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#302856 Your fave Mario Kart games and WHY (no lists please)

Posted by 3Dude on 13 November 2014 - 06:25 PM in General Gaming

Super circuit, mkds, mk7, and mk8.


Dont know why, just always liked the portables better. Until 8. 8's pretty damn hard to top to me.

#302393 Majora's Mask was in development as soon as OOT 3D was completed

Posted by 3Dude on 10 November 2014 - 12:02 AM in General Gaming

With Wind Waker, they probably just programmed new lighting and used higher quality version of old textures they had. With Majora's Mask, they probably had to remake assets. Just a guess.

Yeah, they have the names of the people who redid the textures in the credits. Aside from that, they used a new lighting engine, and piled on effects like bloom and ao, and streamlined some annoying things like sailing and triforce hunt. Geometry was untouched from cube.

#302392 Xenoblade X GameXplain

Posted by 3Dude on 09 November 2014 - 11:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I can answer their question on elmas eyes. Shes a cyborg. In the tree house vids back at e3 you can select the same kind of eyes elma has and they said are labeled cybernetic/cyborg.

#302315 Unsurprisingly, Destiny 2 is in the works...

Posted by 3Dude on 08 November 2014 - 08:43 AM in General Gaming


I really don't care for the direction Bungie has taken. I'll play one of their games when it's more................. Niche.

I knew activision having control over the game would end like this.

#302312 New 3DS Specs

Posted by 3Dude on 08 November 2014 - 08:20 AM in General Gaming

Don't have time to search for it, it may not have been "official" or it was added too. The pdf is in the previous link but the supported titles seem fishy. The actual specs themselves though seem pretty accurate. Xenoblade wouldn't just need a faster CPU but RAM too, same would go for the OS as a whole is much faster from downloads to Miiverse etc.

Im pretty sure it is a doubling of the fcram, a cpu clock increase, and increase in the vram (should help 3d mode framerates considerably), though I dont think the ram increase was too much of a factor in xenoblades specific case considering the og 3ds has 128Mb fcram to wii's 86Mb total combined ram. I think Xenoblade is mostly a case of cpu bottlenecking. Too many draw calls, simultaneous ai scripts all doing their daily routine, executables like the weather routines that had to be selected and run to start weather changes, and the ai scripts that coincided.

Coupled with either a better battery, or a die shrink, or both to mitigate and even improve battery life despite the beefier cpu.

#302311 Xenoblade X Artwork and Screenshots

Posted by 3Dude on 08 November 2014 - 08:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Dynamic lighting and weather correct? There was debate on gaf *mostly from a troll it appeared* that the shadows were baked but you can clearly tell in the one shot of the streets how the shadow changes over the tall alien as he walks.
Also, how did they manage the grass detail over such a large world? Is it sprite based? and is this different then what Zelda U is doing for foliage/grass?

Yeah, you could tell the environment/sky light was dynamic since day 1, but its improved considerably in the latest build.

The grass looks similar to xenoblades system, which was a mix of several things, texture put over a single transparent triangle/quad with the value of the rotational axis set to always face the camera, along with some that were only done with the horizontal axis (so if you elevated the camera they would respond correctly to vertical foreshortening but the horizontal rotation would still face the camera) and modeled fauna. Intanced hundreds of times (many more for x).

Zeldas grass appears to be a fully modeled blade, with a decent amount of articulation points, most likely with models of decreasing complexity the further into the distance, independent of camera rotation, instanced thousands upon thousands of times, to fill the environment without the cpu choking on draw calls.

#302179 What game has the best storyline ever?

Posted by 3Dude on 07 November 2014 - 01:00 AM in General Gaming

Holy unanswerable question batman!

Dwarf fortress.

#302178 For those that don't know. The Wonderful 101’s Wonder Bayonetta Unlock Code

Posted by 3Dude on 07 November 2014 - 12:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not sure if I'd want to use this or not, I'd like to actually unlock it myself but I do also know it'd probably be too hard for me to do. Hmm :/

I unlocked them myself, and I wish I knew about this instead....

Cause seriously, use the mixer 100 times? You are a jerk Shirogami.

#302177 Xenoblade X Artwork and Screenshots

Posted by 3Dude on 07 November 2014 - 12:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The amount of amazing in this game is too damn high!
Also, have the graphics had an upgrade? They look a bit better than they used to be.

Yeah, a pretty big one. Many placeholders have been replaced, near lod models for many assets have been added, many more assets period have been created, and the lod system has really been ironed out, functioning at proper distance sets instead of the randomness of the earlier build. A few bad pairings (a mid model rock is replaced by a near model rock, of blatantly different size and shape for example, but by and large a vast, vast improvement.

Still a lot of noticable work to do, heading into the final phase (mob collision detection, more near lod's like certain car and civilian models etc), but the fruits of monoliths hiring spree is already very apparent.

Looks like well finally get the uncompromised gears/saga game and story package neither squeenix nor namco ever let them make. And it will be amazing.

#300845 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 22 October 2014 - 01:33 PM in General Gaming

No, wydra, you dont want it locked for the same reason you wanted to bring it here, and the same reason GG refuses to drop the Rancid hash tag.

You are completely oblivious to your actions because of your base assumptions.

And topic creator has stated he wishes the topic locked. I guess if mourneblade wants it back open he will.

#300839 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 22 October 2014 - 12:50 PM in General Gaming

I've been trying to keep my comments in this thread civil and was TRYING to promote an open discussion(Like, there's legitimate issues on BOTH sides, as I've brought up before, but this thread is dissolving into the debate between Goku and Superman.) To me, THERE is a need to end this, but it won't be through GG winning or the anti-GGers winning. It needs to be "More Representation/realizing reviews CAN't be objective while at the same time ending the crapfest of AAA publishers basically pushing around the journalists and the journalists LETTING THEM/Accepting bonuses for good reviews." We can agree on some issues, which was the point. But instead we're just getting the Goku/Superman Debate, with each side yelling against each other in a grudge match instead of admitting that it's a completely situational thing and your predetermined bias heavily impacts your view.
Unfortunately, this thread needs to be tied to a brick, chucked into the ocean, and then blown up. 
On behalf of myself at least, I apologize for ever bringing this topic to this place. I'll even take warning points for bringing this stupidity here.

Gamergate wants nothing to do with the things you have brought up. They literally want the opposite, just look at 'Operation Bayonetta 2', where they demand the publisher uses their power of access to content to silence journolists who dont conform to the reviews they want.


If you want, since you technically posted the thread, I can lock it, and then mourne can decide whether or not to leave it that way when hes online next.

#300836 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 22 October 2014 - 11:39 AM in General Gaming

It's funny how every time someone disagrees with they way you present your arguments, they're automatically supporters of GamerGate. I don't know anything about GamerGate, and, really, if I had to side with anyone in this thread, I'd side with the anti-GamerGate side. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna accept your deplorable disregard for the rules of the website.
1.- Aha, but in fact you have directly insulted and called people stupid. Just because they're accompanied by a real argument it doesn't mean they're not there. Or do you want me to quote the many, many times you've called Wydra a "brainwashed tool" and "ignorant prick"?
Also, how you seem think that having an argument that doesn't devolve into spiels made entirely from inflammatory language is treating it with kid gloves, is beyond me.
2.- Warning or no warning, censored or not censored, you're still posting a link that deals with and links to fetishistic content, a link you DIDN'T need to post because you're not going to find anyone contesting the legitimacy of a relatively easy to find meme. Look at the rule. It very clearly says "No posting" not "No posting without a warning" or "No posting unless you're 3Dude". Hold yourself accountable, will you?
3.- I'm not here to add anything to the ongoing debate, that's why I didn't address anything brought up. I'm not trying to discredit your argument, as you seem to think, I'm here to point out a big issue with the moderation of this website, that, sadly, is present in full force within this thread.
I'm not sure if that's addressed towards me, but just in case, I wasn't aware that GamerGate's mascot (didn't even know they had a logo or that Vivian James was their mascot previous to reading this terrible thread) was a rape meme. I was deeply disappointed when I read of it here, since I actually liked the concept of Vivian James and what TFYC's were doing with her. It's really too bad it ended up being typical 4chan crap.
I'm with everyone else on the sentiment that this thread should be locked.

1. Yeah, thats not nearly as much as you are trying to make it out to be, the first, a response at wydras ACTIONS, of contiunally, purposefully, repeating the same falsified information continually, a tactic called Argument by repitition and an activity participators are told to engage in the paste bin portions of every GG thread.


And the second, which is a response to his dehumanizing and disregaurding actual people being driven from their homes, at the hands of gamified harrassment he explicitely condoned. Which is an entirely apt description of his actions and behavior.

Yeah, no kid gloves, Im not going to foster an environment where that behavior is acceptable. Its already driven off many members of this board because it became a hostile place to be openly homosexual in the past. I have a ZERO tolerance policy for that kind of behavior. Being criticised of what you do is ENTIRELY different from what or who you are and have no choice in being. So yeah, Boo hoo, Im mean towards people who exhibit bad behavior. Maybe you would feel better if I looked him up online, hacked into websites and retreived information like what his real name is, where he specifically lives, who his parents are, and started sending death threats to his house forcing him to move? Yeah, thats totally more acceptable than being called out on your behavior and being told it like it is.

2. It was openly known that this would not be a censored discussion of gamergate, as such a discussion can simply not be had because of the full spectrum of the subject matter involved. That doesnt mean we are going to post images to full on nudity, but a link to text describing a thing thats pertinant to whats going on, yeah. Gamergate is full of ugly rainbow. Sorry. Also, I didnt realize that original article I linked to had a video to the actual glitch in action with uncensored nudity. When it was brought to my attention I changed it to an article without the video.

3. Thats fine you feel that way.

If you want this thread locked, anyone, who wants this thread locked, ask mourne, hes the one who decided to open the subject, its his to call closed. Thats a straight shot by the way, no hidden meanings. I think it should be locked as well.

Pertinent: https://medium.com/@...te-62c151c0eebb

#300829 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 22 October 2014 - 10:23 AM in General Gaming


Well it was generally pretty factual (except the part about getting advertisers to remove their ads fromo certain sites, I think most gamergaters support that action, as the sites this happened not only all practiced unethical journalism, but also refused to talk about it and went on to bully people who tried to talk about it with them).
I'm not so sure about this being scared part though. While it was amusing, I feel like people might get the wrong message and think the whole thing is satirical...

I really shouldnt do this... But I cant help it. I have a fetish for disseminating the truth.

It is. The entire thing is satirical, its the onion, its making fun of gamergate.

#300811 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 22 October 2014 - 07:13 AM in General Gaming

Here's your problem, mate:
Taken straight from the ruleset, which I doubt you even bothered to read. If you weren't willing to adhere to this rule, you shouldn't have joined the site in the first place.
Which means you can't post a link to the Daily Dose image, even if you put a NSFW warning. Which also means you should be banned already for linking to a rape article earlier this year where you could blatantly see genitals.
Honestly, I'm not buying that "actions have consequences" when your actions never have consequences. And would you look at that, you're also conveniently a mod! I wonder how this looks to an outsider?

1. I havent made anything that can be considered a 'personal attack'. I deconstruct arguments. That happening to make people look stupid is not the same thing as me directly attacking them and calling them stupid. Rebutting arguments is not the same thing as a personal attack. Maybe if you didnt identify yourself by your 'side' you wouldnt feel attacked when I deconstruct it, and would be able to distinguish a THING from YOURSELF. Taking an opinion seriously, is being respectful of it. Thats not the same thing as always agreeing with it, or treating you with kid gloves.

2. The link I gave was completely censored, and I warned people not to look for the real one, and that they didnt need to find it to understand the context. Also, welcome to the real world. Its not pretty, and Im sorry if it inconveniences you to find how nasty gamergate, aka 'AAAAAA indoctrinated gamer culture' gets, or if you didnt want me to show other people whats behind gamergates facade. Its an integral part of gamergate, a part of the very core of its 'movement'.

3. Its almost like I have responsibility and accountability. Like I actually back up the things I bring up with proof, which of course, you try to use against me in the most shallow and petty of ways, instead of adressing anything actually brought up.

Also, it raises, eyebrows that you already KNEW, gamergates mascot and logo were rape memes, and didnt bother to tell anyone. Ethics indeed. As in, 'ethics are when people agree with us, and corruption is when they dont'.


#300801 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 22 October 2014 - 05:37 AM in General Gaming

You're right 3Dude, you've caught our leader (even though I've never head of him before), but don't worry, we're working on resurrecting Hitler, since he is the perfect embodiment of our morals. Heil Hydra :^)
-Signed, WydrA (commander and chief of the racist gamergate movment

I have no doubt you have never heard of him before. I know far more about your 'movement' than you do.

You HAVE, reapetedly cited information FROM him, like all your 'evidence' you keep trying to link to (Which is why he currently has restraining orders against the women repeatedly brought up in your 'evidence') and things that hes done, like donating large chunks of GG's money that went to charity, which he uses as leverage constantly.

What blows my mind is that it's the site staff here doing the lion's share of the flaming. What's the point of having moderation if the moderators are off their leashes and calling community members idiots?

@3Dude: If you lack the maturity to agree to disagree with someone and move on instead of shoving your opinions down everyone's throats every chance you can, then you have no business calling yourself a moderator. You're supposed to be here to protect the community against this sort of abuse, not fuel it.


1. That never happened, once. Grounded criticism and rebuking is not 'flaming'
2. Actions have consequences.
3. I post observable facts, and then comment on them. If no one else can make a reasonable retort that doesnt get instantly deconstructed by me, and a slew of facts I post, maybe its time they conduct some deep introspection. For example, made up conspiracies that have recently been shown to not work at all whatsoever in a REAL court of law, and ended up with the gamergater recieving restraining orders, dont fly for a reason.
4. If you want to be comforted by group think echo chambers 'protecting you', and you can do and say whatever you want and nobody will hold you accountable, you are clearly in the wrong place.

5. If you want this thread locked, asked mournblade, hes the one who decided to do it. He will be the one who decides to lock it. Which is fine by me. I spent everyday this crap went on hoping Wydra wouldnt bring this crap here, but knowing he eventually would.

#300785 Mario Kart 8 Yoshi circuit coming in dlc

Posted by 3Dude on 21 October 2014 - 08:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I was always impressed at how well Nintendo ported yoshis circuit from gcn to the original DS.


So its kind of had a bit of a soft spot for me, so I think this is extra awesome. Looks fantastic.

#300782 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 21 October 2014 - 07:54 PM in General Gaming

at this point I am genuinely having difficulty stopping myself from laughing at  you. You are talking about yourself and the side you have taken.
-Signed, the officially elected leader, and newly elected official lawyer of gamergate

Since, once again, you have a deer in the headlights look on your face since I clearly know far more about your 'movement' than you....

That would be Mike Cernovich @playdangerously.

Hes now recieved restraining orders, apparently Gamergate logic and 'evidence' doesnt hold up too well in the real world.

#300777 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 21 October 2014 - 06:47 PM in General Gaming

Because the entire place is made up of naivete, poor logic, and outrage.

Just the language of half the titles show children who think they are playing a game to 'win' it, and shows nothing more substantial than idle opinions being flung around like facts. And you have been completely indoctrinated into the language, ranting and raving about strawmen named "sjw's" Which convienently, just so happens to be every single person who disagrees with you.

And finally, like the rest of the chidlren, you dont seem to understand that visibility is not the same thing as credibility. The most visible thing about gamergate is the very thing you keep trying to tell people s an inconsequentially small part of gamergate. Unfortunately for people who actually believe gamergate isnt a load of crap (And they do exist, foolishly trying to convince/stop the real gamergate on 8chan and their blackboards... which just gets them doxxed, ive let about 17 ggers know theyve been compromised to varying degrees by the black boards for trying to make gamergate decent) the most high visibility,power weilding members of gamergate, ALL fall into the camp you claim is 'just a minority of gamergate'. Reddit children, and even 8chan gg children, do not run gamergate, /pol/ /war/ /i/ /hax/ and /cq/ do.

Hell, gamergates self proffessed big bad lawyer just got slapped with a restraining order, and is trying to twist that as 'anti gg is against the first amendment!!!'

Gamergate has officially been recognized as a hate group by the southern poverty law center: http://www.splcenter...adlines-101614/

And the mainstream media has finally found out about 'operation disrespectful nod' and is letting those advertisers know whats REALLY going on with all those angry emails. And they are starting to go back in, Like bmw.

The only thing gamergate has managed to do, is set back the public perception of videogame enthusiasts by a decade to everyone whos not currently in the gamergate echo chamber. So, great job.

Oh, and for your final delusional strawman claim. The person who started the #stopgamergate hashtag is a Sikh. So, yeah Kiss that one goodbye, hes.... #notyourshield.

#300767 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 21 October 2014 - 03:13 PM in General Gaming


To anyone whos not drinking the kool aid all this does is raise more eyebrows.


#300700 Best games out so far on PS4/Xbone?

Posted by 3Dude on 20 October 2014 - 03:15 PM in General Gaming

Ive heard quite a few people have been enjoying alien isolation immensely.

#300694 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 20 October 2014 - 01:26 PM in General Gaming

Wydra, you keep thinking gamergate is trending because you have your twitter trends set to 'tailored'.

Also, while wydra is retelling the events of 'Invasion of the body snatchers' replacing aliens with 'SJW', ill just post this:

*EDIT* found another, ms paint resize looks crappy, but I dont care, it makes its point.

This is Gmaergates hero and champion. Just before he realized he could use them like the mindless simpletons he clearly believes they are.

Gamergate is so desperately craving attention, so desperately craving approval, they will believe anything, from anyone, as the gospel truth, as long as it panders to them, no matter how blatantly obvious it is that its a sham.

#300668 Porn for N64 fans

Posted by 3Dude on 19 October 2014 - 09:18 PM in General Gaming

The wooden controller backing is hot.

#300631 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by 3Dude on 18 October 2014 - 07:12 PM in Wii U News

I keep coming into this thread every bump hoping for new screens :(

#300629 GAMER-GATE

Posted by 3Dude on 18 October 2014 - 07:06 PM in General Gaming

I hate to jump into a random conversation I haven't even read, but is this seriously just a reaction to some people realizing how corrupt the industry is and trying to fix it in a really stupid way? Hilarious how it's called gamergate, but I didn't read much about actual games. Play games and don't give too much of a crap about the industry and journalism. Works out pretty well for me.

Almost. They never cared about corruption, which is why theyve never brought any actual corruption to light, despite many, MANY oppertunities. 4chan found some information they thought they woul be able to use to hurt someone they already hated, and decided to hide it, extremely poorly, behind some 'journalistic ethics' which they very clearly know nothing about.


This was immediately and irrevocably disproven, and made gamergate look incredibly bad, so they adapted by not talking about it, or even mentioning Zoe's name, which is why the call her literally who now.

I looked at the twitter links and Saw about 25% of the posts for GG having insults, with 20ish% being StopGamerGate
Not going to bother to quote your post, but it does bring up a valid point.
By claiming that 
Is a complete and utter lie. Now, I'm not GOING to say that SJWs aren't morons at moments. Trust me, I read TumblrInAction. The ideas that WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL AND AUTOMATICALLY DESERVE TO DIE AND THEN EVERYTHING WOULD BE FIXED, as well as the ideas that Mental Disabilities are something to be flaunted around like a sticker are so stupid I'd be tempted to think that these people would support an alien race coming down, destroying all the countries with white people in them, and then setting up a new regime BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL.As a Cis guy, I KNOW We've done some straight up NASTY crap throughout history, but the past is the past. We can't Fix it by killing the opressors, we have to work to make a system where there ARE no oppressors.
However, to lump SJWs as the driving force behind the Anti-GamerGate movement is stupid.  I'm an EQUALIST. I believe in Social Justice(And equality, in case my thing wasn't clear). You're right, that a large part of GamerGate WANTS active change and isn't part of the harassment. But let me tell you a story:
Germany, following the end of WW1, was under heavy heavy losses. They, despite NOT being the instigator, had been fined with the entire guilt of the war and the costs with it. This wasn't fair, and many people underneath the Weimar Republic began to try and fix the problems. One of these groups was the Nazis. Now, in NO WAY am I comparing GamerGate to Nazis, but this analogy works for this story.
Part of the reasons why the Nazi Party was ABLE to be successful was not racism, or prejudice, or those various negative factors. Those were important, but the NUMBER one reason IMO that they were successful is that they gave the Geman people an IDEA to strive towards. Instead of pitying itself and being inefficent, like the Weimar Republic had been, Nazi Germany was able to bounce back from being in the worst place it had been to being one of the most powerful countries in the world over the span of 15 Years IIRC.
This sense of community is what I see in GamerGate. They came together with a common goal: To try and FIX the corruption in the Gaming Industry much like the Nazi's rose into power by trying to fix the issues with Germany and the Weimar Republic. However, this is the main reason why I chose to use this example: The good turned into crap QUICKLY due to there being some underlying factors in the entirity of the foundation.
In the Nazi's case, this was the racism they had. The head of the Weimar Republic CHOSE to form a joint union with Hitler because IIRC Hitler was able to be controlled. Hitler, being HITLER, then pulled off a bunch of stuff to corrupt the system. Once again, this isn't a perfect analogy as the Nazi Party had a LOT more crap going on at the start, but I'm still using it. GamerGate, which like the Nazi's gathered a substantial following, had crap beginning to leak through it. 
The point of this very long winded thing(which I'm trying to shorten now) is that what starts off as a noble idea can become corrupted VERY, VERY quickly. I do not doubt that a portion of GG believes they are doing the right thing, just like a portion of Nazi Supporters believed that actions taken would be the right thing for Germany. ONCE AGAIN, not comparing GG to Nazi Germany. The idea of Communism, for instance, is one that ultimately sounds ideal(At least to me): Everyone is Equal economically and socially. However, this idea got interpretted by the USSR and various other communists to become "Everyone is the SAME." There's a story about Telephone in here somewhere, but I've got no time for that.
In Summation, GamerGate is a noble idea in theory: Weed out the corruption in the gaming industry. However, just like any good idea, this idea can become co-opted and used for less then savoury means. It doesn't MATTER if there's still a group of people who believe in it's core ideas, the entire subject itself is a rotten apple. As I said, I'm an equalist, and since most people inquire what I mean, I have to explain it. By saying I'm a socialist economically, you WOULD not believe the crap I get. I've chosen to move on from it and have begun to use the term Equalist. GamerGate, I think, would do well to do the same. Burn the ship, start over, and create a new movement based around this. Focus on the corruption between the various promotions and companies, focus upon the idea that reviews are supposed to be SUBJECTIVE(you can't write an objective review if it's art. That's not how it works.), or the very ideas that PR Managers tend to be taken from Journalism sites. This is WHAT the DoritosGate Thread on GAF was for, but it got hijacked by the GGers.

Just to bring some final bit of information to light. it was NEVER a good movement. I say this as someone who has been screaming about corruption every chance I got on these forums for years. Naturally the first thing I did before I said word one about this was dig down all the way to its roots and gather intelligence and information. What can I say, Im an extremely incredulous person. It was always a lie. A complete and absolute lie.

The corruption lie was just a vehicle made to look attractive to people they could use to add volume to their noise BECAUSE it COULD have been a genuine good idea. Of course, thats simply not good enough for 4chan. They cant just lie and trick people who genuinely believe their cause, they have to make fun of them at the same time. For keks.

Something about the mascot and the logo, especially the logo and why they were being instructed to use it they way they were, which was, preferrably over a pic of their actual face like 'goggles' was always suspicious to me. And it was finally brought to light today, and now the 'raped face KEK KEK KEK KEK' in jokes the 8chan black boards make finally make some sense.

That would be this purple and green logo by the way: gamergatelogo.jpg

Like the mascot, the logo is a rape meme called the 'Daily dose':

Vivian James page: http://knowyourmeme....es/vivian-james

Scroll down to this paragraph above the picture:

"It took a series of polls to eventually reach the final character design and her name. Afterwards the character design was sent over to TFYC, who subsequently shared Vivian James and her final design on their Twitter account (shown below). Some aspects present in Vivian James’ visual design represent 4chan’s /v/ board, such as her striped sweater being green and purple, a reference to the infamous daily dose images, and the four-leaf clover on her headband."

where it describes vivian james color scheme represents the 'Daily Dose' Daily dose is a hyper link, leading to the meme page. It is heavily, HEAVILY, censored, still, ntsfw just because of pure subject matter. I am warning you right now, you dont want to see it uncensored. And you dont need to, either, to understand whats being done here.
4chan, uses the colors purple and green as a replacement for the gif, its a rape representation they try to sneak whenever they can, like with mascot vivian james, as explicitely stated, her shirt basically represents rape to its designers. As described by the memes page itself. Again, HEAVILY CENSORED LINK, but STILL NTSFW.


As described here: "Images related to the gif are often not aimed at representing the GIF, but instead just contain the colors green and purple. The idea of this is to make the combination of the two colors evolve as a trigger in a person’s subconscious that results in him being reminded of the gif each time he sees those colors."

Which is what the mascot and logo are, they are daily dose rape memes.

They request unwitting followers to put the logo over their face, so they can laugh about it, because to them it represents them 'Raping thier face'.

The 'movement' was always, down to the design of its mascot, and logo, completely rotten, all the way to the core. Which was way before gamergate.

#300595 Bayonetta 2 - The Real Deal

Posted by 3Dude on 17 October 2014 - 09:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

i seen comments of those scores on you tube and most people think that nintendo bought those scores and that game is bad cause of frame rate drops and graphically it no difference from part 1.

1. Nintendo doesnt use publisher leverage.

2. I-dont-believe-you.gif

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