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There have been 68 items by 009soulmaster (Search limited from 17-June 23)

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#171515 Spam Battle

Posted by 009soulmaster on 14 February 2013 - 01:55 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Captain Falcon

#93108 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by 009soulmaster on 12 July 2012 - 10:07 AM in The Café

Video game Music, it's remixes, anime songs, OverClocked Remixes Miku Hatsune, and Bentley Jones aka the guy who did Silver's Theme song

#92491 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by 009soulmaster on 07 July 2012 - 08:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Possible Characters I think might be in the next smash 14 total:
Pkmn Trainer 2-Gen (Typlosion, Bayleef, Totodile)
Prince Fluff (Kirby's Epic Yarn)
Dixie Kong (Donkey Kong Country 2)
Krystal (Star Fox Adventures)
Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Banjo- Kazooie
Luke Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
Saki (Sin & Punishment)
King K.Rool
Balloon Fighter

List of veterans 31 total:
Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser
Link, Zelda, Ganadorf, Toon Link
DK, Diddy
Kirby, Meta Knight, Dedede
Fox, Falco, Wolf,
Ike, Marth, Roy
Ness, Lucas
Pikachu, Mewtwo and/or Lucario
Pit, Ice Climbers, Yoshi, Wario, Mr. G&W, Olimar, Samus/Zero Suit

#92720 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by 009soulmaster on 09 July 2012 - 02:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Now that i think about it. Maybe Sakurei would take away some characters and keep only those who are favorites. and replace the others with new ones.
(Super Mario) Mario + Luigi + Bowser
(Legend of Zelda) Link + Zelda + Ganondorf
(Pokemon) Pikachu + Gold(Typlosion, Bayleef, Totodile) + Mewtwo
(Kirby) Kirby + Meta knight
(Donkey Kong) DK + Diddy + Dixie
(Star Fox) Fox + Falco + Krystal
(Metroid) Samus
(F-Zero) Caption Falcon + Samurai Gordo
(Pikmin) Olimar
(Eartbound/Mother) Ness + Lucas + Claus
(Game & Watch) Mr. Game & Watch
(Fire Emblem) Marth
(Chibi Robo) Chibi Robo
(Ice Climbers) Ice Climbers
(Golden Sun) Issac
Yoshi + Wario
(Custom Robo) Custom Robo
(Sonic the Hedgehog) Sonic + Shadow + Knuckles
(Pac-Man) Pac-Man
(Tales) Floyd Irvings + Luke Fon Fabre
(Klonoa) Klonoa + Gantz
(Castlevania) Simon Belmont
(Chrono Trigger) Chrono
(Megaman) Megaman Classic + Zero (X series) + Bass
(Ninja Gaiden) Ryu

#92467 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by 009soulmaster on 07 July 2012 - 05:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

wow this topic is old o.o

I think $349 will be the minimum, considering the system power, the gamepad, and the R&D that went into it.

That's a great deal for this console. It's high end equipment. And $350 is affordable. Nintendo "could" possibly sell it at $299 if they made zero profit or even took a loss. $349 buys a great Christmas gift.

I'm 75% sure it'll be $300. it feels like the right number to sell it for.

#92489 Wii U Price Discussion

Posted by 009soulmaster on 07 July 2012 - 08:31 PM in Wii U Hardware

If they don't profit from it.

And they may elect not to.

A $299 price tag will eliminate any and all barrier to entry.

For a games platform such as the Wii U, which looks poised to create strong software tie-in, it won't matter.

Nintendo knows that need to offer lots of power for a low price, like they did with the 3DS.  they may not profit for a year on the hardware, but subsequent years will be different.

It's hard to see Nintendo missing out on profit from it's hardware, but they may do so if they feel they havent' generated a strong enough marketing "buzz"

$349 seems like a good place to start.

Price it too low and people think of it as "cheap" in both positive and negative connotations.

Price it too high and it just won't sell (PS3 anyone?). but it there is one thing the previosu generation has taught us, it is that console prices go up every generation and people are willing to pay more to get more.

The original Wii with dirt cheap tech started out at $249.  The much more ambitious and forward looking Wii U starting out at $349 is a great bargain for a system of this power level and capabilities.

The "proper" Xbox 360, without motion controls or a screen enabled GamePad, cost $399 to purchase at launch.

Even the bare bones, no hard drive, crippled version was $299.

So a next generation system, in 2012, launching at $349 with next level power, a Gamepad with relatively large additional screen and free online capabilities is quite the bargain. Normally, I would have expected a $399 price tag, but Nintendo is wanting to deliver high end power at an affordable price.  This is a long way from 2005 and $349 is affordable.  Microsoft and Sony provably won't be under that price either.  And a year or two down the road, I can see a price drop to $299 in order to combat the new console launches.

Again, Nintendo CAN release at $299 to ensure a quick install base and entrench the system.  but they won't profit on the hardware for about a year if they do so.  And that is something they've only changed stance on once.  If they can, I would love to see it.  just not expecting it. it's not like they haven't earned their money here.

well they have done a werid number like $170 for the 3DS so maybe $325

#91378 What is your favorite gaming system?

Posted by 009soulmaster on 02 July 2012 - 05:39 PM in General Gaming

I'm going to cheat and say the
Wii U mainly cuz it looks really promising.
favorite handheld is the 3DS. the graphics are good enough to not look horrible and the game library is steller.

#91286 Super Smash Bros. 4 - Character Wishlist

Posted by 009soulmaster on 02 July 2012 - 10:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

i nhave two lists. one is a fanboy wishlist and the other which is closest guessing to whose appearing that i wanna see.
Silver the hedgehog,
Yuri Yowell from Tales of Vesperia

the possible ones are
Neku from The world ends with you
Sora from Kingdom Hearts
PacMan from well Pacman
Klonoa from Klonoa
Floyd from Tales of Symphonia
Rayman from Rayman
Zero from Megaman X
Megaman SF from the Megaman Starforce Series

high chance these guys will appear
Prince Fluff from Kirby's Epic Yarn
Dixie Kong from DKC2
Mangus from Kid Icarus Uprising

#92466 Crytek: Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Posted by 009soulmaster on 07 July 2012 - 05:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

It funny how they're trying to lie to everyone by on and on telling the public the Wii U isin't powerful compared to the 360. so people like Nintendo and me and others can just lean back and shake our heads in shame at them and just laugh at them on how wrong they are when the console comes out with games that prove them...wait for it.

#92126 Crytek: Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Posted by 009soulmaster on 05 July 2012 - 12:35 PM in Wii U Hardware

do not believe anyone who says it's weaker then the 360 or PS3. Because it is a complete lie. Nintendo would actually have to put effort and time to actually make it weaker then them. The Wii U is bult after the systems came out. which means they're using the graphic chips in that year meanwhie the wii U hasn't been released yet is using the graphics chips after them and might be using the ones being made now. which means the chips have drastically improved.

#92134 Crytek: Wii U is 'minimum as powerful as Xbox 360'

Posted by 009soulmaster on 05 July 2012 - 01:07 PM in Wii U Hardware

Ditto, Nintendo could even go to Nvidia and get a 6 year old graphics card that's better than the 360s. What I'm talking about is the Wii U getting downscaled Unreal 4 games, still looking pretty, just with minor differences like not having anti aliasing and running at 720p at 30fps

i think the Wii U might have difficulty on that as the Wii U might not be powerful to display something like that while having the GamePad screen on. they have just have the Wii U Pro for Unreal Engine 4 games while other games on Unreal Engine 3 can use the gamepad and be even more fun.

#91330 Bedroom?

Posted by 009soulmaster on 02 July 2012 - 03:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'll move it back and forth depends if my mom and dad care to play with me and my bro and sis.

#91023 Tons of new Wii U info - Nintendo Network, Achievements, Virtual Console, etc

Posted by 009soulmaster on 30 June 2012 - 07:00 PM in Wii U Hardware

How did no one thought of using the browser for FB or Twitter. *Facepalm*

#89595 I have a fear that the Wii U won't get great third party support

Posted by 009soulmaster on 23 June 2012 - 07:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

Here's the Neogaf rumors


If EA is going to treat Nintendo bad I'm not shocked Peter Moore had something to do with it, he was the CEO of Sega and Microsoft and he gave little support for sports games for Wii, sometimes I feel third party's hate Nintendo fans and are money, I just want the Wii U to get as much good third party support as the PS4 and 720 will get, I hope the rumor is fake though but if it is real the postive part about it is the Wii U was able to handle a big third party game that is also coming to the PS4 and 720.

I also remember that rumor of the "Wii Entertainment System" that was shown at Neogaf, turned out it was fake obviously.

Like anyone cares what EA says. I heard even Valve(the people that made Half-Life and Portal) are supporting the Wii U. so yeah Wii it.

#89584 I have a fear that the Wii U won't get great third party support

Posted by 009soulmaster on 23 June 2012 - 06:27 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't really care for EA that much but if it's EA than it could mean a lot more, I know Sony had to convice third party's to develop on the PS3 in 2006-2008, Nintendo said in July 2011 that they will pay to make sure the Wii U gets great third party support, I hope they will do that and I know I shouldn't believe every Neogaf rumor but it does scare me that third party's might not have faith in the Wii U but already have faith in the PS4 and 720, I know Nintendo will have to convice third party's that the Wii U is the right system to develop for.

I seem to rememeber a rumor or a quote a while back about Nintendo giving very few Third Parties a demo of the Wii U so they can see how it is. i think they haven't seen the Wii U up close which is why they arent going to until they see if its worth making it. Which means that Nintendo doesn't want their help in thrid party but its optional. so while EA isint gonna support, Nintendo is one step ahead on picking the companies it trusts on making games for it. oh yeah i think SEGA said how very interested they were on the Wii u but didnt get a demo then weeks later they got a demo and then the Sonic & All Stars Racing is going to be ported. so yeah its nice to see Nintendo letting compnies try it and being careful on whose getting a demo of it so the gamepad isint copied *cough*Sony*Cough*

#89576 I have a fear that the Wii U won't get great third party support

Posted by 009soulmaster on 23 June 2012 - 05:48 PM in Wii U Hardware

First off why do you care what EA says? Everyone don't like them, the only game they have that's good id Dead Space. now as for Third Party. I'm sure theres tons as i heard SEGA, Ubisoft, Komani and other well known Companies are extremely interested in the system and are brainstorming ideas on how to use it for their games.

I'm of course getting the Wii U and I'm also getting the PS4 but I hate hearing "LOL NINTENDO NEVER GETS THIRD PARTY SUPPORT!" or devs saying "sorry, we can't bring it to Wii U because..." and say some stupid excuse, I want to play these games on a Nintendo console, why does Nintendo get the bashing and dissapointment while Sony and Microsoft get the love, I feel like third party's forgot if it wasn't for Nintendo they would not be where they are at now, Nintendo brought back gaming.

umm im sorry but i think you forgot to tell them about the 3DS as it has games coming exclusively on there that are kick ass.
Resident Evil: Revelations
Castlevania LoS-Mirror of Fate
Epic Mickey
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance
Project X Zone.
and for the Wii U
Zombi U
Rayman Legends
i'd name more but nintendo won't talk til the games are out and about

#89757 Iwata: The PlayStation 4 and Next Xbox won't be a huge leap in power

Posted by 009soulmaster on 24 June 2012 - 03:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

The leaked specs are stating it's 6x more powerful than the Xbox 360, that's 2-4x more powerful than the Wii U.

then again, perhaps it was leaked on purpose to scare the competition. Remember how Nintendo let out about the Heart Sensor on purpose to trick the people who usually copy them. Sadly Ubisoft took the bait.

#89765 Iwata: The PlayStation 4 and Next Xbox won't be a huge leap in power

Posted by 009soulmaster on 24 June 2012 - 03:59 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm sorry its a Vitality Sensor, here's a video about it shown on E3 2009 Apparenty it was just a trick to fool around with the companies that copy Nintnedo such as Sony.

#89778 The fear I had came true

Posted by 009soulmaster on 24 June 2012 - 07:29 PM in General Gaming

I posted this on June 5th before I knew they wanted to only show launch games and to make sure nobody copy's.

aw okay

#89771 Iwata: The PlayStation 4 and Next Xbox won't be a huge leap in power

Posted by 009soulmaster on 24 June 2012 - 05:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

i highly doubt that

well theres no other reason but that seeing as they never made a game based around it, and i never seen it in stores. nor any advertisements or news about it.

#89568 Iwata: The PlayStation 4 and Next Xbox won't be a huge leap in power

Posted by 009soulmaster on 23 June 2012 - 05:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm going to take a while assumption and say that ech of the three consoles are gonna be very different in terms of each other making eaone one unique and have their own identidy. this is where i think the multiplatform games are gonna be rare as each system has their own gimmick.

The Wii U will focus on connectivity and classic gameplay mixed with new ways to play such as touch screen gyroscope and such. while the games wont be focused on graphics like the others, there will be more ideas of gameplay and content due to Nintendo being more open in terms of ideas like for ex. Achievements are optional to the developers instead of being a requirement. Third parties will still be able to have their games look just as good as the other ports since the Wii U will be just as powerful as any other console it's just that its not important to them.

The PS4 will have no gimmicks and solely be marketed as a Graphics machine. Where all their games are like Final Fantasy CGI movie. When i heard that theyre only cared about being the best i instantly thought that they were gonna try to make the most powerfulest console. meaning the games will have more detail in the background and such and that gameplay is the last thing they are gonna be working on. which is sad, but i guess graphics whore are gonna be pleased. And well cool, we have the fun console, now we have a console that makes beautiful settings and scenery.

The Xbox 720 will be based around the Kinect 2.0 and Virtual Reality like the Virtual Boy but done right. meaning futuristic googles, you need a large space and with the kinect working too you have to move around or use body language which is very gimmicky and its really a mixed bag.

#89768 The fear I had came true

Posted by 009soulmaster on 24 June 2012 - 04:47 PM in General Gaming

They didn't show much games, they showed lots of games we already knew off and only some unknown games :(

I'm really sad now...I'm just hoping Nintendo proves us wrong later.

You do know they did that just so People wont rip off their game ideas. do you recall the fan reaction on just mentioning Super Smash Bros. last E3? then few months later, Sony makes a Super Smash Bros. clone.

#90993 Would you be disappointed if Nintendo Land and NSMB U don't have online p...

Posted by 009soulmaster on 30 June 2012 - 04:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This is definately a huge test for nintendo. If they do have online play for both games and others then they are serious about trying to get hardcore gamers back becuase hardcore gamers love co-op and competition, if they dont. Then it means that they're relying on 3rd party support to satify the hardcore gamers while they make games for fans and casual gamers.

#89594 Since Namco Bandi is helping with NSSB do you think it will be released sooner?

Posted by 009soulmaster on 23 June 2012 - 07:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

that is a possibility, maybe they didnt epect such a huge reaction from just saying they're going to begin working on it, that'd they felt they could use some extra hands to make some decent progress.

#93723 Nintendo caved, says Patcher.

Posted by 009soulmaster on 16 July 2012 - 06:36 PM in Wii U Hardware

I agree with Auzzie, The Wii has CoD games plus the Wii also had a controller on the Wii. also i love how he says the Nintendo got lucky with the Wii.
Yeaaah, Nintendo was extremely lucky people bought the Wii accidently and made it the highest selling console compared to the 360 and PS3.
also i should say how he doesnt like the tablet idea cuz anyone could have thought it hmmm thats just stupid cuz the 360 is doinng the same thing. so i dont get what he's trying to say.

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