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#137620 Wii Mini

Posted by Eggplante! on 24 November 2012 - 04:22 PM in General Gaming

It probably won't be able to play GC games because the "family edition" removed support for it. So while I can see them making it even smaller... I don't really see a point. Maybe to save material costs while they ride the death out? :/ It's probably a fake rumour.

That's true. It might also be a surprise with perhaps two GC ports instead of four, and just a single memory card slot. Then again, I might be out to lunch. Of course, it would probably cannibalize their own sales if they made GameCube games available on the Wii U Virtual Console/eShop. Then again, how would we manage with controls? Even the Pro Controller doesn't line up with the GC controller unless you remap all the buttons to be inverse (analog on the top, buttons on the bottom).

#137606 Wii Mini

Posted by Eggplante! on 24 November 2012 - 03:55 PM in General Gaming

Don't forget, the Game Boy Micro came out a year after DS when they stopped making GBA games, but that was also a pretty big failure so who knows.

#139559 Wii Mini

Posted by Eggplante! on 28 November 2012 - 05:14 AM in General Gaming

If you read the wording closely, it says that it's a Canada exclusive through the holidays. Which means that it will be brought to other territories at the beginning of the new year I presume.

Or it means that it won't even be in Canada after the holidays. At which point it'll be worth even more.

#137372 Wii Mini

Posted by Eggplante! on 24 November 2012 - 08:30 AM in General Gaming

This makes sense and it doesn't. The consoles can only be so much smaller in width because the DVD is a fixed length. The length could be shortened, as well as the height slightly, but there still needs to be enough room for GameCube ports and memory card slots as well, assuming they don't remove those.

The only market I can see for this is the crowd that wants to play GameCube games because they can't do that on their Wii U. Of course, that is a feature that Nintendo could take out of the Wii Mini or whatever it's called.

Given that the console hasn't been announced and the Wii U hasn't been out for more than a few weeks, we just don't see this happening. Then again, more bizarre things have happened before.

#161979 Disc vs Download

Posted by Eggplante! on 22 January 2013 - 07:57 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It probably is illegal & I normally wouldn't have done it, but when I bought my wiiu points card they charged me 12% tax for it. I didn't want to have to pray full tax twice so I changed my region. I still payed 17% tax though when I should've only payed 12%. So if the law wants to get on my case they can suck beans.

Not sure what you mean here since Wii U games that you buy online are not bought with points. Also, if you are talking about Wii games you buy for points, you don't pay tax twice since you pay in points, so if a game is 800 points, you pay 800 points, not 800 *1.12 or whatever your tax rate is. You would have paid tax on the 2000 points you bought, for example, but not twice.

#163303 Disc vs Download

Posted by Eggplante! on 26 January 2013 - 08:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I never sell back my games, so I don't have a problem with digital. If the games are huge, like Smash Bros though, I go retail. Another thing, people say that you don't own the game when you go digital, but you only own a license to play it. Is the company going to take it back from you or something?

They're not going to take it back from you or anything, but the argument is being made about whether or not you will always have access to that game. Let's say Nintendo goes bankrupt or decides to stop offering certain games on its online store. (Get around the fact that those things probably won't happen, but we've seen worse and weirder things happen). If you have paid for a game and are granted a license to use it but Nintendo no longer offers it, you can't redownload it, which means you've effectively lost the money you've paid for it. The same thing would not happen with a physical copy unless it requires a constant internet connection to servers to verify its authenticity, though game companies are moving away from that now anyway.

The same applies to physical retail games and not just digital games.

That's actually not true. No, you don't own the physical assets of course, or every gamer would have a 0.00001% ownership of Modern Warfare 3 or Super Smash Bros. or any other game. But you do own an always playable copy of the game that cost you probably the same price as a digital copy would have.

#160882 Disc vs Download

Posted by Eggplante! on 19 January 2013 - 06:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The biggest thing I'm upset about with digital-only is going to be the lack of collector's edition content. I mean, sure you might pay extra for DLC or a season's pass or something, but what about that cool journal from the game, or statuette, or even that gold Wii Remote? Gone :(

#133282 Official Nintendo Network ID Sharing Thread

Posted by Eggplante! on 19 November 2012 - 06:20 AM in General Gaming

Our Nintendo Network ID is, as you may have guessed: Eggplante

Add us and let's get our game on!

#163308 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Eggplante! on 26 January 2013 - 08:44 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned because I squashed the goomba.

#160879 Ban the last poster!

Posted by Eggplante! on 19 January 2013 - 06:32 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Banned because Piers Morgan is right about everything regarding gun control.

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