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There have been 52 items by Ecorsbie (Search limited from 27-June 23)

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#294577 High capacity battery?

Posted by Ecorsbie on 30 July 2014 - 09:04 PM in Wii U Hardware

EskobarM92:  Yes I have the nyko Uboost, I had that before the high capacity battery and it without a doubt gave me more playtime.  Its easy to install, and like I said I use both now and it gives me more then plenty play time.  

#257587 Hi Everyone! Looking for Wii U friends! :)

Posted by Ecorsbie on 23 November 2013 - 09:15 AM in Introduction Central

You can add me if you want, mine is Big-E, anyone playing Mario/Sonic Winter Olympics...I am addicted to that game already. 

#294697 Hi everyone!

Posted by Ecorsbie on 31 July 2014 - 09:53 PM in Introduction Central

I hate to beat a dead horse, but I have to also say, you won't regret getting a Wii U.  Its a great system with huge potential.  Smash bros for wii u is going to be epic!!  Some great games out now though too!!

I hate to beat a dead horse, but I have to also say, you won't regret getting a Wii U.  Its a great system with huge potential.  Smash bros for wii u is going to be epic!!  Some great games out now though too!!

I hate to beat a dead horse, but I have to also say, you won't regret getting a Wii U.  Its a great system with huge potential.  Smash bros for wii u is going to be epic!!  Some great games out now though too!!

#274339 Hey Forum, Let Me Introduce Myself.

Posted by Ecorsbie on 23 February 2014 - 04:41 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum.  Glad to have you on as a wii u team!!!  I love nintendo..only leaving nintendon for awhile when I got addicted to World of Warcraft...I am now back after telling WOW to get lost...lol.  I am so glad to be back playing a nintendo console/s with the wii u and the 3DS. 


Have fun here!!

#256780 hey all i have a question

Posted by Ecorsbie on 17 November 2013 - 09:39 PM in Introduction Central

Thats a tough decision....I like both systems...the 3DS has some cool games for 6 year olders, but then again so does the Wii U, 3D Mario land for the wii u look awesome and I thnk they would ahve loads of fun.  There are some cool games coming out in the future, but I am not sure how long you would want to wait for them, so 3DS is a good bet since they already have more games for that age group.

#259902 Hello New wii u owner

Posted by Ecorsbie on 08 December 2013 - 04:42 PM in Introduction Central

Glad you decided to sell your PS4...lol  and come to Nintendo.  I love my wii u, and hope you enjoy yours.  There are some good games out right now.  Would like to see some more sports games though. 

#262239 Hello New wii u owner

Posted by Ecorsbie on 18 December 2013 - 09:20 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks   was thinking of zelda i  i got luigi and mario BUNDLE ( and lego marvel which  was free when i got the bundle . 

Sold ps4 bit of a over hype my opinion i had 4 games for it just didn't enjoy it Wii u has the games i like i hoping nintendo do a luigi mansion and f zero for the wii u


I think that would be awesome to make a lugi mansion...I think with the gamepad there could be some cool features they could put into place. 

#261274 Hello ;)

Posted by Ecorsbie on 15 December 2013 - 11:33 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum.  And I think you made a good choice...sometimes its not how you start off, but how you end up.  And I think Nintendo will bring home the victory.  As far as games...for multi player, kind of depends on what you like.  Call of Duty: Ghosts you can play against other players online.  I really like Mario & Sonic Winter Olympics...kind of addicting.  Now you can compete against other people's record.  I havent played Pikmin 3, but I heard its really good.  3D Mario World just came out...I just picked it up today.  Have some great games coming out soon too, I am looking forward to Mario Kart 8...that will be multi player.

#286656 Hello :)

Posted by Ecorsbie on 26 May 2014 - 09:39 AM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum!!!  I too own all of the Nintendo consoles with the exception of the Virtual Boy.  Been a loyal fan since Nintendo came out. 

#287180 Have you gotten MK8 yet?

Posted by Ecorsbie on 29 May 2014 - 10:50 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I downloaded it...deciding to play it on Saturday when I get relieved from Duty(US Coast Guard) I did sneak a peak at the graphics..looks awesome!!

#256891 Happy Anniversary, Wii U.

Posted by Ecorsbie on 18 November 2013 - 06:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

I am a loyal nintendo fan and never abandoned it even when x box came about.  I honestly think that nintendo has done well, typically thier systems are more consistently stable as with the other consoles seem to have more issues.  I really love the wii u and I see some aweme potential with cool ideas for games with te game pad. 


I bought my wii u in Kodiak, AK at the walmart and didnt even stand in line...its great to be in a place that doesnt even know what a wii u was.  So easy to get it.  I am definitely looking forward to 3D Wolrd and most definitely Mario Kart.  I do hope they can get some real sports games and I do love sports games too.

#263699 greetings

Posted by Ecorsbie on 27 December 2013 - 05:12 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum..I am active duty myself in the US Coast Guard.  Glad you are enjoying your Wii U.  I love mine, been a loyal nintendo fan since 1985 when the first NES came out. 

#246042 Good Wii U sizzle reel.

Posted by Ecorsbie on 14 September 2013 - 10:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

THis was a good capture of some great games on the Wii U.  I am excited for some of the upcoming games. 

#273086 Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (Wii U): 5/10 from Gamespot

Posted by Ecorsbie on 17 February 2014 - 10:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I never really paid much attention to reviews, for video games or movies.  To me reviewers of movies and video games or people with nothing better to do with their lives.  I only listen to reviews of hardware type of things. 

#296465 Co-Founder Of Sledgehammer Games Says Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Won’t Be Com

Posted by Ecorsbie on 20 August 2014 - 06:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am getting worried that Nintendo will die now.  At first I didn't think so, but without 3rd party support it will be hard for nintendo to stay afloat.  

#283256 Buy Mario Kart 8 and get a free game!

Posted by Ecorsbie on 30 April 2014 - 09:47 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Was a nice surprise for the free code to download a game, unfortunately I have all of the games with the exception of Wii U party.  Definitely a nice offer but kind of a buzz killer when I found out the list of the games.  OH well...I am still excited for Mario Kart 8...specially after watching the Nintendo Direct today!!!

#272746 Bought my wii u

Posted by Ecorsbie on 15 February 2014 - 09:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

I also got mine on launch, I didnt even have to stand in line....living in Kodiak, Alaska can have some nice benefits, such as no one here even knew what a wii u was..not even the sales reps at wal-mart.  I had it pre-ordered then walked in right, and walked right out...10 mins tops!!! lol.  I will never sell the wii u either.

#278693 Been Playing Since original NES

Posted by Ecorsbie on 26 March 2014 - 06:39 PM in Introduction Central

Welcome to the forum...I too been playing since the original NES..and actually even before when there was the FAMICOM!!!

#291753 Bayonetta 2 Screenshots

Posted by Ecorsbie on 27 June 2014 - 06:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

This looks awesome!!  Totally excited to try something new.  I have been a mario fan for a long time..but this is awesome!!

#297999 Bayonetta 2 Nintendo Direct

Posted by Ecorsbie on 05 September 2014 - 07:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Glad we have a release date.  I am really looking forward to this game.  I had to break down and buy a PS4, only real reason was to get NFL Sunday ticket as I can't get Direct TV....glad wii u has some great games coming out soon.  

#293688 Bayoentta 2 vs real locations

Posted by Ecorsbie on 18 July 2014 - 04:54 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I am in agreement the game looks awesome...I am totally anxious for this game to come out!!

#246164 basic or delux?

Posted by Ecorsbie on 15 September 2013 - 05:24 PM in Wii U Hardware

Enough said....wait for the Wind Waker Deluxe...same price and you get a game!!!  What more can you ask for. 

#294700 A 9-year old boy married a 62 year old woman

Posted by Ecorsbie on 31 July 2014 - 09:59 PM in The Café

I had to slap myself to make sure I was reading that right.  WOW is all I can say!!

#263364 34 and still at it

Posted by Ecorsbie on 25 December 2013 - 11:55 AM in Introduction Central

I am 36..and I have me, myself and I to enjoy the wii u with....lol.  Congrats on getting the wii u for the family.  Glad you are enjoying it.  I am a gamer at heart and will never stop playing video games.  I have been a Nintendo fan since 1985 when the NES came out.  Mario do this day is still a classic and a legend.  And now in HD is stunning.  There are some awesome games coming out too.... Merry Christmas to all!!!

#262803 32 and still love Nintendo...

Posted by Ecorsbie on 22 December 2013 - 12:24 AM in Introduction Central

I totally agree with what R00bot said regarding the press.  It really doesnt matter as long as you enjoy it.  I am also a dedicated nintendo fan.  I remember getting my first NES system back in 1985, I was so excited.  I have owned every single console myself and have kept each system along with the box to have for my collectors room once I buy a house after I retire from the military.  I now have the wii u myself and I have completely enjoyed it.  Games are better then ever specially the new Super Mario 3D world, that game really makes Mario even better.  Make sure you get a battery extender for the gamepad..my biggest gripe is that the stock gamepad battery is pretty awful.  If you like fighting games...Injustice Gods Among Us is freaking awesome.  Mario and Sonic Wintner Olympics is just about addicting with the online playablity.  I hope you enjoy the wii U..and welcome to the forum!!

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