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There have been 14 items by nintendoplayer1985 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#145067 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 07 December 2012 - 12:15 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Man, Magnus from KIU would be so epic.

Heck yeah! Maybe he can replace one of the characters from Fire Emblem.

#141328 Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion Thread

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 30 November 2012 - 11:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I would like for Nintendo to get rid of clones and 3rd party characters. It's a party fighting game for Nintendo characters after all. Nintendo has alot of forgotten characters this gen gamers would not recognize. If Pit can make can make a come back so can other characters.

Below are just of few NEW characters I would like to see:

Thomas (Kung Fu)
Donkey Kong Jr (Miyamoto's creation not Rare's)
Little Mac (Mike Tyson's Punchout)
Starman (Pro Wrestling) Or any other wrestler
Sakura (Sakura Samurai)
Dillon (Dillon's Rolling Western) He can replace Sonic
Ridley (Metroid)

Attached Thumbnails

  • SSB 4 Characters.jpg

#145064 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 07 December 2012 - 12:12 PM in General Gaming

Here are just the complete boxed consoles that I have. Hand helds, loose consoles and WiiU not included.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Nintendo Consoles.jpg

#211075 Let's Talk IPs!

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 24 May 2013 - 10:09 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Pick up forgotten IP's/games; Star Tropics, Ice Climbers, Kung Fu, Earth Bound, Eternal Darkness, Duck Hunt, Gyromite, etc..etc.

I dont think they need a new IP, all they have to do is bring back an old one.

#139079 Wii U got problems?

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 27 November 2012 - 10:52 AM in Wii U Hardware

So i made this poll to see how many problem have problems with there wii u.
I got mines and all has been fine.
It took a while for the system update but other then that all works fine. Been playing it most of the day wothout problems.
Even played AC3 in 3d on the tv and then in the other room via gamepad.

So check the poll and post your problems if you got them.
Im truly wondering of it a hardware problem or software  and how many people are effected.

Fiy posted all from cellphone. Well check this thread from pc to fix any errors n typeos.

Nice poll! I would like to have seen an option for chosing basic or deluxe model.

My Deluxe system was freezing so I exchanged it.

#211070 Should Nintendo stop making Mario games?

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 24 May 2013 - 09:52 PM in General Gaming

Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Mario Party, Dr.Mario, Paper Mario, Mario Baseball, Super Mario Strikers, Mario Hoops, Mario Picross etc..etc. Yeah he should take a break and only be used in his main games; side scrolling 2D, side scrolling 2 1/2 D & open world 3D. It is after all Super Mario BROTHERS.

I'm glad there will be a Super Luigi U available.


#138198 WiiU Console Freezing

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 25 November 2012 - 06:19 PM in Wii U Hardware

Oh. Sorry about that, it's just... so many threads on this... well welcome... I guess... if you need anything... ask yoshi...

Why yes...yes I do. Yoshi are you male or female? I mean this for the character Yoshi.

Yeah you might be new but when you sign up and you get the message to read the rules it's thier for a reason, you do notice we have a search bar, everyday I come on here and it's just a load of posts I read yesterday written by someone else, getting bored now.

Excellent point but you did have a choice not to click and read this thread. Maybe administration can open one main thread for this problem to avoid multiple threads of the same subject.

Unless you're administation your statement is just meaningless rant. Please take it else where, thanks!


Ive been reading the tech forums, and most of the people seems to be pointing to a miiverse bug and games with integrated miiverse like NINTNDO LAND or NSMBU, a "fix" they found that seems to "work" for some of them is to go to miiverse, then settings, and set it to english only, i dont know why or how this can "fix" any freezing but some people are saying that works.

anyone has tried that out??

anyways they said that in december there will be a patch to fix this

This was done in my initial set up so this is not the solution to the problem. Reggie said there will be an update in december but nothing was said specifically for this problem. To the best of my knowlege there is no official statement reguarding this issue. I do not like to assume anything and would like to hear an official statement reguarding this like they did with the Zelda Skyward Sword glitch.

#137961 WiiU Console Freezing

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 25 November 2012 - 10:08 AM in Wii U Hardware

I bought my system on launch day and started to have major problems with it yesterday. When the youtube app update was available I used it. Eveytime I would use the app it it would freeze my system and I would have to unplug my system then restart it. Next it starting to freeze when I tried to access Miiverse this would happen a few times. When the system started operating normally it would act up again when I would try playing multiplayer on Nintendo Land. Slow but surely other functions started freezing the system until I wasnt able to use it any more. I had the latest hardware update so I know this wasn't causing the problem.

I talked to a Nintendo Customer rep and was arranging to have the system sent in for repair. I wasn't going to wait a long time to send and receive a WiiU. I decided to return and exchange it from my place of purchase. I was fortunate enough to have the exchange go smoothly with no problems at all. Now I'm in the process of having my Nintendo Network Account transfered to my new console by a Nintendo Administrator.

If you are having the same problem I would strongly suggest calling Nintendo to report this. This will ensure they know about the issue and get it resolved. I don't like to assume anything it's better to know for sure. The more gamers that report this the more pressure they will have to fix this asap.

Is anyone else having a problems with their WiiU's freezing?

#137982 WiiU Console Freezing

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 25 November 2012 - 10:27 AM in Wii U Hardware


I'm sorry but this is about the hundredth topic on Wii U freezing... yes everyone else encountered it. It's getting fixed I am guessing it is a miiverse problem. Mine froze THREE times so far...  

Easy there I'm new to this forum, thanks for the warm welcome.

There is no official statement from Nintendo addressing the problem and I haven't been contacted by them. I don't like guessing what the problem is. I hope this problem gets addressed soon so unaffected gamers don't have to go through this headache.

#137967 Nintendo Land freezes

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 25 November 2012 - 10:15 AM in Wii U Hardware

I had the same problem and I posted a thread with the details. I would suggest you call Nintendo and report the problem. If you have the receipt go to the store and exchange it.

#138222 Nintendo gamer here!

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 25 November 2012 - 06:53 PM in Introduction Central

I have been a long time Nintendo gamer; all the way from the NES Deluxe Set to the new WiiU Deluxe set.

I'm also a member of the 3DS forums with the same user name.

I like to play and collect retro games and prefer physical copies of games. I'm not yet convinced with digital games until the price is noticably lower and access less restrictive.

I hate DLC and the new $60 per game cost. I respect Sony and Microsoft but I prefer Nintendo. I'm not a Nintendo fanboy I just prefer them. I play other platforms but do not own them.

If you would like to trade or sell retro games hit me up.

Attached is a pic of my console collection. I took this before I purchased my WiiU.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Nintendo Consoles.jpg

#141280 Joystiq- Batman Arkham City: Armored Edition- 4.5/5

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 30 November 2012 - 10:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Could anyone who purchased the game brand new tell me what inserts were included. Instruction manual, Precaution Booklet, Advertisement, Club Nintendo Code, ect, etc...? Thanks!

#141300 Nintendo gamer here!

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 30 November 2012 - 10:48 PM in Introduction Central

If you have managed to keep all your consoles then more power to yer. I owned a few consoles in my time and change is as good as a holiday right? Well welcome abord. So your into retro games. To get Wii U online you will need to make a online ID just the same as every other moden day console. I'm very sure Wii U will have a retro part of there eshop just like the Wii did. Gamers from what I have read in forums are very attached to there retro games. So I think if you want something in the post I surguest you reconsider. Oh and goodluck in your searching. By the way don't forget to pay postage at lest. cya

I prefer retro gaming on their original consoles and not virtual/digital. I like to have tangible items I can take anywhere its a lot simpler for me. I can trade, sell or give my games as gifts if I wanted to. I wouldnt be able to do this with digital games along with DLC.

Thanks for the welcome!

#138685 Nintendo gamer here!

Posted by nintendoplayer1985 on 26 November 2012 - 05:30 PM in Introduction Central

Thanks Bro!

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