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#291146 Currently playing thread

Posted by 3Dude on 21 June 2014 - 04:54 PM in General Gaming

Heh, I have both Golden Sun and yggdra union on my android. Also got GS on my wii u. The miiverse integration was enjoyable.

Enjoy Golden sun much more. The dialog is extremely verbose, but it and the story is just as solid as yggdra union. Which is nowhere near compelling enough to make the games worthwhile without some solid game to back them up.

Golden sun has an interesting combat system, fun flashy battle graphics, fantastic world design, fantastic exploration, fantastic rewards for exploring, and great town and dungeon design.

Yggdra union has an interesting combat system, No world design, no exploration, no towns, irritating but very necessary item management... And some REALLY questionable character designs. I like how they simulate each character as being in charge of a battallion, and having to manage morale.

And since I cant stomach any more of bravely defaults truly atrocious end game... now Im going back to my Xenoblade replay.

#291134 Nintendo: Third-party publishers will return as Wii U sees more system sellers

Posted by 3Dude on 21 June 2014 - 04:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Third party support was just fine on the GameCube throughout its lifespan and no different then the PS2 or Xbox for the most part. The only main difference was the abundance of Japanese RPG's on the PS2.

As to games Nintendo paid for as exclusives appearing on other consoles that's irrelevant as it happens to all consoles and even happened to the PS2 and Xbox.

Regards the Wii yes there was a lot of shovel ware on it but there were a lot of great third party games as well. I had more quality games for my Wii then my Xbox 360 partly because games were far more original and innovative as opposed to the run of the mill FPS games on Xbox 360 and third person hack and slash games on the PS3.

As for the 3DS it may not have a lot of western third party support it has loads of Japanese third party support a lot of which are top notch quality games.

My point still stands. The lack of third party support on the Wii U has nothing what so ever to do with it being a Nintendo console. A lot of people are way to quick to defend Nintendo and put the blame on other companies when the hole they're in with the Wii U is much of their own doing.


What you have is a fictional narrative you find attractive.

Iwatas Nintendo are damn SAINTS to 3rd parties compared to Yamauchi's N64 and gamecube days.

3rd parties dropped multiplat cube support, because Yamauchi literally told them they sucked, and anyone who made games for multiple platforms instead of unique games were worthless hacks, and he forced EVERYONE at nintendo to yes man this philosophy.

The n64/cube ARE THE REASONS 3rd parties wont do anything 'because its nintendo'.

Educate yourself.


Eidos announced to the press that they were pulling support for the GameCube, and they told other publishers to follow their lead. “The GameCube is a declining business. If other companies follow us, [Nintendo] will have a hard battle to fight,” said Eido’s Chief Executive Mike McGarvey.

who was once part of the Ultra 64 “Dream Team” in 1995, had a great relationship with Nintendo. By 2003, the relationship soured, and Acclaim dropped its support for the Nintendo GameCube.

One by one, publishers began dropping their GameCube support like flies. At a Dutch event that same year (2003), Atari announced that Driver 3, Mission Impossible: Operation Surma, and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines had all been cancelled on the GameCube and planned to axe other GameCube titles as well.

THQ followed Atari’s lead by cancelling the GameCube version of “The Suffering” and told the press that the game would still come to PlayStation 2 and Xbox.

Midway would also revealed that it had no future plans for Gamecube. “Mortal Kombat: Deception is not under development for GameCube,” a Midway representative said...

Educate your damn self.

#291121 Handsome Guy's Mugshot gets 30k Likes on Facebook

Posted by 3Dude on 21 June 2014 - 01:03 PM in The Café

Has a tear tattoo. Means he committed a gang murder.

#291093 Nintendo: Third-party publishers will return as Wii U sees more system sellers

Posted by 3Dude on 21 June 2014 - 07:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Absolute rubbish. Its got nothing what so ever to do with the fact its made by Nintendo. Both the GameCube and Wii got lots of third party support but then they both sold pretty well and in the case of the Wii extremely well.

Third party support was pulled from game cube en masse by halfway throught the generation, despite it being considerably more powerful than the ps2.

Then, games that nintendo paid for to be exclusives, were later released on the ps2, anyways.

The wii was treated as a crapping ground for 3rd parties. They in general, didnt release any games of any effort, and in the very, very, VERY rare case they did, and the dev team was excited and putting their all in it, they got budget screwed publisher end, ensuring that the game could in no way shape or form compete as a whole game with the publishers output on ps360. See: Red steel 2.

And then, we have the 3ds, higheest selling platform, highest install base of this generation.

Where are all the western 3rd party games? Where are they?
Where. Are. They.

#291089 where has all the eshop games gone ?

Posted by 3Dude on 21 June 2014 - 07:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

No idea. Im just waiting for shovel knight

#291065 Capcom open to possibility of buyout.

Posted by 3Dude on 20 June 2014 - 09:26 PM in General Gaming

No company is really the best option for Capcom and people know it, I was just trying to say that if Sony had the money it would be a close battle between Sony and Nintendo. Also if StreetFighter is on Nintendo Wii U, the pro controller would have to be bundled as I doubt the fighting game community would like the gamepad or take it seriously.

Nintendo is clearly by and far the best option for fapcoms properties.

Nintendo has current and close working relationships with all the talent capcom lost during its transformation into just another douchbag publishing house. Some of them are even closer than that and work for nintendo now. Sony does not.

If Nintendo got capcom:

The creator of megaman would be making a new megaman. Not to mention legends 3.
The creator of Okami, devil may cry, and viewtiful joe would be making new entries.
The creator of Resident Evil would uncrappify what capcom did to resident evil.
Breath of fire 6 wouldnt be whored out to mobiles as a worthless peice of mobile game trash.
Maximo would come back.
That worthless deep down dissapointment would be transformed into an awesome dragons dogma sequel.
AIDS would be cured.

#291018 WiiU banned in the US...if Phillips has it's way

Posted by 3Dude on 20 June 2014 - 06:39 AM in Wii U News

So yeah, Phillips won over here in the Netherlands. Luckily that only means that they have to pay a claim/fine

Not yet. Nintendos made an appeal.

#290966 YouTube Is About To Delete Independent Artists From Its Site

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 06:48 PM in The Café

Miss Understanding, on 19 Jun 2014 - 9:17 PM, said:
To this day I've never understood "x is better" when it comes to promoting music. Don't you people notice that the best promotional strategy would be to use all of the services available? You don't have to limit yourself to a single one.

Thats pretty astute.

#290933 Why can't Nintendo release all of their games on the VC on the eShop?

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 01:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So while other systems can and DO port their games to their new console, even cross console download. It is fine if nintendo just sits back on their butt?
Ask anyone to rank the best online download store (xbox, ps and nintendo) and see where nintendo falls 99% of the time.
How can Xbox and PS grab more classic games than nitendo? you think $$$ has nothing to do with it?
Nintendo asking people to repay $1 and $1.5 for games people already owned was a slap in the face.

That is false equivilence.

First off. Tell me. How many ps3 games can you play on your ps4? How many 360 games can you play on your xbone?


How many wii games can you play on your Wii u?

You have also now attempted to change the subject from virtual console titles/vs retro console titles on other systems to virtual console titles vs the entirety of the psx and ms download stores. WHich is a comparison made further incomparable by the fact the third parties THEMSELVES handle porting and releasing their retro games on sony and ms systems, while Nintendo does everything ground up themselves for third parties, including creating ground up emulators of non nintendo platforms, to meet their quality of emulation standards that neither the sony nor ms offers come remotely close to meeting.

You are incorrect, on multiple fronts. Like all the virtual console LEGENDS Nintendo gave away for 30 cents, or the constant sales they have (Believe they are having a namco sale right now in honor of pacman being in smash).

Also, Nintendos virtual service dwarfs its competitors respectively, ps1 and ps2 classics, and classic videogames on xbox live, with over 400 titles playable on the wii u as virtual console games. Thats not including any eshop games, thats all virtual console titles. And I am being extremely generous, as I have every right to add the ENTIRE wii library to that number because of your amazingly poorly thought through attempt at changing the argument.

Basically, you seem to have created a narrative, or more than likely had one created for you, internalized it, believed it to be the absolute truth without ever consulting reality, and are trying to make up reasons to mantain your fictional status quo.

Unfortunately. That Status is NOT Quo.

But still. The virtual console is why Nintendo is failing? Makes no sense, even if your narrative was true.

#290929 Why can't Nintendo release all of their games on the VC on the eShop?

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 01:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

to make money you need to spend money.
Nintendo has the money, if they want to keep up, they need to step it up.

How is money supposed to magically make licensing legal paperwork go away?
How is money supposed to magically make creating the game specific, wii u specific emulator included with each vc rom go faster? Its not exactly a job that can be sped up by job paralellism. Quite the opposite.

How is spending more money to speed things up going to affect Nintendo's incredibly high standard for emulation?

I dont think you have any clue how hard timing perfect emulation is. Heres some information to give you some perspective at what Nintendo is undertaking trying to make timing perfect emulators, and why they are including a unique and specifically game tailored emulator with every single vc game.


How would spending money to blow things out faster stop games from getting lost in a flood of content? How would that effect third parties willingless to let Nintendo use their old games for the VC?

Why should Nintendo waste that money on the Virtual console, when it wouldnt make any difference at all without an unacceptable loss of quality, and then, make the platform look even more unattractive to 3rd parties just hoping to make money off of old games?

And out of all the things Nintendo could be doing, out of all the things Nintendo could be pumping money into to get the word out, to speed up, to ensure they make money off of.... Why on Earth would you pick the virtual console service?

Makes absolutely no sense.

#290924 Nintendo says third party will return to Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 12:42 PM in Wii U News

No they wont. Even if wii u explodes and miraculously outsells wii.... No, they wont.

But, what else is Nintendo pr supposed to say?

#290913 Why can't Nintendo release all of their games on the VC on the eShop?

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 10:48 AM in Wii U Games and Software

and that is just one of the reason they are behind this gen.

That doesnt make any sense.

#290890 Splatoon - ScootriX DnB Remix

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 03:59 AM in The Museum

Yeah, I should figure out the "lyrics" of the original song. :D

I love the 'voice' like sounds they made their instruments make in the trailer. I dont have the ear for it, to tell if it was someone in a studio 'guitar talking' like hendrix, or more likely frampton with a talk box like device. or whether it was just midi. But I loved the way it sounded.

I do know there is One word in the song, and thats occasionally when the word 'Splatoon' is yelled by the dev team periodically.

#290887 I pulled an UnchainedGoku...

Posted by 3Dude on 19 June 2014 - 03:52 AM in General Gaming

BASEDGOD Pachter, on 18 Jun 2014 - 5:31 PM, said:
If this sell 100 to 500k, then the hype would be lulz worthy.

Why, what do sales have to do with whether a games quality is worth the hype it generated?

The entire gaming landscape today is full of morons who are so incredibly stupid they cant differentiate a great game from their bum hole, and are kept that way by a publisher owned games media doing everything in their power to keep them docile and indoctrinated.

A games quality has never reliably been correlated with sales.

But it should do all right, Xenoblade has already undoubtedly sold over a million (Probably closer to two), with the fourth reprint now out in stores, and people still buying it and having their minds blown that there could be more to gaming than the constant flow of crap publishers constantly spew out today would lead them to believe.

with the vast majority being sold in NA, and that was only available in one single store, and mostly for 90 bucks a pop.

#290847 Splatoon - ScootriX DnB Remix

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 02:18 PM in The Museum


#290846 All Gaming Clans are FPS Based?

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 02:06 PM in General Gaming

BloodWingdAngel, on 18 Jun 2014 - 6:06 PM, said:
Me and my friends were talking about this the other day, but it seems like all video game clans out there are first person shooter based. Even most of the clans at the schools we have went to, which don't get me wrong had both nice and mean people, seemed to be all first person shooter based.

Anyone else notice this?

Its to be expected when glancing at the surface of multiplayer connected gaming. Those are one of the genres the industry has found to be incredibly easy to churn out of a factory and garner high returns on investment as long as they recieve a big enough marketing push.

If you want to find anything else, you need to look deeper than marketing and investments disguised as games.

#290826 I pulled an UnchainedGoku...

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 11:40 AM in General Gaming

Porridge, on 18 Jun 2014 - 3:33 PM, said:
So according to you guys, I:

1. Should have kept my Wii U
2. If I did sell it, to choose more quality titles like Sunset Overdrive, etc

Did I mention I got more for my Wii U than I thought I would? That right there is pretty much enough for me. I took a chance on some of the games, but they turned out pretty good

Well I am glad you got a good value for the wii u, I was afraid it would be ratjer abysmal.

I just wish there was something really really exciting for you. Im glad they turned out 'pretty good'.

But man, back in the early 2000's with the cube, ps2, xbox, or any gen before, I could find anyone, selling any system mind rending games for whatever platform and price they wanted to put the money towards.

Now youve got 'its all right' and 'turned out pretty good'. And Ive got absolutely nothing I can suggest thats not way out in the future.

#290823 I pulled an UnchainedGoku...

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 11:29 AM in General Gaming

So regarding my list of games, I had to make do with what I had... like, Watch Dogs was sold out, and sometimes I also might be gaming in front of kids.
I also wanted to experience the games now, not some time in the future. Sunset Overdrive and Scalebound are too far away for me. But I did pre-order Halo Master Chief Collection.
Zoo Tycoon seemed cool because it's a game not on PS4. And having played it now, I'd also say it's alright.

Yeah, if there was any platform, anywhere, in existence, that had quality games of the genres I have been mostly denied for the past.... 11 years... I would definately cave to the instant gratification instead of waiting another year for the ones Im waiting for on wii u.

But... Thats only if that happened.

Dont you feel you deserved a little better than 'It's all right'?

I mean, I feel bad. I want things to go back to being as great as they were. But at least I GOT TO experience games when every system had something mind blowing. Generation after generation. I couldnt IMAGINE not having all systems back then. The games were just so worth it.

But now, youve gone from not having anything to play on one system to selling it for another system and all you get out of it is 'all right'.

Its horrible.

#290818 I pulled an UnchainedGoku...

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 11:21 AM in General Gaming

Porridge, on 18 Jun 2014 - 3:03 PM, said:
Yes, really. You are free to tell me that I'm wrong. However if you do, you should try them first... the reviews don't really do them justice. Even Call of Duty Ghosts is pretty alright, in my opinion, which I didn't trade for. I mention that because a lot of people don't like it.

A lot of reviews dont do games justice.

But thats not really why we are surprised, you sold your wii u, for a bunch of games you can pretty much experience anywhere...
I mean, zoo tycoon was interesting in 2001, not sell a gamecube or ps2 for interesting, but it was all right. Prefereed roller coastr tycoon, where I could design and ride rollercoasters and other park attractions to keep customers happy, but same basic concept.
I will admit, EA'S UFC game has some sharp looking visuals.
Then a licensed property game on every system under the sun...
And another kinect game made from rare's tears. Some different games, but pretty much well, kinect adventures round 2.

I mean, in about 2 months after release you will be able to pick those up for under twenty bucks.

Why not, sunset overdrive, or Scalebound?

#290810 I pulled an UnchainedGoku...

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 11:02 AM in General Gaming

Zoo Tycoon (actually a good game)
That new UFC fighter by EA
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Kinect Sports Rivals

Really? Those?

#290799 N64 coming to WiiU

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 10:45 AM in Wii U News



#290796 Aonuma wants to include less tutorials in Zelda U, ethink/reconstruct the idea o

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 10:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So after 20-something years we're just now realizing OoT turned Zelda to crap? What game are Zelda fans supposed to worship now?

The same one they should have been truly worshipping the whole time.


#290792 In all honesty, Xbone actually has a pretty good exclusive lineup

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 10:22 AM in General Gaming

Bein I use my pc for most multiplats.... this list isnt really doing anything for me.<br /><br />In fact, most of the games already out I find extremely dissapointing, and the ones I was interested in because of past legacy I am now extremely wary of.

I like what I see of sunset overdrive, they just need to speed up the gameplay by about 3-4x, its in slow motion
I will absolutely buy and play Scalebound. Although I have no intentions of buying an Xbone for just one game, Ill find someone elses to use

I will admit Phil Spencer is starting the process of repairing the damage done by MS's moronic shenanigans over the past couple years. But he has a long hard job in front of him.

#290789 I pulled an UnchainedGoku...

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 10:13 AM in General Gaming

See you in 2015


#290786 Xenoblade X releasing in 2015

Posted by 3Dude on 18 June 2014 - 10:05 AM in E3 2014 Archive

Ryudo, on 18 Jun 2014 - 1:42 PM, said:
In reality this games name would be to long to include all the games it has a little of.
Chrono Cross,Xenogears,XenoSaga,Xenoblade,Phantasy Star(well first XB had some Phantasy Star as well) and this also has Phantasy Star Online to it.

Tho maybe they could have said XenoCross: Star Saga

You can add chrono trigger to that list. Seemed to be the first game Takahashi worked on that had the theme of a false god from another planet that cultivated people only for food/parts.

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