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#113316 Are you concerned about if the Wii U can breaks because of overuse?

Posted by nfzeta007 on 27 September 2012 - 06:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

That disc problem never happened with me and i played a lot of Metroid Trilogy, COD, Monster Hunter (although not as much online) and Zelda for sets of extended periods of time within the same day over a period of weeks and never had a problem, there were some amazon comments about the Metroid Trilogy disc and other dual layered ones giving problem but this never happened to me.

#100169 Capcom makes new I.P called "Remember Me"

Posted by nfzeta007 on 16 August 2012 - 08:55 PM in General Gaming

I find it funny that the reason a lot of developers use for not porting games to the Wii U is focusing on the current consoles when usually in a generation a fully cross plat game is made for 4 systems (PC, Microsoft Console, Sony console, Nintendo console) i think they simply don't want to take the risk and should just come out and say such after all this game has been rumored to have started as a PS3 exclusive meaning at some point it time they extended things to fit it onto Xbox360 and since the architecture of the xbox360 and Wii U is supposed to be so similar they could just do a direct port as if they don't do it now they most likely won't release this game later and even if they do people would have moved on by then, therefore it won't sell as much.

#113317 Codemasters still thinking Wii U is not for Hardcores or something. /rage

Posted by nfzeta007 on 27 September 2012 - 06:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What i really prefer about Project Cars is the customization it is said that it will bring, will be really looking forward to doing massive amounts of customization and hopefully all on the Wii U as contrary to what i first thought Project Cars isn't going to be an exclusive.

#103480 Developers Finally Revealing some of Wii U specs

Posted by nfzeta007 on 31 August 2012 - 09:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

Why did everyone forget that the current standing rumor on the Xbox720's GPU is an AMD 6 series, using the 6670 at that, which if true will most likely put the Wii U's GPU unit above that, the only thing the next box could and should have over the Wii U from the rumors we heard is the CPU, as they will need a pretty beefy one to do what they claim the new Kinect will.

#106318 Do you think the game pad should have been an optional extra?

Posted by nfzeta007 on 11 September 2012 - 07:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

Ok but they gave us the wii mote only a few years ago, which i think rocks a controler, why not improve tht and offer the game pad as an extra?

This would be a really bad idea, the best thing about the gamepad is that it also offers all the standard controllers that games usually require which makes it suitable as the main controller, a wiimote is basically sculpted for certain games and becomes awkward with everything else.

#98500 Do you want an FPS by Ninendo?

Posted by nfzeta007 on 08 August 2012 - 05:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

If they make an FPS i would like to see it go more adventure and open style with the campaign and keep that with the online, should have lots of destructable stuff like BF3 and also interactive things along with it, simple things like buildings you can enter, fortifications you can place, make it a true strategic and open FPS while still keeping the fun and i'll be all for it.

While typing this a slight idea popped up but this doesn't have to be their big FPS game but a FPS version of smash bros would be nice too only Samus would probably have the advantage :P, or they could simply forget the FPS thing and go for a "Smite" type of moba (3rd person instead of overhead) with Nintendo characters and movement similar to what you would have normally in a action game that would be awesome.

#110250 Games it seems like we won't be getting and should

Posted by nfzeta007 on 19 September 2012 - 06:12 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Now my list is made up mostly of things that are unlikely to come to the Wii U or at least are not confirmed to be coming even though they should be:
Final Fantasy XIII
Watch Dogs
Crysis 3
Battlefield 3
Bioshock Infinite

and a few others

Out of this list the ones i especially don't like the lack of confirmation for Watch Dogs and Battlefield 3 (seems like it may not be coming and they will just put BF4 on it instead)

#98665 Hey guys

Posted by nfzeta007 on 09 August 2012 - 03:31 PM in Introduction Central

Hi to all fellow members, and same to the moderators, I simply love forum discussions so i figured one more site wouldn't hurt and this site seems to have a clean and clear community and discussions on current news topics so it was a good choice, looking forward to future interactions with all.

#100808 I want Zelda U to have motion controls

Posted by nfzeta007 on 20 August 2012 - 05:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This thread is touching on what i have had a problem deciding not only for Zelda but also for Metroid, but seeing as this topic about Zelda i'll just talk mainly on what i think in terms of that game.

Now personally i enjoyed SS, loved the way the motion controllers brought new depth to something as simple as mob killing, there were always little tricks that could make you more efficient and i can definitely see potential in that area, think about it, things like:
Advanced Sword mapping allowing things like parrying and maybe even curved attacks
General advancement of the smoothness and sensitivity of the motion controls to make it feel more natural
More integration of motion controls into certain Puzzle/RPG elements of the game

These things can be made possible with the progressed experience they have and the power the Wii U brings.

Now with that in mind i also love all the things the gamepad could bring to improve gameplay and convenience, now here i actually and oddly would more favor motion controls in a game like Zelda than Metroid because Metroid has more obvious control elements for gameplay that can benefit from the gamepad while with Zelda its mostly convenience, however Zelda itself can still benefit from the gamepad:
Certain puzzle elements can use the gamepad controller
Item swapping
Aiming (optional)
General menu and pouch access.

Now honestly i can even imagine a hybrid of motion and gamepad as far as Zelda goes with motion for combat and gamepad for most other things especially since the wii remote can interact with the gamepad, however if i had to pick i might say a Zelda with improved Motion controls would be more to my liking and even though the Metroid Trilogy played great with motion controls i would leave that to the gamepad, this is mainly because i have actually liked what the motion controls have brought to the franchise and basically the most complaints here seems to be about responsiveness and those kinds of issues which can be fixed.

#107428 is wii u going to fail what do you think or is it a hit?

Posted by nfzeta007 on 14 September 2012 - 11:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

Oh yes the 90s was by far the greatest time for gaming. SNES and PS1 are probably the two greatest systems ever made. And everything in games was so new and fresh. Ideas were coming out left and right. Unique mechanics were always being used. It seemed like back then developers were out to make a game that people remembered forever. And that was completely new for it's time. *Sigh* Hopefully gaming can return to that. That's one of the reasons why I really like the WiiU so far, because it seems like it's going to take gaming back into the style of the 90s with all the new ideas and ways to play.

I'll have to agree, it might not be seen as much in other genres but in the RPG and adventure genres you saw the innovation, and the surprising thing is that this was during a time where graphics were evolving in big steps, now today where everything just looks a bit more pretty, sharp or real, they forget the gameplay mechanics and just go for that little improvement.

Honestly from games today going by the previous times and how games evolved i would be expecting much better AI, some really intricate and interesting gameplay mechanics (i mean look at chrono trigger that had spells that could interact with each other that is rare today, Last Story has it) and good graphics but all we seem to be getting is the good graphics, that's why sometimes i would look at my PS3 and although i have had my time playing it would then turn to my comp and play some old SNES, PS1-2, N64 games.

"B-but it doesn't play blu-rays!"

It'll do fine. Lots of people are pre-ordering the system, so that's a good sign.

The things is even though it doesn't have blu-ray and therefore can't play blu-ray videos and such it has the same capacity and reads even faster than Blu-ray (don't know how they got that one done)

#104659 Nintendo and Crytek... could it work?

Posted by nfzeta007 on 05 September 2012 - 05:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

1. nintendo is working on a deal with Crytek to use it's Cryengine3 for their more advance graphical first party games( Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, and Starfox). how do you guys think those franchises would run on the engine? I think more than any metroid would benefit from using cryengine 3 (and could take the series to the next level). we know the Wii U can support it as the CEO has said a 3rd party game is running cryengine 3 on Wii U and it's beautiful on it. I'm not sure what the Zelda HD experience was running on but it was beautiful. could this actually happen?

Really wish they would use the cryengine more for its destructible terrain than anything else and sort of bring back the old times with a lot of destructible entrances in the normally traversed ground and not only with ball paths as has been the norm since going 3D.

Well seeing how Metroid Prime 3 looked on the Wii for a 480p (max) system i would love to see the next Metroid they could either use the Cryengine 3 itself of just get help from Crytek with the game's personal engine, either way it would be awesome.

#108674 not very much memory

Posted by nfzeta007 on 16 September 2012 - 12:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think this was a good move, as KillerMario pointed out not everyone needs a butt load of storage, i myself don't download full titles, just the occasional demo and few small games (2-4) and even when you think about DLC and updates it doesn't take u that much space so if they were to cut down on production price anywhere i think storage would be the best as not only is it easy and cheap to get an additional hard drive but it says some of the people who don't need all the extra space from paying extra and all that space within the system is freed up for other tech and cooling uses.

#108803 not very much memory

Posted by nfzeta007 on 16 September 2012 - 05:01 PM in Wii U Hardware

That's a poor and inexcusable reason considering how cheap internal storage is these days.

Are you arguing just for the sake of it because i could also say the reason for your argument is poor and inexcusable, especially because oh how extremely you are responding considering how cheap external storage is these days.

Why is it okay for one argument and not for the other? Also the choice Nintendo has given is cheaper than just putting 2-3 different amounts of internal storage and putting on some $ on the system, when you can just chose a cheap external hard drive if you need one.

#108679 The Wii U has no chance -_-

Posted by nfzeta007 on 16 September 2012 - 12:55 PM in Wii U Hardware

Take a V12 engine and it will be fast. Take a V8 engine, twin turbo charge it, and it will be faster while also being cheaper and getting better gas mileage.

Basically agree with everything you said, just when i saw this I immediately thought of the GTR, which is basically the sort of thing Nintendo seems to be going for with the Wii U, cheap but efficient hardware and we can see from the GTR how that can work out.

#98746 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by nfzeta007 on 09 August 2012 - 10:18 PM in General Gaming

I have/had:
Gameboy Colour
Sega Genesis

#103905 Wii U games you'd like to see, but will never happen?

Posted by nfzeta007 on 02 September 2012 - 03:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Modern day Shadowrun,
The game itself had a lot of futuristic tech in it, basically like Megaman you could jack into computers (though this time it would be you and not megaman :P)
Had that adventure/RPG sort of feel, great story, just overall a game i think would be great on the Wii U.

#104524 Wii U Zelda 2014 rumor

Posted by nfzeta007 on 04 September 2012 - 08:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Fake or not, this is the sort of Zelda i want, really think an evolved form of motion controls would be great though and even if half or all of this is BS i still want Nintendo to take some pointers for what sort of game to make.

#110264 wii U. U! U!

Posted by nfzeta007 on 19 September 2012 - 06:22 PM in Wii U Hardware

I basically predicted this would happen, it was just one of those things where because it was unfamiliar it was labelled bad but really from how it rolls off your tongue to what the name represents i always thought it was a good name, after all i bet some people made fun of the Xbox when it first came out, heck even my mother did saying she would give me a box with an X on it if i wanted an Xbox.

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