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#291449 wiiu online VS service

Posted by 3Dude on 24 June 2014 - 06:42 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah but the lag screws up the hit detection. Is anyone else having this problem or just me?

Everyone has this problem,on every online game in the world whether they realize it or not.

The lag doesnt 'screw up the hit detection'. The lag has you seeing an image that is visually incorrect compared to where everyone else actually is/is seeing, because your system, and ONLY your system, is out of sync with everyone elses.

#291437 Building a PC advice

Posted by 3Dude on 24 June 2014 - 01:09 PM in General Gaming

Dude, just get a decent i5, and a decent graphics card, a decent and a nice stack of decent ram. No muss no fuss, it will still be ahead of this console generation for however long it lasts. Icore is still all around pretty tough to compete with, and with the way Publishers are purposefully degrading pc gaming to not make ps4/xbone look bad, its looking like the only place you are going to have to worry about running cutting edge graphics at super quality is in user created mods.

You should be able to fairly easily make your price if you buy it all seperately and put it together yourself instead of getting some ready made dell or gateway overpriced package. It may sound daunting, but it is practically like playing with Legos compared to how things used to be. There is no saudering or anything anymore. Just look up an online video about, installing processors or something and upon seeing it, you should have a basic understanding of the skills required to put these pieces together. Its like putting together a kids snap together toy. Actually Ive put together some REALLY frusterating kids toys before, maybe its easier...

Just make sure you have your stuff on a rubber mat or some other insulating material while you are putting it together.

#291401 wiiu online VS service

Posted by 3Dude on 24 June 2014 - 06:30 AM in Wii U Hardware

Have you had any problems with green shell hit detection? I've lost a few races due to it. The player appears to have been hit on your screen, but doesn't look like he's lost any speed at all. Frustrating to say the least.

Yes, and thats not hit detection, its lag, and it will only happen online.

You hit the player, and he did slow down, however, he was actually further ahead at that point in time in his game, and a combination of lost packets, or sheer distance, or a missed prediction, had your two experiences out of sync.

This is also why sometimes you get hit by a green shell that was like, four feet to the right of you.

#291400 Currently playing thread

Posted by 3Dude on 24 June 2014 - 06:18 AM in General Gaming

I really don't know where you're getting that Golden Sun's storyline is on par with Yggdra's. Granted, Yggdra Union's story isn't really anything to rave about (much less validate the entire game), but at least it's functional and consistent, which is way more than can be said about Golden Sun's filler&sidetracking story.

Golden suns story is perfectly functional and consistant in comparison to yggdra union. Its not like we are talking disc one of Xenogears or Xenoblade level story here. And the simple fact it actually has SOME manner of stage direction to go along with the dialog and events, makes it much better than portraits and text.

I disagree about the combat system. It's just too unbalanced and devoid of challenge to consider it interesting. Yggdra Union fluctuates a lot in terms of difficulty, but the game at least tries to push you into properly learning the system.


Opinon invalidated on basis of ignorance. Good luck spamming the same single element classes, summon spams and other junk you used for the cannon fodder on the secret bosses.... And seeing someone who thinks like that get an eye openeing smackdown in the battle mode is always amusing.

Ygdrra union doesnt have a particularly interesting battle system once the novelty wears off... ANd the game drags on for an eternity after that point. Its a shallow and pretty transparent finite state machine. The game in General is heavily outdone several times over by series like fire emblem, with the sole exception of the fairly interesting player 'interaction' and special move aspect.... I cant even really give props for the 'ganging up/linking' strategy... I feel fire emblem also does a much better job with this with its own take. It really just isnt interesting or varied enough to make up for the poor map design, and complete and absolute lack of player agency, and the hours upon hours it drags on.... ANd of course, Ive always had a distate for the card thing style. 


The dungeon design didn't really do anything for me. At first I thought it was great, but the game recycled the pushing puzzles so much that I lost all interest on it by the time I was done with the mercury lighthouse. Didn't really help that the game has a fetish for samey-looking caves, either. I do appreciate that they tried to do something besides just linear dungeons though, so that's something to praise about it.

I find it amusing that you complain about repitition and golden suns dungeons not having enough variety visually... Whilst comparing it to yggdra union. Which is a consistant, constant, and far greater offender in this category.


As for Yggdra Union lacking exploration... well, it's an srpg. No exploration is pretty standard for the genre, so I don't really think it's anything to hold against it. It sounds like you place a lot of value in exploration. It's not like I don't get why people like Golden Sun,

Fire Emblem has great exploration. To the effect of

A. Finding information leading to secret campaigns.
B. Finding and recruiting characters for your army
C. Finding Finding great weapons
D. Finding tactically advantadgous avenues of approach.

Its called ensuring the player is able to act upon their own agency.

People who enjoy Golden sun are very, very, VERY well aware of the series shortcomings. Which is why Golden sun 2 is such a huge deal, as its damn near perfection for the series, fixing every problem Golden sun had (Except the extremely verbose dialog), and improving and adding on a massive scale. And also why they find Golden sun 3 so dissapointing.

it's just that the opinion on this game is so one-sided that I feel compelled to point out its flaws.

Funny, your one sided opinion compelled me to do the same.

#291398 Ubisoft developer: The Division graphics significantly downgraded. PCv gimped

Posted by 3Dude on 24 June 2014 - 05:40 AM in General Gaming


#291350 A Serious Problem

Posted by 3Dude on 23 June 2014 - 02:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Well Im glad things are better for you now.

#291347 Actor Tracy Morgan in critical condition following car accident.

Posted by 3Dude on 23 June 2014 - 02:19 PM in The Café

Holy crap.

Sending well wishes.

#291323 wiiu online VS service

Posted by 3Dude on 23 June 2014 - 08:37 AM in Wii U Hardware

Depends on the style of hosting they are using.... However, most nintendo games seem to be user hosted, with the host being the user closest to all members (middleman).

The centralized servers are used for matchmaking and initial connectivity... But... Once the game is playing its down to the latency between the host players system,  and the other people, abd him and you, and the ability of the cpu to correctly predict, and recover from missed predictions.

Ive been playing mario kart 8 with a lot of people in Japan, and it plays pretty good.

#291313 Write Sonic fanfiction about the person above you

Posted by 3Dude on 23 June 2014 - 04:15 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Kardi had to get up early for work Today. It was still dark. He had to go to some off the grid secret base, and kill like, 4 dozen people, so he needed his morning starbucks.

He got in his car, and started up, turned down the street to start heading towards the local gas station.

*Thump Thump*

'Must have hit a racoon' Kardi thought. 'Ill scrape it off with my HF blade when I get to the gas station.'

However, upon nearing the gas station, Kardi's tire blew out!!! Kardi got out of his car, opened the trunk, and grabbed his spare and lugwrench, and bent down to inspect the damage. The blown out tire was covered in blood, and peirced by many bright blue hedgehog quills.

'Of all the rotten luck' He mumbled to himself. 'This is a probably a bad sign, maybe I should stay home from work today. Im sure somebody else can waste 4 dozen nameless faceless soldiers and splatter them all over the hallway for dramatic effect.'

'Nah' Kardi said, 'Whats the worst that could happen today?'

#291312 The official complain about E3 thread

Posted by 3Dude on 23 June 2014 - 04:06 AM in E3 2014 Archive

Same thing We do every year Pinky.


Ask where the Hell the Last Guardian was.

#291310 Phil Fish is at it again.

Posted by 3Dude on 23 June 2014 - 03:57 AM in General Gaming

Yes and cancelled the sequel in a twitter rage and was in that joke and dumb BS Doc..should have been called Mockumentary Indie game the Movie. Blow isn't much better just he is self entitled and tells people they should never been born. Both douche bags. Cav also told me they are pretty much like that in person as well. Tho sadly many indie devs have this attitude while others are being honest of who they are and working hard not trying to be king of the hill dickweeds.
Guys at 17bit are great and are now technically Japanese developers as they moved to Tokyo and making Galak-Z.
Another good guy is doing Joylancer. Tho music isn't good lol

Blows not that bad. Ive actually met him and Jason Rohrer, I have attended multiple of their game design lectures.

Blow is incredibly, fiercly pro consumer, and anti corporation, though he can be blunt.

His philosophies in game design are an absolute must for the game industry to recover from repeatedly slamming its face wile e coyote style into the faux painted wall on the cliff of 'chasing movie cinematic style' and back onto the lane of progress of its own individual style as an interactive story telling medium.

#291307 Captain Toad Appreciation Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 23 June 2014 - 03:50 AM in Wii U Games and Software

not worth a retail release

If all it was was a large collection of the kind of levels we saw in 3dworld, I would agree with this.

However it looks like they have done much, much, much more than make an addiction collection of little puzzle levels.

#291283 A Serious Problem

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 07:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

I worded my OP wrong about the tv turning off. It's just the console itself that suddenly shuts off. After that, the only way to turn the Wii U back on is to unplug the AC adaptor and plug it back in. And the Wii U isn't in any case, aside from an extremely large and open shelf with plenty of space.

The whole CONSOLE shuts off? And you have to unplug it? Repeatedly?

Dude, thats not normal at all.

Looks like you won the poo lottery.

#291282 Phil Fish is at it again.

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 07:23 PM in General Gaming

Wasnt he that guy who ripped off the main gimmick of the Japanese game Super paper mario to make his indie game, and then proceeded to call all Japanese game developers 'Focking Terrible'? When asked a very polite question from a japanese game developer who was a fan of his game?

#291281 Handsome Guy's Mugshot gets 30k Likes on Facebook

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 07:20 PM in The Café

Atticus, on 22 Jun 2014 - 12:51 PM, said:
Should it be concerning ppl here seem to know a lot about this sort of thing? j/k.

Government trained.


More or less concerning now XD.

#291277 Xenoblade Chronicles X Fan-Made Wii U cover and TV Spot

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 07:08 PM in The Museum

Exactly the scene I was thinking of for what would make a great cover. It is a pretty fantastic scene composition. Good balance between positive and negative space. Try making the logo letters white, or actually just try the jpn one, its the same logo but in white.

Just to see which looks best.

Honestly, Im pretty sure this is going to end up being considerably better than the finished (Front) box art. Im hoping their will be reversible boxart again. Mayhap you should make a high res/cleaned up shot of yours, the resolution of a game cover (Just have the rest of the picture extend for the back of the box, the front is perfect) in case the official one is woefully atrocious.

I get what your saying about exploration, and thats great, I love it. But I think the more action focused trailer, like this one, is fine too. Like the little girl in the taco commericial, why not both?

Because, unfortunately, most human beings are too stupid and impulsive. Well, not REALLY.

The problem is a combination of psychological phenomenon, but the main one is known as the Halo effect. Or specifically in this case the negative halo effect or 'Devils effect'.

The Halo effect is a cognitive bias where, upon being presented with an initial impression, most human beings will, with surprising consistancy, have that initial impression strongly influence their judgement of person or thing on the whole.

Edward Thorndike found that, when presented with a picture of a handsome man, his subjects would invariably also rate his other attributes high, they would think he was intelligent, strong, competent, motivated, self sacrificing, a good leader. He also found, that when presented with an ugly person, they would think he was stupid, lazy, selfish, incompetent, a poor leader.

Thorndike noticed that these correlations were ridiculously high across the board for everyone in his study. As he stated 'the correlation was too high and too even', the people were in consistant 'constant error' in their judgement.
When this cognitive bias was in favor of something, it was called a 'halo effect' when it was against something, it was called a 'negative halo' or 'devils' effect.

Unfortunately no sooner than his report came out than marketing teams got a hold of it.
And Now you know why this stupid kind of rainbow happens:


And why aaaaaaaa conglomerate publishers always unleash cgi trailers saying they are the real thing and then downgrade them.

SO. Now here we are, with Xenoblade Chronicles, a game that puts an amazing sense of scale, incredible world design, tons of life, no loading times, and no restrictions as a higher priority than up close detail like character models, and as such, up close the detail takes a little hit, and on top of that, the xenosaga cherub face character design has always put off a lot of people.... And well, the rest obsessively buy really creepy merchandise...

So, when these people saw the new trailer of X, and it was all cutscenes and up close character models. They immediately began to cry downgrade, despite:

A: Never actually seeing the character models up close, from the front, and actually seeing the faces in orevious trailers.
B: Practically no footage of the world from the previous trailers was shown during the story trailer for them to compare to see if it was actually downgraded. When in fact, it was actually considerably improved.

These people immediately leapt into a devils effect.

And its not the first one people have leapt head on into either.

When the game was first shown, certain surprisingly thoughtless individuals, (How these people can be fans of a game like Xenoblade I will never know), immediately began to shout about how the colors had been removed from the game, and now it was just dark and gritty, and how the water didnt glow blue like eryth sea.

Devil effect. Had their knee jerking not planted their head firmly up their anus into their colon of cognitave bias, they would have realized that the opening stages of Xenoblade were ALSO color muted compared to areas like eryth sea or satorl marsh at night. The reason Eryth Sea glowed blue was because it was not water, it was an ether solution, which is why it floated in the air above makna forest. The reason the developers designed the game this way, so that the 'normal' areas came first and the more fantastical colorful, ether lit areas came later was to establsih a sence of normalcy, and then in contrast, rip it away, giving the change more meaning. That would not have been possible if the first areas the player started exploring was eryth sea, or satorl marsh at night.

But they couldnt think that far because they were stuck in a negative halo effect. They were reduced to monkeys, incapable of doing anything more than climbing trees, screeching, and flinging their feces.

The reason it would be a bad idea to do both, as two seperate commercial trailers is because one would form a devils effect for a large group of people, who would then not be able to think about the subject without crapping in their hands and throwing it everywhere.

Xenoblade X is a very distinctively designed game. It very clearly sacrificed most up close visual detail, for a scale that is very uncommon.

Many, many games have good up close details in small contained environments, particularly ones with lots of buildings and other simple objects comprised of right angles that you can use to occlude (Not render objects behind the building, effectively allowing you to use more polygons) the draw distance without the player catching on.

Many games also have very cool cutscenes. In fact, thats pretrty much what most games today are mostly comprised of. As a result, a depressingly large amount of our fellow hobbyist have been pavlovically conditioned to think thats all their is, and all thats worth while.

Very, few games have worlds like X. Even less allow you to go anywhere without loading, and I mean anywhere, too includ flying up into the sky to floatin islands. Nothing allows that right now. and of that nothing, most certainluy their is nothing with X's fantastical world and creature design, that looks as stunning as X because of the second to none art direction and scene composition.

Using the story trailer would be presenting X's weakest face (Lets face it, there is no way in hell you could possibly begin to explain a Takahashi story in a commercial, so all you see is cool cutscenes.) first.

While the world focused trailer would be putting its greatest strengths first.

So what you would effectively be doing, is giving half the people, the ones who say, saw the story trailer commercial on TV first, a look at a game that for all intents and purposes, is a 'bad' looking game that does nothing they havent seene before. Crazy cutscenes. They are done. Confirmation bias confirmed, wii u sucks, Halo effect enganged, trying to talk or reason with them would be like trying to convince a screeching monkey to stop throwing its crap all over the place.

No matter what you showed them. No matter how much sense it makes, they will not be able to see through the Halo effect.

#291229 Hardcore Sonic fan claims Sonic Boom worst game in the series

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 10:16 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow. Im going to be a little upset if the pedigree behind the game does in fact screw the pooch bad on this one.

Will watch with a concerned eye.

#291210 General controller advice

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 08:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

I would imagine, unless you have put a ridiculous amount of time into competetive smashing with cube controllers, that you would find the wii u controller more than adequate.

The wii wheel is fun, I guess, but I see no purpose to it for single player/online. For multiple local players, it makes wiimote play more managable (b button placement). Though they may prefer the classic pro controller for analog sticks.

Nintendo land uses:
Wii mote+
and nunchuck controllers

Dont know enough about splatoon yet.

#291199 My XBox One summaries (games & hardware)

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 05:44 AM in General Gaming

Haha, I got owned by 3Dude :).
I will admit I'm starting to miss my Wii U slightly. I miss Mario 3D World. But I no longer had the game when I had the Wii U anyway - I had to sell it to help get some essentials (a cell phone).

Thats all right, 3dude gets owned by the industry practically every second of every day.

With every anti consumer practice that blindly gets support from the people its abusing.
With every game that is hyped up by marketing, then completely fails to deliver, and the people complaining never learnt heir lesson, flocking right back to the next heavily marketed scam.
With every game that successfully gets away with having 5 damn collectors editions, not a one of which offers the complete available content.
Every time one of the last mid teir studios goes under.
Every time a review comes out, and you realize the only way for that review company to stay in business, is if they give that gigantic publisher game a glowing review no matter what, so they dont get black listed by that publisher and stop recieving review copies, an act that would put them out of business.... So they make up for it by crapping on games from companies without bullying power/dont participate in bullying....

#291197 Handsome Guy's Mugshot gets 30k Likes on Facebook

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 05:38 AM in The Café

Incase your not joking by saying it could only mean that
It could mean many things the most common for people around my area is one of their family/or gang members was murdered

Thats an outline. The tear gets filled in when they get revenge on the murderer.

#291195 Xenoblade Chronicles X Fan-Made Wii U cover and TV Spot

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 05:33 AM in The Museum

Sorry mate, but Im inclined to agree with the above.

Nobody wants to see cutscenes of X, for a TV spot. They want to see what THEY can do in the game.

With games like Xenoblade, and Blade X, the most important part of the game, is the world you explore. Thats precisely when Xenoblade became a must have hit.

When Nintendo released the world exploration trailers:

Everyone and their grandmother can effortlessly crap out cutscenes now. But to make actual WORLDS worht exploring, instead of being funneled through a tube to the next cutscene?

Xenoblade showed us acting of our own free will. Anywhere we could see was practically something we could use our skills, wit, and ingenuity to get to.

Compared to other games, and their restrictions upon restrictions upon restrictions. Look, but dont go there. No you cant actually do that. No, thats just for display, no theres an invisible wall. No. NO. No. No. No. No.

Compared to that, we were as Gods.

Thats why so many people were pissed about the X story/cutscene trailer at e3.... But then were bubbering with pure joy at the treehouse videos.

Thats what people want to see from a Xenoblade commercial. Same with the box art, should be about the world, which is the main star of the game.

Not saying its not cool looking... Just that again, everybody and their grandma can crap out heavilly marketed an focus tested 'cool' today. Practically NOBODY, can do the things X is doing outside of cutscenes.

#291189 My XBox One summaries (games & hardware)

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 05:14 AM in General Gaming

I haven't played through the whole Call of Duty Ghosts, but what I played was great. I went through outer space - with guns. I jumped from cliff to cliff and cliffs broke off with some guy yelling at me. I played a seemingly solid shooter. It was pure excitement. Sorry if for some reason, people have a problem with this. I do actually like Mario 3D World a little better, but not Killer Instinct.

Actually, you didnt. You want through a thing Developers call a dramatic presentention of faux challenge.

This is where, on screen, an amazing spectacle is being shown... But in your gaming reality, if you were to look at the buttons you were pushing, the intensity of your interaction with the gameplay... You might as well be playing barbies slumber party.

You went through a tiny tube, shooting at enemies who floated haplessly through the center of that tube, with an awesome exciting spectacle being shown in front of you. Even when the station exploded, you were still stuck in that same tube, you could even see your artificial barriers in the way the debris formed a tube around you.

And once again, when the city was falling apart, you have a grand spectacle, that you barely have any part in. You are also, once again, stuck in a tube, forced to go exactly where the game wants, when it wants, experiencing what it wants you to. You can literally get the same experience from watching a video of the opening on youtube as you can by playing it.

Its a massive problem in the industry today. Especially for most western devs, for whom great gameplay is the riddle of the sphinx, whilst increasing visual spectacle is a simple matter of throwing more money.

For people used to actually playing through things like that, its torture. Its an infuriating screaming hell, where we are stuck on this roller coaster/kiddy ride, depicting the things we used to do, but not allowing us to get out of the the little cart on rails and go actually do them ourselves.

And most people get Nintendo systems, to get away from this, as its the only refuge we have left where we still actually truly play games.

#291188 W101 Multiple Unite Morphs?

Posted by 3Dude on 22 June 2014 - 04:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I have played the W101 demo twice now and have a question about using multiple Unite morphs at once.  How long are the second, third, and fourth unites supposed to stay active?  They seem to disappear really quickly when I activate them during a fight.

They arent supposed to stay long. Its like calling in a support character in a fighting game, they come in, do a couple combos, and leave.

I dont typically use most of them for their damage dealing abilities, but to keep enemies airborne or the combo going while I touch the ground/reset my combo abilities.

#291160 Ryse II Cancelled Staff not paid. Crytek going out

Posted by 3Dude on 21 June 2014 - 07:11 PM in General Gaming

yeah they are.

#291158 Handsome Guy's Mugshot gets 30k Likes on Facebook

Posted by 3Dude on 21 June 2014 - 07:05 PM in The Café

Miss Understanding, on 21 Jun 2014 - 9:11 PM, said:
The teardrop tattoo symbolizes prison rape more than anything else, actually. The tattoo is usually forced on the victim.

The whole murder thing came from people having to explain the tattoo to their relatives.

Yeah, Maybe in recent years. Not in the 90's.

Though with that kids face and puny build, I bet he was real popular.

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