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There have been 13 items by jazzuri (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#151965 Wii U - More play options than we realize

Posted by jazzuri on 25 December 2012 - 07:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

I believe I've seen a video of the wiimote working with the upad's integrated sensor bar in blops.

It wasn't this one but yeah,

Really? I did not know it had an integrated sensor bar. I will check that out. Awesome if it works....
Ive been using my battery operated one...

#151959 Wii U - More play options than we realize

Posted by jazzuri on 25 December 2012 - 07:33 PM in Wii U Hardware

Various ways I've discovered to play my WiiU off screen whilst using the gamepad in a different room

Not sure I've seen this method of play in any of the online reviews, blogs, etc...

Whilst it may seem unlikely that anyone would want to use their wii mote or pro controller when the gamepad already has its own controllers...? the option exists for those interested....

My thoughts are that Nintendo might actually release a video out connector of some kind allowing you to hook your gamepad up to an additional external device. For example, it would be great if I could connect the gamepad to my projector in the theatre room and play COD without having to move the console for those games that support off screen play.

And for those of us playing say black ops 2 in double screen mode... the ability to view the game on the gamepad on a  bigger screen via some form of video out(even if the resolution isn't upscaled 1080p) would be a fantastic addition.

PS. Im using a battery operated infra bar to operate the wiimote which is located in a different room to my Wii u console. The pro controller works anywhere in our 2 story home. The only limitation is how far the gamepad can travel before it loses the signal. Though Im sure some form of signal extender might appear in the not so distant future..?

#143778 Wii U won't switch off?

Posted by jazzuri on 04 December 2012 - 07:38 PM in Wii U Hardware

I have this EXACT same problem. both the power button AND the wifi with the error code

i have been surfing the net all weekend trying to find a solution and hadnt found anything even close to this problem. I also had to wait till today (monday) to call support. (in australia)
They had no idea and i have an in depth trouble shooting session scheduled for tomorrow morning with their network guy (dont have high hopes)
will post back as soon as i get any answers

  • well that was useless. nintendo support has no clue.
  • i will be returning my wii u today and hopefully get a replacement, if the store actually still has any stock

Not sure about the button thing but my wifi kept erroring while using auto dhcp. I had to setup a manual network connection and enter manual IP, gateway, dns etc....after doing this I rang aus nintendo and they suggested I do exactly what I had already done..

Give it a go. Mine works fine now.

Wii U Manual Set-Up (How to Manually Set Up an Internet Connection): http://www.nintendo....p&helpcatID=253

Once you have completed the Manual Set-Up of the Wii U's internet connection settings please place the IP Address you have created for the Wii console into your routers DMZ settings. For instructions on how to do this please refer to the routers product manual or contact your router manufacturer.

In addition please change your router's channel setting to 1 or 11. By default, most routers broadcast on channel 6, which overlaps with other channels and may be weaker. For help doing this, click here and select your router brand and model (if available). The information you need is found in the "Broadcast Channel" area:

Wireless Routers - Default Settings: http://www.nintendo....uters/index.jsp

Good luck..

#141883 G'day hows about wii throw another shrimp on the barbie?

Posted by jazzuri on 02 December 2012 - 12:26 AM in Introduction Central

Hello Jazzuri, Welcome to the forum.

Hi from the UK :)

Hey thanks...

#141756 Wii u Gamepad - Analogue thumbsticks making intermittent crackling sound?

Posted by jazzuri on 01 December 2012 - 09:23 PM in Wii U Hardware

Happens to me too, same when I had my 3ds as well, now that ithink about it so did my ps3 controller.

Yep...im lovin this thing but geeeesh...Nintendo are becoming cheap!
There are those of us who would pay extra to enjoy quality products.

My original 3ds had some minor build flaws but I was happy with its solidity, my 3ds xl feels really cheap and crackles louder than rice bubbles and now after 2 days the gamepad takes the lead....

Thumbsticks squeak and crackle out of the box but boy ohhh boy when I press down on the start button it sounds like Im breaking the plastic gamepad shell. Now I know when you move the controller about it seconds as a rattler (lol - try it if you have a young child) but pressing down on the gamepad surface anywhere near and/or around the start button also produces the same results....including the right most side of the screen.

My gamepad is a noisy peice of kit and it detracts from my overall experience with WiiU.

#141341 Wii u Gamepad - Analogue thumbsticks making intermittent crackling sound?

Posted by jazzuri on 01 December 2012 - 12:34 AM in Wii U Hardware

its good if u cant hear or feel it clicking, thats how it should be.

#141340 G'day hows about wii throw another shrimp on the barbie?

Posted by jazzuri on 01 December 2012 - 12:28 AM in Introduction Central

Hello and welcome to the forums :D


Cheers mate, how's the missus? I had the problem with the internet last night on launch, I spent 3 hours fixing it, jeez. And I get what you mean with the squeaky thumbsticks, and they are a bit hard to control at first since the deadzone is sooooo weird. Also the other thing I don't like is that when you receive a message/notification or something from Miiverse you have to completely go into it to see what it is, and it's usually something stupid, I wish it also made a sound when you received something in the Miiverse. Other that that, AC3 is awesome, NL is alright, can be fun and I will be opening my copy of ZombiU when I invite someone over (should be fun)

Shes awesome, I think shes in playing nintendoland with the kids at the moment and havin a cracker!
Me on the other hand im in the garage watching clips on how to fix squeaky thumbsticks :)
Not sure what I like more gaming or resolving quirks.....?

The Miiverse thing is a pain in the butt but I'm no stranger to early adopter pains and I guess Nintendo are no different.

I think all the negativity after the american launch caused me to lower my expectations and as such Im pretty damn pleased with the console in its current form and after seeing how the 360 & ps3 grew over time this thing has the potential for brilliance...

#141275 Howdy all!

Posted by jazzuri on 30 November 2012 - 09:56 PM in Introduction Central

See you online....

#141271 G'day hows about wii throw another shrimp on the barbie?

Posted by jazzuri on 30 November 2012 - 09:52 PM in Introduction Central

New to the forums. Picked up my Wii U yesterday.
Im an old timer whos first getup was on the vic 20.

Unfortunately for me Im a natural fault finder and if this things got some issues...well I'm likely to experience them!
Coincidence? probably not.

I do however like fixing most things myself so If I find a prob I'l post it here hopefully along with a way around it....

Why dont I start things off....1st issue of the bat Wii U DHCP problems. If u have them do the following....

Wii U Manual Set-Up (How  to Manually Set Up an Internet Connection): http://www.nintendo....p&helpcatID=253

Once you have completed the Manual Set-Up of the Wii U's internet connection settings please place the IP Address you have created for the Wii console into your routers DMZ settings.  For instructions on how to do this please refer to the routers product manual or contact your router manufacturer.

In addition please change your router's channel setting to 1 or 11. By default, most routers broadcast on channel 6, which overlaps with other channels and may be weaker. For help doing this, click here and select your router brand and model (if available). The information you need is found in the "Broadcast Channel" area:

Wireless Routers - Default Settings: http://www.nintendo....uters/index.jsp

If not I look forward to finding more.....(Squeaky thumbsticks on the gamepad are currently on my agenda :))

#141246 Wii u Gamepad - Analogue thumbsticks making intermittent crackling sound?

Posted by jazzuri on 30 November 2012 - 08:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

I think I know what you're talking about. Either way, I wouldn't worry about it.

So maybe a build feature? Though If it happens on others then I wont worry about it.

You sure its not l3 and r3? The sticks push in like a button.
Other then tht idk. Mines is all good.

No it happens without pressing the clickys on the thumbstick.

#141193 Invalid Disc?

Posted by jazzuri on 30 November 2012 - 06:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

Hmm interestingly enough this happened to me for the first time last night. I played Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper for a couple hours, then ZombiU for about an hour, then I put in my CoD BO2 disc and it said "Invalid Disc" below the picture. What's strange is, it knew it was the CoD BO2 disc because it showed the correct icon image. I clicked it and it came up with some message saying to eject it blah blah (cant remember exact verbage) so I ejected the disc/reinserted it and it worked fine. Kind of strange but it's the only time it's happened so I'm going to chalk it up to a one-time issue.

This happened when I first setup my unit. Didnt try before patch only after installing.
It happened with nintendo land and blops 2 yesterday (1st day) hasnt happened since. I am keeping an eye on it and if it occurs again I will be taking it back.....

#141188 wii u internet connection

Posted by jazzuri on 30 November 2012 - 06:29 PM in Wii U Hardware

Upon setting up my wii u I found I could not connect to my wireless router. Then searching online I discovered many people with the same issue. I called Nintendo Aus and they advised if you have this problem to setup a static IP address. Whilst this worked Its dissapointing as every console under the sun has connected without issue to my wireless network.

After setting up my network settings manually... the wireless device appears to run without issue.

Not sure if this is the issue you are referring to?

#141183 Wii u Gamepad - Analogue thumbsticks making intermittent crackling sound?

Posted by jazzuri on 30 November 2012 - 06:25 PM in Wii U Hardware

Just got my Wiiu and loving it.
This morning I got up early and played a round of BLOPS 2 in the dead silence of the morning.
And I noticed that the thumbsticks make an aweful crackling sound when you move them slightly left and / or right.
Its louder on my right stick than left and occurs in almost all directions on this side.

It doesnt happen all the time and so I guess the sticks are not meant to make this noise....it sounds like the spring inside might be causing it...

Does anyone else have this issue.?

If your going to test it out turn the volume off on the tv and controller.


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