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#306911 Any one else here looking forward to Evolve?

Posted by 3Dude on 14 January 2015 - 09:32 AM in General Gaming

That's kind of sad but it's your decision. 

No, its kind of sad people let these publishers get away with recieving full payment for releasing fractions of games, broken, that dont work the day you buy it, and then selling you the rest of the game you already paid full price for peicemeal, because people like you are REWARDING THEM for disgusting anti consumer behavior.


And people wonder why videogames have turned to rainbow.

Teaser trailer for the fourth monster, the Behemoth, that is a pre-order bonus and future DLC:



I gotta say, I'm glad I pre-ordered. I like this monster's design the most.




That's due to L4D being a Valve game with Steam having Mac support Valve wanted to get things rolling by adding Mac support for their games but only some devs see it as worthwhile in adding this support, same with Linux support. Hopefully for you they decide to add Mac support in the future but it's not all that likely at this point.



I bought a copy from here for Steam:




Cost me about $45 Australian Dollars. For the full game with the pre-order bonuses that's a damn good deal.



If you wait too long in the hope of a GOTY edition with all the DLC then you'll miss out on when the playerbase is at its peak and this game is all about the multiplayer, unless the GOTY picks up the playerbase to a good enough level again or it maintains its players for long enough it just depends on how well they support the game and the community. The pricing of the DLC is definitely steep, $15 USD and probably more here in Australia it seemed like a better decision to just pre-order it.


Without the DLC there's plenty of content. I'm pretty sure the DLC is just the fourth monster and a skin, at least it is for PC and PS4 but for Xbox One it unlocks things characters and things that are supposed to be unlocked from playing the game which is not even a pre-order bonus if you ask me. Sure it would be better if they just gave us all the content, especially for the high asking price, but I ordered it on Steam (link above) for $45 so I can't really complain. They have gotten a lot of flak for their decisions regarding the DLC so I wouldn't be too surprised if they reduced the price of the DLC.


The asking price for the full game is definitely high and to add day one DLC on top of that is asking a lot but at the same time I think there's a good amount of content with all the hunters and the three monsters that you'd have got your money's worth by the time you unlock everything then either waiting or giving in and getting the extra DLC. I can't say it's something I support publishers doing but I'm not really one to complain when I got it for $45.


I play monster hunter.


It comes complete the day I buy it, with 30-50 monsters (The west now simply recieves the g version, or 'ultimate'), guaranteed it works the instant I insert the disc/cartridge it has WAY more than twice the content, for half the price of this.


I will not support this, or reward this behavior, nor inadvertantly punish these devs, by rewarding this publishers behavior so they can be further abused by the AAAAAAAA dev crushing crap factory dev abuse cycle. I will not reward take 2 for acting like EA.

#306868 Nintendo Direct 1/14/15

Posted by 3Dude on 14 January 2015 - 06:44 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Xenoblade is coming out april 29th in Japan...

#306821 Nintendo Direct 1/14/15

Posted by 3Dude on 13 January 2015 - 07:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Think it's from 4chan so...I'm gonna grab the box of tissues lol

#306817 Nintendo Direct 1/14/15

Posted by 3Dude on 13 January 2015 - 06:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Leak ? Take with a Grain of salt but could be Megaton..



Meh... Meh... Metroid?



#306816 Any one else here looking forward to Evolve?

Posted by 3Dude on 13 January 2015 - 06:54 PM in General Gaming

I was, until they began the pre order for planned dlc content thats really just rainbow from the main game thats been compartmentalized and sold off seperately unicorn tongue.


I will not support companies that engage in this behavior. I'll buy it used. Preferably a used version that already has all the 'dlc' for the year already on a single disc.

#306664 Xenoblade X Graphical Improvments

Posted by 3Dude on 09 January 2015 - 03:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Here is the vid I was referring to earlier. If anyone has not seen it, give it a look.



Oh, Hey, its Chuggaconroy. He most be frothing mad with excitement.


Honestly, Im surprised a lot of people seem to be missing a very obvious possibility.


And that would be finding OTHER colonies, er, Neo cities/countries (for the tiny countries).

Neo London, Neo Berlin, Neo Las Vegas (Please) Neo Tokyo, Neo Seoul, Neo Bulgeria (Pretty please, or at least Neo Sofia)

#306642 Xenoblade X Graphical Improvments

Posted by 3Dude on 09 January 2015 - 09:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Take that Ubisoft.


They have. They have quickly decided making quality games upon release, targeted at people who wont buy garbage, is a waste of time and money, when there is a huge market of brainwashed morons who will buy anything they are told to be hyped for, the day they are told to buy it, regaurdless of whether it works or not.

#306609 Former 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAA' developers explain how gamings gone down the...

Posted by 3Dude on 08 January 2015 - 06:02 PM in General Gaming

'former AAA developers who are now their own bosses were more than happy to share their thoughts on what's wrong with the state of big-budget development. The common sentiment: rising costs of game development perpetuates and amplifies a production cycle that sees developers being pushed to make ambitious games on schedules that are out of their hands.'


'The demand for big profits also tends to bind AAA developers into a marketing schedule that 

leaves them little room for fixing unforeseen problems. The more money a company has riding on a tentpole release, the more likely a developer will be made to swallow their pride, hit their ship date and scramble to fix known issues after launch.'


"Developers rarely get to tell Marketing 'We can ship it now, we fixed all the bugs,'" notes Fuller. "Rather, the marketing department will tell you when you're launching regardless of fixing bugs. If you want that arrangement to change, figure out how to sell millions of units without telling anyone your game exists."



'Read the article'






I remember when I began ranting about this back in 2007-8, nobody wanted to give it the time of day. When I described the current situation we are in right now, and told people this was the future video games were heading towards,they didnt want to hear it. Its almost eerie seeing people actually start noticing these things and talking about it. And of course talking about how long its been building to get to where we are now...


Its not going to get better, folks. It WILL get worse. The developers are completely powerless. Publishers and marketing are in charge of the games.


It is time to stop, and seriously think about what you want the future of videogames to be.

#306608 Eurogamer's Game Of The Year 2014

Posted by 3Dude on 08 January 2015 - 05:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Only a Sith Lord deals in Absolutes....

I kind of wish that it was something else, but oh well. MK8 was supposedly really good.



I see where you are coming from, personally, these kinds of games (mk8, ssb, the genres in general) dont hold as much value with me as games in my favourite genres do (I still havent bought smash bros wii u because of this, being more than satisfied with the 3ds game), which is why I usually prefer the portable outings (I have never bothered with a console mario kart in the past since the first one) but man.... 8 is one hell of a mario kart. It gets my respect.

#306606 Eurogamer's Game Of The Year 2014

Posted by 3Dude on 08 January 2015 - 05:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Of course.


Unacceptable. We must deal only in absolutes!!!


Pretty good list over all. A good list, with some pretty dang good games, from a horrible horrible year in gaming...

#306605 Xenoblade X Graphical Improvments

Posted by 3Dude on 08 January 2015 - 05:22 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Good stuff. Gamexplain also noted improvements in a video a month or two ago. they showed the tower and some other areas that had improved textures and higher detailed sections.


Yeah, I thought I remembered talking about that stuff in there, in here, disproving claims of downgrades if I recall.


I want this game so much.

#306275 Man angry over Sonic's arms in the news

Posted by 3Dude on 01 January 2015 - 05:46 PM in The Café

I have no idea who this guy is.


But Ryudo's post has given me some clarity and context on this situation.


Used to help with a youth home my wife worked at. Asp. sufferers have really really hard times with changes, particularly in schedueled events and things they've come to expect as normal. I can see how changing sonic like they did for Sonic boom could really set him off.

#306208 If nintendo uses X86 on their next console, will you buy it?

Posted by 3Dude on 30 December 2014 - 10:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

Apart from Sega, Nintendo has been the one who has made the most mistakes: no CDs for N64 made it lose a ton of support, specially in Japan; no DVDs or Internet connection for GC. Despite the higher price for XB, they managed to outsell GC; Wii U lacked software for the first semester 2 years straight, no account system, the VC is bare when compared to Wii's.


It's no longer a question of "will Nintendo go for the core gamers?", it's a necessity.
This generation proved that Nintendo can't support two main platforms at the same time. It was fine until the DS, when they brought a lot of small games or old games (GBA) and the bulk of the resources went to N64, GC and Wii.
And it's not just a matter of making games, it's about the marketing aswell. Iwata admitted that last year that they had to refrain from pushing Wii U more because they needed that money for pushing the 3DS.

If they go with 2 consoles aswell for next gen either they unify their game development or with the little amount of support home consoles have worldwide and handhelds have in the West, things are going to look even worse.

Unifying their production of games will, not only allow them to sell a single game to the whole Nintendo fanbase, but they will have resources to make games that they can't afford to make now. And that is actually the most important part of that strategy: to develop games that cater to the PS and MS fanbase on a constant basis, not just one or two per year - 'cause that won't help things change.


It goes deeper than that as well, it has massive reductions in opportunity costs: http://en.wikipedia....pportunity_cost


Before, Nintendos teams needed to be professional level experts of two completely different languages and coding styles to support two systems to Nintendos level of quality. That costs a LOT of time, money, and human resources.


Now they will only have to master a single style.

#306188 Show of your collection

Posted by 3Dude on 29 December 2014 - 08:09 PM in General Gaming

I want pics of every inch. I imagine you would have a whole display set up for Xenoblade?

I wish, Ryudo's glorious Sanctum is far more impressive than my collection.

I just have the games, no merchandise. The most I have for Xenoblade is it being displayed with its reversable cover in the area of great respect alongside games like Okami, And the Ico/SotC Hd collection (I can not display the original Ico because of the horrible, horrible NA art, but the hd collection uses the fantastic Pal/japanese boxart.)

My older games (C64 Amiga etc) are stored in an airtight static free and suctioned tupperware container, and their boxes have been collapsed and stored in a seperate airless container as they were beginning to... Disintigrate...

#306181 Hyrule Warriors - Wind Waker

Posted by 3Dude on 29 December 2014 - 05:38 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Thanks to this threads epic title typo, I now need a hyrule warriors version of this:

Honestly, I dont mind the WW lack in hyrule warriors. There is only so much you can do at once, and I would rather they focus on a set goal and do it really well, than try and cram everything in at once and have quality suffer.

Besides, We need material for HW2!

#306179 Show of your collection

Posted by 3Dude on 29 December 2014 - 05:33 PM in General Gaming

Not really sure what I am going to do for my collection in my new place.


Not sure if I want to give it its own room and have all of it out, Or take out my favourite stuff for a smaller subtler display in the entertainment area.


Either way I have a lot of boxes to go through to find it all...

#306178 Vita owners club

Posted by 3Dude on 29 December 2014 - 05:20 PM in General Gaming

People its a general gaming board... Lighten up.


For the gunplay, I would definately say Killzone.


After all the dissapointing half arsed vita fps cash ins, Killzone stands tall as THE fps game to own on the system.

#306173 The official "What games should I get?" Thread

Posted by 3Dude on 29 December 2014 - 03:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This thread is still ridiculously old but hopefully some gets around to responding. I'm considering Mario Kart, but the only problem is that I have literally no one to play it with. I no it's fun but I'm not big on racers. Anyway what should I be looking at. I already have SSB & Wind Waker (as per a few of your suggestions.)

Add me btw if you ever wanna run some smash. Nintendo ID - A.Newh0pe


A little info on what you like would help us help you find new experiences to love (And not just for wii u....)


For Wii u right now there is a lot of truly high quality stuff. Truly truly high quality stuff.


For skill based action games, Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 are some of the best in the genre.... Ever. The games are chock full of content and replayability, with tons of unlocks, and reasons to replay levels again (And find new things you couldnt before).


Hyrule warriors is an action based romp with lots of meaty content.


Mario Lart 8 is a fantastic kart racer, even if you are single player only (although the wii u has free online gaming, so if you have internet, you can play with others). The track design is... Most unlike most racers you have played, and is very entertaining, even without the zany combat antics.


Captain Toad is a fantastic looking puzzle platformer with aastounding production values and visual design.


If you need your exploration adventure itch scratched... We still have some waiting to do, but man does it look like it will be worth it, Xenoblade chronicles X, and Zelda Wii u look amazing, and to be coming out within the next year or two.

#306129 I Traded Wii U, 2ds, and games for PS Vita and games

Posted by 3Dude on 28 December 2014 - 09:27 PM in General Gaming

Try out gravity rush and tear away.

#306079 Vote for Zelda Wii U and win it

Posted by 3Dude on 27 December 2014 - 05:24 PM in Wii U Games and Software

You must have been living under a rock if you haven't heard about the first two. That said their lead platform was PC where most of the focus was so unless you're a big PC game player you probably wouldn't have heard much about them. I saw a half hour demo presentation for it back in August and it's definitely turning out to be an epic RPG. With the power of the PS4 and Xbox One it's also going to port over to consoles far better.

I wish this pr BS from MS and Sony had any truth to it.


If the game remained PC only where it belonged, it would be even better looking. The game already suffered a downgrade at the hands of parity for the pathetic ms and sony 'high end' consoles.


Hell, if the game remained PC and with an actual game company publisher like Atari, it probably wouldnt be suffering from its pathetic console-esque design shortcomings right now either.


That pathetic combat.... Such a shame...


PC, needs to become PC only again. Shake off the Parasites...

Is WB owns the game? I think cd projekt owns it, there is no trademark of wb in the witcher.

Warner brothers is the NA publisher for Witcher 3, CD-Projekt is the developer.

When a Developer can not afford to publish a game themselves, ie they cant pay to print all the game discs, buy all the packaging, pay for all the trucks, boats, planes, and gas to send them to stores, buy the shelf space, etc: They hire a publisher, who pays for all of that in exchange for a few things.

1. The largest cut of the profits. Sometimes this can even turn into sneakily taking over the ip from under the develpers nose (See, EA all the time, every time)

2. Control over content. Now the develper has to show the publisher the game, and get their consent over every aspect, or the publisher wont pay the bills, this basically mean, the publisher gets to throw their two cents in on everything they dont know about game design. Typically this boils down to 'Make it more like that really popular game everyones copying right now'. Used to be 'Make it more like GTA'. Now its probably more something like 'Its open world right? Make it more like Ubirainbow'.

The biggest problem here, is that CD-projekt signed on MULTIPLE PUBLISHERS, for each region, so they have to answer to the demands of the following parties:

POL cdp.pl
PAL Bandai Namco Games[1]
CIS 1C Company
NA WB Games
JP Spike Chunsoft
SA Megarom Interactive

And the result is the beautiful looking, but blandy everythingish simplistic playing Witcher 3 'Wild Hunt'.

'Hunt' my butt.

God damn it.... Im going to have to buy dragons dogma a 3rd time... Soon as I can find Dark arisen for 360. Stupid breaking ps3...

#306078 If nintendo uses X86 on their next console, will you buy it?

Posted by 3Dude on 27 December 2014 - 05:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

I dont think nintendo would ever do that.
They just have to give a more powerful IBM cpu... A 3 core 4 thread per core cpu, would be enough  or 4 cores 16 threads.
IBM cpus have 4 threads per core.  So a 4 core IBM cpu is like 16 cores for amd.  But Nintendo cut wii U cpu down, they cheaped it very much. So its not the IBM we should blame here or to consider IBM as a weak cpu.
We have to blame 2 things for why wii U lucks in 3rd games..
1) Nintendo play safe and they end up without 3rd games. Also nintendo cares allot of making profit from hardware. Cheap hardware and sell it very expensive. Thats what they did with gamecube and wii....
2) Gaming companies, cheap productions costs at maximum.  They create 1 game and they just look to do easy porting, to make more profits.  That is why they dont support wii U.

Nintendo didnt cut anything from the cpu.

That series IBM cpu NEVER had 4 threads to the core. The IBM cpu with 4 threads per core is the power 7, which was never the wii u cpu, that was a HUGE pr goof up on IBM's end.

The Wii u uses a custom ppc750, which never had more than 1 thread per core, or more than 1 core for that matter, so, nothing was cut out or cheapened on the cpu. In fact, this cpu is beefed unrecognizably beyond any cpu ever seen in the 750 family.

Increased registers for more agressive OoO, first ever multicore in series, huge L1 Caches.

Had ps4/xbone gone with actual performance cpu's The espresso would seem more antiquated, but, they opted for tablet cpu's instead. Core for core, espresso and jaguars are pretty comparable. In fact, if espresso was shrunk to jaguars node, and given matching cores, and a vpu, it would wipe the floor with jaguar, which was only a 15% improvement over the pathetic bobcat.

Its not system power keeping 3rd parties off of Nintendo systems. Its third parties, keeping themselves off Nintendo systems. No matter how powerful Nintendo machines get, this will NEVER change, until they have NO CHOICE.

#306077 New Super Mario U

Posted by 3Dude on 27 December 2014 - 04:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software Help

Syncing the old wiimote to the wii u seems like it should do the trick. Right now, its probably still synced to your old wii.


Push the home button on the gamepad, and go to the add controllers tab. Once in this menu, press the little red sync button that is under the battery cover of the wii controller, and it will sync the controller to the wii u.

#306046 Leaps between generations

Posted by 3Dude on 26 December 2014 - 11:10 PM in Wii U Hardware

Wii U is PS2
XBO is Gamecube
PS4 is Xbox.

Really, even this comparison is more different than the current situation.

That generation also had a huge feature capability split.

At the bottom was ps2, with broken unusable s3 texture compression, and no hardware shaders.

In the middle...ish was gamecube, with s3 texture compression, and a fixed function gpu with a pretty  good feature set, particularly for embm based effects... no dot 3 support.

On top-ish was xbox, with s3 texture compression and a fully programmable shader gpu. Good with dot 3, seemed to chug on embm.

This gen we all have machines with fully proggramable shader gpu's, with just differences in overall system power, but more or less the same fature sets.

The differences between ps2 cube and Xbox seem considerably bigger to me.

#306011 My impressions of Theatrhythm Curtain Call 3DS

Posted by 3Dude on 25 December 2014 - 09:50 PM in General Gaming

i cant play these. Too depressing.

#305947 If nintendo uses X86 on their next console, will you buy it?

Posted by 3Dude on 24 December 2014 - 06:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

It seems you mis understood my last part about android and ios. I meant that developers would port some of their android and ios games to wii u not the opposit   because as you said  even with million of sales they wouldn't be profitable.

here is question that has been bothering me for so long, how can xbox one and ps4 which are running an X86 chip with 28nm node use more power than wii u CPU that is based on 65nm node?

Ah, sorry about that. See it the other way around way too much.

Well, they technically have 2 x86 jaguars, for 8 cores that need to be powered compared to espressos 3.

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