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#130848 Nintendo has some aces up it's sleeve's for Wii U at E3 2013?

Posted by backudog on 16 November 2012 - 11:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'd like to see them announce Watch Dogs on wiiU...'nuff said.

#138501 Wii U 2013 E3 Predictions

Posted by backudog on 26 November 2012 - 01:27 PM in General Gaming

Would be nice if there was a suprise announcement of GTA V on wiiU (one can hope yeah?), wouldn't mind a star fox game announced for it too, tbh as long as they announce / show some games that makes people think twice about saying the U is "underpowered" etc i'll be happy, maybe show off ingame footage of the U version of aliens colonial marines (which hopefully blows the shoes and socks off the 360 and ps3 versions)?.......watchdogs on the U?....oooh.......

#131790 WiiU GTA V?

Posted by backudog on 17 November 2012 - 09:04 PM in General Gaming

IGN has posted an interview with Rockstar's Dan Houser about GTA V and although the highlighted sentence is not much it gave me a tiny glimmer of hope, at least its not a "aint gonna happen" type answer.

GTA V: Burning Questions Answered

Rockstar’s Dan Houser explains the ins and outs of the next great leap for the sandbox franchise.

GTA V is only confirmed for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Why not the PC, Wii U and so on?

Everything else is up for consideration. That's all I can give you. The main thing is we are not... we are a third-party publisher. We're not Nintendo, we're not Sony, we're not Microsoft. We love all of them in different ways. But we can do what we want wherever there's the appropriate business opportunity and chance to find a market. If that's on Apple we put something on Apple. Wherever it might be. I think that's the fun in what we do. We see ourselves as a content company that uses technology. We don't make it; we use it to make the most fun stuff.

link to interview : http://uk.ign.com/ar...stions-answered

#131800 WiiU GTA V?

Posted by backudog on 17 November 2012 - 09:16 PM in General Gaming

Nintendo doesn't like violent games as much. Plus they don't focus on graphics so the WiiU probably wouldn't be able to handle the game very well.

the wii u ninja gaiden game shows ninty are changing thier attitude to that kinda stuff? so maybe just maybe? as to graphics im pretty sure the U could do it proud.

#137891 CNN interviews Reggie Fils Aime.

Posted by backudog on 25 November 2012 - 08:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

2:06 Just no!......
good interview apart from that.

Agreed, trouble is, thats how a lot of people are going to see the U, until more graphically impressive games are released. WE can see the potential, but the average joe / joanne on the street won't, they'll wonder why they should buy this new console when there are cheaper ones out already that look "just as good".

#146805 THQ- METRO2033 giveaway by THQ

Posted by backudog on 11 December 2012 - 09:14 PM in General Gaming

SCHWEET!! got mine just now, who says you cant get something for nothing?

#153166 Nintendo Force

Posted by backudog on 28 December 2012 - 01:36 PM in General Gaming

I prefer physical copies. I guess Im a hoarder.

Im like that too, digital is ok, but nothing beats having the physical mag in your hands and flicking through the pages. also it just feels wrong reading an ipad on the crapper! :D Im will confess to being a bit of a hoarder when it comes to mags too, got every issue of gamesmaster magazine so far (issues 1 to 260!) and GamesTM mag (issues 1 to130!) dont really need to keep them, but i do lol!

#153814 2013 predictions.

Posted by backudog on 30 December 2012 - 01:00 AM in General Gaming

I just stumbled across this article http://www.digitaltr...were-expecting/   and thought it made interesting reading?

#185475 What was your first game ever to complete?

Posted by backudog on 22 March 2013 - 09:42 PM in General Gaming

The Zelda game on the SNES, I forget its name, also KOTOR 1 & 2 on the Xbox multiple times as both male & female good & bad characters. Since then? None. I either get stuck or get bored or both.

#153185 Nintendo Force

Posted by backudog on 28 December 2012 - 02:04 PM in General Gaming

ahh Gamefan was awesome! couldn't get it that often over here, but the ones i did get were great. similar story with EGM too, pity i got rid of them ages ago, i now have to trawl the 'net to find those if i wanna do a spot of nostalgic reading (found a couple of good sites that host downloadable free copies of tons of retro mags (all legal too i think? well i hopethey are anyway :blink: ) not the same as phisical but the quickest way to do some retro reading!

#203710 How Can You Still Be Excited For the Wii U?

Posted by backudog on 03 May 2013 - 10:15 PM in General Gaming

I'm excited about ALL the next gen consoles not just me wiiU. Can't wait til they're all released so I can buy buy BUY! Eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!....*cough*....erm..yes..sorry bout that.

#206394 Predicting Xbox Reveal

Posted by backudog on 12 May 2013 - 11:20 AM in General Gaming

I actually can't wait until they reveal it, I'm confident that it would be more powerful than the PS4, hope it is so it can shut those Sony fans up.

I can't see how it can be, hasn't it been reported / rumoured as NOT being as powerful? Surely its too late in the day for MS to change anything hardware wise, other than maybe bunging a couple more gig of ram into it, like Sony did?(say 10gig of ddr3 instead of 8? Not sure if that would make that much of a difference though?).

#177709 Best Xbox original games and what cables?

Posted by backudog on 28 February 2013 - 07:22 PM in General Gaming

Oh yea Blinx is cool, I played the demo but never got round to buying the full game. Some very nice character models in that.
Before I buy the component are you 100% sure I will get at least 480p on a PAL?

yep at least 480p. Definitely looks clearer n sharper. Wow just checked on eBay the leads are only about a tenner! Shhweet! Might have to track down an Xbox myself now lol!

#177481 Best Xbox original games and what cables?

Posted by backudog on 28 February 2013 - 09:42 AM in General Gaming

Running your Xbox through a component cable makes it look a lot better, its how I had mine hooked up back in the day, check eBay see if anyone got one on there, well worth it. As for games it depends what sort you like but ones I enjoyed were KOTOR 1&2 , FABLE, JADE EMPIRE, PANZA DRAGOON ORTA, BLINX THE TIME SWEEPER( I think that was what it was called, most people didn't seem to rate it back in the day, but I liked it.).

#135378 ZombiU 2 possible only if ZombiU sells well

Posted by backudog on 21 November 2012 - 09:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

How can ZombieU NOT be a success? Its the best game of the launch line up!......apart from Assassins creed, nintendoland, batman, mario,......erm..yeah..didn't really think this through did i?....anywho im sure it'll sell well enough to warrant a sequel! also this game is the reason i'm buying a U!

#124934 fake game contest

Posted by backudog on 05 November 2012 - 10:01 PM in General Gaming

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not mine, i found it and it made me chuckle! although "HALO KITTY" is clearly the winning entry so far!

#124928 I offered to sell my wii u to my aunt

Posted by backudog on 05 November 2012 - 09:30 PM in Wii U Hardware

you offered to sell her your wiiU?!?!.....

#124191 Gamesmaster mag wiiU launch special. pretty positive.

Posted by backudog on 04 November 2012 - 06:59 AM in General Gaming

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#124175 Gamesmaster mag wiiU launch special. pretty positive.

Posted by backudog on 04 November 2012 - 06:05 AM in General Gaming

Sounds really goodish

I realise i haven't made the article sound all that positive, lol, but after reading it, my overall feeling was that it WAS positive and that any worries they brought up were only ones we've all probably had too. am in the process of getting the article uploaded so y'all can read it for yourselves.

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#124134 Gamesmaster mag wiiU launch special. pretty positive.

Posted by backudog on 03 November 2012 - 10:10 PM in General Gaming

I just received my xmas 2012 issue of Gamesmaster magazine, which contains a wiiu launch special, with reviews of the console & gamepad and previews of alll the launch / launch window titles, ( I would have scanned the pages for you guys, but dont have a scanner lol, so will type an overview for you), overall they seem pretty positive about the U and its controller ( the gamepad holds endless possibilities and at only " a gentle 500g in weIght - about half a guinea pig - DON'T ASK, enables 10 hour gaming marathons without your wrists falling off") and the games. they do voice concerns that once sony and microsoft launch thier new consoles the U might get left behind a bit,

"As for the threat of a brutish new playstation or xbox steamrolling Wii U into the ground? well, yes, that could happen. On the tech front, its 98% guaranteed that rival boxes will humiliate the wiiU. Our question is, does it matter? Wii U will likely occupy the same position the wii held this gen: not as shiny, but a safe haven for devs lacking the AAA budgets needed to step up to a power hungry next gen."

They also voice concern over AAA suport, suggesting that "studios with the cash to embrace the new machines from sony microsoft - the ubisofts,EAs, and Rockstars of the world, may have no need of the U, much like they largely had no need for the wii". although they do state that the U's "rich launch catalogue shows the healing has begun, but all it would take is a shiny new ps4 or 720 to unpick the scabs, hey, at least we can dab on some first party savlon".

They jokingly claim that 16 months after its initial reveal, the U is still a nightmare to write about, largely because it doesnt behave like any other console (which they do say is a good thing), and that "the more we learn, the madder it seems: a console that doesnt need a tv to work, a social network to rival twitter, a universal remote for your telly...someone at nintendo has been overdoing the dairylea before bedtime"

they end the console review thing by saying despite all of that if you put a U under your tv on the 30th you'll find it a dream to play.

Games reviews / previews are positive overall, (Nintendo Land gets 82%, with each of the mini games in it recieving between 3 and 5 out of 5 stars, NSMBU gets 82%, they also rate the intergration of the gamepad into the multi format titles, and out of the 12 listed
there are :
3x 5out of 5,(Batman, Darksiders 2 andTrine 2)
2x 4 out of 5, (AC3 and Mass Effect 3)
3x 3 out of 5, (FIFA 13 Sonic all star racing, COD; BOPS2 )
3x 2 out of 5, (Skylanders, Ninja Gaiden 3 Epic mickey 2)
and a 1 out of 5 (NBA 2K13)

ZombieU (my preciousssss lol) gets a 4 out of 5 on thier "Thrill-o-meter" with the only negative being that "the touch screen isnt as reliable as it could be. Is this endemic of its general quality?"
Aliens colonial marines also gets a 4 out of 5 on the Thrill-o-meter, the negative being "the guns are a tad quiet. we want them so loud it almost bursts our eardrums".
They have a few concerns over Lego City Undercover (another game im looking forward to and 3 out of 5 on the thrill-o-meter) saying that at the moment driving in the game is a tad tame "TT has recreated Lego's weightless plastic vehicles a little too accurately, the poor little things pootle along slowly, with all the handling of a sports car engineered from plastic rectangles. Accurate,maybe, but not terribly exciting". also at the moment they say there is some horrible pop-in throughout the game).they admit Its still early and there is time to iron out those niggles and if TT do then the game could be huge.

If you're in the u.k. then pick up the xmas issue when it hits the stores on the 6th, its woth a read. im posting this for u.s. and other forumites who maybe cant get the mag where they..erm..be at?


#127208 What controllers etc you reckon i'll need?

Posted by backudog on 10 November 2012 - 12:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think i'll get me a wiimote with one of those motion plus thingies, and a wii classic controller doohicky 2morrow when i nip into town, should only cost about £30 ish, is there anything else (wii wise) i might need for when i get my wii U? thinking more for playing gamecube and wii titles that i assume will be available from the wii u eshop wotsit? i'll probably get the pro controller as and when, but if anyone can think of anything else might come in handy?

#121912 zombi u first level footage

Posted by backudog on 27 October 2012 - 09:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I've not been this excited about a game since the original Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic on the xbox! the more i see of zombieU the more i want it and the waiting is becoming unbearable! (must stop watching all the vids lol).

#127517 What controllers etc you reckon i'll need?

Posted by backudog on 11 November 2012 - 04:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

just got back from town, got a wiimote (black) motion plus thingy (in black) a nunchuk thingy (black) and a monster hunter 3 Tri classic controller pro pack (game and controller) all for £30! I won't play the game, but thought that was pretty good price for the 4 controllery things? also the game still had its club nintendo points thing unused...which was nice.

#127214 What controllers etc you reckon i'll need?

Posted by backudog on 10 November 2012 - 12:46 PM in Wii U Hardware

I wasn't sure what titles might need what, so gettin 1 wiimote and 1 classic controller should suffice? im more of a single player only kinda guy if im honest, just wanted to make sure i'd be able to play whatevers available from the get go. (i assume downloadable older titles won't be there from day one?)

#144537 Wii u next Gen

Posted by backudog on 06 December 2012 - 10:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

Agreed, if you want your games to look really pretty, buy a decent pc, if you just want great fun with GOOD graphics buy a wiiU...or 360...or ps3. i HAVE got a decent pc, (i7 2600k @3.4ghz, 8gb ddr3 ram, nvidia 560ti graphics card) but rarely use it for games, it just doesn't feel right gaming on pc i have no idea why, just prefer consoles for gaming. i have fallout 3, skyrim, mass effect 2, and aliens vs predator for my pc and i have played the xbox360 versions MUCH more than the pc ones. i do like the fact you can mod most pc games though, Skyrim can look REALLY pretty with mods. if the next consoles would allow that, then my pc would hardly ever get used!

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