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#194427 Scariest moments in games

Posted by backudog on 14 April 2013 - 07:04 AM in General Gaming

F.E.A.R. had its fair share of jumpy moments. The bit going down the ladder, a bit crawling through some pipes I think it was where creepy girl suddenly comes scuttling towards u. Same with zombiU, made me jump a coupla times. Also the moment in the game Two Worlds when it dawned on me that I had spent good money on that pile of cr@p and wouldn't be able to get it back!

#178521 Crysis 3 was running on Wii U, “close to launching”, but canned

Posted by backudog on 03 March 2013 - 12:31 AM in General Gaming

Would love to see screens or gameplay video of the WiiU version just to see how it looked. Doubt anything like that will appear though.

#137712 Zombie U 2 wishlist....

Posted by backudog on 24 November 2012 - 10:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

No!. That would mess up the game. Its not a fps, its not left4ead or dead risining. Its something else.
i dont know if they would work out so much. You need safe houses to save and what not so it would have to be in a city. Also most zombi movies are in citys so because its more people to be turn. Its possible but i think just easier to be in a city.

Yes and no. If they did it could make the game a lil tricky because zombies could come from those other routes too.

duh lol. Yea look great now but an improvement never hurts.

4. that was sort of my point, people who seem to hate the game just don't get it, they want it to be or expect ti a fps so i thought make easy chicken pansy mode more like a fps with more guns ammo health etc, so the haters can play it thier way. dont dumb it down as such but just make pansy mode more like thier idea of what zombie u is? and have normal and hard modes play as it does normally for those of us who actually get what the game is. it should appeal to most people then. possibly?

3.maybe thats what the farmhouses dotted around the countryside could be used as? also once you got to a village or town there'd be safehouses there too of course.

2. thats a possibility i suppose, multiple routes = multiple ways for the zombies to get you, but i was just thinking along the lines of, what if you wanted to play it sneaky like? not get into confrontations with zombies? the choice to sneak around them or try another approach appealed to me. i know you can use flares to distract them, keep them in the game obv. but also multiple routes too seemed like a winner also?

1. well yeah, duh! lol. this ones a given, just had to be mentioned though. ;)

@mitch13pavel LOL'd at your zombie u2 pic n idea! also your coollege english class movie? make a zombie movie!..maybe...erm..yeah?..

#145557 Tomb raider coming to the U?

Posted by backudog on 08 December 2012 - 12:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just finished watching episode 3 of tomb raider: the final hours on XBL, and at the end chuck, sorry, Zac Levi, says "tune in next time for a special secret announcement that will change the way you play Tomb Raider forever". Now maybe I'm jumping to conclusions or clutching at straws whatever, but maybe a wiiU announcement and some sort of radical  control system using the pad? Maybe?

#145586 Tomb raider coming to the U?

Posted by backudog on 08 December 2012 - 02:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Forgot about kinect, dang! Also coz the vids on XBL of course it won't be wiiU related, doh! What was I thinking?!?

#166136 just got ac3 great game!

Posted by backudog on 02 February 2013 - 10:33 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm still on the first bit and just arrived in America, not gonna rush through it am hunting out the collectables first, those page thingys and wotnot, and generally having a look around, picking pockets too lol! Then I'll get stuck into the missions etc.

#136365 Zombie U 2 wishlist....

Posted by backudog on 22 November 2012 - 01:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If those idea's arn't in the game already they are really good, does anybody know how big this game actually is?

well the disc's about 4 - 5 inches across if that helps :D no, seriously though, assuming you mean in Gigabytes then, the discs hold , what, 20 - 25 gb? i bet its 7 or 8 gb at a guess? based on nothing more than a random guess. that and most 360 games fit on a dvd (max 9 gb dual layer), if you meant in play time...no idea lol.

#225173 Which Next Gen Console(s) Are You Getting?

Posted by backudog on 21 June 2013 - 07:36 PM in General Gaming

Got a wiiu and preordered a ps4. Was going to stick with Microsoft and get an X1, but they screwed up with their DRM announcements etc originally so chose ps4, even thier recent 180 regarding DRM etc wont change my mind now. Also there were more games that I liked the look of on ps4 than the X1.

#211313 Watch Dogs Versions help

Posted by backudog on 25 May 2013 - 11:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just pre-ordered the dedsec version. For xbox360, will probably cancel it if the ps4 is out around then coz I'll buy it for that instead. And I'll maybe get the regular wiiu version for comparisons sake.

#166236 just got ac3 great game!

Posted by backudog on 03 February 2013 - 07:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Regardless of whether it was new or second hand it still would have been traded in as that is how CEX works. Everything they sell new or second hand has been traded in for cash or exchange. That's a pretty good price for a pro controller whether its new or second hand though. I got mine bundled with the Zombie U Premium Deluxe Wii U console.

oh,didn't realise that, I assumed mine was new coz it still had the club Nintendo points card in it unused. Which was nice.

#136346 Zombie U 2 wishlist....

Posted by backudog on 22 November 2012 - 01:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I realise that Zombie U isn't even out yet in some countries, here in the u.k. for example, but i was thinking about what i'd like to see in a possible sequel earlier today and thought i'd throw it open to you guys. what would you like to see (sensible answers if possible please......unless its REALLY funny! lol)

Heres a couple i thought of (as i mentioned i dont have the game yet, so if any of my ideas ARE in the game , yay!)

1. improved graphics. Bit of a no brainer really as it'd be a sequel, the devs would have figured out how to do more with the U's graphical cababilities.

2. multiple paths through levels? i keep seeing in vids the bit in the game where you go over a fence, fight a group of zombies then open / close a door that sets off an alarm? using that as an example, i thought it'd be good if you could have , maybe, found other ways in to the building, like a fire escape, through a broken window, or another entrance round back, so you didn't have to go over the fence, and could have avoided the zombies, you could've been sneaky like.

3. maybe set it in the countryside or similar? travelling from small town / village to small town / village, coming across farmhouses scattered about the countryside, sneaking across wide open zombie infested misty fields, dense woodlands (at night perhaps? moonlight shining through the tree tops, you ever been walking through woods at night? its creepy enough WITHOUT zombies!).

4. maybe make easy mode more like a FPS, for those people who STILL DON'T GET WHAT TYPE OF GAME ZOMBIE U IS!!

anywho, what are you guys thoughts?

#166131 just got ac3 great game!

Posted by backudog on 02 February 2013 - 10:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just picked up AC3 at my local cex store for £32(new copy not a traded in one)! I've never played an assassin's creed game and so far I'm loving it, but I'm so glad I held off getting the digital version off the eshop. Also picked up a pro controller for £18!!! Think they had priced it wrong lol.still thier problem not mine bwahahahahaha!!!

#197652 Gamers r a strange bunch.

Posted by backudog on 21 April 2013 - 12:45 AM in General Gaming

It always makes me laugh how we gamers can be so very vocal online about what's happening / what we feel is just plain wrong in gaming these days, yet at the same time do absolutely nothing to try and change it. Its all:
"FB games are money grabbing scum!"
"Micro transactions in games for everything that should be on disc to start with sux!"
"We should all show our disgust by voting with our wallets,boycott these companies games, stop buying them so they'll see we won't stand for it!"
"WOOO! YEA...er..hang on...let's not be hasty..not buy their games?...but..but..its (insert fave game here)...let's just stick to Daisying anonymously online eh?"

"Microsonyintendosofts new console has to be always online and won't play used games? That sux! I'm not gonna be buying one then, who's with me?"
and so it goes on numerous sites allover the web.
*cue the day of release*....
"I'm Gail padwaggler for gamesrcool news and I'm standing outside (insert game store name here), with crowds of avid gamers, some who have been camping outside for days, waiting excitedly for the midnight launch of microsonynintendosofts new console, and as you can see the queues are stretching round the block. Let's ask these gamers what thier thoughts are"
"What do you think of the always online no used games approach the company has taken?"
"Thanks guys, there you have it obviously very excited, now back to the studio"....

Not saying everyone's like it, but it seems most of us are. I suppose its coz we know realistically we can't do a damn thing about it, but still it makes me chuckle that those that are so verbal online will still cave in and buy in the end. Sigh.

Thoughts? *braces for impact*....

#201485 Watchdogs release date confirmed.

Posted by backudog on 29 April 2013 - 08:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So looking forward to this game, and can't wait to see what the wiiu version is like!



#197801 Gamers r a strange bunch.

Posted by backudog on 21 April 2013 - 11:42 AM in General Gaming

I gotta admit, I'm guilty of saying one thing then doing the opposite, for example my next console will definitely be the ps4,  especially if the rumours about the 720 are true and I have no intention of buying a 720, I've been saying so for a while now. BUT I just know I will at some point, just coz there'll be a game comes out on it that's just on the 720 (maybe the next Fable ) that I'll really want to play and will have no choice but to get the console, even though I hate the direction the 720 MIGHT be going in. God I'm so weak willed lol.

#178533 Lego City Undercover release date here...

Posted by backudog on 03 March 2013 - 01:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hog cannon! HOG CANNON!!! You can fire pigs out of a cannon, and ride them too?!? If I hadn't already pre-ordered this game that would make me do it....hmmm, maybe I shouldn't have stopped taking my medication?

#148451 Surge protector , UPS or line conditioner?

Posted by backudog on 15 December 2012 - 10:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

Not sure why you would think a different HDMI cable would give a better picture. HDMI cables are all the same quality whether they cost 99p/99 cents or £100/$100.

I've been telling people this for AGES! It was confirmed a while ago during a test on some gadget programme on tv, they tested identical top end HDTV's running an identical bluray movie on identical top end players, all the tvs and players were set up the same (picture settings etc) and they tested hdmi cables ranging from a fiver up to 150 quid, i think it was, and they stated there was no difference, or if there was it was pretty much unnoticable.....i still buy reasonable priced ones though lol, just in case, but saying that my folks hdtv n bluray player are connected via a 99p hdmi cable and it looks great!

#136367 Wii U Black Friday Deals Post Deals Here USA only please

Posted by backudog on 22 November 2012 - 01:58 PM in Wii U Hardware

What is this "black friday" of which you speak? i heard it mentioned on Guys with Kids earlier and being in the u.k. i have no idea what it is? or am i the only one? :blink:

#136382 Wii U Black Friday Deals Post Deals Here USA only please

Posted by backudog on 22 November 2012 - 02:17 PM in Wii U Hardware


Thank you kindly for the link.

#128689 Club Nintendo

Posted by backudog on 13 November 2012 - 12:08 PM in General Gaming

I do, but the u.k. club catalogue page..erm..thing.. isn't available at the moment, ( http://stars.nintend...m/?locale=en_GB ) , i hope they are putting all new stuff on there (we collect stars instead of coins? i assume thats the same thing though). i have around 3000+ stars but there has never been anything worth getting so far.

#129615 Microsoft Ramps Up Security for the Xbox 720

Posted by backudog on 14 November 2012 - 09:38 PM in General Gaming

the only thing that seems consistant throughout all the next gen rumours is that the nextbox will have 8gb of ram and the ps4 will have 4gb.( the chrimbo issues of xbox world mag and psm3 mag are the latest places i've seen those numbers listed). as with all rumours though, i take them all with a large pinch of salt (mmm...salty!).

#121523 A couple of new Zombi U videos

Posted by backudog on 25 October 2012 - 08:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!! gotta. stop. watching. all. zombieU. vids. Excitement levels dangerously high at the moment! making. wait. seem. unbearably. long!!! *Locks self in cupboard*.......*mutter..mumble..wants our precious we does...wantsssssss it!*......

#136798 Will you share your Wii U at Thanksgiving?

Posted by backudog on 23 November 2012 - 10:32 AM in General Gaming

Hopefully will have mine by xmas, but as most of my family are OLD they think videogames are a waste of time, and i ought to grow up coz i play them (im only 38, dang it!), so they would not interested in playing, tbh i've seen how they treat most of thier stuff so even if they DID want a go they could feck right off!

#176367 Beyond Good & Evil 2 Coming To Wii U?

Posted by backudog on 25 February 2013 - 08:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The way I read it he's saying killer freaks WiiU and bg&e2 ps3 & 360. So nothing to get excited about.

#128377 ZombiU live action trailer

Posted by backudog on 12 November 2012 - 09:14 PM in Wii U Games and Software

such a cool trailer! pity it'll never be shown on t.v. , would help sell the U and the game.

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