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#303959 Teslagrad’s Wii U retail release

Posted by Ghost on 26 November 2014 - 07:44 AM in Wii U News



I'll be on the watch for this. 

#303954 Pokemon AS / OR big sales in Japan

Posted by Ghost on 26 November 2014 - 07:10 AM in General Gaming

Damn, IGN reported 3 million wordwide apart from EU. I will be get the steelbook and the dual pack this week.

#303953 Digital Foundry vs Watch Dogs on Wii U

Posted by Ghost on 26 November 2014 - 07:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Sending games to die is just wrong, they could at least release this before the others with proper gamepad controls and could of easily copped 50,000-100,000 units. I do have to agree with Wyd, that third are just taking the mic now. I have to say that the wording is not the problem but them not bringing up the release date and how it will affect the game is just sad. 

#303951 Sending this game to die on arrival?

Posted by Ghost on 26 November 2014 - 06:56 AM in General Gaming

Hi guys, I want to talk about Persona Q releasing on Nov 28th and Pokemon Alpha/Omega coming out the same day. I mean looking at from a business point of view, it's pretty mad. I have asked a lot of people what game they are getting on the 28th and the most answers where Omega or Alpha. Now I understand that no advertising can hinder the game sales but Atlus/NIS America clearly didn't think about what they were doing and it's just sad man. What do you think, the game with have some success in EU even with AS/OR on the same day or Atlus/NIS America not thinking properly? 




Drop me your thoughts!!


Also According to IGN, Pokemon AS/OR sold 3 million, those feelings coming back!!!




#303905 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by Ghost on 25 November 2014 - 03:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

They didn't produce all it's heavy hitters year one because they wanted to make room in sales for third parties, all of whom abandoned them. And are we seriously going to complain we had to wait a year to get new installations of every single frinking series we ask for except f-zero (which they are at least considering and put in MK8) and Earthbound (which jus can't be done because I believe the creator doesn't want to anymore or something).

So what Sony releasing their remakes of year old to two year-old game sis soooo much better right? Exactly what everyone was asking for. And microsoft totally gave us the new conker game we've been waiting for! Oh wait, no they didn't they just told us to make our own. Banjo Kazooie? Oh no, not that either.

Stop looking for this to complain about and be grateful for the abundance we have.


First of all I wasn't complaining, where did you get that from? Also I not talking about the Xbox one and PS4, I'm talking about the Wii U. Starting to put out on the second year when other consoles are coming out is career suicide, we all know the wii u sold 6 million without decent third party and that's good but the Xbox 1 sold 5 million+ with bad news plus a stupid price tag. 


Next, they weren't waiting for third party to pick up, that's a lie. Also Sony has only released one exclusive just as MS did and Nintendo release one as well , no matter what age it is. 

#303791 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by Ghost on 23 November 2014 - 06:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

I feel like it's not even worth trying. I've told people this so. Many. Times. And i still see people trying to blame Nintendo for lack of support like every frinking day. I feel like a lot of people drink a little of Microsoft and Sony and their fanboy's kool-aid and just try to find things wrong with Nintendo. Like every time someone tries to point the finger at nintendo for some company not supporting Wii u customers, it's this ridiculously convoluted explanation, where they're pulling all these random unproved nothing out their anus to just try and excuse the inexcusable, and blame the party that make less sense to blame. Like if you see a bully kicking sand in a bunch of kids' eyes, you don't assume it's the kids' parents fault for not paying off the bully. That's just not good. Annoys me so gosh dang much. It's practically undebatable; Nintendo is the AAA company treating it's customers best this generation. Simple as that. There is evidence of this out the wazoo, but people will continue to rag on them for every frinking thing. I feel so sorry for them for having such bollocks "fans".


Considering Nintendo only release it's heavy hitters in year two, I would not called that "Treating it's customers this generation".  They just need to stick their Gamecube ways but make it more appealing. 

#303789 Meta Knight exclusive to Best Buy, Lucario to Toys R Us

Posted by Ghost on 23 November 2014 - 05:58 PM in General Gaming

Not cool but they will probably bring it to the superior Nintendo store online. 

#303788 Devil's Third new info

Posted by Ghost on 23 November 2014 - 05:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think it's more funny that a graphical showcase cus those graphics look........ something. Anyway, I know the story will be good, I do hope he's not comparing this to Gears cos that is not fair on Gears(The superior three shooter). 

#303785 *Shots fired* Sony hits Nintendo with words

Posted by Ghost on 23 November 2014 - 05:51 PM in General Gaming

Nintendo only needs their games to sell. They can afford to be last place with the Wii U. Sony is not doing well at all as a company.


The "company" part is true but for Nintendo, they need to hit strong. It's 2014 and with 10 millions sales without no real killer apps, the playstation 4 has out class the Wii U in sales and is pretty much starving for games. I do hope Nintendo has a plan cos when those heavy hitters and uncharted drop game over for Nintendo. 


Also it's all about that well adjustments that need to be made.

#301731 SEGA - 2015 games coming to 3DS eshop - relive classics!

Posted by Ghost on 03 November 2014 - 02:05 PM in General Gaming

I literally thought this said Sega was releasing 2,015 games on the 3DS eShop.


I would love that but I could imagine it would take a toil on the shop. 

#301730 Accidental vs. Intentional Trolls

Posted by Ghost on 03 November 2014 - 01:57 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games

You and your "preferences"...

When I die, will I become you?


One day you may morph into 1/10th of me. 

#301687 Good times are ahead

Posted by Ghost on 03 November 2014 - 08:10 AM in General Gaming

Youo wants to be a pokemon mastah?

#301683 Accidental vs. Intentional Trolls

Posted by Ghost on 03 November 2014 - 08:08 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Who trolls better, someone who accidentally trolls like I do, whose whole life is one big swamp, or someone who intentionally trolls like Fieryguns, who tries to make his life a swamp on purpose?


Neither, only random silly trolls like me can be loved and hated at the same time. Fireyguns lost his troll powers when he became a pokemonz masteh and you, I think you just need to get your life on track.

#301680 GameCollector Streams Things (Next Stream: Nov. 9th 8PM CST)

Posted by Ghost on 03 November 2014 - 08:04 AM in The Museum

I should stream the date I'm going on with Tom's mom.

(I'm just kidding. Don't banhammer me.)


Going on a a My little pony date simulator isn't a really day. 


(I'm kidding around)

#301665 GameCollector Streams Things (Next Stream: Nov. 9th 8PM CST)

Posted by Ghost on 03 November 2014 - 03:49 AM in The Museum

If you Entertain me, I'll give you the cure to the poison I put in the cake. 


#301593 Any furries here?

Posted by Ghost on 01 November 2014 - 08:47 AM in The Café

10 minutes and looks like bad animation. Nope.

People wanna pork wearing animal costumes. That's their right. Doesn't stop it from being wierd and creepy.

Now we await for horses and pigs to wear human costumes and bang.




We all know Horses are evil!

#301417 Any furries here?

Posted by Ghost on 30 October 2014 - 12:54 PM in The Café

They creep me out. Seriously.


I don't blame I, one tried to seduce me in the club..... nintendo club that is.


(You probably guess, I have nothing of value to add to your post.)

#301416 Proof (Good Hardware won't help Poor Optimization)

Posted by Ghost on 30 October 2014 - 12:47 PM in General Gaming

GTA San Andreas is being ported (only digital) to the 360 and it turns out that it's a mobile port. It's the Android? version of the game ported to the 360 and it's performance isn't solid.








Sorry, posted in wrong section, hopefully a mod can move this.


Well what can you expect from companies that don't care? It's all just a quick cash-in and it worked for them a bit. Anyway, R* ain't the ones for graphical improvements, I feel GTA 5 will be subpar. 

#301415 Nintendo's QOL Platform Revealed

Posted by Ghost on 30 October 2014 - 12:41 PM in General Gaming

Microsoft are working on one too, it however, has a camera to watch you and record conversations. It helps you sleep by giving piece of mind your bedroom antics are always on file.


It can only receive your text messages, I def will be getting one or the samsung gear s. 

#300427 Famitsu - New 3DS Sells over 230,000 during launch

Posted by Ghost on 15 October 2014 - 02:56 AM in General Gaming

Pretty good but those 3DSLL user are going to be pissed if they brought face plates lol. 

#300424 Wii U troll pwned by Kamiya

Posted by Ghost on 14 October 2014 - 11:56 PM in Wii U News

Wow I didn't even know this happened. Incredible. Increased my quality of life by 200%. Best diss I've ever seen from a developer. This is why I like Kamiya.


Kamiya could even beat down Phil Fish. 




#300423 Bayo 2 TV Commercial

Posted by Ghost on 14 October 2014 - 11:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

1 million people saw the advert but only 10 brought it/ Only joking! 

#300366 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Ghost on 13 October 2014 - 09:48 PM in General Gaming

It's not run by idiots but it has been run over by idiots, like most of the world.


Lol, I'm shocked, but people accept stuff this as normal practice. 

#300363 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Ghost on 13 October 2014 - 09:45 PM in General Gaming

Well it's not run by anyone. It's raised awareness of corruption in gaming, it's made one of the bigger youtubers come out and admit that he takes deals for his let's plays where he can't say anything abd about the game or show any glitches. It made Intel pull advertising from Gamasutra and it's gotten the attention of Julian Assange and the creator of Wikipedia. Those are the biggest things it's done so far I believe.




Well that interesting but clearly people have hijacked for their own purposes. Do you know which Youtuber it was, I can imagine this affected him badly? 

#300355 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Ghost on 13 October 2014 - 09:22 PM in General Gaming

So has #Gamergate actually done anything productive or is run by idiots?

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