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#114690 All In One, One For All

Posted by milky105p on 03 October 2012 - 12:26 PM in General Gaming

You don't like Nintendo TVii? You must not be a sports fan. And also just because you think things aren't necessary in a console doesn't they aren't nice to have.

I am a sports fan, I like watching football and hockey and am an MMA fighter myself so I love watching fights. Still it just doesn't seem to appeal to me. Microsoft just announced soon the xbox will be a radio as well. like why? most peoples phones or laptops or tablets etc can browse the internet, even tvs browse the internet now, we dont really need a console to do that or using up the RAM to do so in multitasking if it doesnt need to be utilized, it still has dedicated amount of RAM for something like that which seems like a waste. Every new gadget has the ability to do the same things as it is, they just seem like pointless add ons. I just feel microsoft could be doing SO MUCH MORE with GAMING which was the intent of the system in the first place. its meant for games; instead of worrying about other media crap. they said they dont care about exclusives and IPs for games anymore. Well How do you expect to sell the nextbox? No one is going to run out and get it because it will have netflix and hulu and a browser on it. They should be focusing on more things thatll sell the main attraction of the console which is original games. I hardly ever use my xbox and will even less when the wii u comes out bc of exclusives and new games to play. I'm afraid less emphasis is on gaming these days. its more about social media, but I have 500 other devices that were meant for that. a pc, a phone, tablet etc. I want my gaming console to focus on delivering great games and nothing else. NES and Genesis didnt need all this extra crap to sell millions of units, why? because it had tremendous libraries of good games. Their view is so dissolved now with focusing on media entertainment as a whole and not why they invented the xbox division. To make games. Case in point, focus on what they are now- the console in the future will suffer because a lack of exclusives, but more of LOOK WHAT I CAN DO. yeah, well everything does that too. sorry guys just a rant and im done haha.

People like the convenience of all in one devices.

The iPhone is a perfect example of why they sell.

true, but how many times can you buy the same device over and over and get the same features on everything. my pc has netflix, phones, my tv has nextflix, my vita, wii, ps3, xbox. they arent locking anything special or exclusive anymore to push sales.

#114552 All In One, One For All

Posted by milky105p on 02 October 2012 - 08:35 PM in General Gaming

Is anyone else irked by the fact that Sony and Micro and Nintendo are trying to make GAMING consoles into these stupid all in one entertainment centers? Doesn't it just take away business from yourself like Sony to have someone buy a ps3 that they make no money on and watch movies on it as opposed to a cheap blu ray player they can make 20 bucks on a pop in profit hypothetically? I don't need my GAMING console to have hulu or netflix or apps. MANY new tvs coming out these days have these features or smart tvs built in with all that crap. I buy a gaming console to play games on them, maybe a movie occasionally but overall its meant as a gaming machine. The wii u of course has that TVii all in one thing which IMO just seems kinda pointless. I wasn't really struggling using 1 or 2 remotes to begin with for a satellite box and tv separately. I feel overall in the future there will be less primary focus on the main purpose of playing games with consoles, but trying to do more of what nintendo is doing with TVii.

#118304 Wii u Mario party

Posted by milky105p on 16 October 2012 - 08:49 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Just thought about how cool it would be and a total game changer with the asymmetrical gameplay with the pad and wiimotes. All the mini games with regular and now the new gameplay! Maybe most are partied out since there's like 10 of them, but I personally haven't played one since n64. You guys think they will make a MP for wii u?

#112891 Brilliant black ops 2 idea

Posted by milky105p on 26 September 2012 - 09:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Take zombiu's multiplayer idea
Asymmetrical gameplay
Throw it into the wii u version as an exclusive multiplayer mode

#112924 Brilliant black ops 2 idea

Posted by milky105p on 26 September 2012 - 11:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It just makes so much sense to me. On person spawns the zombies and tries to kill the other players with the gamepad, the others try to survive. Zombiu has the right idea, but it's just not enough IMO. 1v1 seems too small and while local play is nice, its missing online.hoping they make a sequel and add more multiplayer ideas like this like they want to

#121827 Wii U Resident Evil Potential?

Posted by milky105p on 26 October 2012 - 08:10 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't want another revelations. No zombies, so it wont intrigue me as much. That series can stay on 3ds. I want old remakes, or actually a better executed outbreak would be great! would work well with the gamepad for coop and communicating as well as your inv.

#131070 slightly worrying...

Posted by milky105p on 16 November 2012 - 06:29 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Its an error I already got the wii u version on the 9th. it seems everyone that ordered the game on amazon seemed to get it early on the 9th. I ordered the wii u version so its been sitting here for like a week waiting to be played!

#114655 GC games on Eshop

Posted by milky105p on 03 October 2012 - 10:29 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah id love to see them finish what they started with the RE1 remake to 2,3, and veronica and 0 looked great as it was and id love to run through that game again as well. reggie said this "Speaking to Kotaku, Reggie wasn't able to fully confirm

GameCube gamesPosted Image

on the Wii U Virtual Console, but he did note that he would "love for that to happen... [although] we have nothing to announce right now."

so the interest is there and the idea is planted in their mind, its really up to them to make it happen. it seems logical to me since they know people have wiis or even plan on trading them in bc the wii u is BC with wii but not GC. Only makes logical sense to me and could drive digital sales as well for the Eshop. Only time will tell.

#114824 GC games on Eshop

Posted by milky105p on 03 October 2012 - 07:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

well 4 you can just play the wii version. not really necessary to be on the eshop or VC in terms of GC games. why not take an edition with more content?

#114460 GC games on Eshop

Posted by milky105p on 02 October 2012 - 02:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Reggie is very interested in the idea of GameCube games on the wii u EShop. I myself would love to see every game in GC available, but that's wishful thinking. Here's my list of what I'd love to see in there. What about you guys?

Battalion wars
RE 0123 remakes
Tales of symphonia
Skies of Arcadia
Viewtiful joe 1
Paper Mario
Eternal darkness

If they made some sort of emulator to play gameboy color and advanced games, seriously would be amazing.

#107270 Specs

Posted by milky105p on 13 September 2012 - 09:26 PM in Wii U Hardware

So we got the games, launch date, pricing etc, but what still bugs me is how they are sneakily not bothering to reveal the GPU or CPU. I'm sure it's using a Radeon like the wii and we know it has a speculated 3 "enhanced" broadway" cores which may or may not be underpowered as some say compared to what the current consoles have. I'm more interested in the GPU. some speculate it to have an R700 or comparable to a 4000 series Radeon card. I could believe it as the console is 300 bucks at its cheapest. thats a pretty low end 4 year old card and probably just makes it in terms of delivering 1080p. I hope the developers really can push this console for smooth gameplay and solid graphics. I honestly don't see much of an improvement graphically for the console already if this speculation is true. Any thoughts on the GPU or hardware?

Just to reiterate, I guarantee the new xbox and PS will be using GPUs that will run Dx 11 with open GL 4.3 or whatever its on, while the Wii u is stuck at Dx 10.1 with open GL 3.3. The other consoles will have a much bigger leap from their precedents as well as the wii u. not saying the wii u will be bad looking, but its hardly a step up from the current generation, compared to what i see in the future of the competition. I think they under thought the cpu/ gpu and have gone for a lot more RAM probably to overcompensate for the system features and connectivity with the controller.

#107291 Specs

Posted by milky105p on 13 September 2012 - 10:15 PM in Wii U Hardware

While every other machine ps4 nextxbox pc etc will be showing off great engines with better graphics, physics etc, nintendo will be stuck with older software dx10 not that its bad by any means. It only just limits nintendo and their potential to make really great IPs. like they say, you don't need great physics to play mario. well you are only limiting yourself to make games on that playing field if you limit yourself hardware wise. it seems like they cant push any new boundaries but make games on par with whats already out there with what they are giving themselves. Dx11 will be much more capable compared to 10 obviously. Regardless, I plan on looking forward to the wii u despite whether it has super up to date or behind, im sure the games will be great using what they give!

from what they sound like with the internal storage, they dont seem to concerned with making a huge profit off consumers otherwise they would have included a massive HDD.

unless its that very reason peripherals like the gamepad make them so much money they dont care about the HDD and make them sound so much better that they arent trying to get that money from you :laugh:

#107285 Specs

Posted by milky105p on 13 September 2012 - 10:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

I understand where you are coming from, but just a morbid curiosity, I'd like to know WHAT exactly I'm buying you know. Why it is the price it is, is it a good investment long term etc.

It's exactly the very reason why I want to know. Is it really worth the long term investment if I can't swap out Gpus like my PC. Im stuck with that Gpu, and for that fact its going to already be half a decade old. Sure the IPs/ exclusives sell the console, but the whole idea is to press forward with hardware, to me it makes no sense why you wouldnt want to give the developers out there future proof hardware for work with longevity wise aka Dx 11. People will of course choose to buy multiplatform games only for a certain console. Much like those that only bought a Wii only complained and got made fun of for buying say COD on wii when theres obvious advantages to own the competitions versions. Just a pet peeve of mine to know what exactly I'm paying for in this 300 dollar package when a standalone gamepad cost almost 2/3 the price of the whole bundle.

#113813 One gamepad

Posted by milky105p on 30 September 2012 - 05:27 AM in Wii U Hardware

Did anyone else catch any articles saying gamepads won't be sold in stores and Nintendo won't sell gamepads but if you break yours you have to pay to fix it? I find that extremely stupid and they said the console can handle two pads  even with a fps drop yet they aren't really going to sell them? I understand their side of saving money on non spent units but you should at least be able to order a new gamepad through Nintendo if you choose to want one or another. Thoughts?

#114044 One gamepad

Posted by milky105p on 30 September 2012 - 09:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

I thought if you broke anything you normally pay to fix it.

What I should have said was Nintendo said physical damage isn't covered. So what I'm saying is what if you DO drop it on accident, it breaks and nintendo won't sell you another one. So you have to either import a really expensive one online if you can get one, or buy a whole new system set just for the gamepad?

#122968 Just ordered this for wii u

Posted by milky105p on 30 October 2012 - 07:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

If anyone is interested in protecting there game pad controller I just ordered this.I also ordered the write and protect kit just so I could have 2 extra screen protectors and extra stylus.

I Dont know why its saying page is illminated when I just saw it and ordered it lol.  Any way it  is a silicon cover made bye pdp who makes decent nintendo stuff if you want to check it out go to gamestops website it releases oct 29.

sorry heres a link   http://www.gamestop....-protect/104771

personally i think screen protection is the biggest sham ever whether its for a phone or an ipod or anything gaming or meant to be touched. i mean it comes with a stylus, its meant to be scratched and swiped and touched. its made out of a glass thats not going to get gashes in it unless you REALLY try.

#110182 Wii U Memory

Posted by milky105p on 19 September 2012 - 04:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

Pulling up a random external drive to compare it to an SD card, the drive has a transfer rate of 480 Mbits/sec while SD cards can have a max of only 14.6 Mbits/sec. SD cards usually cost about a dollar per GB, of course the higher quality ones usually pay a bit more. But honestly for the price you might spend on a 32GB SD card, spend about 20 bucks more and you can get yourself a 500GB external drive. Sure you probaby don't need that much for a console, but you can use it for other things like movies and stuff. Personally I'm saving for a 2TB one for about 120 bucks just to store all my junk plus keep in the Wii U when I don't need it on my PC.

Definitely sounds much better to invest in the external which is what I'll do! I just hope retail digital downloaded games can run 100% the same as a disc

#109315 Wii U Memory

Posted by milky105p on 17 September 2012 - 06:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

I just wonder how fast exactly will an external HDD run full downloaded games. i hope it doesnt create long load times or laggy gameplay or anything like that! im suprised they arent usb 3.0 ports. Or even just using my flash drive for now until I get a lot more games later on when i need the space, if it can read the memory fast enough to play the games as it would an internal hdd

#109354 Wii U Memory

Posted by milky105p on 17 September 2012 - 07:49 PM in Wii U Hardware

Depends on how quick the transfer rate is on the drive.

im really thinking of getting the biggest SD card i can find and just put it in there and not worry about an HDD. i wonder if that would be a faster transfer rate than a usb drive

#135084 zombi U review from ign

Posted by milky105p on 20 November 2012 - 06:58 PM in Wii U Games and Software

You would be doing yourself a good service in forgetting the reviews on this. Personally I'd give it an 8/10.

sound- very good and with headphones and the lights off is pretty engrossing
Graphics- could use some AA but still the game doesnt look bad at all IMO
Gameplay- They just must suck at aiming because I could kill zombies in like 2 hits to the head

I think there could be more variety of melee weapons as i did use the cricket bat most of the time

Overall its a solid game and im sure with everyone buying the game and supporting it we will get an even better sequel. controls are good enough but take a bit to get used to, but its worth the pricetag IMO and probably one of the best launch games

#121438 Whats the one thing that has you a little worried?

Posted by milky105p on 25 October 2012 - 01:05 PM in Wii U Hardware

The online yes, I am worried about external hard drive. If I can split a 3TB HDD among my pc laptop and wii u and other entertainment agendas that would be awesome. I kinda have a feeling the wii u will make the HDD dedicated though, i'd hate having to worry about multiple external drives for different stuff between my computer stuff and having another one for just one console

#111702 black ops 2

Posted by milky105p on 22 September 2012 - 08:02 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think I might switch over to the wii u! I wonder how far the gamepad can play games on the smaller screen away from the tv. Or if I wanted to setup the system anywhere in my house regardless of a tv but still can play the game without the tv even being present! So far it looks like the double screen feature has been a multiplayer thing. They haven't really specified whether you can just play single player on the screen. Not all games will be able to utilize that, or all the time.

#111245 black ops 2

Posted by milky105p on 21 September 2012 - 08:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I currently have it preordered on another system. I keep debating whether or not to get it instead on wii u. The only problem I have is I am concerned it will have such a smaller online community. Any thoughts?

#112332 Games it seems like we won't be getting and should

Posted by milky105p on 24 September 2012 - 10:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

It would make a lot of sense since they announced the remix 1.5 of kingdom hearts which is like a collection pack, that they would port it over to the wii u. So far it's a ps3 exclusive but since they made ds or 3ds games, why not remaster them and make them on the second half of the collection a wii u exclusive. It will sell astwo separate halves as it is. It only makes sense to throw the Nintendo ones on there as well.

#108332 Top 5 Wii U games NOT to buy

Posted by milky105p on 15 September 2012 - 09:23 PM in Wii U Games and Software

These are games we will not buy for the Wii U. The games you hate the most, that you think are shovel ware

I think
5. New Super Mario Bros
4. ZombiU
3. Pikmin 3
2. Nintendo Land
1. Rayman


5. Funky Farm
4. Family Party 30 games
3. SiNg Party
2. Ben 10
1. Jet Tailfin

Honorable Mentions
Just Dance

sadly pikimin 3 is not confirmed for a day one launch :(

These are games we will not buy for the Wii U. The games you hate the most, that you think are shovel ware

I think
5. New Super Mario Bros
4. ZombiU
3. Pikmin 3
2. Nintendo Land
1. Rayman


5. Funky Farm
4. Family Party 30 games
3. SiNg Party
2. Ben 10
1. Jet Tailfin

Honorable Mentions
Just Dance

day 1 for me
i hope wonderful 101 gets day 1
maybe tank tank tank

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