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#290765 Count to 3000!

Posted by Ghost on 18 June 2014 - 07:45 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games


#272976 Count until a Mod/Admin posts! [HI SCORE: 208]

Posted by Ghost on 16 February 2014 - 07:44 PM in Roleplay and Forum Games



We need more Mods and Admins plus Staff. 

#304697 Nintendo at the Game Awards - YouTube Playlist

Posted by Ghost on 06 December 2014 - 03:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Calling it now, Zelda U will either be the greatest or one of the worst Zelda games ever. It looks really ambitious, but with a year left of development time I wonder if they'll be able to make the world feel as populated as they want it to be, from what we saw in the demo it's not very populated (cities may be different, though).


Also I want some on-screen footage because this off-screen stuff honestly made it look way worse than it previously looked.


Let's hope Red Steel 3 don't come out. 

#304323 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by Ghost on 03 December 2014 - 12:52 PM in Wii U News

Dead? They are a small studio, 3 - 5 guys i think. A couple of releases a year at most. Screens are in this thread. Page back.


I'm not sad about that, I sad that if they make a good game one platform won't be able to enjoy it. Anyway not a lot of indies on console is actually a great thing(So you can search for the gems in the dirt more easier) but it's when the good ones that miss a platform, it sucks. 

DUDE.......How can I explain this???
Wii U specs

1.2ghz PPC processor

2GB of RAM

550mhz UKNOwn GPU


YOUR  AMD HD5550 RIG SPECS.(Note;when you are benchmarking a graphics card you are supposed to give it as much resources as possible)


At least a core i3(Am sure its an i7)

definetly 8GB of RAM(if not 16)

A 1000watt power supply

OH 5550 GDDR5(not DDR3)


Please USE YOUR BRAIN and compare the specs



The reason that xbox one GPU is running call of duty at sub HD is the fact that its running on DDR3 VRAM (bandwith of 30-40gb/s) compared to its PC and Ps4 counterparts which are running a GDDR5(70-150gb/s) this 30-60gb/s difference can make miracles


PC users alternate between DDR4,GDDR5 or DDR3. Pc will never have a set spec list or part, also the reason why X1 was running 950p is due to optimization and I don't blame Sledgehammer for it. 

#304336 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by Ghost on 03 December 2014 - 02:59 PM in Wii U News

That was the goo thing about the nintendo quality seal. But people complained, so...


Well, different things work at different times but the PSN  is getting bad, Nintendo's is decent and Xbox's is kind of empty. 

#304415 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by Ghost on 05 December 2014 - 12:11 PM in Wii U News

Buy an Ouya


I loved you WydrA, why do you hurt me so much?



small correction here
DDR4 is very expensive, and when they tested the 5550 they were probably running on DDR3
GDDR5 is a graphics memory which as far as I know is dedicated to graphics cards only.


I wasn't talking about the pricing, yes DDR4 is expensive but PC users do use it. 

#304321 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by Ghost on 03 December 2014 - 12:36 PM in Wii U News

I was on Shin'en's website and it says they only develop for Wii U, 3DS and PS4. I feel they are kind of dead to me. Anyway, is there any pictures or screenshots out yet?

#295023 Fast Racing Neo Screens and Discussion

Posted by Ghost on 05 August 2014 - 01:44 AM in Wii U News




What's another month? Even tho Shin'en never fails I have this feeling some might play the screens  because of the hype and anticipation didn't live up to what they had in mind. Still it's SHin'en so nou doubt be great looking.


They are the only people I think who could take on Pokemon or Zelda and still maintain at a decent level maybe even better.  

#272984 Member Title Change Request Thread

Posted by Ghost on 16 February 2014 - 08:03 PM in Site News and Feedback

BASEDGOD if you can please?


Thank you in advance.

#300355 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Ghost on 13 October 2014 - 09:22 PM in General Gaming

So has #Gamergate actually done anything productive or is run by idiots?

#300363 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Ghost on 13 October 2014 - 09:45 PM in General Gaming

Well it's not run by anyone. It's raised awareness of corruption in gaming, it's made one of the bigger youtubers come out and admit that he takes deals for his let's plays where he can't say anything abd about the game or show any glitches. It made Intel pull advertising from Gamasutra and it's gotten the attention of Julian Assange and the creator of Wikipedia. Those are the biggest things it's done so far I believe.




Well that interesting but clearly people have hijacked for their own purposes. Do you know which Youtuber it was, I can imagine this affected him badly? 

#300366 GAMER-GATE

Posted by Ghost on 13 October 2014 - 09:48 PM in General Gaming

It's not run by idiots but it has been run over by idiots, like most of the world.


Lol, I'm shocked, but people accept stuff this as normal practice. 

#287312 Have you gotten MK8 yet?

Posted by Ghost on 30 May 2014 - 04:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

The question should be: Who hasn't gotten Mario Kart 8 yet?



SailtheSeas lol? 

#281997 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by Ghost on 20 April 2014 - 08:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

yeah you cant call out the Wii U for predictability of games... their game library is still growing and yes we have a lot of platformers but other things also. My personal opinion is that negative stigma, nintendo silence/lack of marketing, and their out of date practices is why Wii U is selling poor.


You talk about their out of date practices but tell me I can't call them on their predictability? Predictability is an out of date practice, they probably have been warned about it as well and yet they still do nothing about it. Also I didn't not called out the whole Nintendo company, I only called out the Wii U division since the 3DS is doing far better.  

#282297 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by Ghost on 22 April 2014 - 07:52 PM in Wii U Hardware

There's difference than saying it should be switched up a bit and that it should turn into another dudebro loving company. Switching to competing with companies they're currently not competing with is a not good idea in fantasy and realistically.

I don't know if your part of the "hardcore" part of the fanbase and I hate to say this because you're actually awesome. This mentally you guys have is stupid. Why do you feel that Sony and MS are dudebro companies? Is it because they don't act like Nintendo or is because they are actually trying( MS barely but it's a start)?  Also you say Nintendo is not competing with those companies? A lot of the hardcore fans did not say that when the Wii in 2010 sold 94 million worldwide and it was the declared the best selling console in the 7 gen range.

Also this isn't for the whole Nintendo, I hope you and I can both agree that the Wii U division needs a tune-up. I know Mario Kart 8 based on it name alone is gonna shift some units but if they carry on this way, X won't every stand a chance.

#281953 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by Ghost on 19 April 2014 - 10:01 AM in Wii U Hardware

Making fun of a people on this website is probably the reason why no one is checking for this forum. Anyway, the reason why Wii U is slacking is due to predictability of games and not adapting to hardware desires. 

#282299 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by Ghost on 22 April 2014 - 08:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

Nah I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying the company themselves are dudebro companies, but that is a big part of their consumer base, and it's something they not only acknowledge, but accept and embrace (as you can see in their advertisements, presentations, etc.)
Also the competing comment was said by one of the high ups in Ninty, either Iwata or Miyamoto or something. And it's true, Nintendo isn't attempting to directly compete with the other two consoles, they're solely concerned with doing well themselves and doing good for gaming. Sony and Microsoft however, are definitely competing directly with each other, and for some reason hate Nintendo, when Nintendo don't do crap to them.

And of course we all agree that something needs to be done to increase Wii U sale. That's why it gets brought up like every other week :P

The thing is that they have to compete with them, whether they like it or not. Fans, investors, journalists, people who love chaos will make it a console war even when there is no need for one.

The real thing Nintendo need to do is think about their steps carefully. They seem very sloppy and look like they have no back-up plans when the main plan goes haywire. I want X to bring success for them but at this current moment, they need to act cold and calculated for sometime to stay a float. Also I as well hate those Nintendo are doom threads but they are a reminder that reality is Nintendo Wii U division have not done anything to warrant a Wii U purchase from anyone.

#282283 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by Ghost on 22 April 2014 - 04:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

I wasn't making fun, I'm genuinely shocked. All SailtheSeas does these days is say how nintendo should turn into a sony/microsoft clone despite being told numerous times by numerous people what n awful idea it is, and that he should seriously consider just selling his wii u and buying a ps4 or xbone. At least that's how he was before I blocked him.

I was speaking to everyone not you. Also Sailtheseas has made inputs which are questionble but other than that, he's been pro Wii U. Also what is wrong wanting a company that he likes to switch it up a bit? There is time for Realism and Fantasy and it's seems Nintendo is stuck in a fantasy.  

#289970 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by Ghost on 12 June 2014 - 10:56 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Who's the girl with white hair on the right of the box art?


Maybe a special character for this game or maybe Zelda's sister. All I know is that after she's done slaying monsters, I'mma put a ring on that finger. 


*Basement Dweller's Fantasy*

#289972 Hyrule Warriors

Posted by Ghost on 12 June 2014 - 11:05 AM in Wii U Games and Software

The poll is telling me that this game is so epic, choosing the "no" option will result in an "error" page popping up. Teh hype is too powerful. 








#303905 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by Ghost on 25 November 2014 - 03:06 PM in Wii U Hardware

They didn't produce all it's heavy hitters year one because they wanted to make room in sales for third parties, all of whom abandoned them. And are we seriously going to complain we had to wait a year to get new installations of every single frinking series we ask for except f-zero (which they are at least considering and put in MK8) and Earthbound (which jus can't be done because I believe the creator doesn't want to anymore or something).

So what Sony releasing their remakes of year old to two year-old game sis soooo much better right? Exactly what everyone was asking for. And microsoft totally gave us the new conker game we've been waiting for! Oh wait, no they didn't they just told us to make our own. Banjo Kazooie? Oh no, not that either.

Stop looking for this to complain about and be grateful for the abundance we have.


First of all I wasn't complaining, where did you get that from? Also I not talking about the Xbox one and PS4, I'm talking about the Wii U. Starting to put out on the second year when other consoles are coming out is career suicide, we all know the wii u sold 6 million without decent third party and that's good but the Xbox 1 sold 5 million+ with bad news plus a stupid price tag. 


Next, they weren't waiting for third party to pick up, that's a lie. Also Sony has only released one exclusive just as MS did and Nintendo release one as well , no matter what age it is. 

#303791 What do you want (or expect) the next home console to be?

Posted by Ghost on 23 November 2014 - 06:17 PM in Wii U Hardware

I feel like it's not even worth trying. I've told people this so. Many. Times. And i still see people trying to blame Nintendo for lack of support like every frinking day. I feel like a lot of people drink a little of Microsoft and Sony and their fanboy's kool-aid and just try to find things wrong with Nintendo. Like every time someone tries to point the finger at nintendo for some company not supporting Wii u customers, it's this ridiculously convoluted explanation, where they're pulling all these random unproved nothing out their anus to just try and excuse the inexcusable, and blame the party that make less sense to blame. Like if you see a bully kicking sand in a bunch of kids' eyes, you don't assume it's the kids' parents fault for not paying off the bully. That's just not good. Annoys me so gosh dang much. It's practically undebatable; Nintendo is the AAA company treating it's customers best this generation. Simple as that. There is evidence of this out the wazoo, but people will continue to rag on them for every frinking thing. I feel so sorry for them for having such bollocks "fans".


Considering Nintendo only release it's heavy hitters in year two, I would not called that "Treating it's customers this generation".  They just need to stick their Gamecube ways but make it more appealing. 

#274434 Was Nintendo wrong... what is the consumer saying?

Posted by Ghost on 24 February 2014 - 08:44 AM in Wii U Hardware


While these are your opinions and you have a right to speak your mind, you can't start saying overblown rubbish on the internet.  




Are you trying make me unleash the PachterForce on you?



#274300 Was Nintendo wrong... what is the consumer saying?

Posted by Ghost on 23 February 2014 - 12:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

You know, you might have convinced me had you not compared Nintendos Anemic greatness, to massive piles of diarrea dog crap.

I will take one game like X over 99% of the garbage that came to my ps360, any day of the week. ANd to the damn near entirety of the diarrea tsuname heading to ps4/xbone.

And to top it off. There is nothing. NOTHING that has been shown on ps4 or Xbox, that doesnt look like a complete and absolute waste of time, or is coming to PC anyways. With the Sole exception of RIME, which MS actually rejected, because it is blatantly clear they dont have a single clue whatsoever what actual great GAMING experiences are, and just want to peddle easily marketable crap to easily manipulatbale morons, and dont want a damn thing on their system to make their pet idiots think their might be more in the world than crap.


While these are your opinions and you have a right to speak your mind, you can't start saying overblown rubbish on the internet.  

#307085 New Xenoblade X Trailer discussion

Posted by Ghost on 17 January 2015 - 01:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I know its the trailer most Xenoblade fans have been waiting for.

It was this exact trailer style that set us on fire for the original:

Complete with the cliff jump. Thats when most of us realized Xenoblade through away the design rulebook that had shackled game design for so long.

It wasnt a cutscene, it wasnt a sequence, it wasnt a scripted event, it wasnt just a partof the level that was done the same way every time.

You could simply go wherever you wanted, when you wanted, no invisible barriers, no fake backgrounds that you couldnt actually go to or interact with, and if you wanted to, you could jump off a damn cliff, into the ocean, and swim to a tiny island, no cuts, no fakesies, no switches, no loadiing, none of the strings that were so common with open world games faking there scale attached.

xbone and ps4 games still dont do this. All the power in the world, and they are still bound by ps2 era design tropes and shortcuts.


They better spec console put in the hands of sub-pars devs(A majority) , you can't start abusing the console because nothing like has come to on those consoles. 

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