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#309720 Poll edition: desires for next Nintendo console

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 26 February 2015 - 05:28 PM in Wii U Hardware

All I want is something that they can create fun and interesting games on.  If it is better than nextbox and ps5 than that is great, if not I will not care. I have never and will never play 3rd party on Nintendo because that is what my PC is for, Ninty is for exclusives.  I just want them to have the best setup to make their untouchable games.

#309717 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 26 February 2015 - 04:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That music from the latest video though <3

#309640 Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 25 February 2015 - 02:18 PM in General Gaming

HYPEEEEEEEEEE.... 2015 is THE year for gaming.  So many fantastic games on the horizon that staying up with them all is tricky! But honestly besides LOZ Wii U, this game is probably my most anticipated, even though it probably won't launch for several more years, just getting more info about what the game is like is exciting enough.

#309468 State random video game facts

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 22 February 2015 - 03:11 PM in General Gaming

The creator of Pokemon, Satoshi Tajiri, has high functioning autism.

#309460 State random video game facts

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 22 February 2015 - 01:17 PM in General Gaming

Zelda was named after the wife of Great Gatsby author, F. Scott Fitzgerald. 


Banjo-Kazooie was initially a SNES title named "Project Dream" but was changed so dramatically the game is unrecognizable to its early screenshot.  The only remnants of the game is Captain Blackeye in Banjo-Tooie that was supposed to be the primary antagonist for Project Dream.  Also, Banjo, Gruntilda, and Tiptup were minor characters in the game.

#309395 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 21 February 2015 - 01:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Classic trollism.

#309377 Smash Bros Claps WITH REALISTIC AUDIO

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 21 February 2015 - 05:55 AM in The Café

the donkey kong one made me loose all sense of control.. That is disturbing beyond belief!!!

#309376 Wii U top 3 games (for new owners)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 21 February 2015 - 05:52 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I respectfully disagree with all of yours.  I guess mine would have to be:


1. Zelda WWHD: Pure Nintendo, even if you have played the original this classic should not be passed up.  While IMO it is not as great as its other 3D brothers, that doesn't say much because they are all masterpieces.  The HD really brings out the characters and their expressions, as well as making the sky super beautiful to look at! It is most definitely my favorite Zelda in terms of environment and exploration, while it did loose some greatness with its shotty dungeons.  But still, a great 25 hour adventure worth your time.


2. DKCTP, the game has amazing graphics, fantastic music, and most of all it is probably the best side scrolling platformer made in the last decade.  It does everything its predecessor did right, with more (with the exception of game length, but that was worth it because everything in the game was amazing).  It is the epitome of a Nintendo platformer and should not be passed up.


3. Mario Kart 8: by far the most inventive, most beautiful, and most fantastic Mario Kart to date.  It does everything right, and it deserves its spot as the pinnacle of Wii U gaming. It is fun by yourself, fun with friends, fun with Families, and super fun online.  The game looks so fantastic it is hard to not love it.  


With these three games you cover quite a bit of gaming niches, maybe if you do not enjoy ZWWHD, swap it for Bayonetta 2.

#309375 So... What other Wii Games are we to expect in the VC?

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 21 February 2015 - 05:37 AM in Wii U Games and Software

WE NEED GAMECUBE! But if that doesn't happen then the Last Story would be nice to see. Other than that I don't know of any that would be worth their time.  But if they were to put GCN games on, oooooohhhh doggy.  Super Mario Sunshine for starters. SSBM would be great, Luigi's mansion was always a fun game, and Twilight Princess (for either wii or GCN, although I believe the GAMECUBE version is far superior.)

#309360 Post One or Two Interesting Facts About Yourself

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 20 February 2015 - 07:33 PM in The Café

Wah.wah.waaah.. I keed I keed ;)


 some things I say are downright idiotic.


I'll be the first to admit I am not as smart as paper might say I am. A's don't do much for social skills... 

#309359 Get your hopes up about Zelda Wii U and Xenoblade X, but not too much (imo)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 20 February 2015 - 07:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I guess it's just the developers that get the most media coverage and buzz are the ones that I really hate the most, like activision and EA.. So it feels like there is no good devs. But yeah there is still Ninty and FromSoftware and IMO Bethesda although I know someone is gonna flame for me saying that (please don't).. And a couple other ones that I can't think of right now.  Still not that many.

#309348 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 20 February 2015 - 04:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Okay that was kinda rediculous.. But almost every modern company reacts that way, not saying it is right, but it certainly is how things work nowadays.  Though I think Nintendo was right to not cut people because it lowers morale and digs the hole deeper.

#309347 Get your hopes up about Zelda Wii U and Xenoblade X, but not too much (imo)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 20 February 2015 - 04:01 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Dang, sometimes I feel like no one cares about making good games any more other than Ninty..

#309345 Post One or Two Interesting Facts About Yourself

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 20 February 2015 - 03:58 PM in The Café

1. I'm a certified genius (159 IQ), and I am attending Penn State University this upcoming fall, joined the honors program. Also, although I am technically smart, I am in complete lack of common sense, and some things I say are downright idiotic.  I also love chemistry to death and my teacher thinks I am some sort of prodigy but he is ticked because I want to develop video games instead of be a lab rat :P

2. I have written probably two dozen short stories and maybe another 50 poems that are all contained within a couple journals in my room, no one else but me has ever read them.  I do it therapeutically, it helps me distress and come to terms with my feelings and emotions. Looking back on them sometimes induces vomit out of sheer disgust with myself.

#309289 Official Xenoblade Information Thread

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 19 February 2015 - 05:41 PM in Wii U Games and Software


This character design may just make up for the rest.  I freaking love this guy.  Also the new frontier system they have detailed has really got me hyped, looks too good to be true!

#309208 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 18 February 2015 - 05:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Explain to me how making profit is a commercial failure? because it didn't sell 20 million? Doesn't matter the system makes profit. That's the point. You can't be failing if you make money. Gamecube made money. Wii U makes money. Sony is failing losing billions per year and cutting 18,000 jobs in 3 years and posting it's 7th annual loss.


Top it off Wii U software sales up 175% last year. Nintendo isn't failing as a business nore is Wii U. No it's not sold in the bajillions like Wii did or PS4 is but PS4 will see diminishing returns.

Look I didn't mean to start a riot.  I personally absolutely love the wii u, that is why I am here.  But in its first couple years it did cause operating losses for the company.  I was just pointing out that the social stigma and the inability to top even 10 million is in no way a success.  Not everyone can win every time, and Nintendo knows the Wii U hasn't been what they hoped, the best thing they can do is pick themselves up and hit hard with their next console, and a Zelda game to launch would be a perfect plan.  Yes they did post a profit this year, and will almost certainly post another one this year with Zelda, StarFox, and XBX, but after that they have to look to a brighter future where they could have an install base of more than 9.2 million (or as I suspect, around 15-20 by the time the next console is released.)  Also I said nothing about Sony, so I do not know how they came into the reply, but I have mad respect for Sony as well and their business model of getting a large install base to sell software, because software makes a lot more money than hardware.  This is also why the Wii U isn't completely failing, because its low install base is big into buying all of Ninty's games ,with them selling millions.  Nintendo will always be the software king, and though they are on track to lose this gen, I believe they still have some magic.

#309200 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 18 February 2015 - 02:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah this will almost certainly be our only Zelda, I'm assuming the next Ninty console to be out 2018 at the latest, and with it I suspect a new Zelda will be shown.  Also, with the wii u being a comercial failure, they won't want to put too much money into a game that has a terrible install base, and they will probably try to use the IP to drive next gen sales.

#309128 Majora's Mask 3D Easter Egg

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 17 February 2015 - 02:56 PM in General Gaming

Why do I find these so interesting!  I love easter eggs, sometimes I find them myself in games and geek out

#309126 Supercatboy here!

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 17 February 2015 - 02:45 PM in Introduction Central


#309125 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 17 February 2015 - 02:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yes the WWHD was very much a way for the team to familiarize themselves with working with the system, and I think that the fast sailing might have been a test to see how much the new hardware was capable of loading at certain speeds, because the boat speed is very similar to Epona's speed.  Also, The visuals for both the games are similar, while Zelda U is obviously far superior, and is almost a mix of SS, TP, and WW.  I think for Zelda U, the team is made of a lot of young folks, and experienced veterans.  Also, I think Aunuma loves to make extremely different games but is stuck with the Zelda franchise, so he personally loves to drastically change things up and experiment.  He was once tasked with making Ura Zelda, and when he hated just rehashing the OoT, he challenged Miyamoto and ended up making IMO the best Zelda game in the franchise's 3D history, Majora's Mask.  I also think it is clear he listens to fans and uses their input, to a degree.  He saw how upset a large portion was about the WW's childish graphics, so he gave us the gritty TP.  I know i have digressed a little, but what I am trying to get at is that This game is exactly what the fanbase wants right now, and I think he is going to deliver like he did with MM, WW, and TP.  This game is gonna blow my freaking mind!

#309060 The Last Guardian TM abandoned

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 February 2015 - 04:35 PM in General Gaming

That thing in the trailer looked so weird.. I wanna pet it yet I'm afraid of it. It is confusing my brain. Good riddance!

#309057 Playtonic working on Banjo Kazooie spiritual successor (mentions Wii U)

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 February 2015 - 03:47 PM in General Gaming

Damn it now I have to go change my pants.  This just added itself to my list of most hyped about games for the next few years.  I reallllllyyyyyyyy hope this group can stick together through the production of this and release it with Ninty's aid, then Playtonic will be the new Rare. I've always hated the "Retro is the new Rare" garbage anyways.

#309056 What Wii U Game Of 2015 Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 February 2015 - 03:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Zelda U all the way. It is the game I have waited all my life for.

#309053 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 February 2015 - 03:18 PM in Wii U Games and Software

That would be:


Every zelda game could use a huge freaking helping of majoras mask, in the npc/sidequest department. Hopefully this one channels majoras mask into its overworld, towns, and npc's, because that WOULD be fantastic.

Indeed.  Majora's Mask remains my favorite Zelda game because it dared to break the formula and in return we were left with, in my opinion, the most intriguing game world in gaming.  Almost every single NPC had a story and a purpose, and each one was integral to the world and the advancement of the overall story.  It made a living, breathing, bizarre, and almost untopable world.  I like what Aunuma said about the remake, how he learned from his mistakes, but also was reminded of all the things he did right, and I am looking forward to see if his recent remake experience carries over into his design of Zelda Wii U, and if it does I do not think another Zelda could possibly surpass it.

#309051 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 16 February 2015 - 03:04 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm still looking to see if this large world carries with it an actual improved and larger game.  I'm talking actual NPC's that have schedules and backgrounds, and rewarding non fetch side quests. But every single thing I have seen and heard about this game so far is fantastic.. ITS ALMOST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!

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