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#173501 Spam Battle

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 20 February 2013 - 12:27 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I want to see Reggie in the crowd wearing a fake mustache.

In all seriousness hope it all goes well for Sony

#135560 Anime Discussion

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 21 November 2012 - 01:36 PM in The Café

IS is good. I didn't mind the ending for Mayo Chiki. Didn't end any different from how I predicted it to end.

Reborn is good. Even if it seems to be a male orgy at times (as my friend would say) Nabari no Ou is the sweetest series ever

#177416 Anime Discussion

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 28 February 2013 - 05:18 AM in The Café

Gave up when you trashed talk pokemon

#135547 Anime Discussion

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 21 November 2012 - 01:27 PM in The Café

In that case I haven't checked the new season. Have you tried Code: Breaker?

Mayo Chiki is great. You should try watching Toradora or Kore Wa Zombie Desuka they are good and Toradora is pretty similar to Mayo Chiki.

One issue with Mayo Chiki is the final episode has nothing to do with the plot. I mean if the show had a second season it would be fine but it just ended in a odd way.

Infinite Stratos is fun too. I love Charls. But I think people watch for the boobs and not for the show itself sadly :(

#139544 Anime Discussion

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 28 November 2012 - 04:50 AM in The Café

You like yaoi?

I do XD :D

#131760 Anime Discussion

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 17 November 2012 - 07:32 PM in The Café

I'm just waiting for Digimon Fusion to air in the states. I forbid myself to watch the japanese version sicne I tried season 1 in Japanese and hated the Japanese version. however I do need to finish Usagi Drop. I missed the last 3 eps

#135454 Anime Discussion

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 21 November 2012 - 11:27 AM in The Café

I just finished watching Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou. The ending was GREAT! I couldn't help but get peeved that the main character was shirtless for the last 3 episodes until the last 5 minutes or so. Also, the ending wasn't too complete (because the light novel series hadn't ended at the same time as the anime and idk if it has ended or not still), but the ending was still oh so satisfying to me! The ending was also pretty deep. I highly recommend this anime to anyone who likes action and comedy.

Yes to every anime you just listed or mentioned. love them all.

I hope you don't watch all anime in english. You miss out on some of the information if you watch in english because there are some words in japanese that don't have a legit translation in english. Thus info miss.

I don't mind tbh. I go with the whole viewing as the dub and original as two separate series. I only watch things in Japanese if I can tell they won't be dubbed like Usagi Drop,Mayo Chiki or Tsuritama but if it's Naruto or like something I know will get dubbed I'll just wait since for example i really dislike the japanese Naruto anime but love the dub. Yet at the same time I would hate for Tsuritama or Usagi to be dubbed since the voices fit so nice. Plus i watch a lot of dubbed anime while working on other stuff so my eyes are not on the screen for the entire time like if i'm working on a song or doing homework

#132859 Anime Discussion

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 18 November 2012 - 07:00 PM in The Café

Darker Than Black is great. (SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Wish Yui didn't die though.

I love Suoh :)

#131717 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 17 November 2012 - 06:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Pokemon game like the GCN games would be fun for wii U. Also Crystal Bearers 2

#135828 Official Nintendo Network ID Sharing Thread

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 21 November 2012 - 08:02 PM in General Gaming

I'm Nanami on Wii U

#174142 Exactly how large is the power gap between the Wii U and the PS4?

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 21 February 2013 - 12:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't buy a console for graphics or realistic games. I buy a system and games for the fun factor. now I'm not saying I won't play realistic games like GTA (then again some of the antics in thatr game I question how people think it is realistic) and Ass Creed. However I buy them since they are fun,have good characters and the story is good. The people who bug me are the ones who bash Nintendo saying it is kiddy and only care about graphics. It is ok to like Sony I love my PS2 but it is not ok to be the type of "gamer" who only cares about graphics and calls other systems,games and other gamers out.

#177502 PS4 launch=Wii U price cut?

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 28 February 2013 - 10:21 AM in Wii U Hardware

I love how they say holiday 2013 for PS4. Well what holiday Sony? Easter? Valentines? Arbor Day? XD But I really don't see the Wii U as being as expensive as people say it is. 350 is cheap

#173784 Playstation 4 officially announced, thoughts?

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 20 February 2013 - 06:13 PM in General Gaming

I will wait for more actual gameplay before making a decision. I am interested in the new Final Fantasy title since I found 13 to be the best main game.

#174143 Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 21 February 2013 - 12:05 PM in General Gaming

Why do gamers care so ,much for graphics and not the game itself? Vita is powerful but 3DS is doing better due to the games. I don't remember all the graphics fans during the system gens prior to Gen 7.

#174207 Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 21 February 2013 - 01:53 PM in General Gaming

Guerilla Games has done more impressive things graphically with the ps3 then Naughty Dog have. Ther Last of Us may change that but for know Killzone 3 in graphical prowess still reigns supreme.

Well everything about that 'prerendered' trailer (note: we don't know it it was prerendered but I think it was) was done better in both Killzone 2 and 3, from lighting to character models to animations etc.

I would correct you there, the 3ds is not doiung better because of the games. Its more the price (and more notably) Mario and Monester Hunter.

But does'nt the Vita have less good games? I bought a Vita only for P4 and enjoyed GR everything else was a disspointment

#144504 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 06 December 2012 - 09:00 AM in Wii U Hardware

So the point of this thread what exactly?

#157484 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 08 January 2013 - 03:12 AM in General Gaming

World Release Called It! I Freaking Called It And You All Doubted Me!

#156169 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 04 January 2013 - 06:51 PM in General Gaming

This is not the first time they are doing a worldwide announcement, they did the same with BW and BW2. I doubt there will be a worldwide release, as much as I would love that.

Yes, Game Freak only makes the main series games. Spin-offs like Pokemon XD and Snap were made by different companies (but obviously still published by Nintendo).

If this is a 3DS game (which is the most likely), it is almost guaranteed it will use 3D models, the 3DS Mystery Dungeon already uses them.

I think sequels to R/S are moderately probable. While it would be weird to release two sequels in a row, (BW2, then R/S2) that doesn't really matter to Game Freak from a business stand-point. Sequels would carry the shock value BW2 had, because when everyone is expecting remakes of the originals, they instead get sequels. (Back before BW2 released, everyone was expecting Pokemon Gray, but Game Freak instead announced BW2.)

Looking forward to the 8th more than ever!

I suppose the difference between Zelda and Pokemon is Zelda has less to translate to English plus they don't have a bunch of mons and attacks to rename. Hopefully we get the same amount of time like we got for BW2 which I thought was a really short trans time. Maybe it is just me but I think Hoenn would look great in 3D models. Maybe it could be 10 or so years after the first games (Like real time) I always got a weird vibe that Unova was connected to Hoenn in some way. As long as it is 3DS I'm fine. I'll cry if it is DS. The 3DS can add so much to the Pokemon world.

However something I thought about today was what if they reboot pokemon. Not saying we get rid of the mons we keep them but reboot the game structure. For example the battles turn into real time like the anime more then the way they are now. Masuda said GameFreak plans to evolve the world of pokemon in 2013 so idk if he means a reboot or just moving to the 3DS. Only a few days left

#155749 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 03 January 2013 - 04:19 PM in General Gaming

Hey! Listen! Grew up on Generation 1. Get over it. :P

Still no reason to be ignorant.

Anyway only a few days left.

Maybe we will even get the shorter translation time like we did for BW 2. However if we have to wait till 2014 I'm ok with that since we have been getting new Pokemon games every year since 2009. :)

#155524 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 03 January 2013 - 07:27 AM in General Gaming

I want Gen 6 over Hoenn remakes. don't get me wrong I want remakes but not yet. If we got them now they would be for DS not 3DS. They never switch consoles mid gen. So Gen 6 this year and remakes next year. The 3DS would be great for Pokemon with Streetpass,Miiverse,AR etc. (3D Sprites hopefully)

#156157 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 04 January 2013 - 06:10 PM in General Gaming

Is this the first time GF has made a worldwide announcement and not just a Japanese one? Maybe the games will come out at the same time (Like how Zelda has in past times) However doesn't GF only do main games? If that is the case that rules our Snap and anything else wouldn't it? I'd love a 6th Gen since BW seemed more of a filler gen tbh. (Loved Gen 5 don't get me wrong but I think everyone wanted a 3DS for Gen 5) I'd love 3D models however I trust GF to do whatever it is they plan to do. (Hoenn Sequels?) XD I just hope we get more news than just the names of the games or a silhouette. Just stops so much random speculation and crazy ideas or rumors lol. I'll miss Prof.J.....

#156182 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 04 January 2013 - 07:18 PM in General Gaming

That would ruin the whole strategy element. You would be forced to make decisions so quickly, ugh, I wouldn't like that at all.

One thing I would love is Pokemon evolving IN the battle, not after it. (Like in the anime.)

Ohh that would be nice. Maybe take HMs away too. You'd think a move like slash or overheat would take care of trees and Pokemon like Machop could move rocks without a HM

#156951 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 06 January 2013 - 03:25 PM in General Gaming

If that rumors is true OMG YES! Pokemon Mass Effect. Prof.Hackett XD

Wonder how the anime would be done if that rumor is true

#156192 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 04 January 2013 - 07:27 PM in General Gaming

That's a great idea, you would have to think about what moves could do what. (The old HMs could become TMs, retaining their old effect.)

I'm definitely putting my bet on 6th Generation.

6th Gen seems the most likely. Here is hoping GF utilize the features on the 3DS like the Gyrospear thingy. Maybe you can fly to a city/town by moving it around. Similar to Skyward Sword

#157425 Big Pokemon Announcement Coming on January 8th

Posted by NanamiGamerGrl17 on 07 January 2013 - 06:51 PM in General Gaming

Who honestly expected yet another DS Pokemon title?

Silly people lol

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