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There have been 101 items by reef7009 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#163607 THE CAVE

Posted by reef7009 on 27 January 2013 - 08:10 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The demo wasnt bad , so i regretably bought it. The full games framerate is shocking in places , stuttering and starting! Theres no excuse for this in scenes with little happening. The controls are dodgy to say the least too...and the endless backtracking...oh ive had enough...next...!

#161300 Banned from Miiverse for two weeks for a stupid reason!

Posted by reef7009 on 21 January 2013 - 04:59 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah its silly. A toad got banned for commenting about the color of a koopas shell , he only said it was a bit garish!

#160284 Aliens Colonial Marines Thread

Posted by reef7009 on 17 January 2013 - 11:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yep. Another delay. And it seems weve been misled on the dev...gearbox ported it out to someone else. This isnt good at all. Il be wastin' em on my ps3 instead. Keep bangin those nails into wii u's coffin devs! Great Work!

#159439 HMV into administration now what?

Posted by reef7009 on 15 January 2013 - 09:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

Cheese IT!

um...yeah ok woteva

#159314 HMV into administration now what?

Posted by reef7009 on 14 January 2013 - 04:41 PM in Wii U Hardware

So HMV are going into admin , where does that leave Wii U owners who purchased from there...in case of problems?....

#156817 Wii Mode "The System Files Are Corrupted"

Posted by reef7009 on 06 January 2013 - 09:38 AM in Wii U Hardware

Some gremlin glitch probably. I wouldnt worry

#156776 virtual console sd cards

Posted by reef7009 on 06 January 2013 - 06:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

Hi everyone , im sorry if this has been covered somewhere but im wondering what size sd card i can put in my Wii U to use on the virtual Wii for the VC Games? Ive heard a real Wii console can use over the original 2GB if its OS has been updated to V.4 but how do we go with the emulated wii on wii u ? Thanks guys any ideas?

#156058 Gamepad screen black and white!

Posted by reef7009 on 04 January 2013 - 02:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah i thought it was gonna play some rock n roll too lol

#155901 Gamepad screen black and white!

Posted by reef7009 on 04 January 2013 - 04:12 AM in Wii U Hardware

He returned it this morning and upgraded to colour lol thanks guys

#155789 Gamepad screen black and white!

Posted by reef7009 on 03 January 2013 - 05:50 PM in Wii U Hardware

Hi everyone , my friend got a wii u yesterday after seeing mine last week but after one day his gamepad is running in black and white. Whats gone on there? Anyone else had this? Is there a reset or something that can be done?....

#154631 What I'd like to see on the WiiU - Amy's wishlist!

Posted by reef7009 on 31 December 2012 - 06:27 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Pilotwings U . With artificial horizon etc on the gamepad screen ;)

#154626 Wii U known Hardware Issues/Software bugs so far

Posted by reef7009 on 31 December 2012 - 06:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

Are u unhappy with wii u then? *_*

#152550 An eye opening week with the Wii U

Posted by reef7009 on 27 December 2012 - 10:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

GAMER1984  Il have a look and post back in next 48 ok

#152449 An eye opening week with the Wii U

Posted by reef7009 on 27 December 2012 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

It sad I love the game but stuck and haven't played it in weeks.

what u stuck on? Ive had my moments with this too....

#152435 An eye opening week with the Wii U

Posted by reef7009 on 27 December 2012 - 03:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

I agree with all u have said. Ive been putting in the hours on trine 2 these last couple of weeks and the graphics are amazing. The level inside the giant sandworms stomach are some of the best graphics ive seen in over 20 years of gaming! Its a great game too , a little difficult but great.

#152050 Wii U Gamepad creaking problem

Posted by reef7009 on 26 December 2012 - 04:05 AM in Wii U Hardware Help

Mines silent and feels solid. Never heard of this before , maybe a silicone gamepad cover would quieten it down? Is it all working ok though?

#152049 Bricked

Posted by reef7009 on 26 December 2012 - 04:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

As most others have said you should not have unplugged it. It clearly says on the screen...do not turn off the power. Did you unplug it during the install phase?

#151703 locks up when...

Posted by reef7009 on 25 December 2012 - 02:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah ive had lock ups in the messaging / notifications menu part of miiverse using mobile wifi. I dont use that area now....at least not until we have had more patches in future. Everything else is fine though. Bought trine 2 , chasing aurora , little inferno , nano assault and rayman demo all with no issue with wifi.

#149999 Trine 2 difficulty ( warning spoilers )

Posted by reef7009 on 20 December 2012 - 10:36 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well i got through the lava level without any self levitation. And the second half of ice world. Now fighting a big dragon. Man those last two levels were sadistic!

#149889 Trine 2 difficulty ( warning spoilers )

Posted by reef7009 on 20 December 2012 - 09:02 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Thats good to know jono. And Nollog the sewers is the one with green toxic waste. Maybe its just this level lol but il be on it again later today so we'll see. But yes the puzzles are enjoyable though...just the toxic waste bits are annoying. I finished super ghouls and ghosts on the Snes years ago and that was HARD , the frustration level on that was through the roof and this sewer level reminds me of that lol

As danny glover said in lethal weapon : Am to old for this s#!t ! maybe thats it lol

It doesnt get better at level 12 at all !! Its worse ! Its ok levitating the wizard but i dont know how to do that. Im rapidly falling out with this game , its bordering on impossible! Wtf frozenbyte?

#149779 Trine 2 difficulty ( warning spoilers )

Posted by reef7009 on 19 December 2012 - 06:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Does anyone else think the difficulty on this is , well , a bit uneven? What i mean is upto and including chapter 10 it curves nicely...then get past the goblin king and it just gets ridiculous. I mean whats the sewer/ dungeon level about? Tons of acid toxic waste pouring on you at every move , whilst trying to avoid balls with spikes on? Jumps with collapsing platforms , which you get swiped off?? And after you get past the first large cogs ( the one with the spiders after ) , if you lose the wizard and thief your knackered....you cant go on with just the knight....nor can you deliberatly kill yourself to get put back to the last check point to respawn the other characters. You have to restart the whole level...as you need the wizard at that point. Whats up here at all !!???

Btw i do like a challenge . Ive played and finished ninja gaidens , castlvania LOS , Mario games etc etc but this is just frustrating. Rant over lol

#148498 Defective Wii U

Posted by reef7009 on 16 December 2012 - 04:09 AM in Wii U Hardware

Its the console freezing not the pad. Disconnect it from the net and try it.

#148494 Surge protector , UPS or line conditioner?

Posted by reef7009 on 16 December 2012 - 03:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yes it does.

#148492 Shutting down console, gamepad stays on..

Posted by reef7009 on 16 December 2012 - 03:25 AM in Wii U Hardware

Ive had this. Its a matter of split second timing isnt it. Shut it down with a wii remote instead. Works for me much better. Hope this helps. :)

#148030 Just tried Rayman Legends demo, so good!

Posted by reef7009 on 14 December 2012 - 10:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Totally agree , il be picking this up on release.

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