infringement only applies to copyrighted material. I simply copied and pasted the article for those who don't like clicking links and provided the source link, I did not claim this as my own work.

#133850 Wii U hackers supposedly find unannounced Wii U titles

Posted by ianh05 on 19 November 2012 - 04:17 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Taken from article:

"Yoshi’s Island Wii U and Soul Hackers, ”Metal Gear Solid” and “Resident Evil”, and a new Pokemon were leaked from this hack. Nintendo was not intending on releasing these until at least December 10th 2012."

Do you think this is real? And would you be interested in any of these games?

pokemon and MGS would be amazing with the gamepad if they use it as a pokedex/codec, not to sure about the others.

#130436 Wii U Golf

Posted by ianh05 on 15 November 2012 - 08:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If I was a big time golf fan I would be gutted that the sports connection golf game doesn't use the Wiimote with the gamepad like in the promo videos we have seen.

#140215 Wii U gamepad (how would U use it?)

Posted by ianh05 on 29 November 2012 - 04:21 AM in Wii U Games and Software

you might want to check out this:


It's basically the same thread but with lot's of mock-up/concept pictures :)

#131789 Wii U eShop prices.

Posted by ianh05 on 17 November 2012 - 08:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Little inferno - $14.99
Trine 2 - $19.99
might switch force - $9.99
nano assault - $9.99
chasing aurora - $14.99

Source: http://www.neogaf.co...&postcount=4027

#131806 Wii U eShop prices.

Posted by ianh05 on 17 November 2012 - 09:38 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I believe those prices are USD (US dollars).

#93189 Wii U CPU confirmed (by respected game producer) As weak.

Posted by ianh05 on 13 July 2012 - 03:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think people are too obsessed with the title "next-gen" being all about uber-leaps in graphics, guess what? graphics won't be that much better, unlike when the Nintendo 64 was released and gave us all 3d graphics. We aren't re-entering the 16/32 bit era's again lol.

All it is, is better lighting and what not..so who really cares? Thankfully I don't know much about all this tech talk so I see consoles for what they are, not for every little detailed spec in the machine, If it gives me great games, new gameplay and appealing graphics then I'll take one.

#93226 Wii U CPU confirmed (by respected game producer) As weak.

Posted by ianh05 on 13 July 2012 - 10:55 AM in Wii U Hardware

this just in - Nintendo confirms plans to make gamers stay young by slowing down the clock.

"they'll enjoy games more if they don't grow up"
"7 year olds aren't elitists"
"7 year olds aren't told by the internet what to buy"
"they can make up their own minds as to what is fun"
"they don't care about the graphics"

#98557 Wii U blops 2 case?

Posted by ianh05 on 09 August 2012 - 01:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Below the RP there's a few white lines, the Nintendo logo has some black spots on its edges and the yellow trim has some black spots coming up onto it.

#93197 Wii U a “Dream” to develop for, heralds many “Possibilities”

Posted by ianh05 on 13 July 2012 - 04:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

If I was a developer this console is a dream come true, it opens up many new windows in gameplay and can improve on existing gameplay all without being too difficult to develop for (unlike motion control).

#92876 Wii U > Vita+Ps3/Tablet+Xbox360

Posted by ianh05 on 10 July 2012 - 01:21 PM in General Gaming

point is that with sony you'll only get the option to change from one screen to another, with Wii U you can get brand new gameplay based around having a second screen and that is something no one else will be able to other until they make their controllers with touchscreens and motion control etc.

#92844 Wii U > Vita+Ps3/Tablet+Xbox360

Posted by ianh05 on 10 July 2012 - 10:45 AM in General Gaming

I'm so tired of this argument about the vita + ps3 and tablet + 360 being better then the Wii U.

1. Wii U will be a lot cheaper then buying both other setups.

2. Game developers won't be sure if gamers have both items so making a game specifically for them to work together may not be worth it.

2 key points why the Wii U will be the only choice compared to the other 2 "options".

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